The darkness is boundless, with only a cluster of light flickering vaguely at the end of the mythical land, slightly hazy.

Not even dust exists in this place.

Time, space, rules... are not established either.

Further ahead.

Various corpses, some were ground up, some were turned into blood mist, and some were turned into dangerous substances, emitting poisonous gas.

The sources of all kinds of disasters are accumulated here.

Anyone who dares to break in will be directly entangled in bad luck, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Woo woo woo...

Further away, ghosts were crying and howling, and a large amount of gray mist was thrown up, turning into various creatures, screaming shrilly, and extremely ferocious.

These are all innocent souls! !

The gray mist is thick and the air of death is billowing. Just the breath can make people shiver.

You can even see some flesh and blood squirming on this road, which is really frightening.

If you move forward, you can see golden symbols shining everywhere.

This is the mark left by the emperor's magic, which cannot be erased. It turns into calamity and melts into the void.

It's like an emperor is coming to the world, and the eyes of those who watch will bleed.

All kinds of shocking scenes appeared on this road.

Almost all imaginable visions have appeared here.

Looking into the distance.

You can see that the emperor-level soul light has been torn into pieces and is screaming in pain.

This is definitely the most severe torture for the Emperor.

They are not dead, but they are in unbearable pain and will be tortured like this forever.


A large area of ​​gray lead clouds, with terrifying raindrops falling.

All kinds of weird substances are stirring and turning into a quagmire.

This is the body shell left over from the war.

In an emperor-level battle, one will constantly replace his body, reorganize and regenerate.

These detached parts turned into a powerless quagmire of flesh and blood, all filled with poison.

If you see the end of the road.

Then you will find that blurry gray fog figures are rising and falling there.

Each of these gray mist figures is covered by a divine ring, and various visions are guarded above their heads.

At this moment, they formed a circle!

This group of people was densely packed, forming an airtight sphere, surrounding some figures.

The bodies and souls of those besieged figures were shattered and reassembled, as if they were immortal.

There is no doubt that this is an ancient decisive battle with far-reaching influence, a great struggle for hegemony in the mythical paradise. Both sides are big obstacles, it depends on who can take it as who.

But it was obvious that the besieged group of slender figures seemed to be at a disadvantage.

These women are really tough.

Hua Wuxiu was still frightened. In order to fight this time, he brought all his disciples over and risked their lives completely. Unexpectedly, they all died on the road.

Not only him, but also others. Most of the disciples he brought died, resulting in heavy losses.

Because they suffered from the stubborn resistance of Qijue World.

From the extreme of the mythical paradise continent, to the ultimate place.

There were too many unparalleled monsters and geniuses who died on the road, and their souls were shattered, making it impossible to even be reincarnated.

Because anyone killed by people from the Qijue World has no chance of being reborn.

The divine power of Qi Jue Nu is indeed one of the most terrifying powers in ancient times. It is recognized by all the God-Emperors. It is the second power that can destroy the world. Qi Jue Divine Power, Jue Tian, ​​Jue Di, Jue Ming, Jue Sheng, Jue Death, Absolute Tao, Absolute Body!

Facing the Qijue Divine Power, the Holy Sun Alliance suffered heavy losses.

In this attack on the Qijue World, Old Man Tianli from the Blood Path Heavenly Palace joined forces with him.

However, Old Man Tianli was very shrewd and did not bring many disciples.

They only brought some particularly powerful creatures with amazing races, but they also died on the way to attack the Qijue World.

In addition, old man Tianli was carving words along the way and holding a talisman. The talisman spontaneously ignited and was glowing.

Now it's finally time to break through the Seven Jue Pearls.

As soon as the Qi Jue Pearl is broken, all these damn women will be killed without leaving a single one behind.

The leader of the Holy Sun Alliance, Shen Xiao, is a domineering and powerful man who looks like a middle-aged man. He is wearing a black robe and standing on top of a huge gourd, with divine light bursting from his eyes.

He had witnessed with his own eyes the process of unifying the seven women in an era.

That was quite terrifying, and she would never be allowed to succeed again.

Because this world is special, only he, God Owl, can become the only true god.

It's definitely not the Qi Jue Nu who has a very deep calculation and has been planning until now.


Inside the Qijue Orb, there is a woman with silver hair floating in the air, as if she has not been moved by it for thousands of years. She sits quietly with her eyes closed, and the divine light all over her body bulges and bulges, as if she is condensing a rare and rare power.

Protect the Seven Jue Daughters!

Damn it, if Qi Jue Nu was intact at this moment, it would be absolutely easy to kill these damn offenders!

It's useless to say anything now. We must protect the Qi Jue Pearl and they must not break in.

The subordinates of Qi Jue Nu are all stunningly talented women. Among them is a God Emperor named Jue Ji, and the others are all people who are infinitely close to the God Emperor.

The dust stirred, rustled, and fell in silence for thousands of years. Before Qi Jue Nu appeared, it was Jue Ji who led the Qi Jue world.

