To dare to intercept the God Emperor is something that has never been seen or heard of in the Paradise.

Hey, your name is Supreme Truth, right?

The big wolf dog grinned so big that his laughter flowed out.

He wanted to taste the taste of the God Emperor!

The God Emperor couldn't keep him, but he wanted to give it a try.

However, the Supreme Truth did not respond.

Instead, he looked calm and looked around.

Mosaic warriors, arks of all races, densely packed undefined demigods.

He was almost surrounded by air.

The Supreme Truth, now I give you two choices.

Fen Tian flicked his fingers and said, This is surrender, and this is surrender.

He was so arrogant that he even shouted for a god emperor to surrender.

How can this be?

After hearing these words, the face of the Supreme Truth remained cold.

Supreme, you and Emperor Yuhua are old acquaintances. When Emperor Yuhua was here, you teamed up to conquer the Promised Land. One created the Heavenly Palace and the other created the dynasty. Now that Emperor Yuhua is dead, you should also go and see this old man. friend.

Su Baiyu's words were even more arrogant.


The Supreme Truth remained unmoved.

What nonsense are you talking to him about? Let's all come together and kill this guy. Let's see how arrogant he can be.

Mengdie had a sinister smile on her face.

Unexpectedly, he could actually see a god emperor in a state of desolation.

This is really a big scene.

It must be recorded and passed down for generations to come.

Let everyone see what the God-Emperor’s expression and mentality were when he was cornered.

But it was obvious that she was overthinking it.

The God-Emperor is still the God-Emperor in the end, with a look of disillusionment and a face full of frost.

Truth is supreme.

Finally, Ye Jue spoke and said with a smile: You must have felt it too. The old era will be replaced by the new era. You old people from the old era will be eliminated, drowned in the waves, and unable to reach the next level. The end of the Seventh Age.

But now, you have a very good opportunity in front of you, and that is to be completely loyal to us.

Only in this way can you get rid of this curse.

Otherwise there is only a dead end.

The fact that we are surrounding you now is the best evidence.

Dead or alive, you decide for yourself.

Ye Jue's words gave the Supreme Truth an ultimatum. Fight or surrender?

Ha ha ha ha!

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, the Supreme Truth burst into laughter.

Boy, okay, okay, I didn't expect that in this paradise, there would be someone who dared to threaten me. It was you. You did it. I was the loser in this fight. I didn't expect that a reincarnation of the Yan Emperor and a bloodline of the Yellow Emperor would... They are all big shots.”

He continued: I am a little person who has been practicing hard since I was a child. I defied heaven and became a god emperor, but I have never been able to defeat the reincarnation and inheritance of a demigod.

Oh? So you plan to surrender?

When Fentian heard what the Supreme Truth said, he suddenly became interested.

If a god-emperor surrenders, join them.

Then the overall combat power will skyrocket.

Because now all races lack the life level of a god emperor to conduct research.

This is a good thing.

No, no, no, you misunderstood, Emperor Yan is reincarnated.

Unexpectedly, the Supreme Truth shook his head, and then showed a cruel smile: It seems that you don't know that you are in disaster. You have received the divine burial. Do you understand what this means?

You must not understand, right, you are still young and don't understand the situation in the Promised Land.

This demigod power can capture the mechanical god...

It is the power that everyone in the Paradise can spy on.

Can you really protect me?

In this battle, you will face the entire Paradise.

Do you have the confidence to overturn the myths accumulated over the past few eras?

The Supreme Truth squinted his eyes, looked around, and spoke word by word.

Let almost everyone hear it clearly.

We naturally know this.

Ye Jue waved his hand: You don't need to be alarmist here. We know what we are going to face. After this news spreads, a war will break out in the Paradise, but we will fight it with our own hands.

Supreme Truth, you are the one who really doesn't understand. We all came from the wasteland. This paradise will surely turn into wasteland. We will cross over from this wasteland and go to the real universe.

These words were so heroic that they inspired everyone's heart.

Oh no, I almost forgot, our real goal is to correct the universe.

The big wolfdog twitched its tongue, with a look of sudden realization on its face.

You mean you are not afraid?

The face of the Supreme Truth turned gloomy.

Actually, I'm not afraid. We have to capture you and kill you!

Ye Jue suddenly roared, and streaks of black and yellow energy in the sky exploded into divine thunder, forming a huge cage that imprisoned the Supreme Truth.

Do it!

Su Baiyu also roared, and the others shouted loudly.

This is an earth-shattering decisive battle, taking place in the Death Meteor.

Now the surface of the meteorite is covered with death flares.

The Supreme Truth will never be able to break out in a short time.

Whether you can win it or not depends on this moment.

Just you?

A blazing divine flame emerged from the body of the Supreme Truth, and the divine fire was burning.

