Haha, it seems that this is your biggest bargaining chip, Emperor of the Starry Sky. I feel that this bargaining chip is not important at the moment. I originally wanted to manipulate you, but I didn't expect that you were seeking your own death and dared to break into my world. You must die!

Ye Jue sneered.

Nothing could be happier than being able to annihilate a powerful enemy.

His feud with the Starry Sky Emperor ends here today.

Even though this starry sky emperor is extremely powerful and holds weapons with civilization runes, no one can compare with him.

But if you fall into his trap, you can only surrender and kill him obediently.

Ye Jue, you have angered me!

The Starry Sky Emperor roared, and a dark coffin appeared in his palm.

What a powerful aura...

Ye Jue was surprised.

As soon as the mysterious coffin was opened, a corpse sat up inside, and dark clouds immediately rolled in, covering up the light in the undefined space.

If it weren't for his power blockade, I'm afraid the entire space would be submerged in dark clouds!

Moreover, this dark cloud is an aura of despair and the source of all evil!

Even if an emperor-level person is contaminated, they will become crazy, crazy, unable to extricate themselves, their entire cultivation will be destroyed, they will lose their cultivation and become a mad demon.

This is the body of the defeated God Emperor.

The ancient, mysterious, powerful, vast, and strange power has revived.

The Baitian God Emperor was originally an extremely evil God Emperor.

He even proved that the vicious technique of Taishang Wangqing Jue harms future generations.

Trying to use this technique to resurrect himself.

Not only Ye Jue, but everyone else also saw that on the corpse of the Defeating God Emperor, a large amount of black flesh and blood was coagulating, growing, and squirming, and it seemed that flesh and blood were growing out of the skeleton.

This is someone who has practiced the Taishang Forgetting Art, and the power of feedback revived him.

Ye Jue, the corpse of the Baitian Divine Emperor is the origin. Those two fools Ji Zizai and San Taizhu thought they had united with an ancient god emperor, but they didn't know that Baitian Divine Emperor was already dead when he demonstrated the Supreme Forgetting Art. Now, he is just a shell. If he continues to grow like this, he will turn into a terrifying demon!

The Starry Sky Emperor held the corpse of the Defeated God Emperor and said loudly.

The theocracy of freedom, suppress it!

Without thinking, Ye Jue jumped up and attacked the ancient coffin corpse.

The corpse of the Defeating God Emperor screamed in the coffin!

It waved its skinny hands and continued to perform, performing ancient evil arts piece by piece. The entire undefined space boiled, as if it was going to submerge Ye Jue and all other races directly in it. The power of the freedom divine power struck and killed everyone. Above, there is actually no effect at all.

Because this defeated God Emperor continued to grow after his death. He did not really die, but continued to cultivate.

The coffin in which he was buried was called the Sky Burial Coffin, and the blazing real fire from the other side began to explode and burn on top of the coffin.

Demi god!

Su Baiyu's expression changed in shock.

The Defeat God Emperor actually became a demi-god after his death. This Sky Burial Coffin is a weapon, no less powerful than the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword.


At that moment, Ye Jue spat out a mouthful of blood and frantically offered Shouyuan.

Originally, he had very little life left, only a few hundred years.

But at this moment, he directly broke through and became the God Emperor. He pressed the magic formula with his hands, and the black and yellow energy washed out of his body and turned into rolling flames, once again enhancing the power of the flames on the other side.

Originally, becoming the God Emperor was a very glorious sight, but in the undefined space, the corpse of the defeated God Emperor was completely suppressed.

The God Emperor!

People of all races screamed.

At this moment, Ye Jue fully displayed his true strength and fully displayed his strength in the undefined space.

The power of truth inside kept bombarding the Star Emperor and the coffin.

At the same time, all races also sacrificed their own strength, causing miracles and instilling power.


On Ye Jue's back, a pair of emerald green wings instantly grew.


With one breath, he blew away the resentment and evil that enveloped the undefined space, and eliminated it invisible.

Then, he flipped his palm, and a pure fantasy blood thunder arrow appeared and shot out in endless brilliance.

Boom! !

Megatron Paradise, the supreme power to rule an era appears.


This word, the most primitive text, actually appeared on the top of Ye Jue's head, circulated violently, suddenly vibrated, and merged into his body.

In an instant, the shield of the Star Emperor was shattered, as well as the evil power that filled the sky.

After all, this is in an undefined space.

Miracle is the greatest and most incredible power.

Ye Jue, you actually used a miracle to destroy me, good, good, very good!!

The Star Emperor smiled.

The corpse of the Defeating God Emperor under his control looked so fragile.

Even the body of a demigod was trembling under the majestic power of the miracle, as if it was about to be broken into pieces.

The seed of miracles, the seed of destruction.

Two of the most incredible changes in all mythological periods.

The Emperor of the Starry Sky looked serious and shot continuously with his palms. Now he knew that Ye Jue was determined to kill him and would not hesitate to use the power of miracles.

The emperors of the heavens destroy the Taoist Wheel!

He raised his hands, and a huge Taoist wheel rushed out from the depths of his body, full of technological runes flowing on it.

