Hahaha, Ye Jue, it's too late, you have no chance to get the truth.

At this moment, the Emperor of the Starry Sky had blazing eyes and beams of light shooting into the sky, causing vibrations all over his body.

The Taoist Wheel was collapsing, and for a moment, many lightning bolts appeared in the void of heaven and earth, intertwined in the Kagura Paradise.

There were many rays of light shining everywhere, and all the extraordinary figures opened their eyes one after another.

A powerful person of this level like Starry Sky Emperor has terrifying boundless strength and is entwined with technological runes.

Once he is born and walks on the mythical land, he needs to be worshiped by all ethnic groups.

Those figures who have been dormant for endless years, claiming to be gods and gods, and the unparalleled strong men who have long been forgotten by the world, all look towards the direction of destruction.

In addition to being surprised, more importantly, I want to get a piece of the pie!

But the emperor's self-destruction completely destroyed his whole body. Nothing will be left, not even a thought.


However, Ye Jue moved over directly and slapped the starry sky emperor's body which was collapsing.

In an instant, all kinds of memories came into my mind.

Some horrific things, as well as the glorious deeds of how the Emperor of the Starry Sky rose, are all presented one by one.

In the past, false gods were spread across the sky, in a windy rocky mountain.

A heavenly fetus was hatched, but it did not disturb the world.

And when he grew up, China was shaken, the human race was destroyed, the sky was in the sky, looking at the earth and stars, and the light of science and technology shone everywhere.

The Starry Sky Emperor is this heavenly child, and his arrival is a sign of great prosperity, but no one noticed it.

When he rises, he pours down the fragments of avenue and technology, like rain, ushering in a prosperous dynasty.

Ye Jue also saw it.

The Emperor of the Starry Sky sits on a high throne, his sound is like a loud bell, shaking the sky.

Under his feet were all densely packed imperial soldiers.

This is an apex predator!

Never fails.

However, he was defeated in his hands.

Although it is not really defeated, because it is just a body of the Star Emperor.

But being able to kill is enough to prove how powerful Ye Jue's power is.

These memories are very confusing, but there is no truth.

Damn old cunning guy, he destroyed the memory of the truth in advance.

Ye Jue looked around but couldn't find what he was looking for.

Since he is the Emperor of the Starry Sky, he is already prepared.

Is this how the supreme leader of the generation will die?

Suddenly, a sound fell from the sky, it was Fentian, staring at the Emperor of the Starry Sky who had spontaneously ignited, with a very complicated expression on his face.

This shadow that has been weighing on them has finally been removed.

But there was no happy emotion, instead it was very heavy.

Logically speaking, after capturing half of the origins of the Defeating Heaven God Emperor, they were promoted and sublimated, and they were very happy.

Of course, those who feel this way are only those old members of the old ministry and the new age of the earth.

Others felt extremely happy when they saw such a powerful man die like this.

It was the origin of the defeated God Emperor that was burned together with this person.

I don’t know what kind of flame it is. It has origin and color. It is indestructible to everything. It can be destroyed and cannot be stopped.

If it was an ordinary fire, it would have been extinguished long ago.

I can only watch helplessly as the power is burned and gradually dissipates.

Then, the world became silent.


Ye Jue's body appeared in the outside world in an instant.

Sure enough, the leader of Chaos Zuma had disappeared, leaving traces of his path.

After a little deduction, we knew that he would definitely go after Shen Xiao and his gang with the Celestial Sword.

I'm afraid that at this moment, Old Man Tianli has been forced to a dead end.

Although the Splitting God Emperor is not a demigod.

But the weapon he once used, the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword, was a real divine weapon, a demi-god weapon.

No matter how powerful the God Owl is, no matter how many methods he has, no matter how strong the old man of Heavenly Law is, he has all kinds of Heavenly Laws.

But still unable to fight against the divine weapons.

What's more, there is also the help of Qijue World.

Now, the Holy Sun Alliance must have reached a dead end.

I'm afraid Shen Xiao has regretted it to death.

If he had known that Qi Jue Nu had united with the people from outside the world to dig out the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword, he would never have launched a holy war of time and space so easily.

Now it's fine, but they are the ones being hunted.


Various images flowed in Ye Jue's eyes.

All are scenes of the battle between the God Owl and the Chaos Zuma leader's gang.

The fight was already in full swing and became intense. Both sides showed their trump cards and worked frantically, and their longevity was burning continuously.

If the leader of Chaos Zuma succeeds, he will absorb the origins of the four god emperors.

That Qi Jue Nu will definitely be able to restore the four powers.

At that time, the combat power will be greatly increased, and it will be even more difficult for Ye Jue to deal with her and save her.

Boo boo!

At this moment, something seemed to break in Ye Jue's palm.

In an unknown space, there was a sudden loud noise, which made San Tai Zhu pale in shock.

Ji Zizai's body suddenly exploded, split open, and became bloody and bloody.

what happened?

San Tai Zhu said in shock.

Could it be that the Starry Sky Emperor is here to kill him?

They betrayed the emperor and united to defeat the God Emperor and resurrect him.

As a result, the conspiracy was exposed.

