Fen Tian, ​​Big Wolf Dog, etc., led by Ye Jue, were so full of energy that even the gods and demons had to retreat.

Their momentum crushed the ancient will and left a deep imprint on the mythical paradise.

But now, when I encounter this mechanical god, I feel as if I am dwarfed by a giant.

There is a feeling of complete inability to contend.

When Ye Jue was still the Emperor, he didn't feel this way when facing the God Emperor.

It is truly a breath that can flood the universe, and three thousand drops of true energy can open up three thousand worlds.

The majestic and old mechanical body is made of unknown materials. The collision of metals echoes in the paradise, and it has great majesty.

At this time, not to mention Ye Jue, even Chen Ya and many people were trembling and shocked. What level is this thing?

It's just a demigod. It's not the end of the road of science and technology, and it's not God.

Ye Jue felt the immense pressure, the vague power, the potential supreme fluctuation, which still made people's hearts tremble, and he couldn't help but worship him.


At this moment, in the gray space, the deus ex machina opened his eyes, locking on him instantly like divine light.

This was a real lock, and a red cross wave appeared on Ye Jue.

This power makes people's hearts tremble. It is formed by the interweaving of boundless light, the fluctuation of light patterns, and the interweaving of the light of technology.

From the perspective of Wanzu, Ye Jue seemed to be locked by the scope of a sniper rifle.

It was like playing a game and something magical happened.

However, no one can laugh at this moment.

The deus ex machina obviously regarded Ye Jue as a challenger, and it was vaguely visible that this huge figure looked down with majesty.


The big wolfdog couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Although they are currently working hard to decompose the God Owl to replenish the power they just lost.

But if the deus ex machina attacks them now...

The consequences are simply unimaginable.

Execute...order...discover...Challenger...No. 54563...program...starts operation...

At this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded from the body of the mechanical god, waking up many people.


Even Ye Jue seemed to be out of control, driving the undefined space and disappearing here instantly.

Countdown to 321, the challenge begins!


Thunder shook the world, lightning intertwined!

The next moment, Ye Jue saw thunder in the sky, suddenly striking at him.

Not just him, the entire undefined space and all the members of the races were enveloped in it.

This attack that ignored distance almost made everyone vomit.

They also thought they could avoid the deus ex machina with the help of teleportation power that did not define space.

But he didn't expect that the attack of this thing actually ignored the distance.

To an outsider, the deus ex machina in that singularity suddenly stretched out a huge finger and shot out a beam of light.

This beam of light instantly disappeared in the space in front, and the next moment it suddenly enveloped Ye Jue.

The middle section seems to have been intercepted and folded, folding the space.

Not good!

Ye Jue's expression also changed drastically.

He took the risk to take down the God Owl, but he was targeted by the mechanical god, and he didn't know when the attack would stop.

What frightened him the most was that this kind of technological light could actually penetrate undefined space.


In an instant, Ye Jue's body exploded continuously, as if it were blooming.

Hahaha, okay, okay!

Ji Zizai and the others laughed, gloated, and said very happily: Blow him up and destroy him quickly. As long as he is dead, everything will be perfect.

It looks like we don't need to take action. We just sit back and wait for the leaks to be picked up.

The leader of Chaos Zuma appeared next to Chen Ya at this time, with a respectful look on his face.

Now, Chen Ya has swallowed up Tianli.

Her skill has been restored to 90%.

The combat power is greatly improved.

But now, Ye Jue is being hunted by the mechanical god. It is difficult to escape. Even if he does not die, he will have to shed a layer of skin.

When the time comes, they will fight like a snipe and a clam, and the fisherman will gain.

Successfully captured Ye Jue.

Is that Ji Zizai, Wanxiang Wuchang, and the Three Pillars? These three people actually joined forces?

Chen Ya's eyes fell on the three figures in the distance at this moment, and suddenly her eyes narrowed.

They are the ones who dare to appear now. Why don't we capture them while Ye Jue is being hunted? If they dare to disobey, we will kill them directly and devour their essence. This way, your strength can be restored to ten become!

The leader of Chaos Zuma said fiercely.

Although the ancient Qi Master and the Monkey King were both dead, he still remained strong and survived the darkest moments.

It is even said that he may now be the strongest one standing at the top of the pyramid.

Chen Ya is the top of the top.

The woman standing at the end of the evolutionary road is now an unimaginable creature.

With nine successful powers, he is already at the level of Demigod!

There’s also the God-Splitting Sword!

Ye Jue is only infinitely close to the demigod. Even if he swallows the divine owl, it will only replenish the vitality of all races.

He didn't get much, but if he wanted to become a demigod, he still needed to be at least a complete god-emperor.

