
Just when Ye Jue was calculating in his mind, Chen Ya let out a low roar, making a loud noise that shook the sky. His murderous aura was like a sharp sword. The Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword was unsheathed, and a sheet of snow cut through the sky, rolling towards him to kill.

She actually managed to chop Ye Jue and Shen Xiao into pieces with one blow.

He didn't care at all about the old man Tianli who was running away in front of him.

It seems that he has regarded this God Emperor as something in his pocket and can take it at any time.

The originally gloomy Paradise, the Ultimate Land, has completely turned into a bright and clear place.

Puff puff!!

All the mosaic soldiers were immediately knocked over as if by a surge, and were densely packed into spirals as they were charged by the sword energy.


Their bodies were all shattered and turned into light. The light flowed everywhere, giving the viewer a dreamlike feeling.

It seems that I have entered an unreal world.

But this is reality. The murderous sword energy and the light that cuts through the dark and gray world are enough to destroy everyone.

Under the mighty impact, the god owl was given a chance to escape.


The evil bird that caught the opportunity immediately turned into starlight and flew far away.

You Chen Ya, you actually carried out a sneak attack.

Ye Jue was not satisfied, and suddenly his body shook, and a crystal sky appeared in front of him, covering the universe and the sky, and actually blocked the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword.

Boom! !

The sky-shaking explosion was shaking non-stop. If Ye Jue hadn't been the God Emperor now, he probably wouldn't have been able to withstand it and would have been completely destroyed by the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword.

This is still blocked by the power of the undefined space demigod.

It can be seen how powerful the divine weapons of the Sky-Splitting God Emperor are.

After all, it is the divine mark, and the divine authority was born under the divine mark.

However, as long as you become a true god, by some calculations, your divine power can be upgraded to a divine mark, and you can gain insight into its mysteries.

You're not careful enough.

Instead, Chen Ya smiled, chased after the old man Tianli, and slashed out with a knife, destroying the world and covering the old man.

The cyclical path of heavenly principles is eternal and everlasting!

Old Man Tianli suddenly shouted, no matter what, he could not escape from Chen Ya's grasp.

Immediately, countless threads, runes, meridians, civilization, wisdom...the Divine Power of Heaven began to stop the attack of the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword.


At this moment, a giant compound bow with an exaggerated shape suddenly appeared in Ye Jue's hand. The arrow turned out to be Xuanhuang Blood Thunder, Seven Styles, his imperial technique!

In an instant, the entangled power of technology and myth understood by the Starry Sky Emperor was transmitted into Ye Jue's mind.

The huge calculation ability in his body began to make calculations one after another, and countless technological civilizations began to violently wash away, analyze, and oscillate.

This compound bow is the highest crystallization of technological civilization. Every trace of runes and meridians in it contains the most mysterious secret of the supreme avenue of technological civilization!

Ye Jue completely understood the entanglement between technology and mythology after originally pushing the Emperor of the Starry Sky.

In the sixth era, he also used it and peeked into it.

Who is the Emperor of the Starry Sky? He has a thorough understanding of the entire realm of civilization. With his wisdom, he is enough to understand the mosaic material that is the crystallization of the highest technology.

Matter from the positive universe is now broken down.

But I want to let the mosaic material turn into other forces and control it again.

That requires a very strong shaping force.

This is the truest ability to not define space.

Under the rolling operation, Ye Jue was shaped into the God Emperor's first imperial soldier.

As soon as this imperial weapon appeared, countless magical powers rose into the sky, and its power was simply earth-shaking. The stars moved, dragons and snakes rose from the ground.

In an instant, countless enlightenments flashed through Ye Jue's eyes, and the civilization of science and technology flowed through his heart.

He is almost the master of all technological civilizations from ancient times to the present, and is a tyrannical figure with supreme power.

Countless words and runes flowed out and fell on the bow one after another.

Buzzing...all the mosaic substances, which were cut off by Ye Jue, who had an insight into the civilization of science and technology, suddenly stopped, as if they were puppets, and began to turn into water. The same substance.

These water substances, when stimulated by the black and yellow blood thunder, turned into arrows, reaching the extreme level of violence.

Seeing such a shaped compound bow, some people from all races were surprised.

Because this is too modern.

However, the power must not have reached its peak yet.

If there is miraculous power, this arrow will be sublimated again.

However, it is too early to use miracles now.

Chen Ya also knows about Miracle Power, or she is the founder of Miracle Power.

There are unknown means hidden.

Ye Jue calculated.

It's better not to use miracles now.


With this thought, the dazzling arrow formed by the mosaic material was shot out.

Moreover, this shot was one hundred thousand, and his hands were like phantoms, each one containing the power of heavenly dragon, divine tiger, heavenly phoenix, giant elephant, ancient ship, large ship, fortress, giant... countless blessings.

At this moment, everyone in the paradise saw countless phantoms, either huge divine ships, steel castles, or various powerful monsters that could only be born in technological civilization.

