What do you think the old man from Taiji Daojun will do when he sees us?

I think it will be very exciting, haha!

Shh, keep your voice down, what if he hears you?

We are in an undefined space. How can he hear us? It is even impossible for him to detect us.

That's right, hahaha!

All races are hidden in the undefined space, and the undefined space is hidden in the particles of Jian Xitian.

At this moment, he was rushing to the location of Taiji Dao Lord.

Ever since Tai Chi Dao Lord was seriously injured, he has been practicing.

In front of him was a huge furnace, in which the dark matter elixir was being practiced.

Every time you take one pill, your cracked body slowly recovers.

However, this battle consumes a lot of money. He has become very old and his longevity is almost exhausted.

I really didn't expect that that sacred place actually hid such terrifying power. If I had known about it earlier, I would have taken the lead. This may be something that others have never thought of.

Taoist Master Tai Chi was mumbling to himself.

In this battle, he suffered heavy losses.

Wuji Heavenly Palace was almost destroyed.

Even his close disciple, Mr. Feifan, died.

Although he was killed by him, he had no choice but to do so.

The situation was too critical at that time.

He couldn't sacrifice Shou Yuan, so he could only use his apprentice's life.

Don't worry, my master will definitely help you avenge this.

Taiji Taoist Master counted with his fingers.

It was probably time. Jian Xitian had already used the Sky-Escape Divine Shuttle to arrive, so he looked into the distance with his eyes.

As long as Jian Xitian can bring the origin of God Emperor Liu Nao.

His strength will be greatly increased.

When the time comes, if you meet that boy again, you won't be defeated miserably.

After all, his current strength is only about one-tenth of what he was at his peak back then.

Originally, the fall of every era would affect the Mythical Paradise. The Mythic Paradise was filled with divine blood and blood red everywhere.

Each time, some weak evolvers almost died.

The rest are all geniuses, monsters and the like.

Every time, they, the God Emperors, fought against the destruction of heaven and earth and kept the paradise alive, which was very hard.

But this is finally coming to an end.

Then the seventh era, the last era.

Since ancient times, their longevity has been unable to support them.


This number is so special.

It also means a lot to them.

It seems that they are all destined to come to an end in this era.

At this moment, Taiji Daojun felt something in his heart.


At that time, a sound of breaking through the sky came from a distance.

It is the breath of Jian Xitian!

At this moment, he was using the Sky-Escape Divine Shuttle to travel through countless layers of space, heading towards this location.

finally come.

Taiji Daojun's eyes lit up.

Revenge depends on the power brought by Jian Xitian.


From far away, Jian Xitian was shouting, with an excited expression on his face.


But at this moment, Taoist Tai Chi stretched out an arm to signal him to stop.

What's wrong, Lord Dao, why did you stop me?

Jian Xitian's face was filled with confusion.

You are hiding in the Kingdom of Liu Nao where the Taixu Yuhua Zhenjing is located. I need to verify whether you have been exposed.

Taoist Tai Chi seemed to be really scared and said this.

Verification? Lord Dao, I have been hiding in the invincible emperor technique of the Yuhua God Emperor to seize the origin of the Liu Nao God Emperor. After going through a lot of hardships and all kinds of torture, I finally got it, you see!

At this moment, a brilliant bead floated out of Jian Xitian's palm.

This is the origin of the God Emperor Liu Nao, which contains divine power.

Seeing this bead, Taoist Master Tai Chi was obviously happy, but he didn't show much.

It is indeed the aura of Emperor Liu Nao.

He nodded.

But in my heart, I felt that it was a little too smooth.

If he were allowed to obtain the origin of the God Emperor Liu Nao, he would be able to transcend the world and complement the Wuji Divine Power.

Originally, the power of Ryunao Divine Power was similar to that of Wuji Divine Power.

Maybe it can be merged into a new divine power.

Have special abilities.

How could this keep him from being moved?

Now this power is in front of him, at his fingertips.

That's why he felt it was going too smoothly.

Could it be that I just experienced a big defeat, so fate tilted towards me and brought me success?

He is the God Emperor.

It is possible to vaguely capture changes in fate.

It seems so.

After all, he is the God Emperor.

God will not let him be completely finished.

Very good, Jian Xitian, you did a very good job.

Finally, Tai Chi Dao Lord nodded fiercely and said: Now give me the origin of the God Emperor Liu Nao, and we will go to sneak attack on the owner of the Yuhua Tiangong, Xueyangzi. Xueyangzi's Yuhua Divine Power will be yours in the future. ”

Hearing the power of Yuhua Shenquan, Jian Xitian's eyes lit up and he was very excited.

This is the same as agreed upon.

He brought the origin of the God Emperor Ryunao.

Taiji Taoist Lord will help him seize the divine power of Xueyangzi, the master of Yuhuatian Palace.

Just perfect.

Okay, then Dao Lord, please come and get it. This divine power has been fixed on me and needs to be taken away.

Jian Xitian said quickly.

