However, when they had their thoughts figured out, Ye Jue had already arrived at Emperor Yan's tomb.

Ji Zizai and others will not be given a chance to deal with him.


Behind Ye Jue, there were stars, the universe was deep, and a terrifying and scorching giant shadow was very bright. It was the deus ex machina, approaching him.

It's time for me to appear!

Fen Tian let out a long roar, and his body rushed out from the undefined space and suddenly appeared in the outside world.

Then, something clicked!

There seemed to be some broken sound coming from the Yandi Tomb.

The layers of light curtains are cracked!

No, he still succeeded!

Ji Zizai exclaimed.

At the critical moment, the world-burning spirit, the reincarnation of Emperor Yan, actually caused a strong resonance in Emperor Yan's tomb.

The things buried inside were trembling together and humming softly, resisting the pressure of the beam from the deus ex machina!


It's like the pillars holding up the sky are cracking and the sky is about to collapse. The whole world is actually trembling, and the paradise is trembling.

The sky was resonating, Fentian's eyebrows were bleeding, and his forehead bones were cracked. It was not that he was dead, but that the brilliant Flame Emperor symbol appeared.

As soon as this Flame Emperor symbol appeared, all the tombs opened, as if they were all awakened, and the eternal light continued to emerge.

For many years, their remaining bodies have been sleeping.

The scene here can vaguely see the scene of the beginning of the world and then its destruction.

Come out, giants!

At this time, Fen Tian roared.

Under his command, a group of giants whose souls were shaken came out of the eternal light.

These giants are all very large. The giants were once the number one generals under Emperor Yan!

The giant headed by it has appeared from the original source. The long river of time is too vast, and the era is too long, and few people can know it.

The inscriptions on the big tomb and the fonts on the ruins have all been almost completely obliterated.

However, he still vaguely remembers his name, Kuafu.

This terrifying existence has three forms: beast, human, and god. After the death of Emperor Yan, he wanted to chase the shadow of the sun. When his longevity was about to dry up, he sealed himself.

But a general cannot resist the deus ex machina.

Among the creatures that emerged from the eternal light in the Great Tomb, there is also an unmanned god.

That's right, it was the Celestial God Clan. After their heads were cut off, they were named 'Xingtian'.

Xing Tian was originally an unnamed god from the Tianshen Clan.

He is also the general of Emperor Yan. He appears at this moment. He has only a trace of his origin, and he can help Fentian for a moment.

Not only them, but also a creature known as the God of Fire in later generations appeared, and other unknown characters were walking out of the tomb.

Their power only lasts for a moment. After all, it has been too long, and both their bodies and souls have become corrupted.

The power of Emperor Yan was something that Chi You had always been aware of before.

However, all tribes, help me!

Fentian roared.

Now he wants to trigger a miracle and bring all his tribe into the undefined space.

In that space, these creatures that have lost their memories and only have residual bodies and a moment of power can exist forever and continuously provide power.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of all races will usher in a great improvement!

These were Emperor Yan's former subordinates, all of them were fierce generals!

Miracle tree!

The members of all races were not stingy at all and sacrificed themselves one after another. The power feedback brought by the god owl has not yet been digested.

This remaining power is enough for the Yandi tribe to join the undefined space.


Under Chen Ya's eyes, the Yan Emperor tribe turned into light one after another and entered the undefined space.


The entire undefined space actually shook violently, and a powerful aura spread out, as if it was about to be freed from the shackles of the paradise.

Seeing such a scene, her face turned ugly.

Unexpectedly, Fentian actually played a role at the critical moment.

That funny guy actually survived to the end and ruined her plan!


In the undefined space, Fentian laughed and was very excited. Now he finally realized Ye Jue's power. He had the support of the ethnic group behind him, and there was simply a steady stream of strength.

The ancient thoughts in it were brewing in waves, pushing him to the limit.

It was directly the God Emperor. As he approached, there was a buzzing sound, and four rays of divine light, as vast as the Milky Way, fell down, constantly washing over his body.

Immediately, he was close to a demigod!

He was originally the reincarnation of a demigod, but now he has only regained eight powers.


At this moment, the fist of the mechanical god has shaken the Tianhe and blasted towards the undefined space.

In the eyes of Chen Ya and others, the undefined space turned into a crystal shield, brilliant and brilliant. The people in that space were bathed in divine light, brilliant and brilliant, as if receiving the power of Emperor Yan, they were upgraded again.

Yes, people in the old part of the earth, as well as people in the new era, are accepting the power of Emperor Yan.

Originally, they all originated from pure-blooded humans.

Now at this time, his cultivation is earth-shattering and world-shattering, and he can accept Fentian's cultivation.


