what's the situation?

Jian Xitian was stunned instantly!

He originally relied on his own divine power of Lunau.

But what?

This divine power betrayed him in an instant and was out of control. This was due to instinctive awe, just like the natural fear of herbivores when they see the king of beasts.

Although he reacted quickly and wanted to escape immediately, he was still too late and was directly surrounded by the power that covered the sky and the sun.


Just for a moment, Yue Jian could see a majestic figure emerging, reaching out a big hand and patting him.


It seemed to be the carrier of the avenue, the embodiment of the rules, accompanied by the vigorous golden light, which could shatter the vacuum and obliterate all things.

Even though he is very strong now and has obtained the origin of God Emperor Ryunao, he can use it however he wants.

But when the divine power failed, he struggled to resist, but he could not withstand this power.

All the bones in his body were broken immediately, the particles shattered, and he flew upside down, coughing up blood.

This is the palm of a demigod transformed into an undefined space, and it is the embodiment of mysteries.

Jian Xitian is only in the realm of the Great Emperor, how can he withstand it?

Don't kill him!

Jianyao said quickly from the side.

Now her father seems to know the power. I will never resist again.

Don't worry, I didn't intend to kill him in the first place.

Ye Jue said.

This Jian Xitian has secret contact with the Blood Path Heavenly Palace and the old man Tianli.

It may be that Old Man Tianli planned all this for him, so that this person was deliberately sealed by Su Baiyu, entered this Liu Nao space, and seized the origin of the God Emperor.

And he succeeded, no matter what method he used.

So he wants to use it in reverse.

He subdued Jian Xitian directly, and then went to trick the old man Tianli.

Do you know how powerful it is?

At this moment, Jian Xitian's body was disintegrating, the particles were disintegrating, and his soul light was also cracking. The damage was too great, and Daoji was facing the threat of death.

A treasure ring emerged, shining brightly between heaven and earth. This was the imperial weapon he had sacrificed.

However, with a gentle tap from Ye Jue, it immediately fell apart and turned into dark matter and was swallowed up.

Jian Xitian was reluctant to use this imperial weapon. It was originally sacrificed to save his life, but he had to activate it in order to survive.

The results of it?

It disappeared in the blink of an eye!

This made him completely lose the idea of ​​resistance.

Father, you'd better surrender. You can't fight them.

Jianyao advised from the side.

Shut up, you traitor, you actually betrayed your father.

Jian Xitian gritted his teeth, his whole body was shining brighter and brighter, the golden light was surging, and he once again took out a secret treasure from the palm of his hand.

This secret treasure was given to him by the old man Tianli.

It is also the key to breaking through the invincible imperial technique.

It’s called the Sky-Escape Divine Shuttle!

The reason why he can be so arrogant and dare to shout in the face of this terrifying power is because of the existence of this thing.

As long as he uses this thing, he can go wherever he wants, and even the invincible imperial magic can penetrate it.

It seems like this is your trump card.

Ye Jue has been waiting for this moment.

While Jian Xitian was using it, the phantom of the incarnation suddenly appeared behind him.

Change the day!

Ye Jue's palm instantly turned purple, shining with dazzling light, turning into a sky-stealing hand that burned, and divine energy boiled.


In the blink of an eye, a mysterious light flashed in Jian Xitian's palm, and the Sky-Escape Divine Shuttle disappeared in an instant.

'boom! ’

Then, the Sky-Escape Divine Shuttle came into one of Ye Jue's particles, and was immediately teleported to an undefined space, where it was severely suppressed.

Only by not defining space can the power of this Sky-Escape Divine Shuttle be suppressed.

Otherwise, he will be escaped at any time.

Uh, what happened? Where is my Sky-Escape Divine Shuttle? How could it happen?

Jian Xitian was about to escape, but suddenly found that the Escape Divine Shuttle in his palm was missing, and his eyes almost fell out.

He didn't even realize it was stolen.

I thought it was not used.

I tried again, but nothing happened.

The Sky-Escape Divine Shuttle is really missing!

Jian Yao, your father is such an old fool. He doesn't even know that the baby has been stolen.

Mengdie laughed at the side.

Father, surrender quickly. As long as you tell the truth, for my sake, they won't kill you.

Jianyao ignored her and shouted instead.

You stupid pig that eats everything!

Jian Xitian roared suddenly.

Now that the Escape Divine Shuttle is gone, it is almost unrealistic for him to escape.

He had been planning for so long, and it was so miserable that he had fallen to this point.

What the hell are these people?

Why did he suddenly come out?

Especially this young man.

It's incredibly strong!

What kind of power did he use, and why had he never seen it before?

God Emperor, is he the God Emperor?

He didn't recognize the fluctuation, but he always felt that it was more powerful than the God Emperor, making him unable to resist.

Jian Xitian was extremely unwilling and dissatisfied.

In the end, the success fell short, and no one could accept it.

Because this group of people seemed to have jumped out of the stone to stop him and Old Man Tianli's plan.

