That Wanxiang Impermanence guy, you still need to hide now, come out and show up quickly!

Chaos Zuma leader shouted coldly.

Nowadays, the top figures of the new era have already been traced.

This person is the only one who has not revealed any clues yet.

I don’t know what to do in the mythical paradise.

But no matter what he is planning now, he will not be his opponent.

When the Qi Jue Nu becomes a complete body, the Starry Sky Emperor will not be afraid at all.

After all, Huang Di, Chi You and other semi-god-level beings have all died.

There is no doubt that the God-Emperor is now in power, and whoever can become a demigod first will be truly invincible.

The leader of Chaos Zuma feels that Qi Jue Nu is his biggest backer!

He is not worried at all about the relationship between Ye Jue and Qi Jue Nu.

Because they broke up a long time ago.

Now this Qi Jue Nu is not Chen Ya who leads all races.

It's the top unparalleled powerhouse he supports.

If anyone can become a demigod, it must be Qi Jue Nu.

At that time, as long as Qi Jue Nu blew out a breath, it was so heavy that it could shake the paradise.

As for the Holy Sun Alliance, Shen Xiao, Hua Wuxiu, Qiu Changtian, and those who are infinitely close to the God Emperor, Ji Zhongjun, Wei Mang, Wei Shifang, Wu Sunche, Jin Wujiu, and Xi Rongchu.

He found out all these people.

If it weren't for Old Man Tianli's ally, Shen Xiao would have been defeated.

However, now Old Man Tianli is also seriously injured.

It's impossible to protect yourself, how can you help the god owl?


Wanxiang Impermanence never appeared, it seemed that he really wasn't here.

Leader, use my ancient energy to increase the power of the Sky-Splitting Divine Mark.

The Ancient Qi Master and the Chaos Zuma Cult Leader are both the incarnations of Qi, and they jointly sacrificed the defeated gods.

At this moment, a dazzling light curtain was emitted.

Their enemies, the Ye Jue camp, included the Starry Sky Emperor and the ethnic group behind them.

Since God Owl and Old Man Tianli were seriously injured and unable to recover, he was not in a hurry to capture them all at once.

Now, let’s start with Ye Jue, the Starry Sky Emperor.

Especially the Starry Sky Emperor, who has long been included in his must-kill list.


At this moment, Ye Jue's phantom incarnation suddenly flashed, shrank his body, and disappeared.

Because, he saw the Heaven-Splitting Divine Sword coming towards him.

It is also the power of a demigod, and it is easy for others to see something in a head-on confrontation.


When the Starry Sky Emperor saw Ye Jue disappear, he stretched out his sleeves and shrank his body infinitely, turning into a point of light and entering an undefined space.

That's what I've always wanted.

The Starry Sky Emperor's eyes flickered. Undefining space was the power he had always wanted to obtain.

Emperor, I advise you not to have any thoughts. This space has merged with me and all races. I planted three sacred trees and they have already taken root. No one in this paradise is my opponent, not even you. .”

At this moment, Ye Jue's true body appeared, flicked his fingers, and said lightly: You are now alone, a mere commander. The empire you worked so hard to build has been completely destroyed. This is because you abandoned them. Abandoning your people, you are an incompetent emperor.

Oh? Do you mean you are on the right path?

The Starry Sky Emperor showed an interested expression.

Yes, I am based on all races, and all races are proud of me. We transcend together and complement each other. My strength is them, and their strength is me.

Ye Jue's whole body was flashing with tsunami-like fluctuations, and the circulating blood energy was constantly beating in his body.

As long as you want, you can break through the God Emperor at any time. Your true body is actually hidden so deeply.

Starry Sky Emperor's eyes continued to flash, and he said: The phantom you created in the outside world is to lure the enemy, so that the leader of Chaos Zuma cannot see your depth. No one knows your strength and the true power of this space. strength.

Humph, Emperor, it's good for you to know. Now, you are in my camp and you must obey my orders. Do you understand?

Ye Jue negotiated with the Starry Sky Emperor on behalf of everyone.

Speak like this to this former overlord.

Times have changed.

No one is a pawn in the original miserable situation.

What's more, now, the situation is reversed. He has his tribe, but the Emperor of the Starry Sky has lost all his people.

Ye Jue, it's my freedom to obey your orders or not. Don't forget, I know the only truth.

The Starry Sky Emperor shook his head slightly and said: Now, let's find a way to deal with the demigod weapon of the Sky-Splitting God Emperor.

Isn't that simple? You have obtained the origin of Baitian. Now hand it over. It takes a lot of energy to trigger a miracle. You don't know.

However, Ye Jue stretched out his hand to ask for the origin of the defeated God Emperor.

He did this not just because he simply wanted to obtain the origin of the God Emperor.

Rather, it was about Su Yan, the Supreme Being, who wanted to completely eliminate the Emperor Bai Tian.

Su Yan will never wake up if she forgets her love. Instead, her power will be used by Su Yan, so she doesn't have to worry about anything anymore.

