Holy crap, if it's true, then wouldn't we be invincible now?

And you said, we are already invincible, okay?

Yes, hahaha!

Everyone's eyes were shocked, and the eyes looking at each other showed a look of extreme surprise.

They all know that the Miracle Tree is the greatest, most mysterious, and the most powerful ability that belongs exclusively to them.

They have sacrifices from all races, which is already powerful enough.

Now come all the remnants of humanity from the entire seventh era. What changes will this terrifying miraculous wish bring to the undefined space?

It was no longer a simple improvement, but a complete sublimation, which was simply too terrifying and marked their complete invincibility.

With the help of outside forces, all previous actions must be re-planned.

I won't go into details. I will see you all the time. As long as our power is needed, just make this gesture.

Su Yan hurriedly said that the voice could not be transmitted all the way to the paradise side, and Ye Jue could not hear her voice after that.

When the time comes, use the gesture of raising your little finger and ten fingers at the same time to communicate.

no problem.

Ye Jue glanced at everyone present and laughed: We came out of the misery, went through a lot of hardships, and finally came here, but this is not our end. Now we will be broken. Let's go, let's go together The Seventh Era!”

With a long roar, he rolled up his sleeves, and the abyss of undefined space suddenly appeared in the outside world, turning into a rolling deep spiral river.

Among them, Su Baiyu, Mengdie, Fentian, etc. are reflected in the back, looming.

Their shadows are seen throughout the mythical ultimate land.

It seems that in the end it's you who will compete with us.

Chen Ya, the Qijue girl who had cut off half of the mythical ultimate land, was holding the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword, and her body was dyed with a faint red light in the light.

She was still wearing human clothes, and the jewelry on her chain was sparkling with white dewdrops rolling around.

But you can see her exposed skin, which is constantly swallowing the essence of paradise.

Nearby, vitality was billowing, and thick arcs of electricity were swimming around the body.

Chen Ya has been completely reborn.

The delicate organs trembled together, and countless thunder sounds stirred in the bones full of vitality, making a terrifying buzzing sound.

Qi Jue Nu's power has been restored to some extent.

She once caused a big storm as soon as she was born, and there were various legends.

Some people say that she is a demigod, and she was already a demigod before the final place of myth was formed.

Now that she is back, her ambitions are growing and no one can stop her.

That's right.

Ye Jue's figure appeared in the abyss of undefined space and gradually emerged, fighting face to face with Chen Ya.

They each have their own big world and big ethnic group behind them.

There is a theocratic kingdom of its own above the head, vivid and radiant.

The so-called strongest showdown may be this situation.

Now, the mythical paradise is a wasteland, completely destroyed in the hands of the two of them, fighting for each other and devouring each other.

But this is only a small part of the ultimate place.

They have battles that seem grand and seem half-swallowed, nothing more than scraps.

It is impossible to continue to devour them. Paradise Heaven will stop them and impose divine punishment.

It is most likely that the deus ex machina came to punish him.

No one dares to provoke the deus ex machina in front of the unified paradise, the guardian of this mythical ultimate place.

Even Qi Jue Nu has to recover ten stamina.

She needs to devour the old man Tianli, the divine owl.

Before that, Ye Jue would stop her.

Ye Jue, I didn't expect things to turn out like this.

At this moment, Chen Ya's eyes showed a complex look.

As if he had been touched by something, his hair was white and dull.

But as if he thought of something again, his eyes suddenly brightened again, and he looked at Ye Jue coldly, without a trace of emotion.

Seeing this look, Ye Jue understood everything.

She is no longer shackles by all races.

No more fighting for him.

As she said before, she wants to be free and free from the shackles.

Now, as she wished, she really did it.

The Qijue world behind her and all kinds of creatures are the ethnic group she wants to protect.

The confusion faded away, and a ray of morning glow interspersed between the two of them.

It was like a breaking light, dividing the battlefield.

Ye Jue knew it.

If she started to use her hands, Chen Ya would never show any mercy. She would be completely merciless and continue to fight the cold to the end.

The Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword in her hand would definitely cut all races into ashes if given the chance.

Yeah, I didn't expect that either.

Ye Jue nodded, but suddenly smiled brightly and said, I won't say any more nonsense, Chen Ya.

That's right!

At this time, countless voices came out from the undefined space: We want to defeat you, defeat the power of the Qijue in you, we want to break Chi You, the legend of the invincible Qijue women under the Yellow Emperor, President Chen Ya, may I ask are you ready?

Especially the big wolfdog barked the most happily.

