Hearing this voice, Taiji Dao Lord's expression suddenly changed. Above his head, the kingdom of infinite divine power instantly appeared. The divine emperor path shattered the void and protected his body with the power of the earth that had sunk throughout the ages.

At this moment he couldn't tell where the sound came from.

So this is really too dangerous.

Once it takes action, it protects itself with the strongest defense.

Even if several beings of the same level come, the combined force cannot break through this invincible defense.

Even if you have an immortal body, you still have to be cautious.

You know, even the Supreme Truth was killed by this kid.

It is enough to show that this son has the power to kill the emperor.

This made him panic, and he unleashed the ultimate secret of the theocratic kingdom.

He seems to have become an origin, integrated with the universe here, eternal and indestructible.

The great universe is spinning around him.

A stream of invincible ancestral energy evolved in Tai Chi Dao Lord kept surging.

At the same time, his eyes began to search for movement around him.

At this moment.

Even Jian Xitian's figure disappeared without a trace.

There was silence all around.

This gave him a very bad feeling.

Master Tai Chi, haven't you noticed yet? You are such a stupid pig.

As soon as he finished speaking, Taoist Tai Chi felt that his body was getting hot, and a power that made his heart tremble and his soul tremble actually appeared inside his body.

not good!

Master Tai Chi, who reacted instantly, knew what I had been deceived into.

There was actually a mysterious little black spot in the Origin Pearl of the God Emperor Liu Nao, which was gradually enlarging.

The light of blood and soul is beating, reshaping the figures one after another, aren't they those mysterious ethnic groups?

Over the endless years, he has seen so many ethnic groups.

But I have never seen anything so weird.

Tai Chi Dao Lord, go to hell!

The divine light in Ye Jue's eyes burst out. At this time, he led the entire group to use the power of demigods with undefinable space.


From the undefined space, that is, from the Pearl of Origin, tens of millions of mosaic people rushed out in an instant.

There are also countless strategic-level arks, which are enlarged and enlarged in an infinitely condensed and reduced state.

In an instant, great destruction began in Taiji Daojun's body.

For his particles, Dzi beads were implemented.

A look of horror appeared on Taoist Master Tai Chi's face, and his whole body was exploding continuously.

This was destruction from within, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.


The look of terror on Taiji Daojun's face is getting bigger and bigger. Now he has tried all his strength, but he can't resist the destruction of all races in his body.

His body was gradually riddled with holes, like a hornet's nest that was expanding infinitely. His whole body was trembling in the air, screaming like crazy, and it was extremely miserable.

If other prefecture-level people saw this situation, they would definitely have a numb scalp and a chill in their spine.

This way of death is undoubtedly the most horrific and worst.

How about it, Lord Taiji, now I give you a chance, that is to surrender, completely open your heart, and let us enslave you.

However, in this situation, Ye Jue stopped all attacks.

He gave Taiji Daojun a chance to live.

What, you actually let me open my heart, want to enslave me, turn me into a slave? I am the God Emperor, I am the Tai Chi Taoist Lord, how is this possible, delusion!

Taiji Taoist roared repeatedly, and dense light of destiny continued to penetrate from his body.

He was looking for a way to survive.

But this giant web of fate was torn apart in an instant by a giant hand.

Ye Jue's face was revealed behind the giant hand. At this moment, it was so terrifying that it shocked Tai Chi Dao Lord.

Oh, then go to hell!

Demigod's light shot out from Ye Jue's eyes, and he opened his eyes at once, becoming immortal for all eternity.

Now the entire race has turned into the Emperor-Slaying Divine Sword and exerted its miraculous power.

This divine sword is getting clearer and clearer, and its aura is like a volcano erupting in waves.

What, you actually want to kill me? You actually want to kill the God Emperor, kill the Supreme Truth, and then you want to kill me. No, I will never let you succeed. Wuji Divine Power, break the common sense, break it for me!

Taoist Taiji twisted crazily, and the entire void vibrated, constantly changing into various scenes.


However, Ye didn't say anything, with an expressionless face, and he took action boldly. The Emperor-Slaying Divine Sword turned into a devouring door in one shock.

I am the God Emperor, I have infinite power, I am the true God Emperor!

The smoke is filled, the troops are fierce, and the mountains and rivers are swallowed up...

Mushroom clouds like ancient sacred mountains appeared.

The invincible power finally swallowed him from the inside of Tai Chi Dao Lord's body.


Taiji Daojun's body suddenly shrank into a singular point.


In a bright light, in the singularity, Ye Jue's figure appeared.

Kill the emperor successfully!

A god-emperor with extremely terrifying strength was beheaded like this.

Dying is such a child's play.

In just one moment, the outcome is decided.

The God Emperor is dead?

At this time, Jian Xitian's chin had dropped to the ground and did not close it for a long time.

The soul is trembling!

The brain is spinning crazily!

Indeed, it is a good idea to attack the God Emperor from within.

He cooperated obediently and handed over the Origin Bead.

However, there is an undefined space hidden in this original bead.

