The mythical paradise has accumulated the mottled marks of time, has lost its voice for hundreds of millions of years, and is completely silent.

The endless road to heaven can be seen at a glance, and there are traces of obliteration everywhere.

The years are ruthless, and the long river of time is rolling.

In the last piece of the mythical universe, the past remains.

It has been too long, and many people have become confused, their spiritual aura is dim, and they are not sober enough.

There are also many people with blazing souls, such as the goddess of heaven and earth, who is like an emperor, with flying silver hair and eyes that look down upon everything in the paradise.

The power to penetrate the mysteries of heaven and earth lingers around these heroic figures.

At this moment, a majestic coercion seemed to pour down from the sky from ancient times, shocking the heavens and the earth, ancient, present and future.

what happened?

Many goddesses, great leaders, and domineering people were frowning and looking at the sky of Paradise.

Many goddesses with cold eyes and brows had shocked expressions on their faces.

What's going on? Something seems to be missing between heaven and earth?

someone exclaimed.

Because there seems to be a missing sense of intimidation in this world.

There are too many people who are stronger than them. Those people are so superior. Has an unparalleled strong person fallen?


At this moment, three figures penetrated a sea of ​​chaos and came to the other side. The three of them took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

Looking around, the floating islands are colliding with each other, making fierce collision sounds.

It seems to be caused by some kind of gravity.

what happened?

The Ancient Qi Master, the Chaos Zuma leader, looked shocked.

Impossible, how is it possible?

At this moment, the powerful man among them, the Monkey King, had a look of astonishment on his face.

The fall of the God Emperor...

After a while, he slowly uttered four words.

The stars are densely covered, and there are ruins floating in the sky of the Paradise Continent.

A person who looked like a scholar was in contact with the Ancient Heritage Clan. Suddenly, he was also attracted by the strange noise in the sky.

Will even the God Emperor die?

The man glanced around and revealed a familiar face.

Everything is impermanent!

His eyes are bright and extremely determined!

His current target is a demigod!

We must start hunting for the ancient power awakened by the ancient inheritance family.

“It’s no joke that old times will be replaced by new ones.”

Many figures of time appeared in front of his eyes, lurking in every ancient clan, making sneers.


At this moment, the red glow shines like the sunset dyeing the world red.

The Emperor of the Starry Sky stood with his head held high, looking at the end of the sky.

In front of him, a disheveled emperor was suppressed and knelt down, bowing his head.

This was a great emperor from an ancient clan, who was infinitely close to the God Emperor, but was defeated here, causing a huge shock.

After all, this is the number one god on the list, and his name spreads over hundreds of millions of miles, and is known all over the world.

Has a god emperor fallen?

Next to the Starry Sky Emperor, stood Ji Zizai and the other three pillars.

They all looked at the sky and the universe at the same time, and they all felt that the order of heaven and earth had been lost, and the God Emperor had fallen.

Who did it? It was actually able to kill the God Emperor.

San Tai Zhu frowned.

He is now a strong man who has transformed into the first emperor. Ji Zizai, the emperor, has surpassed them and has just achieved the second transformation.

The Starry Sky Emperor's strength is infinitely close to that of the God Emperor.

To be precise, he has reached the realm of the God-Emperor, but is not recognized by the mythical paradise of heaven.

Because there are entropy runes in the body, it is not pure.

Ye Jue.

At this moment, the Starry Sky Emperor figured it out.

What, is it him?

San Tai Zhu's expression became even more shocked and he said: If he didn't stay in the Sixth Era, how could he appear in the Mythical Paradise?

He accomplished a feat and achieved some sort of divine right.

Ji Zizai squinted his eyes and was calculating Fentian.

From Fen Tian, ​​Jie Jian obtained information about Ye Jue.

At the same time, his face darkened.

Unexpectedly, his wishful thinking did not succeed.

Su Yan, whom he left behind in the Sixth Era, was too ungrateful. Didn't she break his Taoist heart?

Apparently, it failed.


In his heart, a strange book floated out.

A copy of Taishang's Art of Forgetting Love.

An important person is sealed inside.

Not afraid of trouble from Ye Jue.

He has leverage.


This strange book disappeared immediately and was hidden deep in their souls.

Because, he and the Starry Sky Emperor were on their way to find the Defeating God Emperor.

It must not be discovered by the Emperor of the Starry Sky.

He has connections with the Defeating God Emperor.

The Emperor Baitian was sealed in a desperate place. He was the enemy of Old Man Tianli. He fell into Old Man Tianli's trick and was sealed.

The Starry Sky Emperor's goal is to obtain the origin of the Defeating Heaven God Emperor.

At that time, he will be greatly improved.


The Star Emperor glanced around.

It was as if the fall of the God Emperor had nothing to do with him.

This time, he came to kill the God Emperor here.

This Kangjin Qilin has greatly improved our technology.

Xiao Hong sighed, helpless at the same time.

That old man Wu actually threw all the burden on her.

He left so suddenly.

No one expected that Mr. Wu would not survive this epidemic.

Some people say that it is a miracle that Mr. Wu is still alive today.