They were all rushing towards Chen Ya crazily.

Ye Jue was actually given a big gift by Chen Ya and counterattacked on the spot. This attack was no less than the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword.

How could he have such terrifying power?

The leader of Chaos Zuma and the Monkey King in the Qijue world all saw Ye Jue showing off his power at this moment.

He actually used a move that was no less powerful than the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword.

It was incredibly powerful, far beyond their imagination.


The next moment, a huge earthquake occurred in the entire Qijue world.

The Qijue Orb and the Qitian Tower were shaking violently.


The Great Sage Qitian could no longer hold on and spurted out a mouthful of blood. He was already dying, his longevity was completely dried up, as if he would die in the next second.

If he dies, the original power will be extinguished instantly.

It wouldn't be worth your death. Why don't you give it to me?

At this moment, Chen Ya's voice suddenly came.


Monkey King Qitian only had time to let out a scream. Before he could finish his words, suddenly, an extremely powerful thought came out!

Qijue's power restrained his body from all directions, instantly forming the word 'death'.


In an instant, he was like a watermelon that suddenly exploded.

All the power flows and is absorbed by Qijue World.


Seeing the sudden death of Monkey King, the Ancient Qi Master and Chaos Zuma Leader couldn't help but make a sound of shock.

I never expected Qi Jue Nu to be so ruthless and kill her allies on the spot.

How tyrannical is this power?

In the Qijue world, she is the queen.

Kill whoever you want!

Therefore, the Ancient Qi Master and the Chaos Zuma Leader felt numb.

For the first time, I thought I had invested in the wrong person.

According to legend, the complete Qijuenu possesses the realm of oneness between heaven and earth and is invincible.

She can kill the ancient sun and moon with a single breath, and turn over the entire infinite land with a flip of her palm.

A single thought can create a plane, and a random word can distort the laws.

This is the demigod!

So much so that they took refuge in her.

However, the death of Monkey King made them suddenly feel that their lives were actually controlled by others.

There was actually nothing I could do.

They are all veterans, and if Qi Jue Nu is injured, she will definitely sacrifice them.

The two looked at each other and felt confident.

Ye Jue, you gave me a big gift in return.

The wind and clouds around Qi Jue Nu were violently turbulent. Suddenly, Qi Jue's power surged, ten times more violent than before. Wind pillars and tornadoes like pillars of heaven swept over her.

Actually, he and Ye Jue are about to confront each other now.

But she suddenly seemed to calm down.

She is not complete now.

Confrontation without defining space will definitely lead to losses.

It’s better to devour Old Man Tianli or Divine Owl first.


She actually turned around and started to move, her body flashing, and she was heading towards Old Man Tianli.

She's very ambitious.

When B saw this scene, his eyes jumped.

He thought the final battle was about to begin here.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ya had just been shot into a sieve and suffered a loss, but she actually held back.

Her goal is very clear.

This kind of behavior is the most terrifying!

She wants to swallow Old Man Tianli and regain her skills. Then I will eat the God Owl and become infinitely close to a demigod. By then, my skills will be about the same.

Ye Jue didn't move at all, and his clothes all over his body made a rustling sound.

Without thinking, he waved his hand and pointed the demigod's bow at the owl.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

A series of explosive shots broke through the condensed air and hit the huge body of the god owl in an instant.

Under this violent shooting, the body of the god owl actually began to fall apart.


However, he let out a long roar, and his torn body began to come together again.

It is a completely unkillable form.

The divine owl still has plenty of lifespan. If he sacrifices his lifespan, it can be restored in an instant. After all, we don't have the power to split the sky. If we want to kill him, we still need to use a miracle.

All members of Wanzu know what is going on now, and everyone is eager to try.

Now the God Owl is no longer the target.

They were already looking forward to a decisive battle with Chen Ya.

Anyway, Chen Ya and the others have been saved, even Jesus can’t keep them, the big wolf dog said.

Then beat him until all his energy is gone!

Ye Jue shook the earth, erupted with light, and shot divine arrows non-stop, rendering the sky bright, and the rules of the Paradise seemed to begin to loosen.

To kill the divine owl of the Holy Sun Alliance, you must first destroy all the living creatures in his body.

Every time the divine arrow struck him.

They overturned the heavens, evolved endless technological killing moves, and rolled in, their momentum was invincible.

I don't know how many creatures died in the body of the god owl.

Killing the God Owl is only a matter of time.

At this moment, Chen Ya's side also erupted with brilliance, just like the waves in the river, the rain falling in the sky, and the autumn water in the sky.

She was holding the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword, which glowed brightly. Her body was polished like colorful corals, and she flapped a pair of seven unique wings behind her back. Electric arcs flew out of them, like light blades, constantly depriving the old man of Tianli's natural principles, and It was like being cut with a knife. There were many wounds on his body and they were bloody.

Moreover, being injured by the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword will cause severe injuries and cannot be recovered.

Now it's up to who can win first and counterattack the other party!

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