No, the leader of Chaos Zuma has gone crazy. He is frantically harvesting the original power. That Sky-Splitting Divine Sword has become even more terrifying!

The people from the old Earth Department screamed.

It's simply such a waste. If those original powers are given to them, they will definitely be able to sublimate again.

We also started looting!

Ye Jue waved his hand.

Now is the moment to snatch the power. The entire undefined space burned up, and in an uproar, a huge magic weapon was spit out.

Giant magic!

Civilized weapons that have appeared in difficult situations.

In this giant divine weapon, it is more terrifying than ever, an existence that cannot be defined.

It does not need to walk, but teleports, appearing wherever it wants to appear.

So much so that when others saw the burning giant divine soldier, it suddenly appeared in front of them.

Then with a punch, the divine fire from the other side, all kinds of black and yellow blood thunder, and black thunder exploded.

Buzz buzz...

Countless sources of power began to rise from under the fist, entered the abyss above, and came to the Feathering Divine Cauldron.

Puff puff puff!!

Suddenly, countless Feathering Divine Pills spurted out.

There is no need to take these immortal elixirs.

As long as it comes into contact with life, it will automatically integrate into the body and be converted into dark matter and dark energy.


The invincible giant god soldiers, transformed by all races, wreak havoc.

The speed of harvesting is no worse than that of the Sky-Splitting Sword.

This is the big change in the ultimate land of myth!

The strong men of the older generation will die and be swallowed up by the new era.

However, anyone who surrenders voluntarily will not be killed.

Those stubborn old people will all be destroyed.

Their proud imperial soldiers, invincible imperial arts, and supreme formations were of no use at all in front of the giant divine soldiers.

They only saw a flash of light in the void, and with a bang, a black lightning struck down, and they all died.

Those who surrender to me will not be killed.

Ye Jue's giant weapon violated all rules. Even light penetrated it and could not be locked.

This twisted mythical ultimate world has completely come to an end.

On one side is his undefined space power, and on the other side is the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword mastered by the leader of Chaos Zuma.


Suddenly, on this twisted continent, a burst of ancient evil energy suddenly condensed, and then there was a roar.


Various kinds of vitality began to explode, and everyone saw a huge claw that was as huge as an ancient city protruding from a certain space.

The giant claws are covered with golden hairs, and the nails are comparable to the sharpest divine sword, tearing the sky, tearing apart the heavens, and destroying all life!

Facing the giant divine soldier, he grabbed the abyss without even defining the space, as if he would not give up until it was shattered.

Ancestral dragon giant ape!

This is an ancient ferocious beast released from the Kingdom of Ryunao.

However, now...


However, the giant god soldier pointed his finger and blasted his head open on the spot.


The headless corpse was heavy and smashed downwards.

However, free power rushed out from the two nostrils of the giant god soldier, and the ancestor dragon giant ape was immediately involved.

Under the power of freedom, the particles of the Ancestral Dragon Great Ape began to disintegrate and turned into the most primitive and freest dark matter, which was completely eaten by Ye Jue.

Yes, this ancestral dragon giant ape has brought me very powerful power.

Xue Xue nodded slightly.

He had just become the God Emperor, and his Dao foundation was not yet stable. Now he had swallowed the Ancestral Dragon Giant Ape and eaten people from big sects and powerful forces.

The various uneasy factors in the body finally stabilized.

The leader of Chaos Zuma has killed two modern God Emperors, both of whom were subordinates of the God Owl. They were used by him to block the gun and died under the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword.

Fen Tian saw that scene. The two god emperors fell and were swallowed by Qi Jue Nu.

The strength of Qi Jue Nu, also known as Chen Ya, suddenly increased by 20%.

She actually snatched the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword with her backhand.

Moreover, the leader of Chaos Zuma, the Qijue World, the Monkey King, and the Ancient Qi Lord were all incorporated into his own theocratic kingdom.

The one who is plundering resources now has been replaced by Qijuenu, Chen Ya.

Chen Ya was even more ruthless than the leader of Chaos Zuma. She cut off a corner of the mythical paradise with one knife, and actually started to refine and devour it.

Godly Owl, Old Man Tianli almost vomited blood when he saw this scene.

Originally, the leader of Chaos Zuma was not strong, even if he had the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword, he came to hunt them down.

They are also more than enough to avoid smoothly.

Now it is Qi Jue Nu who is chasing them.

Can you prevent them from vomiting blood?

Qi Jue Nu's ferocious divine power suppresses the sky. Countless god emperors have fallen in her hands. Her ferocious thoughts can directly rebirth one god emperor after another from destruction, and then be reborn and destroyed again!

Ruthless, just one word!

Qi Jue Nu is the representative of the word ‘ruthless’.

At the beginning, the Emperor Defeating Heaven's Supreme Forgetting Love was developed based on the fierce power of Qi Jue Nu, and he wanted to imitate it.