This is a weapon that is entangled between myth and entropy and has incredible power.


Clang, clang, clang!

As the Starry Sky Emperor shook his hands, the Taoist wheel started spinning.

Whoa whoa whoa!

The corpse of the defeated God Emperor actually began to melt.

No, Ye Jue, the emperor is absorbing the origin of the defeated God Emperor, we must not let him succeed, otherwise we will fail.

Fen Tian roared loudly, and the flame giant punched away.

But it was wiped out by the Tao Wheel.

The collision caused violent vibrations and sparks flew everywhere.

This wheel actually has the power to destroy myths! !

The power of the demigod showed faint signs of being restrained.

I know this!

Ye Jue became the God Emperor at this moment, radiant, unparalleled, divine, and extremely gorgeous, with all kinds of mysterious substances flowing through his body.

As soon as his big hand appeared, he suddenly activated the emerald-green wings of life behind him.

In an instant, he broke through the Taoist wheel barrier, reached the deep vortex, and grabbed the corpse of the Defeating God Emperor.


Obviously, the Starry Sky Emperor did not expect Ye Jue to react so quickly.

He shrank violently, wanting to sink deeper into the Taoist Wheel.


However, Ye Jue's palm had already tightly clasped one side of the body of the Defeating God Emperor.


Suddenly, a variety of terrible evil thoughts appeared in his mind, destroying all will.

It's just a dead person!

Ye Jue was shaken violently, a dazzling light erupted, and with a low roar, he actually wanted to tear apart the corpse of the Defeating God Emperor.


The light rising from the corpse of the Defeating God Emperor showed what kind of pressure it had endured from the outside.


In the end, it was torn apart, with the Starry Sky Emperor getting half and Ye Jue getting the other half.

The corpse in Ye Jue's hand was teleported to the Feathering Divine Cauldron in the blink of an eye.

Buzz buzz!

In an instant, the divine cauldron began to rotate, Fentian acted as a fire stick underneath, and the refining of the Feathering Divine Pill began.

Ye Jue, you are wasting the divine object.

The Star Emperor shook his head.

It's like a thousand swords slashing, like a thousand spears piercing!

In Ye Jue's eyes, he was so shocked that he was dizzy, and then he exploded into a ball of blood and soul light fragments.

His soul was being torn apart, and his whole body was in unbearable pain. He was actually shot by the Emperor of the Starry Sky using the Taoist Wheel.

In the undefined space, I am invincible, I am everywhere!

This voice came from all directions, and Ye Jue's soul light reorganized and roared there!

The colorful beams of light collided everywhere, and the blood and soul light that originally turned into a rain of light were all focused together.

He was reborn immediately.

In the undefined space, if the emperor wants to deal with him, he must at least have the strength of a true god.

The emperors of the heavens destroy the Taoist wheel, break through this space, and help me shed my shackles!

Seeing Ye Jue's unscathed resurrection, Emperor Xingkong knew that he couldn't be killed here.

Immediately, he let out a long roar, and the Dao-Destroying Wheel was shattered. The burning fire wheel and millstone, thunder and lightning intertwined, were about to rush out of this space.

If the space here was completely composed of mythical power, he would not be afraid at all.

But this is the non-living entropic force, related to the most original matter.

At the extreme point of destruction, vitality burst out, like an immortal force originating from the entire space.

With him alone, if he wants to fight against the relics of absolute entropy, he must defeat the deus ex machina and obtain the ten artifacts.

Emperor, it's too late for you to think about anything now!

God Emperor Ye Jue, carrying the life force sacrificed by the entire race, the word seven flashed in his body, and the flawless flying fairy light splashed out.

Ye Jue, I'm wondering whether I was right or wrong in not killing you directly...

When the Starry Sky Emperor saw Ye Jue blocking the road, the Dao-Destroying Wheel stopped rotating, and was restrained by undefined power, he immediately roared.

Now, he truly experienced the transformation and misfortune between life and death. It was as if he heard the sound of the tsunami and felt the aura of red dust coming from the world of mortals, calling for his soul.

Aren't you afraid of death?

Ye Jue asked coldly when he saw that Emperor Xingkong had given up resistance.

This emperor is finally dying!

From the miserable state to the present, the king of the empire who was pressing on them finally died.

My long-cherished wish has been fulfilled long ago... The body left here is just an empty shell. Sooner or later it will be destroyed with the end of the Seventh Era. You can't escape, Ye Jue, you can't escape. Get out of this anti-universe cage, you will die here, everything will be in vain, you will have nothing left, nothing will be left behind, just like having a dream, the so-called time travel is just a dream scam……

The Emperor of the Starry Sky was talking to himself while burning in the Taoist Wheel.

He didn't seem to care about this body at all.

Destroy his own origin and the origin of the Defeating God Emperor together, heading towards the end of destruction.

Emperor, you actually know? I am a time traveler?

Suddenly, a shocked expression appeared on Ye Jue's face, and his life wings suddenly twisted and turned into a stream of light that reversed the world, flashing in front of the Starry Sky Emperor.

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