Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 1251 Breaking the Invincible Imperial Technique

A mythical paradise for generations to come.

Some people may have unparalleled luck, and some people may have realms, status, and rights that others only dream of.

But now, there is a pair of eyes that pierce the sky, a pair of hands that tear apart the heavens, and their breath makes all things surrender.

Anyone who disobeys will die, and none of us will be let go.

Ye Jue grabbed it with his big hand, and with the power of the fifth level of Emperor Transformation, he crushed more than a dozen unparalleled evil geniuses on the spot.


Their billowing vitality, particles, bodies, souls... instantly turned into dark matter elixirs, and entered the planet of all races like a sea of ​​rivers.

The 'Death' key in his hand kept turning, and the entire undefined space, driven by him, kept gushing out, creating a mosaic of warriors.

These mosaic soldiers obeyed his command completely and swept away all forces with the power of thunder.

Now they are about to attack the chrysalis gate.

The Earth Pupa Sect is the Yuhua Sect, the powerful enemy of the Yuhua Tiangong.

Mrs. Chrysalis is still Su Baiyu’s opponent.

Su Baiyu and Mengdie have been peeping at the Human Emperor's Pen for a long time. However, this pen was taken away by Mrs. Earth Chrysalis into the Divine Silkworm, and outsiders did not steal it at all.

Now to attack the Pupa Gate, the natural element Bai Yu will come forward.

In the vast space of the Paradise, buildings of all sizes are splendid.

The God Owl actually asked me to participate in the Time and Space Holy War. Am I stupid to be his tool?

In the largest building, a woman with a human-shaped upper body and a giant insect-like lower body thrust her hands upwards.

Infinitely close to the power of the God Emperor, it finally reached perfection, and all the Emperor's soldiers revolved around her.

In the end, all this power poured into the theocratic kingdom and the earth-swelling kingdom.

But right now.


In front of her appeared an eternal passage that could span the long river of time and completely non-existence in space.

It formed almost at a speed visible to the naked eye. When the clouds and mist dispersed, you could vaguely see several figures standing there at the end.

The power was derived in waves, penetrating into the space reaching the chrysalis door.

All the spatial levels collapsed.

Affected by this power, the entire chrysalis gate and multiple layers of space actually began to collapse and collapsed into one level.

Who dares to attack me?


All of a sudden, Mrs. Chrysalis soared into the sky, but she was suddenly startled. Not only did all the pores in her body tightly close, she almost felt that she was being targeted by the most ferocious beast in ancient times.

It was difficult for her to breathe, and her heart almost stopped beating due to suffocation.

There were several figures standing at the end, and the vibrating power from them kept stabbing at the surface of her skin.

Severe stinging pain spread from Mrs. Chrysalis' mind to her limbs and bones.

Who are you?

Mrs. Chrysalis suppressed her fear and asked.

What could make her feel so frightened, except the God Emperor...

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

She didn't want to believe that there were demigods in this paradise.

And once they appear, there are several of them? !

Mrs. Chrysalis, it's me.

At this time, Su Baiyu's body gradually appeared.

What, it's you, Su Baiyu, how is this possible? You are just the emperor, how can you have such huge power?

Mrs. Chrysalis was startled by the sound and became even more frightened.

Su Baiyu is her archenemy.

Their sects have been fighting each other for hundreds of thousands of years.

Now seeing Su Baiyu's strength surge, his expression was extremely ugly.

It's a long story, Mrs. Chrysalis. I won't say any more nonsense. Surrender and hand over the Human Emperor's Pen.

Su Baiyu shook his head and went straight to the topic.

Your goal is indeed the Human Emperor's Brush. It's impossible. I want to use the power of the Human Emperor's Brush to become the God Emperor. How can I hand it over to you so easily?

Mrs. Chrysalis refused outright.

No matter what, it is impossible to hand over the Human Emperor's Brush.


At this moment, another voice emerged from the end of the eternal passage.

This voice was very deep, carrying an inviolable pressure, and it spread out and swept through the entire Chrysalis Gate space.

The disciples of Diyoumen immediately knelt down as soon as they were affected by this power, with expressions of horror on their faces that could not be concealed.

Strong, too strong!

Demi god!

Moreover, he is vaguely stronger than a demigod.

What, Su Baiyu, there is someone behind you. Who is it? It must be the power he gave you. Damn it, what did you attract?

Mrs. Chrysalis suddenly shouted, the number of particles in her body, the sand of the Ganges River, and the changes in birth and death, she actually used an imperial technique to escape the sky on the spot.

She actually gave up the entire chrysalis gate in an attempt to escape.

However, Ye Jue's goal for this trip was the Human Emperor's Brush, not the Earthly Chrysalis Sect.

Immediately, a Kangjin Qilin flew out of the undefined space!

As soon as this unicorn appeared, Mrs. Chrysalis was immediately frightened out of her wits.

God Emperor of Truth!?

She recognized it almost immediately, her body retreated continuously, and blood spurted out in large mouthfuls.

