This divine owl is in the form of a bird with a head. His divine power was not acquired through later development, but like the Sky-Splitting God Emperor, he was born with his own divine marks!

Now, he has been reincarnated ninety-nine times in total, carrying the complete essence of life, and is not limited by his longevity at all.

Although other god-emperors are powerful, they cannot consume the divine power of Evil Bird. The power accumulated in many lives has made Evil Bird the most powerful god-emperor in the origin of Paradise.

At this time, Chen Ya stood up, took a deep breath, her chest rose and fell, and with the supreme power, she patted it away with her jade palm.

This palm was a killing blow, and it could once kill even the God Emperor directly.

However, the power is greatly reduced now, but if it is blasted away with a palm, it seems that it has lost its voice for hundreds of millions of years, and it can only repel the people of the Holy Sun Alliance.

Hmph, Qi Jue Nu, now you are cornered, surrender quickly!

The god owl snorted coldly, and his eyes showed domineering and ferocious looks. The situation was truly accomplished!

Now he was invincible. As he spoke, his five fingers exploded, shooting out a bird-shaped hand that covered the sky, and grabbed Qi Jue Nu's clothes.

His goal was not to capture Qi JueNv immediately, but to humiliate her, tear her clothes off in public, and make Qi JueNv embarrassed.

If he really succeeds, he will be the first person in history who dares to humiliate the invincible Qi Jue Nu in this way, and the world will spread the word that he is invincible.


Chen Ya moved, obviously feeling that her clothes were threatened, and immediately a wave of angry thoughts spread to all directions!

The entire Qijue space was trembling, and the wind was surging. In an instant, everyone in the Holy Sun Alliance felt as if they were in the depths of a rough sea!

Wave after wave, it is possible to encounter catastrophe at any time.

How dare you make a mistake!?

At this time, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded, suppressing the shock immediately.

Moreover, everyone's ears were buzzing, as if swords were ringing, gongs and drums were beating in their ears.

Each of these waves of impact is made of pure divine power and can directly shock the quasi-emperor to death.

If the Holy Sun Alliance had not been affected, they would be bleeding and screaming like these women in Qijue World.

Unexpectedly, with one sound, everyone except Chen Ya and Jue Ji were seriously injured.

Zhila! !

At that time, a black hole moved quickly and cast a faint shadow, which became clearer and clearer, with sharp eyes.

This is Old Man Tianli, the master of the Blood Heavenly Palace, one of the remnants of ancient powerful men, who follows his words and shakes the Qijue world upside down with just one drink.

It was as if everything was going to be strangled and crushed.

The creatures in the Qijue world are as if they have offended an extremely angry sea god in the sea and are threatened by the sea god's anger!

Old man Tianli, you are an immortal. When Defeating Heaven God Emperor and Splitting Heaven God Emperor made a pact with you to capture the Mechanical God, you didn't show up until the end, and you have persisted until now. Now that those invincible God Emperors have disappeared, you will Jump out and show off your power here.

I have never seen such a shameless person!


Chen Ya also snorted coldly, and grabbed it with a big hand, and the sun and moon in the Qijue world were instantly overturned. During this grab, the wind and water turned, everything that had been destroyed just now was reversed, and it was restored to the original state in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the four super masters Shen Xiao, Tianli Old Man, Hua Wuxiu, and Qiu Changtian launched attacks on Qi Jue Nu at the same time.

Once again they clashed completely.

Chen Ya's clothes were fluttering and she was walking in the void, constantly changing the power of the seven powers. Various abilities were performed to the extreme, almost penetrating the deep truth of the paradise.

However, its power was reduced by more than seven points, and it was often at a disadvantage against the four god emperors.

During the confrontation, the god owl unleashed a set of claw attacks that could destroy everything in the world. The speed of each claw seemed to be as slow as a snail, as if it were flowing like Tai Chi, but in fact, it had already broken through. The limits of the laws of time and space, the mutual tolerance between eternity and the moment.

This is the Samsara Divine Fist!

In his endless reincarnations, he realized the most dangerous, fastest and most powerful imperial arts.


This blow hit not only Qi Jue Nu, but also Jue Ji!


Both sides saw that the divine owl blasted away Jue Ji's protection with one punch, killing her on the chest.

Jue Ji is not a gas-efficient lamp either. A piece of crystal divine kingdom on her chest was hit and flowed rapidly, revealing the imperial soldiers.

Immediately after the imperial weapon exploded, Jue Ji let out a burst of roars, her whole body cracked, and she lost her balance due to the Samsara Divine Fist. She spun wildly and flew backwards.

She was defeated in one blow.

This is because the origin of the divine owl is too pure, without any loss. It is completely 100% of the peak power. The female leader who rules the world of Qijue was defeated with one punch.

His divine power is powerful, his reincarnations are superimposed, and he has no special abilities.

But it allowed him to grow up and become the almost invincible existence he is today!