After all, the deeds of Qi Jue Nu were an era earlier than the Emperor Bai Tian.

I once traced her figure.

It is enough to show that Qi Jue Nu has a vicious reputation.

Divine Owl is also the mount of Bai Tian Divine Emperor, so he has naturally heard of Qi Jue Nu.

When he discovered that the reincarnation of Qi Jue Nu was not fully formed yet, he couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to kill this legend.

As long as the killing is successful, his reputation will not only increase, but he will also gain the power of the Seven Ultimates.

Become the invincible among invincibles!

But what now?

Qi Jue Nu actually holds the divine weapon of the Heaven Splitting God Emperor.

How to fight him?

He didn't know who caused this scene, which simply made him and Old Man Tianli despair.


As soon as the Qijue female sword was raised, a long river of Qijue sword light surged forward. In an instant, it killed Shen Xiao and Old Man Tianli at their positions.

Boom! !

Suddenly, the sword energy turned into a boundless ocean.


The old man Tianli changed continuously, and thirty-one words of Tianli Dao actually rushed out of his body. In a moment of shock, the general trend of the hero of the paradise was revealed.

He was actually able to escape in the sea of ​​knives.

However, the divine owl was not so lucky. The skin all over his body was rubbed away, and the feathered 'kaka' collided with the divine fire and was about to be wiped out.

God's robbery!

At the critical moment, the owl made a shrill cry.

His huge body actually turned into a divine calamity. All members of the Holy Sun Alliance prayed inside his body, sacrificing their lifespan to provide him with strength.

In an instant, he really got out.

But to Qi Jue Nu, it was just an ordinary swing of the sword.

what to do?

Everyone in the undefined space saw this scene, looking at each other with twinkling eyes.

Now this is a big situation, it depends on who can fight for hegemony to the end and who can unify the paradise.

The final winner will definitely be chosen between them and Qijue World.

Chen Ya's current strength has been restored to 60%. Even if she doesn't swallow the power reincarnation and kill the god owl and old man Tianli, she can become a complete body again.

someone said.

Chen Ya is our leader, what can we do to erase the power of Qijue without killing her?

People in the old part of the earth have a lot of headaches.

Chen Ya is so powerful now!

That Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword is invincible and no one can compete with it.

If they hadn't mastered the undefined space, they would definitely not be able to fight against it.

Why are you thinking so much? The most important thing is to defeat her first. After sealing her, take away her power and think about it slowly.

Fen Tian waved his hand impatiently and said.

He, the reincarnation of Emperor Yan, is an ancient being in the ethnic group who is awakening.

When the battle comes, he will call out to add strength to all races.

I don’t believe that I can’t fight against the Qijue World.

Can't beat Chen Ya!

That's right, we should get ahead of her and take away the original power of the divine owl, Old Man Tianli!

For a moment, all kinds of thoughts intersected. In an instant, everyone paid attention, each was discussing and making continuous calculations.

At this moment, a powerful thought sounded and suddenly descended on the entire undefined space.

Ye Jue, it's me, and I'm Su Yan too!

This voice was very familiar, surprising people from both the old part of the earth and the new era.

This is really unexpected.

They were in the Mythical Paradise, and they actually heard the voice of leader Su Yan in the seventh era!

Regarding what happened to Su Yan, Ye Jue had already told them with just one thought.

Su Yan, how come your voice reaches the paradise world?

Ye Jue didn't expect that it was his wife's voice.

When he and Su Yan broke up.

Su Yan's goal is to integrate sword, magic, and all dimensional fragments.

Was it a success?

So fast?

It's a long story. The Seventh Era is not peaceful. Something big happened.

Su Yan was eager to tell Ye Jue what happened.

The Taishang Wangqing spiritual body in his body had just completely melted.

All of them became her strength, greatly increasing her strength.

But that's not the most important thing.

It had nothing to do with the big thing she was talking about.


At this moment, she was shocked to find that an acquaintance of hers actually appeared in the magic crystal ball that could see the ultimate place of myth.

Chen Ya?

Su Yan was extremely surprised.

This Chen Ya has silver hair, a cold face, and emotionless eyes.

It's really like practicing the Supreme Art of Forgetting Love.

It's her, and I have a long story, and big things happened.

Ye Jue smiled bitterly, he was actually able to communicate across time and space, and sent a demigod's thought directly.

In an instant, Su Yan understood everything.

In that case, let me put the big things on my side aside for now. The primary goal now is for you to capture the Mechanicus first and return to the seventh era with the power of the true god!

Su Yan quickly said: The ultimate place of myth was torn apart by the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword, so I can communicate with you and even transfer power to you!


Including Ye Jue, as well as others, the old people of the earth, as well as the proud saints of the new era, Nu Jialuo and others all looked surprised.

Is there a potential power that they don't know about?

That's the humans of the seventh era. They can all sacrifice themselves and trigger miracles!

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