How come the God Emperor of Truth also has the power of a demigod?

What's going on here?

Has the paradise changed?

Before she knew it, she just closed her door once, and the outside world changed drastically?

Mrs. Chrysalis, the Supreme Truth has become our clan's toy. Can you resist us just by yourself?


The body of the God Emperor of Truth has been extensively modified, and it is no longer the pure Kangjin Qilin.

It integrates many technologies of Wanzu, and all the research theories left behind by Mr. Wu are used in it.

Now, the blessing of power that does not define space has reached the level of demigods.

In an instant, the changes were like an eagle flying and a rabbit flying away, a white horse passing through the gap, suppressing Mrs. Chrysalis and leaving.


Mrs. Chrysalis finally understood what real fear was. She screamed and knelt down without even daring to run away.

Spare your life, spare your life, I surrender, I hand over the Human Emperor's Pen!

she yelled.


Ye Jue doesn't need her surrender now, he just needs her to turn into a dark matter elixir.

The East China Sea Divine Furnace obtained in Shuiliandong has been hidden among all races.

Now in the promised land, it has been transformed into a super dark matter furnace.

As soon as this furnace appeared, Mrs. Diyong couldn't stop running away.

But it was of no use at all. The remaining power of the Emperor-Slaying Divine Sword was still in the undefined space.

Even though her body shrunk infinitely and escaped, the result was the same as the Supreme Truth, being severely enveloped and directly refined.


While refining, a large crystal pen suddenly rushed out.

This thing actually cannot be refined.

Human Emperor's Brush!

Su Baiyu's eyes flashed, and he grabbed the crystal pen with his big hand.

Immediately, she handed it over to Mengdie.

Great, now that I have obtained the Human Emperor's pen, I will send you the Human Emperor's book. When the time comes, I will be able to shock the heavens with one word. No one in the world can compete with the power of words.

Cangjie Mengdie looked overjoyed, she finally got what she had dreamed of.

very good.

Ye Jue also nodded slightly.

The power that shakes the heavens with one word has another purpose.

When a new era comes, new words must replace the old era.

Cangjie Mengdie is now a member of his camp. In the future, his writing will be of great benefit to the new era.

As for the Human Emperor's Book, it's even simpler.

In fact, it is the jade butterfly that was created by Zhao Yicheng in the outside era.

But Zhao Yicheng's body was transformed by the created jade butterfly. However, with the power of undefined space, it was enough to recreate it and free the created jade butterfly.

All plans are in place.


It's time to fight for the holy war in space and time.

The Holy War of Space and Time represents the collection of the most powerful forces in Paradise. This saves us a lot of time.

Ye Jue narrowed his eyes.

That's right, many big families, big forces, big sects... formed the Holy Sun Alliance. Among all the god emperors, the god owl is the strongest person. Even the old man Tianli and Xueyangzi are not as good as him. As long as he can kill This person, everything in the Paradise will only follow our lead.

Jianyao preached.

I know that Yuhua Tiangong, Xueyangzi, Blood Dao Tiangong, and Old Man Tianli are definitely no less powerful than the Supreme Truth. Taiji Dao Lord was beaten away by us and is missing. There is no need to worry for the time being.

Ye Jue nodded slightly, suddenly looked at Su Baiyu, and said: Now you open the Liu Nao Divine Kingdom, let's go and unblock the Yu Hua God Emperor, the invincible emperor technique that he and the Lord of Judgment jointly used back then, and see where Jian Xitian is. Not in it.”

Jianyao was very excited when she heard this. She didn't expect that even now, Ye Jue has not forgotten this matter.

Unlocking the Invincible Emperor's Technique? With the power of undefinable space, it can indeed be done, but when the time comes, it will not be Jian Xitian but the Liu Nao God Emperor. How should we deal with it?

While Su Baiyu asked, he had already opened the entrance with the power of Taixu Feather Sutra.

Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish.

Ye Jue brought the entire tribe into a singularity and re-entered the Kingdom of Liu Nao.

Once inside, he found a familiar scene.

All the earthen jars were broken.

All the substances inside were obtained by him.

According to his memory, he quickly found the central area, the place where the invincible imperial magic was sealed.

The real name of this Imperial Technique is the Nine-Sealed and Ten-Heaven Soldiers. The immortals transformed by these Imperial Techniques are Imperial Techniques. If you kill them, the invincible Imperial Technique will naturally be broken.

Su Baiyu said this.

Well, let the Supreme Truth take the lead first.

With a flick of Ye Jue's finger, Kang Jin Qilin rushed out of the undefined space and moved towards the invincible Emperor Technique to suppress it.


Immediately, the invincible emperor's magic immortal roared, and used weapons visible to the naked eye to land on Kang Jin Qilin's body, instantly wrapping him up and turning him into a ball of brilliance.

It must be that Kang Jin Qilin was too resistant to being beaten. Even so, there were not many scars on his body.

Kill them all!

At that time, countless strange weapons flew out from the undefined space, and the demigod power transformed into them began to destroy these undead soldiers.

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