Supreme Truth, do you think this knife is sharp?

Aosheng is sharpening his knife at the moment, intending to kill the Lord of Truth as a pig.

Such a humiliation, the Supreme Assassin of Truth could not fight back.

Because at this moment, all the attacks and countless powers are gathered.

All kinds of weapons, five or eight, almost turned him into a hedgehog.

Get away!

The Supreme Truth roared, and dazzling energy appeared all over his body, forming a body-protecting divine ring, like a bright sun rising suddenly.

He crashed into one place crazily.

However, what he faced was a mighty force!

Gather your strength!

Ye Jue roared.

The Supreme Truth must not be allowed to escape. If they can really kill the emperor, then they will achieve great sublimation.

From now on, you won’t have to be afraid of anyone anymore.


As soon as he finished speaking, all the undefined forces crashed into one place and quickly formed a lightsaber.

This lightsaber was sacrificed by all races and represents the strongest power in the undefined space.


With a fierce slash, it collided with the Supreme Truth.


The Supreme Truth's eyes turned black on the spot. This was a physical collision and a spiritual competition.

The next moment, he staggered backwards, bleeding from seven holes in his body, and groaned.

His hair was dancing wildly, like a madman.

He, the supreme leader of the Dynasty of Truth, was actually frustrated and seriously injured twice in a row, and his origin was greatly damaged.

The lightsaber of all races represented the supreme power of the demigods. When it collided with him, it produced a terrifying shock wave that was difficult to resist.

This is being suppressed at the life level. If we continue to compete, something more terrible will happen.

The Supreme Truth is not a fool. He is rich in experience. With a flash of aura, he repairs his body instantly and continues to escape.

And when he escaped, his size increased and he was actually covered with a dense layer of armor.

Like a golden unicorn!

It has appeared. This is the true form of the Supreme Truth. It is not a real person, but the transformation of an ancient Kangjin divine beast!

Su Baiyu shouted.

What, the ancient divine beast, Kangjin Qilin?

When the big wolf dog heard this, his eyes immediately lit up and he stared at the unicorn.

Now the form of the Supreme Truth has changed greatly and revealed its true form.

The fine golden scales and the surging light beams are simply a living prehistoric myth, the Qilin ancestral beast that came out!

Moreover, this Qilin beast is still mutated, with glowing green eyes, and a pair of colorful wings on both sides of its body, blooming with red clouds and shining brightly.

In the legend, there is a unicorn that, due to its conquest of a forbidden land in prehistory, caused the mainland to sink and kill too many people. As a result, it mutated and gave birth to seven-colored divine wings, representing endless killing.


Such a loud roar shook everyone in the indefinable space and made them dizzy.

One can imagine how amazing and terrifying the power of this roar is.

Normally, in the outside world, they might have been yelled to death.

People at the quasi-emperor level will have their physical bodies break apart and die miserably on the spot.

Many people staggered and felt terrified.

As expected of the God Emperor, he is still so strong even when he is cornered.

The most powerful power of this Kangjin Qilin is rebirth. Nothing can compare with this thing's power of rebirth.

Mengdie added.

If you want to capture this Kangjin Qilin, you have to pay a high price.

Especially now, the Supreme Truth has reached the limit of anger, his eyes are extremely cold, with endless murderous intent!

The brilliance of the golden scales flowed, like a blazing golden flame burning, the four legs tightened, cracked the ground, and rushed away!

Even if the God Emperor fled, he still had such power and an unparalleled sense of oppression.

Ye Jue, I think it's better to forget it. Even a demigod is difficult to kill a god emperor. Demigods are only several times stronger than the god emperor. The Supreme Truth has a strong foundation. Even if you encounter a living demigod, you can't kill it. Can escape.

Jianyao said at this moment and shook his head.

How can this be done? A Tai Chi Dao Lord has already escaped, and all races will listen to my orders and trigger miracles again!

Ye Jue was already murderous at this moment.

Don't be impulsive and trigger miracles again. All races can no longer bear it. There is no Truth Dynasty now, and there are still disciples of Wuji Heavenly Palace to kill for us...

Fen Tian heard Ye Jue suddenly say this and looked back at him.

Before he finished speaking, he noticed that Ye Juede's eyes were already red.

This is a red-eye!

Not even the God Emperor will be spared!


This is a very dangerous thing, and it is likely to bring all races into a place of eternal disaster.

Chasing and killing a god emperor, or a Kangjin Qilin, is too dangerous!

I'm measured!


In an instant, Ye Jue felt that the undefined space was full of miracles.

This is the ultimate killer move!

Miracles do not define space, they complement each other, and the power they use has the power to kill an emperor!

This is……

Fentian looked around and saw green and golden light lingering in this space.

He knew that all races had begun to sacrifice their strength.

