Ji Zizai seemed to have made some decision. He narrowed his eyes and said:

The Prince of Yama must be paying attention to this war now. Can you tell me what he is planning when he doesn't show up at the moment? Or let the Prince of Yama speak directly. After all, we are not little people. He personally recruits us, so that it will be more If he is sincere, we can trust him.”

that's right.

San Tai Zhu nodded.

Ji Zizai, Three Pillars, are you willing to become demon gods? Become other people's slaves and puppets?

At this time, the leader of Chaos Zuma sneered.

He was not optimistic about the proposal.

What is Prince Yama?

The fateful enemy of the Celestial Clan!

Follow this person?

I'm afraid she is even more cruel and unscrupulous than Qi Jue Nu.

Chaos Zuma Leader, those who know the current affairs are heroes. What time of day is it now? Do you really want to be refined?

San Tai Zhu shook his head.

Then let Prince Yama come out and meet us in person.

Chaos Zuma leader said coldly.

No, no, no, how is this possible? This is the world of Qijue. Under the theocratic management of Qijue Girl, if it were not for the power of the Seed of Destruction, our conversation would have been heard long ago.

Wanxiang Wuchang rejected the proposal outright.

Hmph, doesn't he have great powers?

Chaos Zuma leader snorted coldly.

How can we believe it based on your words alone? Sincerity is insufficient and impermanent.

Ji Zizai also sighed.

After all, Prince Yama is from a foreign race and has a special life.

To take refuge in this kind of existence, if the other party hadn't sincerely solicited him, how could he have sold himself like this?

Otherwise, when the time comes, I won’t even know how he died.

Being fooled to death.

Then I have nothing to do. You can just stay in Qijue World and wait to be devoured.

Wanxiang Wuchang sneered again and again and continued to move away.

But at this time.

The seed of destruction suddenly shook, which shocked him.


This word echoed in their ears.


Has Prince Yama really arrived?

He actually dares to appear in this Qijue world?

Are you not afraid of being discovered and devoured by Qi Jue Nu?

To rashly break into a demigod's theocratic kingdom is tantamount to seeking death.

The actual strength will be reduced by 78%.


At that time, a phantom appeared from the Seed of Destruction.

This phantom has two long pointed horns on its forehead, shaped like a demon king.

Ji Zizai, leader of Chaos Zuma, three pillars, okay, okay, great, didn't you ask me to recruit you personally? Now that I'm here, do you agree to become a demon god?

The shadow of Prince Yama said immediately.

It's really true!

The leader of Chaos Zuma was surprised.

This foreign enemy actually appeared.

Come and recruit them yourself!

Is this sincerity enough?

Prince Yama continued to ask.

Enough is enough, absolutely enough!

San Tai Zhu nodded fiercely.

This Prince of Yama's breath fluctuations are also at the semi-god level.

But he is not the opponent who has mastered the Kunlun Mirror, the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword, and the Qi Jue Nu.

But there is the Seed of Destruction, an artifact that can get them out of here.

Therefore, when he saw Prince Yama being so brave, he felt that he was sincere.

What about you? Ji Zizai? You used to be the acting emperor of the empire. Now that the empire is destroyed and the Starry Sky Emperor is dead, where will you go? Why not come to hell and become a demon god, build the seventh era into the ultimate hell, and keep all living creatures in captivity? The tree of destruction will bloom everywhere and the flowers of death will never wither.”

Prince Yama opened his mouth to solicit him.

You master the seed of destruction, I have no reason to refute.

Ji Zizai nodded and agreed.

Staying here is really like waiting for death.

Will be sacrificed by the Seven Jue Female Sacrifice.

What about you? Leader of Chaos Zuma, you seem to be a loyal fan of Qi Jue Nu. Maybe she won't devour you.

Prince Yama fell in love with the leader of Chaos Zuma.

Loyal fan? Who said that? Since you showed up, Qi Jue Nu has discovered you. If you can get us out from here, then I will follow you.

The leader of Chaos Zuma said frankly.

You traitors have actually taken a chance on hell. I heard all your conversations and I won't let you succeed.

At this moment, Jue Ji appeared.

She is the God Emperor, with a powerful aura that can completely suppress Ji Zizai and others.

She noticed this Prince Yama as soon as he appeared.

As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped Wanxiang Wuchang with a palm.

Hoo ho ho!

The impermanent body immediately began to twist and change, but it was useless.

The power of the God Emperor cannot be offset by the power of the gods alone.


At this moment, the shadow of Prince Yama on the Seed of Destruction took action.

A blood-red halberd stabbed straight.

Demi god!

Seeing this terrifying power, Jue Ji was shocked.

She can't resist!


Sparks flew everywhere and a metallic collision sounded, before Chen Ya's will appeared in the Qijue World.

I didn't expect you to be so spineless that you would surrender to hell and become a demon?