Okay, this is an opportunity. Jue Ji was blown away by me. Without her assistance, Qi Jue Nu is now very easy to catch. Come on!

The divine owl immediately let out a roar and grabbed Qi Jue Nu with his huge claws.

The Divine Right of Heaven!

At the same time, Old Man Tianli also used his divine power, and the light of Tianli shone directly down, forming a blazing light hole around Qi Jue Nu, which was indestructible and covered her tightly.

Tianli, every time the world is reopened after the destruction of heaven and earth, Tianli will be born. Tianli contains many materials, Taoism, magical powers, words, scriptures, etc.

Old man Tianli has lived to this day, and Tianli has grown to a terrifying level.

What are the three thousand great avenues, the six-character mantra, the nine-character mantra, the sand of time... these things are all governed by heavenly principles!

Alien Divine Power!

The God Emperor under the God Owl, Hua Wuxiu, now has a vast and boundless alternate time and space spread out behind him. It is a huge world. Running slowly.

This world is completely under his control. He is the true god in this world. With the power of Old Man Tianli, he covers the Qi Jue Nu.

The power of the ghost world!

Qiu Changtian knew that now was the best time to capture Qi Jue Nu, and he also used the most powerful force in the theocratic kingdom.

It was also a vast world, but there were gusts of sinister wind, fluttering will-o'-the-wisps, and the breath of death, decay, and mystery were floating around.

Countless ghosts are floating in it. At a glance, they are all piles of bones, mountains of bones, and rivers of blood!

Countless tyrannical ghost immortals and ghost kings have formed countless kingdoms, sects, and forces in the ghost world!

Compared with the hundreds of thousands of great states in the black realm, the billions of supreme sects are not inferior in the slightest, or even worse.

This is the divine power of the ghost world. He is the true god and the absolute ruler of the ghost world.

At this time, a one-armed ghost king was sitting on a high throne, looking at the heavens. Around it, the aurora belt was surrounding it and moving slowly.

After receiving the order from the true god, this one-armed ghost king actually kowtowed!

The one-armed ghost king kowtowed, which directly caused a huge earthquake, pressing down on Qi Jue Nu's head, and actually made her kneel down.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Chen Ya suffered the most violent attack.

Her body rattled, her clothes were torn, and her skin was engraved with the ancient and mysterious Seven Jue characters. This was French, extremely mysterious, and created the rules of the Seven Jue world civilization.

Originally, in the world of Qijue, there were countless sects, kingdoms, and supreme religions competing with each other. Countless lives each formed their own realm rules of cultivation, forming a complex network of relationships. It was more lively than the mythological system, and the relationships were also more complex. Much more complex.

But at this time, the Qijue world is facing catastrophe.

Their master, the True God, Qi Jue Nu, now has her legs broken and is being suppressed to her knees by the power of the four God Emperors.

There were rumbling sounds all over his body, and he was being torn apart all the time. If he kept going like this, he would be killed sooner or later!

Qi Jue Nu, you are finished!

The god owl was ecstatic at this moment, finally winning the Qijue World!

As long as he swallows the origin of Qi Jue Nu, he will be reincarnated again and have the power of Qi Jue!

Reincarnated hundreds of times, leading everyone through the catastrophe at the end of the seventh era, heading to a new world, and becoming invincible.


Jue Ji, who rushed over crazily, saw this scene, her eyes almost split open, and she screamed.

But it was too late, Qi Jue Nu had been compressed into a ball and was about to be suppressed.


However, at this moment, a giant soldier with traces of time, carrying an aurora, came from a distance.


Everyone in the Holy Sun Alliance saw a huge golden stick that covered the sky and the sun, with the power to create the world, and smashed it down on the head.

It can be seen that the years are ruthless and the long river of time is surging. This golden stick is full of pits and pits, but it also gives people a faint feeling of oppressing the heavens.

Is it finally here? I've been waiting for you for a long time.


Hit by this sudden attack, all the magic power that suppressed Chen Ya collapsed and turned into air currents and long rivers, flowing everywhere.

Who actually broke our divine authority with one blow?

Hua Wuxiu was immediately surprised.

The four of them joined forces to exert their divine power and were able to suppress the demigods.


He was actually beaten to pieces with a stick?

What the hell is this?

Could it be that a demigod has arrived?

No, no, no, how is this possible? How can there be demigods in the Paradise?

Destroy all laws with one force!

However, Old Man Tianli and Shen Xiao recognized it at a glance. What kind of power is this!

It is also a divine mark, using only one stick, and nothing else except the stick. The highly pure and condensed divine power, to put it simply, is the absolute ultimate explosive power.

There is only one being in Paradise who can defeat all laws with one force, the Monkey King!

This Monkey King is not the God Emperor. He is an old man with a ghostly soul. His longevity is almost exhausted and he can only hit one stick.

But it was this stick that successfully saved Qi Jue Nu.

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