Stay there and don't move.

Taoist Taiji nodded, created a time clone, and flew towards Jian Xitian.

At this time, the clone, like his original self, reached out and stripped the Liu Nao beads from Jian Xitian's body.

After that, he captured it in his hand and sent it to the deity.

It's true, hahaha. It's really hard to find anything even if you try hard to find it. It takes no effort at all to get it.

After receiving the actual object, Taiji Taoist looked happy and laughed.

Master Dao, congratulations, look at what's next...

Jian Xitian in the distance was rubbing his hands together, with a flattering look on his face and an apologetic smile.

What a stupid pig!

Unexpectedly, Taoist Master Taiji actually shook his head and said something that made Jian Xitian's face stiffen.


Daojun is calling him a stupid pig?

What does it mean?

Master Dao...

Jian Xitian was dumbfounded.

Stupid pig, I'm scolding you. Didn't you hear clearly? How could you be taken advantage of by me so easily? If you're not a stupid pig, you're the emperor's third transformation, and you're still trying to be on par with me?

Tai Chi Daojun immediately sneered.

After getting the things, his attitude changed drastically.

Completely different from before.

What, Lord Dao, what's going on? Haven't we already talked about it?

Jian Xitian still looked like he couldn't believe it.

Who made the deal with you? It was just a verbal promise. Are you a stupid pig? You actually believed in the verbal promise.

Taoist Tai Chi said sarcastically.

This sentence completely threw Jian Xitian into the abyss.

It's too awful!

It’s so miserable!

Not only was he called a stupid pig, but he was also the scene of social death.

He kept calling his daughter a stupid pig.

Now I am being called a stupid pig by others.

I'm afraid there will be a hole in the ground right now, and Jian Xitian can't wait to get into it.

Okay, you can die. Of course, I will also sneak attack Xueyangzi and transform into a divine power. In the end, it is also mine. How can I give it to you, stupid pig.

Taoist Master Taiji shook his head, seeming to be impatient.

There is simply no need to be nagging this person.

He has achieved his goal.

This person has been used completely and has no value at all.

He usually gets rid of things that have no value.

Master Dao, do you still want to kill me?

Jian Xitian was even more surprised.

Unexpectedly, Taiji Taoist betrayed his promise and repented on the spot, and now he actually wanted to kill him to silence him.

This is really cruel!

Is this the God Emperor?

Is this the consequence of making a deal with a big shot?

Not only will I kill you, but I will also completely wipe out your soul and make you disappear forever.

Taoist Tai Chi said coldly.

It's like talking about a trivial matter.

This made Jian Xitian so angry that he vomited blood and his face turned green.

The world is turbulent, the strong are high above the world, they have lived for a long time and mastered the ultimate method, but it turns out that they can't keep their word.

Don't talk about him, at this moment, all the tribes are also shocked by Taiji Taoist's behavior.

This old man is so shameless.

A god emperor!

He actually regards commitment as a joke.

There is nothing left to talk about about majesty, dignity, and suppression of all things.

There is no force at all.

Or the God Emperor?

Okay, okay, Taoist Taiji, I can see clearly what you are like. At your core, you are a devil who eats people without spitting out their bones.

Jian Xitian pointed angrily at Taoist Tai Chi with his finger. He said with a trembling voice.

However, Taoist Master Taiji still looked disdainful, and immediately raised his arm to use the imperial technique to finish him off.

As a result, he heard a sound, which was getting louder and louder.

Well said, Jian Xitian, you have finally turned around. These God-Emperors who have lived for so long have long lost their feelings. They only have interests. They look like human beings, but their power can shake the paradise. In fact, they are full of emotions in their bones. Rubbish.

This voice made Taiji Daojun wake up suddenly, and his face changed drastically.

Because it’s so familiar!

Taiji Taoist Lord, you haven't thought about it, right? We will use the same trick. The last time we killed the Supreme Truth, you ran away. I'm afraid you won't have a chance this time.

This was Ye Jue's voice, and at the same time, there were many voices echoing it, as if hundreds of millions of people were speaking.


Before Ye Jue could finish his words, Taoist Master Taiji had already used mystical skills, shrunk his body infinitely, and fled away.

As long as he refines the origin of the Ryunao God Emperor and obtains Ryunao Divine Power, then he will kill him to regain his position and face.

The moment of humiliation now is nothing more than a minor problem.

What he didn't expect was that Jian Xitian would be discovered.

For countless years, he has been calculating and has not found this result.

However, a scene that I had never seen before was ushered in.

How is this going?

The only way to explain it...

It's that boy's divine power that's too weird.

When he heard that the Supreme Truth had been killed, even though he had already known it, he was still shocked in his heart.

God emperors can also fall.

Then, if he was besieged by this group of people, he probably wouldn't be able to escape.

Right now, all he could do was run away as quickly as possible.

However, a faint voice once again frightened the soul.

Master Dao, I have to admire you for your ability to escape, but you have been fooled.

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