That is……

Ye Jue's body was shaken, and he could already feel that there was nothingness in the center of the mythical paradise.

A terrifying existence towers in the depths, and no one can resist its power. This power is surging, wave after wave, and countless powerful and ancient ideas are intertwined with it.

Fierce, domineering, destructive, and unconquerable, this ancient will breaks through the constraints of heaven and earth and occupies the throne of heaven!

Of course, in addition to seeing the deus ex machina, he also saw that it was not nothingness at all, but countless alien spaces.

Many tyrannical thoughts are dormant, coming out at any time to eat people, kill people, and devour all living things.

Anyone who dares to provoke the beings in that space will be devoured with no hair left.


Ye Jue suddenly snorted coldly, grabbed it with his big hand, and stretched it out for millions of miles, shaking the sky and causing it to collapse!

Then I saw a cold and dark time and space, which shattered suddenly, and a shadow inside twisted and let out a piercing scream!

In the scream, the huge figure was enveloped by Ye Jue.

Damn it, I'm going to charge into the center of the promised land, and I won't let you succeed!

The god owl yelled that that was his only way to survive.

How could Ye Jue let him succeed?

Regarding the information about the deus ex machina, he extracted the huge memory bank from the Emperor of the Starry Sky and the Ancient Qi Lord. In an instant, he learned a lot about the situation.

If Shen Xiao really rushes in, then he really can't do anything to him.

At least there is no way to kill him for the time being.

Because once you kill him, it will trigger the deus ex machina.

His current strength is not enough to fight.

However, if the Qijue power in Chen Ya's body is devoured by then, then he will be qualified.

Therefore, Ye Jue was going to use his trump card.

Everyone, immediately sacrifice everything you have to activate the Miracle Tree, World Tree, and Enlightenment Tree to kill the divine owl!


As soon as he finished speaking, the divine fire from the other side rolled out of his body.

After he obtained the power of the Starry Sky Emperor, he continued to go deeper, like a fish, constantly wandering in the emperor's memories of countless civilizations.

The divine fire from the other side of his body was actually entwined with the light of technology.


Ye Jue took one step forward, majestic.

A miracle appeared on him, and emerald green wings appeared on his back. They were the wings of life.


The Emperor-Slaying Divine Sword suddenly appeared in his hand, causing a series of shocks.


The god owl suddenly felt the aura and murderous intention behind him, and was so shocked that he was speechless. It seemed that he was going to destroy everything in the world at any time. No matter what he did, it was all in vain.

That is the power of miracles, the greatest power that ever coexisted with the Seed of Destruction.

On the other side, Chen Ya had already begun to devour the power of old man Tianli, and suddenly saw green light over there covering the sky and the sun.

She was very familiar with it, she knew it too well.

It was she who planted the miracle tree.

The miracle seed was obtained by her in deep space under the leadership of all races.

Because she is so familiar with it, she also knows very well how capable it is.

However, when she regains ten of her power and awakens the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword, she can suppress the miraculous power.

Because Miracle Power has a very big flaw.

That is, if you cannot kill the enemy, you will suffer huge backlash.

This is tantamount to a fatal move!

If the bet loses, everything is lost and everyone loses everything.

Chen Ya had already been prepared for the shortcomings of Miracle Power.

As long as Ye Jue dares to use miraculous power to deal with her.

Then be prepared to fall short.


The divine owl wanted to use his energy to resist, but found that all his movements were in vain. His whole body was imprisoned, and he could only see the Emperor-Slaying Divine Sword constantly swallowing, expanding, and attacking fiercely, trying to wipe out all his breath.

Damn it!

He turned around and let out an angry roar, but his whole body was in pieces and he was vomiting blood.

Every particle in the body was shattered, and countless creatures were destroyed.

The Divine Owl's Holy Sun Alliance and his subordinates were all shocked to death at this moment.

While being shocked to death, he gave everything he had.

They are all voluntary.

Because as long as the god owl can survive, he can use the power of reincarnation to resurrect them all.

So everyone is sacrificing everything they have, more ruthlessly and cruelly than Ye Jue's side, everything is reduced to ashes.

This is a confrontation between the mighty forces of the ethnic group, and a movement that destroys the world and destroys the world pops up in the void.

Various thunder hurricanes, fire storms, etc. are sprayed everywhere.

Die to me!

Ye Jue let out a long roar, and suddenly grabbed him again. The void burst, and the true form of the god owl appeared in front of him, with incomparable terror on his face.

…My reincarnation statue was broken?

The god owl shouted, this man, almost instantly, made all his escape methods ineffective like a child playing house.

He screamed, and his body inflated like a balloon.

Now the creatures in his particles have sacrificed a huge amount of power to him, and they can actually spin under the God Emperor's sword, and they can resist the attack for a moment.