All races raised their voices, their voices were hoarse, and a long and determined sound came from their throats.

Are they crazy? They actually want to defeat Qijuenu?

The eyes of the ancient Qi Lord in the Qijue world almost popped out of his head.

Because it was incredible to him to hear these ambitious cries.

What time is it now?

This is the final battle. Whoever wins will be able to unify the paradise and have the chance to become a true god.

And at this moment, the other person is so naive?


Instead of killing? ?

This kind of difficulty is simply a hell level!

Besides, what kind of trouble is this with such a polite greeting?


Chen Ya's shoulders trembled at first, then she immediately raised her head and smiled sweetly.


The big wolf dog shook its waist and roared with its bare buttocks.

Then it seems I have to crush you with my own hands.

Chen Ya said the most terrifying thing with the gentlest words.

Hahaha, that's not necessarily true!!

Ye Jue suddenly roared.

He moved and took the lead.

However, the target is not Chen Ya.

But it was the fleeing old man Tianli, the divine owl.

These two god emperors do not have any special powers now!

Only pure dark energy!

Although they are extremely powerful, there is no way they can be opponents who possess the Seven Jue Women with the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword, nor are they opponents who do not define space.

They are the saddest people at the moment.

When they saw Ye Jue coming towards them, they knew that they had become prey.

This made them very angry!

But when I saw the demigod's big hand transformed by Ye Jue, spraying out from an undefined space, I immediately felt chills running down my spine and numbness in my scalp!

Originally, they could have been so invincible, but one move was missing and they were defeated by those two extremely dangerous post-era figures.

damn it!

The divine owl shouted, waving his heavy wings. The surrounding space was distorted. Suppressed by the power of the demigod, it was extremely difficult for him to breathe, and every thought was hundreds of times slower than before.

Think about it, what does it feel like to be tens of thousands of times heavier?

Compared to him, Old Man Tianli was much more relaxed. He was one step ahead of him and fled ahead.

But no matter how he escaped, he was always trapped in this one hundred thousand miles of distorted time and space, surrounded by gray mist.

An extremely powerful force was attacking him.

There is no need to think about it, it must be Qi Jue Nu.

In order to compete with each other, she and Ye Jue now regard them as prey to supplement themselves and enhance their combat power.

The dignity and glory of the God Emperor... were reduced to nothing at this moment.

People in the kingdom of God, come out and fight for me against the enemy!

The god owl shook his body.

Various creatures are ejected from the particles.

Light spots appeared one after another. Those light spots seemed to be monsters that came out of an illusory time and space. They were three feet tall and had empty hands. They seemed to be condensed from light.

But if you take a closer look, you will see that these monsters are not pure light condensations, but dazzling rays of light, similar to the body composed of a miniature version of the god owl.

Zi la!

However, this densely packed monsters, when held by the demigod's big hand, suddenly turned into a real light and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing such a scene, God Owl's expression changed drastically.

I finally realized that I couldn’t compete at all.

Now I can only run away and delay time.

Want to delay time? Do you think it will be useful? At this moment, you are at the end of your rope!

Ye Jue was filled with murderous intent, with absolute murderous intent soaring into the sky. The boundless murderous intent formed torrents in the air, and various ferocious substances appeared from undefined space.

The original mosaic soldiers seemed to have sublimated again, turning into these terrifying beasts, like the torrent of the Tianhe River rushing towards the divine owl.

These sublimated mosaic soldiers are still very two-dimensional. No matter the color or shape, they are incompatible with the mythical background here.

That is an abject entropy body. It is said that in a very long time ago, the abject entropy body forged an extremely powerful divine object, which is similar to a living being and the same as itself, but it is not a life. It is made of matter ejected from the positive universe...

However, the abortive body is always at the level of demigods. The truly terrifying thing is God. God has created many times, traversing the heaven and earth, destroying the universe, and is unmatched by anyone.

Chen Ya chased old man Tianli and saw the power Ye Jue used, so she talked to herself there and told what happened in Qi Jue's memory.

This power is now her enemy, and only by figuring out its source can she find a way to target it.

Therefore, she is not afraid of demigods and is absolutely entropy.

What she can't compete with is God, that is, the true god level.

I had a hunch that God had been found.

Qi Jue Nu made hundreds of millions of calculations with just one thought.

Her battle with Ye Jue is not the end.

It's the beginning of the end.

No matter who wins, they will face greater challenges, and there will be a series of attacks that will make people unable to breathe.

Ye Jue also deduced the same.

But God is not God, let’s take down the God Owl first and then talk about other things!

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