Unless he becomes ruthless, crazy, and eats his subordinates.

Just like Qi Jue Nu, she swallowed the Monkey King directly.

If that time comes, he believes that if Ye Jue is pushed into a hurry, he will definitely do such a thing.


When the leader of Chaos Zuma had just finished speaking, Chen Ya had already appeared in front of Ji Zizai and others.

She possesses a terrifying majesty.

At this moment, a huge beam of light penetrated the barrier of the Mythical Paradise, opened up the dark vacuum zone between Kagura and the Seventh Era, and opened up a special path.

There is no doubt that Chen Ya didn't move at all, staring at the three of them coldly, and said: Ji Zizai, Wanxiang Impermanence, Three Pillars, now I am the only one left in this world, Ye Jue is dead, now Obedience or death, choose one way.

I surrender and join your camp!

Unexpectedly, Ji Zizai actually raised all three pillars, including Wanxiang Impermanence, as if they had already been discussed.

Be careful of fraud!

Jue Ji reminded in the Qi Jue world.

Although she didn't know what these three people were thinking, she always felt that there must be some conspiracy behind surrendering so easily.

In the face of absolute strength, everything is nothing.

Chen Ya shook her head, and the world of Qijue opened.


Ji Zizai and others flew in without any hesitation.

This is the big world of Qi Jue Nu, which is like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

The Monkey King is the best example. He cannot resist at all and will be sacrificed and devoured directly.

They dared to enter here without any hesitation, which also proved their loyalty.

In this way, I am the general trend, the most powerful force in the Mythical Paradise.

Chen Ya's soul light shook.

She wants to break the confinement of the Paradise River, defeat the mechanical god, devour Ye Jue and his tribe, and ascend into the positive universe in the seventh era.

After subduing Ji Zizai and the other three, she now had a feeling.

That is, if she leaves the Paradise and goes to the seventh era, she will also face a catastrophe.

She even saw a blurry scene.

The wind blew, bloody lightning intertwined, and endless fragments of time poured down like heavy rain...

The seventh era is a dead silence, a broken place, without any living beings, everything is destroyed in one day, no life exists, no inheritance, no life can be born anymore, it is eternal silence, the real end.

This was so terrifying. This feeling made her tremble all over, her heart felt heavy, and she became more cautious and solemn.

The Anti-Universe is dead after all.

You can only live if you go to the positive universe.


At this moment, there are big stars flowing in the distance, rotating one after another, dotted in the dark sky, and then exploding continuously, causing chaos in the sky and earth, and the paradise is broken in various ways.

This is the mechanical god chasing Ye Jue, across endless space and time, and everything he passes is as dark as ink.

The mechanical god raised his hand, and the bright light turned everything into a dark abyss. Mysterious technological runes flashed, redistorting rules, space, and time.

However, Ye Jue was not killed so easily. He roared repeatedly, and his undefined power flashed in various ways under the distorted space, rules, and time.

Bang bang bang! !

This cannot continue, we will be destroyed!!

Fentian shouted: Led my tribe, it's time, it's time for me to appear!


Without any hesitation, Ye Jue, under the guidance of Fen Tian, ​​rushed directly to the mysterious place in Paradise, the Tomb of Emperor Yan.

In Chi You's tomb, there are many souls of the God of War.

As long as Fentian gets there, he can directly summon them and wake them up, just like the Lord of Judgment, and just give them the source directly.

Where are they going?

The leader of Chaos Zuma saw Ye Jue flashing continuously. It seemed that he was not aimless and must have some plan.

If there is a plan, then they must stop it and destroy his plan in advance.

In this way, the deus ex machina can kill him 100% without any surprises.

So, at this moment, Chen Ya, him, and Ji Zizai, the three pillars were all making calculations.


Suddenly, they opened their eyes one after another.

A sudden flash of inspiration occurred!

The Great Tomb of Emperor Yan!

they screamed.

Emperor Yan is a demigod, and he has coexisted with Qi Jue Nu for a small period of time, and was even born earlier and more powerfully.

There is a reincarnation of Emperor Yan in Ye Jue's camp.

The spirit of burning the world!

Ji Zizai and others all know about him.

We can't let them succeed. If the reincarnation of Emperor Yan wakes up the beings in the big tomb, the deus ex machina will recognize Ye Jue and his tribe and give them a real trial. Legend has it that whoever passes that trial will own the entire paradise. !”

At this moment, Chen Ya suddenly lost her voice and seemed to remember it in her ancient memory.

Is there such a thing?

Chaos Zuma's face also changed dramatically.


Absolutely not!

Ye Jue cannot be allowed to approach the Yan Emperor’s tomb!

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