There are billions of rays of golden light, and the fragments of the avenue are surging, like mountains and seas breaking through their embankments, roaring away.

This power is so powerful, who can resist it?

Those soldiers melted and evaporated in an instant.

The entire space of the Ryunao Kingdom began to mourn.


Those undead soldiers with invincible imperial skills let out a shrill roar. They wanted to avoid it, but they couldn't avoid it at all.

The power of demigods breaks through the limitations of time and some of the shackles of the invincible emperor's magic, breaking through seven or eight in an instant.

The invincible imperial technique left behind by the once-incarnated God Emperor and Lord of Judgment was forcibly broken.

Su Baiyu stared closely at the seal.

Is it the God Emperor Liu Nao or Jian Xitian.


At this moment, Jianyao shouted excitedly.

After the invincible imperial art was wiped out, a ball of energy material boiled there, and the soul light roared, but it was hard to tell what it was.

However, the aura made Jianyao feel that it was the strength of her father Jian Xitian, the Great Emperor's third transformation.

Old Man Tianli, are you finally here? According to the plan, I have obtained the power of God Emperor Liu Nao. Now we will immediately go to the judgment space and capture the Lord of Judgment.

However, that mass of matter suddenly shook out his will.

Father, what are you talking about?

Jianyao was stunned for a moment.

We are using undefined space power. He hasn't found out it's us yet. Maybe we are the ones who were misunderstood as the Blood Heavenly Palace.

Ye Jue understood immediately.

Jian Xitian has been waiting for this moment.

I thought it was old man Tianli who came.

But he would never have imagined that it was his daughter who came to see him.

However, there is something in these words.

Jian Xitian, indeed, had some conspiracy plan, and he was planning it together with Old Man Tianli.

Jian Xitian, were you sealed by me on purpose?

Su Baiyu rushed out of the undefined space in an instant and questioned with his body.

What, is it you, Su Baiyu? How is it possible? Why are you here?

When Jian Xitian heard Su Baiyu speak, his voice immediately changed.

It seems that this scene has not been deduced at all.

I have cultivated to the twelfth level of the Taixu Feathering Sutra. Is it strange to be able to enter here? It is you who were deliberately exiled by me in order to obtain the original power of Emperor Liu Nao. When will you and Old Man Tianli... Have you started cooperating?

Su Baiyu scolded in a low voice.

Is there any misunderstanding here? Father, tell me quickly!

Jianyao also rushed out, because at this moment the crossbow was drawn and the sword was drawn, the atmosphere was very tense, so he said quickly.

She didn't want her father to go against Ye Jue.

That is undoubtedly an act of seeking death.

I can only ask quickly to resolve the misunderstanding.

Huh? Jianyao, are you? Are you here too?

Jian Xitian was even more shocked now. He didn't expect that his daughter would also appear here, and she would be with Su Baiyu.

It's me. I'm here to save you.

Jianyao nodded quickly.

How come you are with Su Baiyu? Have you forgotten? I am his enemy and he exiled me! I understand, he is using you, using sweet words. Don't you still give up on this man? Haven't seen through him yet? You stupid pig!

Jian Xitian suddenly shouted coldly.


Hearing these two words, Ye Jue's brows raised.

Not just him, members of the Wan clan and others also looked at each other.

No one expected that Jian Xitian would call his daughter a stupid pig.

This is a really good father.

Father...why do you scold me like this?

Jianyao seemed to be shocked by these words.

Was she scolded?

I don’t know how long it took and how much effort it took to come here to find my relatives.

The results of it?


Is she a stupid pig?

Hmph, Jian Xitian, you are actually connected with the Blood Heavenly Palace. Sure enough, you, the previous Yuhua Headmaster, have selfish motives and cooperate with the enemy inside and outside!

At this moment, Mengdie also came out and even snorted coldly.

Is it you, the woman?

Jian Xitian saw Mengdie standing on the left side of Su Baiyu and his daughter on the right. His face became even more ugly and he said: You stupid pig daughter, you were really deceived by this man's sweet words. Sharing a husband with someone else?

Now I give you a choice. Kill them immediately for your father. Otherwise, our relationship will be severed.

This sentence is really cruel!

It made Jianyao stand there dumbly as if he had been struck by a bolt from the blue.

She was completely stunned.

Don't be so anxious, old man.

At this moment, Ye Jue also walked out of the undefined space, with ripples under his feet, and came to Jianyao's side in an instant.

Who are you? Get out of here, this is not the place for you to talk.

At this moment, Jian Xitian had transformed from a ball of matter into a middle-aged man with regular features and a very majestic look. He continued to say to Jianyao: Hurry up and do it, you stupid pig!

He was so stupid that he almost made Jianyao want to die.

She worked hard to find her father.

What he got in exchange was a stupid sentence.

This is so heartbreaking.

It can literally kill the Taoist mind.