Chen Ya's face was cold, and with one step, the entire Qijue world began to squeeze towards Prince Yama.


The Prince of Yama in the Seed of Destruction is just a wisp of soul thought and can only use his power once.

But that's enough!


In an instant, countless demons were sacrificed in hell, and a terrifying demon face suddenly formed in the Qijue world.

This demonic face opened its mouth fiercely and swallowed up Ji Zizai, the leader of Chaos Zuma, the Three Pillars, and Wanxiang Wuchang.

The entire Seed of Destruction began to collapse into a singularity, and even the Seven Ultimate Worlds could not contain it.

In an instant, it disappeared without a trace.

One of the great enemies.

After a while, Chen Ya said coldly.

Hell finally appears!

They also had to come because it was time.

Now she and the world of roaring dragons are fighting again and again. It is a great opportunity for the mantis to stalk the cicada and the oriole behind.

Now as soon as Prince Yama appears, he starts to fish for people.

It's enough to prove that hell is about to take action.

The power of destruction and the power of miracles are the two greatest powers.

The miracle has disappeared with Ye Jue's death.

Now, no power can stand against destruction.

You have seen all this, Long Shaoqin, hell has appeared.

In the outside world, Chen Ya held the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword in her hand, her silver hair flying, and took off on the Kunlun Mirror, which was about to be successfully refined, making a loud booming noise.

At this moment, her strength is rapidly increasing.

The amazing and terrifying potential is activated with the refining of the Kunlun Mirror.

She was shrouded in a divine ring and was already heading towards the path of true god.

So what, our spiritual light can break through hell!

A rather confident voice came from the world of Dragon Roar.

Are you that confident?

Chen Ya had no expression on her face and raised her knife to strike.

In this case, let's see how long Prince Yama can endure it.

Psychic blast!


Loud noises filled all the worlds of the Sixth Age. The explosive impact destroyed all magic towers, and they all exploded, triggering an electromagnetic storm.


After the strongest showdown, a stream of blood spilled from the corner of Chen Ya's mouth, hurting the origin of Qijue.

She was originally accompanied by visions of heaven and earth, and mountains and rivers shared their glory.

Now it is also cracked.

And the entire world of Dragon Roar is extremely brilliant, radiant, and the light of science and technology is transpiring.

The light of psychic energy seems to be omnipotent and can restore and create.


Wei Ting roared and collided many times.

Qijue World has been defeated by them many times.

At a disadvantage every time.

What else is there to be proud of?

If this consumption continues, the myth will surely be wiped out.


Another duel, Qijue World once again fell into a disadvantage.

However, Chen Ya's combat power continued to increase, and the Kunlun Mirror had been refined to 80%.

The terrifying aura of the gods has filled the air.

However, she was repeatedly decomposed by psychic light, and her body was repeatedly injured.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he would have become a true god long ago.


Another collision of myth and technology.

There was an expansion point between them, and even the light was swallowed up. The magical dimension fragments of the seventh era were pouring into that point.

Like a deep cave, infinitely greedy, devouring everything.

The next era will no longer be a magnificent era.

But nothingness, nothing ceases to exist.

Now in advance, there are already signs of this.


Chen Ya was once again sprayed by the light of psychic energy, all the imperial arts were ineffective, and there were densely packed tiny cracks on the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword.

The spiritual power has soared, and even the weapons of the ancient great god emperor have to be decomposed.

It's so overbearing!

We lost, we lost, we lost, Shinhwa lost...

In Qijue World, all the powerful men in the world who saw such a scene felt sad emotions in their hearts.

That world is so powerful that Shinhwa is no match for it.

Demigods can decompose it.

Let everything soar.

Woo woo woo…

Some people even cried on the spot.

After practicing for so long, it all came to nothing, the happiness collapsed, and the myth was destroyed. Is this the end?

Gah ga ga, Qi Jue Nu, you are at the end of your rope, why not give your world to me, and I will demonize your creatures!

However, at this moment, everyone saw an incredible scene.

In the singularity of the deep hole in the universe just now...

A huge half body emerged.

The entire seventh era suddenly fell into darkness, and it was impossible to see even one's fingers.

Blood-red aura emerged from the strange spot, decaying the void.

Everything that is masculine and fiery is being corroded!

Looking at the past, the great suns that existed in countless worlds were all destroyed one after another, countless voids began to collapse, and the sound of explosions was heard in the ears.

This explosion is the sound of the world beginning to be destroyed.

The trillions of crystal wall systems of dimensional fragments, the stars are like a sea, all emitting light and heat, and the stars are falling like raindrops.

Planets are disintegrating one by one, and civilized life after another is howling in pain, with boundless magic, to no avail.

He was instantly corroded by hell, his face quickly aged, his skin shriveled, and his body began to undergo magical changes.

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