This is impossible. The origin of Baitian that I worked so hard to obtain cannot be given to you so easily.

The Starry Sky Emperor shook his head again: Ye Jue, you have gained the power of Jue Entropy, unless you trade this with me.

Hahaha, Emperor of the Starry Sky, this is not up to you. You are in my world now.

Suddenly, Ye Juede's body became extremely huge and turned into a shadow. Behind him stood many shadows, each with different shapes, all staring at the Star Emperor.

This is the release of oppression and power from every person among all races.

Ye Jue, are you forcing me? I am sincerely an ally with you, but you set a trap?

The Starry Sky Emperor smiled calmly.

Trap? No, Emperor of the Starry Sky, you are an ally. I am using the power of my allies to repel the enemy. What's wrong? Besides, you have also seen it. How to fight against that demigod weapon? We must use the origin of the Emperor of Defeat. Now , hand it over!”

The shadow transformed by Ye Jue is approaching infinitely.

It took a lot of effort for the Emperor of Starry Sky to fall into a trap. How could he let go of this great opportunity?

If the Emperor of the Starry Sky is allowed to leave the undefined space, the success rate of obtaining the source of defeat is only about one percent.

What if I don't pay?

The Starry Sky Emperor looked at them calmly.

Then you will face a group of demigods like us.

Ye Jue said coldly.

Now, as long as he wants to, he can break through the God Emperor at any time.

The black and yellow blood is flowing all over the body. As long as it is activated, it can reach the same level as the Emperor of the Starry Sky.

When the time comes to push forward the power of demigods, it will be even more terrifying.

But this is always an external force.

Your own strength is fundamental.

He wanted to use the origin of the Bai Tian Divine Emperor to consolidate his power to become the Divine Emperor.

Therefore, the moment the Starry Sky Emperor entered the undefined space, he had already calculated it.

It seems I have no choice. The truth can only be drowned out. I will never tell you.

The Starry Sky Emperor sighed.

I originally thought that this truth would be able to grasp Ye Jue.

He never thought that Ye Jue's vision would be so narrow, ignoring the truth and wanting to obtain the origin of Bai Tian in his hands.

This original power is used by him to attack the demigods.

It would be a waste if left to Ye Jue to stabilize the foundation of the God Emperor.

You don't need to be alarmist. When the so-called truth reaches the outside world, I will naturally verify it.

Ye Jue stretched out his palm and said coldly: Hand it over, otherwise you won't be able to leave.

Ye Jue, do you really think you can defeat me? If I dare to break in, I will naturally find a way to get out again.

The Star Emperor refused again.

Then I want to see how you get out!


The gushing, deafening demigod power blasted towards the Star Emperor from all directions.

Ye Jue, if you fight me here, aren't you afraid that the leader of Chaos Zuma will split this space with the Sky-Splitting Divine Sword? The Sky-Splitting Divine Mark can really split the sky, including the entropic space.

The Starry Sky Emperor said in a low voice while parrying.

He didn't expect that Ye Jue would actually take action against him.

Completely ignoring the pressure from the outside world and the truth of the future, he wants the source of defeat in his hands, and his goal is very pure.

Don't worry about this. The leader of Chaos Zuma is not a fool. Instead of looking for me and all the tribes at their peak, it is better to chase the god owl and old man Tianli now. Before he can obtain the origin of the four god emperors, we will devour you first, Xingkong emperor!

At this moment, a flame giant appeared in the undefined space.

This was Fentian making a roaring sound.

Emperor of the Starry Sky, we will send you to the positive universe to join your other body!

The big wolf dog howled.

Emperor, at this moment, we are seeking revenge for injustice and revenge for injustice.

All races in the original miserable state, whether they were from the old part of the earth or everyone in the new era, were persecuted by the empire.

For example, Aosheng was arrested, subjected to various experiments, and severely tortured.

Although everything was done by Ji Zizi.

But without the order from him, the Starry Sky Emperor, Ji Zizai at that time would not have the authority to attack Misery.

Emperor, did you ever think that you would end up like this?

Everyone shouted in unison.

Some people formed demigod fists and blasted towards the Star Emperor.

The strength of the Starry Sky Emperor, in the myth system, is the entangled body of the god-emperor level, the entropy body and the myth.

It can be seen that there are whirlpools of civilization symbols surrounding him, forming a crystal light curtain of energy to protect himself.


Including Su Baiyu and others, they immediately took action against the Starry Sky Emperor.

In the clanging sound, the starry sky emperor's god-level technological armor crackled and cracked, constantly shattering.

He resisted God-Emperor-level attacks all the way, but with the power of a demigod, he was helpless.

Ye Jue, do you really want the truth to be buried? I am the only one who knows the truth. Without my guidance, you will never be able to reach the true universe.

The Starry Sky Emperor finally lost his composure and roared.

He thinks this person is simply an idiot!

For the sake of a small immediate gain, he actually gave up the opportunity to get the truth! !

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