Jian Yao, your father looks like a scumbag.

Ye Jue shook his head at this moment and said to Jian Xitian: You are a stupid pig, but you don't know that you are the stupid pig. No matter what plan you have, I will accept all the origins of God Emperor Liu Nao.


Ye Jue didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and a demigod arm condensed between the lightning and flint.

Then, he grabbed Jian Xitian hard.


Jian Xitian was like a lion with explosive hair in an instant. The blood and bones were burned immediately, and the imperial soldiers were sacrificed.

His imperial weapon was a huge long flag. When he waved it fiercely, violent vibrations emanated from it.

As expected, you hid your power when you fought against me. Was it because you were exiled by me on purpose?

Su Baiyu said suddenly.

Back then, he and Jian Xitian easily defeated this person within a few hundred rounds.

Now as soon as this huge long chess piece appeared, everything was instantly understood.

That's all pretense!

This is an old slippery man!

He usually keeps a low profile in the Yuhua Sect, and even when he takes the position of headmaster, he still hides it very deeply.

He molded himself into a useless leader.

Who knows that his real target is the origin of the God Emperor Liu Nao.

Hahaha, Su Baiyu, do you really think you can beat me? I just can't cultivate to the twelfth level of the Taixu Feathering Sutra. Otherwise, I would have come in by myself, so why should I use you?

Jian Xitian sneered and told the truth.

In his opinion, Su Baiyu is a pure fool.

Unknown to him.

Just at the end, there was a little surprise.

Unexpectedly, the person who came was not old man Tianli, but a figure he had never met before.

Therefore, while speaking, his eyes fell on Ye Jue.

He could feel it, everyone looked to this person.

Including plain white feathers.

And his own daughter.

Okay, okay, you are worthy of being the former head coach. He is indeed very cunning and deceived me into being stunned.

Su Baiyu shook her fan and shook her head.

Sure enough, he was still too young.

Older gingers are more spicy.

This chess piece of yours must be made from the origin of the God Emperor Liu Nao. It was able to withstand one of my blows, but you won't be so lucky next time.

Ye Jue's attack just now was just a test.

Unexpectedly, in just a trial class, Jian Xitian was forced to use the exclusive imperial weapon.

Now it's time for him to see what the real fear is in this paradise.


Suddenly, the black hole behind him spun, and countless mosaic soldiers rushed out of the undefined space.

The strength of these mosaic soldiers is extremely terrifying, no less than him.


Jian Xitian instantly felt chills running down his spine and numbness on his scalp.

Who is this person?

Why did he attract so many incredible material individuals as soon as he took action?

Moreover, it is so densely packed that no end can be seen at a glance.

If he fights these mosaic soldiers, the winning rate will be high. Less than 0.01 percent.

Su Baiyu, it seems that you have a big thick leg!

Jian Xitian understood instantly that all these powers and changes were brought about by this son.

The power of that hand just now was beyond imagination. If it hadn't been for activating the origin of Lu Nao, he would never be able to speak safely.

Whether your legs are thick or not has nothing to do with you.

Su Baiyu watched with cold eyes.

No matter what grand plans Jian Xitian and Old Man Tianli had, they all fell short now.

There was no way he could escape from the Ryunao Kingdom, and he had completely sealed the exit.

Only if he opens it with his own hands can he take others away.

Otherwise, it will be sealed in this space forever.

Lunao Divine Power!

At this moment, Jian Xitian's whole body suddenly changed. The colorful colored glaze seemed to have changed his blood and body, becoming a glazed body.

However, this is the divine power of Emperor Liu Nao.

He actually stole it.

This surprised Ye Jue.

You must know that whether it is the Extraordinary Young Master or the Supreme Truth, they do not lose their divine power when they die.

The divine power disappeared with their death.

Just like the Great Way, without enlightenment it will completely disappear.

Lunao Divine Power?

When Su Baiyu saw it, he became even more sure that Jian Xitian had already planned it.

But Jianyao still looked unbelievable.

I didn't know what to do for a while.

Jian Yao, it's still too late to turn back now. Your mother entrusted you to me before she died. I don't want you to go astray and hang out with these people. Sooner or later something will happen.

As soon as Jian Xitian sacrificed the power of Liu Nao, he immediately felt that he was invincible. He actually flew up and grabbed the confused Jianyao with his big hands, ignoring Mosaic Man, Ye Jue, Su Baiyu, etc.

It seemed that he didn't know or understand how terrifying the power of a demigod was.

Just now, it was just a small fight.


A black knife suddenly appeared in Ye Jue's hand. This black knife was more special than before. It was transformed by an African youth.

It is entwined with seven styles of power and undefined space.

In an instant, the demigod attack was formed.


With a flash of black light, the imperial weapon of the flying Jian Xitian was broken inch by inch, and quickly turned into powder as if being driven by a chariot.

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