Because it is undefined, it cannot be defined.

It will not be noticed by Taiji Daojun at all.

Therefore, Lord Dao was fooled.

But you must know that the structure inside the God Emperor is harder and indestructible than outside the body.

Because every particle is a god-emperor particle.

Especially Taoist Taiji, almost every particle of the God Emperor has cultivated a great secret technique, which is so powerful that it defies the heavens.

The results of it?

Still got beheaded!


If you see this group, you can really kill the God Emperor.

Jian Xitian was completely convinced.

I have completely come back to the right place and put down my butcher knife.

Feeling her father's aura and the changes in the magnetic field, Jianyao knew everything about it, and she was very pleased.

It seems that my father finally knows what his position is and what his situation is.

There will be no more crooked ideas.

Those who come to fight with soldiers are all in formation in front...

After the death of Taiji Daojun, the ancient characters flowed out from the origin of the God Emperor. This is the essence of his life, transformed by Wuji Divine Power.

Now he was caught by Ye Jue and fell into his palm.

However, a god emperor can only have one kind of divine power. If they are merged again, changes will occur.

Ye Jue's divine power of freedom excludes Wuji and cannot be integrated at all.

This infinite divine power should be handed over to someone who is infinitely close to the divine emperor in the future.

He nodded and arranged the whereabouts of Divine Power.

In this way, a god-emperor can be achieved in the future.

As for the power of Taiji Dao Lord, it is divided into countless members, and members of all races are affected by the rain and dew.

Everyone was greatly improved again.

The last time he killed the Supreme Truth, countless evil geniuses were born.

Now, old things from the earth and people from the new era are all beginning to attack the emperor.

Countless emperors who transformed once and twice were born.

They are all among the best in cultivation, such as the Great Wolf Dog, which has directly impacted the third transformation.

Su Baiyu himself is very powerful, and he is still just a little bit closer to being infinitely close to the God Emperor.

In the future, this infinite divine power will most likely belong to him.

But he himself seems not to be interested in this divine right.

What he wants is to become the divine power.

But the big wolfdog wants it too.

It told everyone that it wanted to 'ascend to become a dog', which made everyone laugh.

The World Tree, the Revelation Tree, and the Miracle Tree, when converted into each other, make up for everyone's losses.

Now, all races have suddenly jumped into a super power that surpasses the Dynasty of Truth and the Wuji Heavenly Palace.

Before the Death God's Burial was captured, all races were still small ethnic groups in the Paradise.

There are even ancestor-level figures in the tribe.

If the ancestor is in the paradise, he will be a slave.

But now it's better, everyone has been promoted.

Finally have the strength to participate in the time and space holy war.

But before that, there is one more thing to do.

That is Xueyangzi who sneaked into the Yuhua Tiangong, entered the judgment space, and seized the power of judgment.

What Jian Xitian means is that only the power of Judgment Divine Power can restrain the leader of the Holy Sun Alliance, God Owl, the most powerful God Emperor in Paradise.

But this number one power is just a literal meaning. Under the surging undercurrent, there are also figures of the super older generation such as the Defeating Heaven God Emperor and the Splitting Heaven God Emperor.


Ye Jue killed the seriously injured Tai Chi Taoist with the power of thunder and went straight to the Yuhua Heavenly Palace.

Now, he has obtained the origin of the God Emperor Liu Nao.

His own cultivation level is already infinitely close to that of the God Emperor.

If we get Xueyangzi and the Lord of Judgment's God-Emperor origin, we will still be six steps away from becoming a God-Emperor!

Killing six more god-emperors, one calculated at 10%, would be enough to push him to the realm of god-emperor.

After all, the God-killing Emperor defies common sense.

The resources of Paradise can only give birth to one god-emperor, and that is also based on the condition that the god-emperor is not killed.


The undefined space turned into a singularity again, circled strangely, and disappeared.

In a secret realm, the Ten Saints of Yuhua were kneeling on the ground, looking at their master in the sky, the God Emperor of Yuhua Tiangong, Xueyangzi.

This is one of the disciples who once became the God Emperor.

Later, he became the God Emperor, took over the throne of Yuhua Tiangong, and became the master of Tiangong. It has been three epochs.

Xueyangzi's face was expressionless, and a ball of soul light appeared in the palm of his right hand.

Then he gave a light scolding and reshaped a figure, which was the dead saints.

The person who was killed by Ye Jue.

Unexpectedly, he cannot be resurrected. He is completely dead, even his soul is destroyed.

Xueyangzi murmured to himself.

The Feathered God Emperor, that boy's divine power is too weird, but he is no match for us, and we defeated him in the end.

One of the feathered saints said quickly.

Huh? The ten formations were broken and the saint was killed. Isn't this called an opponent?

Xueyangzi asked calmly.

I...we must catch him and dedicate him to the God Emperor.

The Ascension Great Sage immediately fell to the ground and kowtowed, feeling both ashamed and angry.

The next time I see that kid, I must peel off my skin and cramps to relieve my hatred.

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