The corpse of the defeated God Emperor was captured by the Starry Sky Emperor.

Fortunately they escaped early, otherwise, the consequences would have been disastrous.

But now, the emperor refused to let them go and finally caught up with them?

No, the Starry Sky Emperor was defeated and he was killed!

At this moment, Ji Zizai roared and forced the two halves of his body to close.

What, killed?

San Tai Zhu looked shocked.

Ye Jue did it.

At this time, a third person appeared beside them.

That face looked very familiar, and it seemed so unpredictable.

The three of them actually joined forces.

Ye Jue is so capable that he even killed the Starry Sky Emperor?

The three pillars were shocked.

This is really a big deal!

Who is the Starry Sky Emperor?

An entangled body of myth and technology, he is unique and the founder of a special path.

The strength is at the God-Emperor level, so it must be right.

Such a character was actually killed by Ye Jue?

This is simply unrealistic!

He has mastered terrifying power now. The Defeating God Emperor has completely died and turned into his power. What just exploded was the re-engraving of the Supreme Forgetting Art in my body.

Ji Zizi whispered.

I'm afraid now, all the replicas of Taishang Wangqingjue are exploding.

No matter which time, space or place.

They are all being destroyed one after another.

Because the Baitian Divine Emperor is completely dead, the magical power he created will collapse.

in this way.

Ji Zizai knew that the troubles and methods he had left for Ye Jue in the seventh era were completely lost.

However, when it explodes.

A pretty girl was taken into the particle by him.

Ye Muling!

This is Ye Jue's daughter.

His only last resort.

Then he is invincible, can we compete with him?

I feel like I have a headache.

Among these powerful men of the new era, it is not good for anyone to be invincible, but it is this person.

This person and them are great enemies.

Although they have defeated many disasters together, they were only forced alliances and not sincere.

As long as there is an opportunity, both sides will still stab each other.

And show no mercy, no hesitation.

He knew that Ye Jue must be that kind of person.

Because he himself is this kind of person.

Who said we have to compete with him? Since he is invincible, we will close the fight and wait for him to capture the Deus Ex Machina. At that time, it will be our only chance.

Ji Zizai said.

That's right, if he really captures the Deus Ex Machina and obtains the Ten Divine Artifacts, the Kunlun Mirror, then he can directly become a real demigod, swallow the entire mythical paradise in one breath, and turn himself into the only myth and the only true god. Then we will really be at a dead end.”

San Tai Zhu also had a headache.

Their only chance was to snatch the ten artifacts when Ye Jue attacked the mechanical god.

Any one of them who obtains the Ten Divine Artifacts can compete with Ye Jue again.

Otherwise, there would be no chance at all and death would be inevitable.

Then let's hide quickly. The leader of Chaos Zuma is now in love with Ye Jue. All the strong men of the older generation will be killed. This is the rhythm of great unification. Ye Jue will win the final victory.

San Tai Zhu said quickly.

It can only be this way.

Ji Zizai let out a long sigh.

He failed because he failed at the point of defeating the Heavenly God Emperor, and the Starry Sky Emperor discovered the conspiracy.

The Emperor Bai Tian was not resurrected.

If the Bai Tian God Emperor is resurrected, then he will definitely be as powerful as Qi Jue Nu.

He can also rise to power all of a sudden with the help of a demigod weapon like the leader of Chaos Zuma.

The weapons in the leader's hands were dead objects after all.

The Baitian God Emperor is truly the most powerful man alive.


All this was in vain.

They became the losers, the losing side.

I have been waiting for that moment. I just asked Ye Jue to open the way for me. I also have my own plan.

Wanxiang Impermanence thought secretly.

However, for now, we still have to join forces with Ji Zizai and the others to fight against Ye Jue.

To the immortal immortals in mythology, now is your death anniversary.

Seeing those awakening eyes, the ancient beings woke up one after another.

Chaos Zuma leader laughed.

The Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword slashed away from the paradise sky.


Wherever it passed, not a single blade of grass grew, and the sky and the earth were torn apart.

In a large sect, the disciples inside, whether male or female, all split apart, flew out of their origins, and poured into the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword crazily.

Buzz! !

The Sky-Splitting Divine Sword has become even more terrifying!

The blade of the sword can cross the vast territory of Paradise. When the light of the sword shines, everything is crumbling and torn apart.


Those ancient beings who were beheaded kept struggling, trying to reorganize their flesh and blood.

But there is no way to regenerate or recover!

This is the Sky-Splitting Divine Mark. How could it be possible? Isn't the Sky-Splitting Divine Emperor already dead?

It's really the Sky-Splitting God Emperor, he's back!


Countless screams rose and fell with each other.

The expressions of the divine owl, old man Tianli, and the other two modern divine emperors, Hua Wuxiu and Qiu Changtian, all changed dramatically.

This is killing!

It was an absolute massacre, an irresistible crushing.

Even they couldn't resist the power of the Sky-Splitting Divine Mark.

What's more, these people?

go to hell!

The leader of Chaos Zuma, along with the entire Qijue World, the Monkey King, and the Ancient Qi Lord, pursued them.

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