Moreover, this sacrifice was a hundred times more terrifying than the one just now.

Because now the overall combat power of all races has increased and greatly improved.

The power of miracles becomes even more powerful.

And combined with the power of demigods in the undefined space, it might be possible to strike a blow from a true god.

If the True God's blow cannot kill the God Emperor, then I really have nothing to say.

Ye Juechen said: Do you still remember the sword that killed Tai Mogu in the difficult situation? Imagine it reflected in the outside world. Today, we will kill the emperor.

Tu Di! !

These two words shocked everyone's hearts.

That sword is...

I remember now!

What is it?

God King Sword!

But there is no kingdom of gods here. Didn't the kingdom of gods fall in the sixth era?

Yes, it has fallen, but we can create it again.

“Creating a Kingdom of God?”

At this moment, the hearts of all races are colliding with each other.

Time is frozen at this moment.

It seems to have become an eternal picture.

The phantom of a divine sword was gradually born and constructed in the outside world.

Boom! !

An astonishing aura began to emanate from the sword. This extremely domineering power could almost turn the paradise upside down, turning it into a scent where the sky is facing down and the earth is facing up.

Even the way of heaven felt like it was being trampled under its feet by this aura.

We cross the wasteland...

We created Zhucheng...

We break the darkness and bring light...

We are the end of the seventh era. We... are all races in a miserable state, coming from the most miserable place. We use our weakest bodies to defeat the strongest people!

Streams of heavenly sounds from outside the universe emanate from undefined space. This universe of heavenly sounds is the aura beyond the avenue.


In an instant, a heavenly calamity was born. This was an attack formed by the Heavenly Dao of Paradise, and this power was not allowed to exist.

This is the will to destroy the heavenly tribulation and the paradise.


But in the next moment, it directly collapsed. In front of Ye Jue, in front of human beings, and in front of all the races in this difficult situation, it was so fragile that it was directly destroyed.

The undefined space used with the power of miracles is completely a strike from the true god.

Emperor-killing Divine Sword!

The endless breath of true god burst out from the sword.

All the races in the undefined space were immersed in it, each one burning their lifespan, and everyone turned into a ball of emerald green flames again.


Regardless of the erosion of heaven and earth, the entanglement of the long river of ancient destiny, it will remain eternal!

After hundreds of millions of disasters, the aura of the God Emperor still exists and cannot be exterminated for several epochs.

At this moment, it was on the verge of collapse, completely destroyed by the power of the Emperor-Slaying Divine Sword, cutting off its 'vital life'.

This vitality refers to the Supreme Truth. Now he cannot see his own way out. This is something that has never happened before.

As a god emperor, you can see hundreds of millions of ways to survive in front of you in an instant.

Now none of them work, they are all dim and dead.

what does that mean?

He is actually going to die!

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

The Kangjin Qilin transformed into the Supreme Truth roared.

He has gone through countless hardships and countless catastrophes. From the realm of the physical body, he spoke out in a small place, took away the ancient beasts, and stepped into the realm of cultivation, step by step.

A point where neither heaven nor earth can be destroyed.

Now, you actually see death coming?

There is absolutely no way out!

That divine sword cut off his way of survival!

The long years, the flowers blooming and falling, the era of mist and rain...the world opens up, the blockade between heaven and earth is broken, the shackles are broken, and I am promoted to the God Emperor. How could I die?

The Supreme Truth roared, and at this moment, he kept running away, and his body turned into a small singularity.

Infinitely shrinking, turning into nothingness, turning into nothingness, even fate cannot catch his trajectory.

However, no matter how small he became or how fast he ran away, that divine sword would always block his path and cut off his life.

The Supreme Truth roared in disbelief, his power was losing, and his vitality was dissipating.

After this sword was born, he could feel that he was heading towards death with every breath he took.

There were no sweeping slashes or explosions.

The real one is Emperor Zhan.

It's just so unpretentious.

At this moment, Ye Jue felt what true great wisdom and power meant.

Under the attack of the true god, what kind of god-emperor, emperor, is simply pitifully weak.

He activated the power of miracles, causing the demigod power that did not define space to forcibly sublimate into a true god to attack.

Finally, I know what ability and mana are, what it means to have vast supernatural powers, boundless mana, and what it means to be a true god.

In the face of the power of the true God, everything is nothing.

In the undefined space, Ark of Ten Thousand Races, Su Baiyu, Big Wolf Dog, Yi... and others looked at this scene in a daze.

Kang Jin Qilin, transformed by the Supreme Truth, wanted to escape and roar, but was nailed to the spot and his vitality disappeared.

Within a moment, the voice became quieter and quieter, and the breath was faint.

At the last moment, the golden light and sour breath in the nostrils, the small breath came in, the big air came out, the brilliance faded, and returned to death.

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