It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson, you don't know how high the sky is.

Ye Jue made a knife from the undefined space.

This knife emits a wave of extremely powerful energy, carrying destructive power.


No matter how Jian Xitian ran away, he could not escape. Finally, he was hit and screamed. The blood mist spread all over his body, burning and evaporating. His soul light, screaming, was covered by a ball of fierce red flames. Burning like crazy.

Just one blow, suppression, obliteration, directly seriously injured him.

I was wrong, ah ah, spare me!

Jian Xitian immediately let out a series of screams.

Does your mouth still stink?

Ye Jue asked.

It doesn't stink anymore, it doesn't stink anymore, it definitely doesn't stink anymore, I swear, ahhhh!!

Jian Xitian screamed repeatedly.

Will you explain the matter between you and Old Man Tianli?

Ye Jue asked again.

I said, I said, I said everything!

Jian Xitian was shaken by the cold voice, and his soul was trembling.

Including the soul flame, the power is too powerful and may destroy him at any time.

If you don't surrender at this time, it will be the real death.

Under the threat of death, he had to relent.


Ye Jue waved his hand fiercely, and the flames on Jian Xitian's body disappeared instantly.

Now you can say it.

Old man Tianli actually has such an intention. He actually joins forces with Wuji Tiangong and Taiji Taoist Lord to sneak attack on the divine owl of the Holy Sun Alliance in order to obtain the power of judgment from the Lord of Judgement? He actually cooperates with Qijue Nu? This...

Su Baiyu frowned.

This is an opportunity. Now the entire Holy Sun Alliance is fighting against the Qijue World, and the reincarnation of Qijue Girl has also appeared. Old Man Tianli seems to be a member of Qijue Girl, and so is Taiji Dao Lord.

However, Taoist Taiji was seriously injured by us and he hid somewhere to recuperate. We also killed all the evil disciples in the Wuji Heavenly Palace, which can be considered as a serious loss of vitality.

So what should we do now? On one side is the Holy Sun Alliance, on the other side is the Qijue World.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you.

Their goal is to save Chen Ya.

But how to save still cannot be defined.

It is not easy to deprive Chen Ya of the power of Qi Jue Nu and repel the Holy Sun Alliance at the same time.

We've got it figured out.

Fentian said: We caught Jian Xitian, subdued him, and asked him to take us to find Taiji Dao Lord, and then together we went to sneak attack the owner of Yuhuatian Palace, Xueyangzi, and get the Lord of Judgment in the space behind him .”

Then, we pretended to help Qi Jue Nu sneak attack the leader of the Holy Sun Alliance to fish in troubled waters. It would be best to kill the god owl. When Qi Jue Nu was overjoyed, we suddenly turned against the enemy and captured her, that is, Chen Ya, killing two birds with one stone. , we are the ones who win in the end.”

Then, we will push across the Paradise, conquer all the big and small forces, defeat the deus ex machina, and then swallow the Paradise to create a true god.

At that time, when we go out, we will be truly invincible.


Everyone looked at Fen Tian in surprise when they heard what Fen Tian said.

Even Ye Jue was like this. He didn't expect that Fentian could figure things out so clearly.

As Fentian said, this is his plan.

But it sounds simple, but in fact it is very difficult to do.

Not to mention how many figures of the new era are hidden in this mythical paradise, such as Ji Zizai, the leader of Chaos Zuma, and the Emperor of the Starry Sky.

What's more, there is a super old and immortal existence like the Baitian God Emperor. Unifying the paradise is no easy task.

Moreover, he believed that there were not only the Defeating God Emperor, but also many such terrifying existences lurking.

They are all demigods, but half-dead, not really demigods.

But if they are given a chance, they will be able to regain their strength directly.

So not defining space is not invincible.

This is just a demigod power in the promised land.

If you really want to unify the Paradise, you need a true god.

That's right, that's right, I'm willing to help you, and I also know where Master Tai Chi will be waiting for me.

Jian Xitian said quickly.

He was already scared now, and even felt panicked.

The strength of this group of people is terrifying.

What kind of embrace did his daughter have?

He thought Su Baiyu was the real master.

I didn't expect that there was a real decision-maker behind it, this young man.

Where did this tribe come from?

He had to figure it out.

Otherwise, I will definitely not be willing to accept it.

Because even if he fails, he still needs to know in whose hands he lost.

If it's a big shot who can reach heaven and earth, forget it.

If it was just luck that caught him, then he really wanted to die.

He who knows the current affairs is a wise man. Now, let us meet our old friends for a while.

Ye Jue nodded.

Tai Chi Dao Lord, who has escaped, will meet again soon.

I just don’t know what his reaction would be when he saw the body of Supreme Truth, what would his expression be?



With a wave of his hand, the entire undefined space turned into a singularity, carrying everyone and flying out of the Kingdom of Ryunao.

Then, silently, silence fell into one of the particles in Jian Xitian's body.

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