Now that Qi Jue Nu has returned, she is immediately attacked by the strongest force in the Paradise, the Holy Sun Alliance.

Obviously, he didn't want Qi Jue Nu to be born.

I want to strangle her again.

But they will never let these people succeed, and will protect Qi Jue Nu to the death.

As long as Qi Jue Nu summons other clones to reincarnate, it will be too easy to deal with these people in the future.

So at this moment, we must find an opportunity to escape.

However, this group of people pursued them too closely, risking the death of their disciples and heavy losses in order to trap the Qi Jue Pearl.


Old Man Tianli, Divine Owl, Hua Wuxiu, and Qiu Changtian, these four divine emperors used the invincible emperor technique, the Great Seal of Reversing the Universe, to pull the Qi Jue Pearl that can travel through endless time and space.

However, the Qi Jue Pearl was like a cannonball that kept moving forward, taking all of them forward.

Sooner or later, it is only a matter of time that the invincible imperial technique can be wiped out.

But before that, whether they can withstand the attack is the most fatal thing.


The Qijue Pearl was sent to the impact again, with dazzling light, rippling runes, and sparkling crystals.

You can see that the top is full of potholes and will not be repaired automatically.

Because all the strength is used for defense.

rush out!

The women from the Qijue world shouted and joined forces to push the Qijue Pearl. It rose like morning glow, shining in all directions, like a divine rainbow that shocked the sky. It was too dazzling for people to look at it.

In front of this bead, any imperial soldier can feel as small as an ant, as weak as dust, and nothing at all.

Because this is a replica of the Nuwa stone artifact.


The magnetic field was continuously detonated, and the void was filled with a series of lightning flashes, black thunder splashed, and visions of destruction of the sky and the sun were everywhere.

Facing this ultimate thing, the Holy Sun Alliance launched a crazy attack. Various beams of light carried the breath of time, composed of fragments of the avenue. The sacred and majestic colorful power continued to fall on the Qijue Pearl.

Dang Dang Dang!!

The entire Qijue world was shaking constantly, as if the sky was about to collapse.

This attack is too fierce! !

All kinds of colorful impacts have destroyed all the buildings in Qijue World.

It's like the end of the world, and all kinds of creatures are dying, which is a horrifying scene.

Qi Jue Nu has been seriously injured by us. Now is the best time to capture her. We must not miss it.

Divine Owl, Old Man Tianli, Hua Wuxiu, and Qiu Changtian, the two modern god emperors, had already fought a battle with Qi Jue Nu.

As expected, Qi Jue Nu was not a complete entity and was severely damaged by their joint efforts.

The ensuing battle, emanating from flesh and soul, broke the tranquility at the end of the mythical paradise.

In the singularity in the center of the great center, the deus ex machina watched all this silently with its cold eyes.

It has no emotions, sits here, and does not participate in anything that happens in the paradise.

Whether it is a dead creature or a living creature, their struggle for hegemony has only one meaning to it.

That's waiting, they challenge it.

Then, it carries out a certain purpose, purifies everything, and shocks the era.

No one can leave the promised land.

Anyone who attacks it will have all their matter turned into powder and cease to exist. All those involved will be implicated on the spot and die directly.

So much so that only certain people have ever challenged its majesty until now.

Although it was not successful, it was not completely killed either.

They are the defeated gods, men with a legend of being undefeated!

As well as the God Emperor Splitting the Sky, he was born with a divine mark. He unlocked the power of the divine mark and brought about changes. He was the spokesperson of divine authority.


At this moment, in the world of Qi Jue, Jue Ji's seven orifices were bleeding and her body was covered with wounds. Her crystal body was constantly being strangled by the colorful beams of light.

These extremely terrifying forces kept moving back and forth on them, attacking non-stop.

If this continues, Qi Juezhu will really be unable to resist it.

Wait a moment, support will be here soon.

At this moment, Chen Ya suddenly opened her eyes.

Support, do we have support?

Jue Ji and a group of women with fantastic figures made surprised sounds.

The world of Qijue has always been isolated.

How could there be help?

Could it be the defeated God Emperor?

Qi Jue Nu once had a past with the Bai Tian Divine Emperor.

However, the Baitian Divine Emperor has disappeared and has not appeared for who knows how many years.

Will he come to help at this critical moment?

Our support comes from a new era.

However, Chen Ya stood up, the space matrix of Qi Jue Pearl changed again, resisted an attack, and looked into the distance.

New Era?

Jue Ji was stunned.


However, at this moment, the entire space matrix shook violently, and a hole was forcibly torn open by eight giant hands, and the divine light leaked out instantly.

The shell of Qijue Orb was finally opened.

Hahaha, I finally broke the turtle shell. You bitches, I'm going to play with you and then kill you one by one. Now you have to die, no one can escape!

The god owl suddenly laughed wildly.

As long as the Qi Jue Nu is destroyed, her origin can be obtained.

Capturing the deus ex machina and unifying the land is just around the corner! !

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