The deus ex machina's fist seemed to hit an iron plate, making a heavy sound.

Boom boom boom!!

All the members of the Ten Thousand Clan were shocked.

But there is no last step!

You actually blocked it?

The leader of Chaos Zuma's eyes almost popped out.

The power of the mechanical god can spread the divine power to the seventh era. This is the supreme life form that can control the heavens.

Now it was actually blocked by Ye Jue and the others!

Even Chen Ya's brows frowned.

Not good.

Her voice paused slightly.

Being able to withstand the attack of the deus ex machina is equivalent to an equal existence.

Deus Ex Machina gives the ultimate trial!

Stop him!

At this time, she finally couldn't help it anymore.

Holding the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword and carrying the dazzling Qijue Great World, his blood surged and his soul light surged, rushing towards him like some extremely terrifying huge beast.

Ding dong... detected the existence of a certain level... executed the program... given the final trial...

However, the voice of the deus ex machina took the lead.

This made Chen Ya's thoughts freeze, and she couldn't move.

At the critical moment, the sentient beings in the Qijue world resonated with her, allowing her to escape from that terrifying situation, but she also shed a cold sweat.

Sure enough, this mechanical god is unrivaled.

Only Ye Jue can defend now.

After all, there are two demigods on Ye Jue's side, one is the entire undefined space, and the other is Fentian.

The remaining people, reluctantly gathered together, formed another statue.

It took the power of three demigods to withstand the fist of the deus ex machina.

The final trial?

Ye Jue didn't expect that after resisting the mechanical deity, he actually activated some of its programs?


Immediately, everyone saw that the huge metal body of the Mechanicus actually cracked a hole in the middle, and a huge portal appeared.

Seeing this portal, Chen Ya's face froze.

Gate to Heaven!


Ji Zizai and the others were immediately shocked.

How come the gate to heaven appears here?

This is the second celestial world, not the celestial world that those superstring beings enter. Even I don't know what is in it.

Chen Ya's eyes flashed and she rushed in directly.

She couldn't care less about the consequences.

This must be the final test!

If Ye Jue gets the contents, he will definitely lose.

The second celestial world?

Ye Jue reacted faster than Chen Ya.

He knew that there was a legend about the deus ex machina. It was the pet and patron saint of the entropic body.

What does this patron saint protect in the mythical paradise?

He once broke into another celestial world and obtained time and space without entropy, and the power to break fate.

The current celestial world is definitely not a world of absolute entropy.

Is it God?

His thoughts were instantly transmitted to all races.

God, that is a true god-level deus ex machina. Is it the guardian of God?

Those people in the research department of the old Earth Ministry were immediately shocked.

Could it be that...

At this time, Xiao Hong suddenly shook his head.

God is the ultimate evolver of the technological body, and there is only one existence.

At that time, when she was at Longxiao Mountain...

Some kind of information factor was accidentally discovered.

After thousands of years of judgment.

She knew one thing, God must be an existence that is achieved after spiritual energy ascends.

There is a person in Longxiao Kingdom who is very mysterious and brings spiritual ascension.

Her thought came back to Ye Jue's mind.

Ye Jue immediately performed hundreds of millions of deductions.

Zhao Yin!

He got a name.

This man has been looking for God!

Whether it was the big wolf dog or the humans who once lived in the wasteland of the earth, their thoughts were ups and downs fiercely, and they were all going crazy.

The dragon roars in search of God!

They got a vital piece of information.

In this second heavenly world, it is very possible to find traces of God!

Maybe Zhao Yin didn't even think of it...

There is another one in the heaven, actually in the mythical paradise? !

I feel who our real enemy is!

The big wolfdog suddenly howled.

But now, we can destroy their plans, go, go, go!

A few people are shocked. After being excited, their thoughts fluctuate and oscillate violently.

Whoa whoa whoa!

However, what they didn't expect was that there was a loud bang from the gate of heaven.

Ding ding ding... There is a fatal error in the program and it is being repaired... It cannot be repaired... It cannot be repaired...

The cracked mechanical god made a series of metallic sounds.

Chen Ya, the Qi Jue girl, reacted the most violently and wanted to rush in again.

But it was directly blasted out by the aurora explosion in the gate of heaven.

What's going on? What happened?

All the people of all races exclaimed.

At this moment, they looked up and saw a huge ancient mirror that could cover the sky and the sun, erupting from the gate of heaven.

Great and supreme, they cannot be described. This is one of the ten artifacts, the Kunlun Mirror!

It actually appeared directly!


At this moment, a big explosion occurred at the location of the deus ex machina!

But it was definitely not a self-destruction, but a beam of light from the seventh era, from the outside world, shot through to destroy it.

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