Wanzu swung the Emperor-Slaying Divine Sword with lightning speed. Because it swallowed Xueyangzi, the Emperor-Slaying Divine Sword was three times more powerful than before.

The Lord of Judgment felt the approach of death in an instant.

He is the supreme divine emperor with unparalleled dignity. He is also a god, and he regards all things as ants.

Back then, he and the Yuhua God Emperor swept across the heavens and sealed the Liu Nao God Emperor who had done many evil things.

They compete with the Dynasty of Truth and the Heavenly Palace of Blood.

At the end of his life, he had no choice but to seal himself.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he woke up, he would be subjected to the oppression of death, and his whole body was crushed to pieces by the tyrannical force.

The huge shadow suddenly turned into a bubble, making a clicking sound, shattering, and shrinking continuously.

Were it not for the power of the gods, it would be incomparable and beyond all.

Just under this blow, he had been broken into countless pieces and was killed by the opponent's sword.

This simply shocked the Lord of Judgment!

Although he is a heavenly being.

Why did such a terrifying power appear in the paradise? He was almost killed with one sword.

His realm, vision, conduct, and strength were all almost shattered by this blow.

It was like a giant blender, capable of breaking through the secrets of his body that he had cultivated for several epochs, guiding Huang Long to destroy everything.

Ye Jue used this attack with determination to kill.

Because once the Emperor-Slaying Divine Sword is released, all the energy and spirit of all races will be consumed.

If the Lord of Judgment cannot be killed, it will be a big loss.

Therefore, the attack failed, and Mosaic soldiers were immediately dispatched, pouring out in dense numbers. At the same time, Fentian, Su Baiyu, and Big Wolf Dog rushed out of the undefined space.

They did not sacrifice all their strength because as back-up players, they had to preserve their strength.

Now that the Lord of Judgment has not been killed, it is time for them to show themselves.

In an instant, the entire trial space exploded one after another, with brilliant brilliance flying everywhere, and various beams of light filling the entire area.

Ye Jue is encircling and suppressing the Lord of Judgment.

Besieging a God-Emperor-level God!

The power of the gods is extremely wonderful and has special abilities that are comparable to divine power, but now the power has not been exerted because he was seriously injured by the Emperor-Slaying Sword.

This was also Ye Jue's plan. He would kill him as soon as he made a move, without any reservation.

Not giving the other party a chance to breathe at all, nor leaving any space for the other party to think.

Use the ultimate killing move as soon as possible to completely destroy the opponent's will and let the Lord of Judgment know how terrible they are.

This will produce the emotion of fear. Once there is fear, death is not far away.

Originally, the Lord of Judgment had almost reached his end. This time he woke up because Xueyangzi broke into it and vaguely knew that the seventh era was coming, so he took the initiative to break the seal.

Unexpectedly, what ushered in was not dawn, hope, or light, but despair.

The road to becoming a god is...far...out of my reach...

Part of the Lord of Judgment's body turned into other forms, seemingly outside the law.

If he wasn't seriously injured, Ye Jue would be able to feel that this 'lawless method' was extremely powerful. Fortunately, he didn't hesitate as soon as he met him, and sacrificed all races to use the Emperor-Slaying Divine Sword.

Otherwise it will be a hard fight.

Although being locked by the Emperor-Slaying Divine Sword is impossible to escape or dodge, there are still various ways to erase the power within it and greatly reduce its power.

The best effect is a direct hit. For example, just now, a sword hit the Lord of Judgment on the head.

The power of Emperor Killing poured into his Heavenly Spirit Cap, destroying the activity of the God Emperor's particles, burying all auras, and causing his body to continuously collapse.

If it weren't for the extra-legal method and divine power, he would have died long ago.

However, even a seriously injured God Emperor can persist for decades even if he fights for his life.

Ye Jue didn't have so much time to wait for the Lord of Judgement to exhaust his power and be worn to death.

Immediately, the 'yo yo yo' spins in the palm of the hand, and a large cauldron spurts out.

Feathered Divine Cauldron!

These are the imperial weapons obtained from just destroying the Ascension Heavenly Palace. They can be used to refine the Ascension Divine Pill on the spot.

So, there is a weird scene!

A group of troops rushed out from the undefined space.

This group of troops holds something like a vacuum cleaner in their hands, sucking up dark matter and dark energy when the Lord of Judgment is constantly under attack.

Whenever a certain amount is absorbed, they will return to the Feathering Divine Cauldron and refine the Feathering Divine Pill on the spot.

A smile suddenly appeared on Ye Jue's face. It was like attacking a boss, with everyone attacking.

Attack and level up at the same time, and you can gain experience points by killing monsters.

They are probably the only ones who dare to treat the God Emperor as a boss in this mythical paradise.

Report, the consciousness of the Lord of Judgment has almost dissipated and his lifespan has expired. Now it is the particle activity of the body that is resisting us.

Even in death, the body of the Lord of Judgment still reveals an inviolable majesty.

The power of the gods cannot be blasphemed. Even if the will is broken, it cannot be violated and resist to the end.