Wanzu triggered a miracle, and when the first wave ended, Mr. Wu's body and soul completely disappeared.

Someone saw him and said that he actually walked away with a smile, very peaceful and satisfied.

Yeah, he's gone.

Ye Jue's eyes dimmed.

I remembered my first encounter with Mr. Wu.

They met at the entrance to hell.

Mr. Wu’s team, codenamed ‘Hope’, has supported Wanzu all the way until now.

Now he suddenly left without leaving any words.

No one feels better.

This old man Wu just left like this.

The big wolf dog has already begun to read.

It remembered that Mr. Wu personally made it a suit of armor with brand-new modules that could absorb dark matter and allow dark energy to grow infinitely.

Kang Jin Qilin's problem needs to be solved by me alone.

Xiao Hong shook his head.

Because the body of the God Emperor is too overbearing, the God Emperor particles cannot be absorbed, and it requires the cooperation of beings at the level of Ye Jue, Fentian, and Su Baiyu.

Otherwise there would be no way to analyze it at all.

I'm going to roast one of its legs to commemorate Mr. Wu.

The big wolfdog said sadly and angrily.

Analyzing the origin of the God Emperor is crucial to all races. I only need one-third of Kang Jin Qilin's body.

Ye Jue waved his hand.

Even if he swallowed the entire Kangjin Qilin, the huge amount of dark energy and dark matter would not allow him to evolve into the God Emperor, it would only speed up the process.

Because the dark matter and dark energy required to evolve to the God Emperor is simply too great.


It takes at least ten Kangjin Qilin to sprint.

It's not that the God Emperor doesn't have enough energy.

It's because becoming a God Emperor is so difficult.

Every god emperor is an existence that has been passed down from ancient times and has been formed long ago.

But the Supreme Truth and the Taoist Master of Taiji are actually old, their origins have become rigid, and they have experienced ruthless corrosion over the course of several epochs.

The strength is not one-tenth of what it was in ancient times.

This is the end of the Dharma era.

The myth will die.

However, the fire is immortal and will never be extinguished.

These people are the last flame.

It is also a hurricane of a new era.

Now, this hurricane will blow across the entire paradise.


Ye Jue obtained the undefined space, and his strength was also upgraded to the Fifth Transformation of the Great Emperor. He swallowed part of Kang Jin Qilin's body and impacted the existence that is infinitely close to the God Emperor.

Now in his theocratic kingdom, the soul light shines and the spiritual energy boils. In the paradise, anyone who is hostile to him or who harbors murderous intentions towards him can be caught.

Therefore, Ye Jue's hunting was very precise and targeted, and the emperors were killing him!

Their tribes, like the gods of death from the outside world, went on a killing spree in an understatement, destroying countless ancient tribes and killing all the paradise without making a sound.

It's almost time.

At this moment, Ye Jue opened his eyes and had already figured it out.

The location of the time and space holy war!

We took advantage of their holy war to destroy their lair. When they return, they won't hate us to death, right?

Everyone shouted, but there was no fear.

These days, the emperor they once looked down on was suppressed, beaten, hunted, and massacred by natives like them.

No one can escape the onslaught of undefined space.

Some people even turn into dark energy and dark matter without knowing how they died.

North Xuanwu.

Now Bei Xuanwu, the extraordinary young master, is already dead.

The remaining enemies who had besieged them were all slaughtered.

This is a reckoning!

The people who are infinitely close to the God Emperor are nothing more than the Central Qilin, the Southern Suzaku, the Western White Tiger, and the Eastern Green Dragon.

The strong men of the clan have already participated in the time and space holy war.

This gave Ye Jue the opportunity to take advantage of the situation.

Directly lead all races to kill.

They dug up their ancestral graves and razed their clan soil to the ground.

Wherever they passed, not a blade of grass grew, turning into a mass grave.

All the members were killed by undefined attacks. They killed the emperor in a single thought. What an ability this was. It made the survivors' pupils shrink and their hearts were strongly shocked.

How can it be……

Some people were distracted and did not expect that they would be exterminated.

The central Qilin, the southern Suzaku, the western white tiger, and the eastern green dragon all died.

Being killed like a pig or a dog.

The person who was infinitely close to the God-Emperor actually became a minor character.

What scares them even more is.

Every time an attack came, countless Mosaic warriors came to fight them.

Being killed by these Mosaic warriors as a joke was the most unacceptable thing for them.

Some ancient tribesmen were furious and wanted to fight back.

But like a small wave in the ocean.

This is my clan, the royal clan of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Please show mercy.

Princess Zhou screamed.

Unexpectedly, Ye Jue passed by her clan.

Don't worry, this is a precise strike, destroying the nests of those strong men who participated in the time and space holy war.

Ye Jue waved his hand.

How could he destroy Princess Zhou's tribe?

However, he was very interested in Mengdie's ancient clan.

But now Su Baiyu has joined Wanzu.

Mengdie is his woman, so naturally she has to help a little.

The next goal is the Earth Pupa Gate, Lady Di Pupa, to obtain the Human Emperor's Pen.

Ye Jue was full of confidence and used this power to push the paradise across the country.

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