I eat!

However, Fen Tian, ​​as the Emperor Yan, opened his mouth wide and swallowed all the divine flames.

Imperial soldiers, come out!

The Supreme Truth fiercely sacrificed his weapon, a halberd, and when he waved it, it reached the sky and blocked the sun.


With a sweep of the halberd, the surrounding area instantly became a vacuum, and no one could get close.

The divine power was so powerful that he suppressed the demigod in an instant.

But it was only for a moment that the Supreme Truth fled violently.

He must also know that fighting hard now is asking for death.

Although the origin of the God Emperor is naturally eternal, it can be forcibly obliterated.

The combined attack of these ants can form a demigod, causing his bones to crack.

Want to leave?

Suddenly, in the midst of the tribulation fire, Fentian's huge voice resounded, and the Balrog once again showed its power, violently suppressing the Supreme Truth. The power of this punch was completely at the semi-god level.


The Supreme Truth was actually beaten into bread.


In his particle space, the soldiers immediately screamed and were all shaken to powder and died again.

Even Chi Ren suddenly woke up from his coma and looked at this picture in shock.

The dynasty is falling!

It’s so tragic!


Chiren shouted.

However, this cry instantly attracted Ye Jue's attention.

‘Whoosh! ’

Ye Jue's shadow actually followed the voice and penetrated into a particle of the Supreme Truth.

The power of the demigods was so terrifying that it was enough to crush the quasi-emperor to death, and even the great emperor could not bear it.

In an instant, blood flowed into the particle, and everyone exploded into pieces.

you you you you!

Chi Ren, who was hiding here, saw his expression changed drastically when he saw Ye Jue actually barging in.

What does the God Emperor, the Supreme One, do for food?

Actually let others run into your own particle world?

Isn't this funny?

Come out!

The Supreme Truth's face turned green, his expression was furious, his whole body was shaken, and he wanted to blast the phantom away.

However, Ye Jue had already broken into the depths at this moment, bombarding Chi Ren in the surging waves.

Ah ah ah, Supreme, save me!

Chi Ren, who lost Chi You's arm, was no match for Ye Jue.

The body gradually dimmed, and the divine ring and divine light were broken.

His imperial arts and imperial weapons are useless.

Now, he is actually facing death.

And just like Mr. Feifan, he saw a series of revolving doors.


At the last moment, Ye Jue finally caught him and squeezed him hard with his big hand, just like squeezing a chicken.


Chiren died like this, even his soul was broken.

Hoo ho ho!!

All dark energy and dark matter were absorbed the moment Ye Jue was blasted out.

In the eyes of outsiders, Ye Jue's shadow broke into the body of Supreme Truth, and was shaken out again at 0.001 second.

Then the energy in the whole body increased like an explosion!

His hair turned from golden to pure black, with black lightning flashing on each side of his hair, returning to his original nature.

The Great Emperor’s Five Transformations!

After eating Chiren's huge dark matter, Ye Jue directly sublimated, surpassing Fentian who got the flare.

In the undefined space, the aura of the emperor's final destination was emitted.

The next realm is the God Emperor.

But now only by gathering all the resources of Paradise can he become the God Emperor.

The implication of this is that all the people under the God Emperor must be killed and devoured in order to achieve success.

But for Ye Jue, who had obtained the undefined space, it was simply a piece of cake.

Next, he will lead all races to fight in the holy war of time and space.

It’s finally time to shuffle the cards in the promised land.

You actually killed Chiren?

The Supreme Truth couldn't believe it, and found that one of the Ganges sand-level particles was destroyed, and all living creatures were killed.

In that short 0.001 second, this kid did it.

Not only will I kill him, but I will also kill you. Today, I will kill the God Emperor!

Ye Jue, Fentian, Big Wolf Dog, Su Baiyu, and Yi are like vicious robbers, frantically plundering the dark matter and dark energy in the God Emperor's particles.

Now the Supreme Truth is no longer the God Emperor in their eyes.

Rather, it is a moving treasure trove of dark matter.

There are treasures and surprises in every particle.

It's like digging for treasure to see who is lucky.

Imperial art, truth opens the sky!

The Supreme Truth has become extremely angry.

This group of people actually dug for treasure on him.

Think of him as a treasure? !

This kind of humiliation has never been felt since he became the God Emperor.

He roared again and again, controlling his own kingdom, stimulating all the vitality, and his whole body was covered with blood. The laws in his body were constantly breaking, and he flew back and forth, killing thousands of people.


What is he fighting?

Undefined attack!

These are all attacks imagined by people from all races in an undefined space.

After fighting for a long time, Wanzu was not injured at all.

On the contrary, the Supreme Truth, whose whole body was covered in scars, missed the best opportunity to escape.

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