Unlike Xueyangzi, who died immediately and resisted for a long time.

In the end, everyone fought fiercely, and many strange phenomena began to appear in the judgment space. Black lightning surged, blood rain poured down, the earth collapsed, and magma surged into the sky...


The void returns to silence, all visions disappear, and it returns to the original state. The space is as clear as a blue sky and peaceful.

This also means that the Lord of Judgment is completely dead.

The so-called divine power of judgment is nothing but the ability of God. This God has the power to judge any living being, but it cannot judge us because we are undefined existences now. From beginning to end, this ability has not exerted any effect. It’s really sad that we are holding back so hard.”

Ye Jue flicked his fingers.

First he killed the Supreme Supreme Being, then he killed Taiji Taoist Lord, and then he killed Xueyangzi, and now he has even killed the Lord of Judgment.

I believe the news will spread throughout the paradise soon, causing an uproar!

Soon after, Emperor Xingkong, Ji Zizai and others will definitely know that he is coming.

Stronger than anyone else!

In the face of the power of absolute entropy, even if the talent is natural, as long as it does not grow, it will be directly obliterated.

Throw the Lord of Judgment into the Divine Feathering Cauldron for me, and prepare the Divine Feather Pill for each member in a time-shared manner. After this great sublimation, we will go directly to the time and space holy war. We took advantage of them to besiege the Qijue World and destroy their lair. , I wonder what their expressions will be like at this moment?

Ye Jue is full of confidence.

It is directly sublimated in the judgment space. This judgment space must also be integrated into the undefined space.

As for the God's judgment ability, he must have it.

Judgment, conviction, punishment.

These two abilities can judge any living being at will.

As long as he says he is guilty, the trial will begin, and then he will be convicted and punished.

This is a very interesting ability. It is similar to the effect of divine power. It can ignore realms and life levels.

No wonder it is said that it can deal with the leader of the Holy Sun Alliance, God Owl.

As soon as they meet, he will judge them on the spot, first weaken the opponent's strength, and then casually convict and punish them.

Unless the divine owl has a power similar to that of Undefined Space, he will be punished on the spot, let alone being hit first.

The God-Emperor's moves are deadly, and one step ahead can win the entire battle.


At this time, the Feathering Divine Pill has been refined and is pouring out. Countless divine pills are like the vast ocean sand and gravel, falling like the Milky Way.

This is the Lord of Judgment, and these Feathered Divine Pills are what he has become.

Eat, everyone must eat at least ten thousand tons!

Ye Jue moved his body and took the lead to fly away. A large number of Feathering Divine Pills were all absorbed by him.

Buzz buzz...

Within a moment, a faint divine light emerged from his body, shocking everyone.

Ye Jue's body suddenly penetrated the judgment space, covering the sky with a big hand, and seemed to be connected to the other side of the paradise.

But this is just an illusion. The Paradise is infinitely large, and the God-Emperor can only occupy one side.

However, this is still beyond everyone's understanding.

But soon, Ye Jue's body was like a deflated balloon. He held it in again and regained his composure.

You are going to become the God Emperor, but you still have one last step to go!

Su Baiyu screamed.

This is the first god-emperor of the new era born since ancient times!


Is our president going to become the God Emperor?

Why do I feel so dreamy?

All races were dumbfounded. They didn't know that Ye Jue was already close to the critical point. He was only one-third away from killing the Lord of Judgment. He was finally just a little bit away.

If we kill some people from the Holy Sun Alliance, we will really succeed.

Ye Jue landed slowly, and swallowing those Feathering Divine Pills no longer worked. His body already had the material energy resistance of the Lord of Judgment.

New dark matter and dark energy are needed to impact.

Originally, his goal was to kill the Holy Sun Alliance, God Owl's lackeys, Hua Wuxiu, Ji Zhongjun, Wei Mang, Wei Shifang, Wu Sunche, Jin Wujiu, Xi Rongchu, and Qiu Changtian.

Of these eight, six are infinitely close to the God Emperor, and two are at the God Emperor level.

Then what are you waiting for? Go, go, go.

The big wolf dog howled.

That's right, we are fighting for the holy war in time and space. They are fighting fiercely at the moment. We are coming like gods and killing everyone!

Come on!

Go, go, go!

All races were excited and roared loudly.

After enduring thousands of years of humiliation, we finally came to a big turning point, a big reversal.

All the big sects and big forces were trampled under their feet.

It couldn't be more satisfying to see these normally arrogant natives giving in and begging for mercy.


Feeling the passion of all races, Ye Jue waved his hand, and the entire trial space was swallowed up by the undefined space on the spot, turning into a blue singularity that kept spinning. In an instant, an aurora flashed and then disappeared without a trace.

The way to move in space without defining it is not shuttle, nor is it flying, nor is it teleportation.

It's about going wherever you want, being wherever you want, not being defined, it's an absolutely abnormal ability.

After all, the power of demigods is already invincible in Paradise. How can a power that cannot be controlled by heaven be bound by time, space, and rules.

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