Ye Jue did not expect that the number of creatures in Shenxiao's body would be so huge. It must be tens of millions of times the number of all races!

The force of the explosion of Gang Qi actually blocked the Emperor-Slaying Divine Sword.

This divine owl's body expands infinitely, as if he has mastered all heavens and realms, appearing in infinite levels of time and space. All mountains and rivers are his shadow.

This is the gathering of the ultimate power of billions of living beings, rolling forward.

To counter his miraculous power.

Hahaha, you're done, you're dead, I'm going to rush in.

The god owl shouted excitedly.

As long as he is allowed to rush into the singularity of the ultimate mythical place, Ye Jue will not dare to attack him again.

Otherwise, you will face the wrath of the deus ex machina!

I don't even dare to chase him again!


Seeing that the divine owl had actually entered the singularity, Ye Jue stepped out fiercely, his wildly dancing hair flying backwards.

The Emperor-Slaying Divine Sword passed out a wave of energy and disappeared instantly.


A golden vortex suddenly appeared on the top of the god owl's head.

What, how can you be so strong!

The god owl groaned, his body cracked again, and his eyes widened.

You actually dare to take action, are you really not afraid of deus ex machina? Ah!!!

At this time, it stimulated the most powerful desire for survival in his heart.

Dragging his broken body, he rushed madly into the depths.


Ye Jue's big hand came from the void, like the supreme god of death, carrying a note of death, and grabbed the evil bird.

If you can't kill the god owl, you'll be in big trouble!

All races are now continuing to sacrifice, and their bodies are shriveling up, turning into skinny human beings, with all their energy and energy drained away.

If they don't get feedback, people like Aosheng will die.

Therefore, Ye Jue can no longer care about mechanical deity.

The god owl must be killed!

Okay, okay, Ye Jue is dead. He has to chase and kill the evil bird with extremely powerful escape skills. Because he is greedy for the most powerful source, it has led to the tragic consequences now!

The leader of Chaos Zuma was so pleasantly surprised in Qijue World that he even laughed out loud and said three good words in a row.

Instead of targeting the divine owl, Qi Jue Nu took the next best step and chose Old Man Tianli, deliberately giving it to Ye Jue.

Because this scene has been calculated for a long time.

What kind of person is the divine owl? He will definitely not be easily killed and devoured like Old Man Tianli.

Will definitely struggle to resist!

Sure enough, he escaped into the deus ex machina circle.

What he didn't expect was that Ye Jue actually dared to continue to take action. An emperor-killing divine sword penetrated directly through the divine circle, and a emerald green golden light appeared.

Can this not make him laugh excitedly?

He actually dares to take action?

Chen Ya's eyes suddenly flickered a few times.

It seems that Ye Jue went crazy.

He actually dared to continue taking action!

What's not crazy?

Is the deus ex machina something they can deal with now?

It definitely can’t be dealt with!

He will inevitably encounter the most terrifying, cruel and tragic counterattack, because Ye Jue has touched the laws of heaven and heaven in Kagura Paradise and violated the prohibition.

Anyone who attacks the God Circle in the Singularity will be regarded as a challenger.


At this time, Ye Jue had already ignored him and captured the divine owl on the spot. He was directly swallowed by the undefined space and disappeared without a trace.

In the undefined space, the god owl is still struggling and fighting bloody battles.

But this was Ye Jue's territory, and he couldn't control it anymore. He immediately began to refine him again, break down his power, deprive him of his divine power, and seize his origin.

Although the divine owl was caught, Ye Jue's expression changed dramatically.

Because in the circle of gods, under the gray sky, the terrifying tall figure suddenly became vast and started to move fiercely. It was not in this state before, and it seemed to be activated.

Deus ex machina, it is the way of heaven in this paradise!

Ye Jue's blow just now was a challenge to the way of heaven.

There are two consequences for those who challenge the way of heaven, one is success, the other is failure. It goes without saying that no one has ever succeeded.

Hahaha, the deus ex machina has been activated, he is dead!!

At this time, other people's voices suddenly came to mind, and they were extremely familiar.

Ji Zizai!

It's so stupid. We don't know that we have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Wan Xiang Wuchang had a sneer on his face.

I never expected that in the end the winner would be us, excluding Ye Jue.

Santaizhu let out a sigh.


Ye Jue is dead.

His invincible tribe will be destroyed now.

At that time, the three sacred trees, Miracle Tree, World Tree, and Enlightenment Tree, will be exposed, and they will definitely fight for them.

But in front of me, there is another Qi Jue Nu. If he wants to compete with her, he must use a strategy to lead her to the mechanical deity and give her divine punishment!

No, not good!

At this time, every member of the Wan clan felt their scalps numb and their backs cold.

Now, they are like little ants, looking up at each other.

The ancient shadow in front of them seemed to be able to easily crush their bodies with one finger.

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