Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 1247 The God Emperor was defeated miserably

Fentian, who had not made any move, the cell activity in his body had surged to a terrifying level.

The runes in his blood all appeared, resonated, and turned into unicorn fire, which was very bright.

After refining the Death Flare, his power finally broke through the limit, directly rising to the realm of the Emperor's Fourth Transformation.

Ye Jue's current skill is also skyrocketing. From the second transformation, he has also entered the fourth transformation, vaguely moving towards the fifth transformation.

As long as he can catch the Extraordinary Young Master or Chi Ren, he can break through to the ultimate level of the Great Emperor and approach the God Emperor infinitely.


The biggest improvement was Fentian, who created a Balrog directly outside the undefined space.

The huge body of the Balrog crawled out from the undefined space, like an ancient devil, suddenly stretched out his hands, tearing apart the fragments of time and space.

The undulating flames on the Balrog's body were more terrifying than the divine fire from the other side. Every flame was actually black, and they were all death flares.

not good!

Seeing this terrifying fire demon, the face of Supreme Truth changed drastically.

Another demigod!

Moreover, this demigod is also blessed by the Death Flare.

With such a huge body, it shouldn't move very fast, right?

Mr. Feifan's eyes widened.

Many disciples of Wuji Tiangong nodded.

Indeed, this flame demon is so huge, as big as the sky.

How could they be caught?

The larger the object, the more restricted it is by space when it moves.

However, Fentian smiled evilly.

The Flame Demon he transformed actually had a pair of flame wings growing out from its back. The Flame Emperor's feathers withered and fell, accompanied by the crystal light of fire, and the crystal red feathers flying all over the sky.


Then, he slid away in the air with his huge body.

Oh my God!

At this moment, the eyes of the unparalleled evil genius of Wuji Heavenly Palace almost dropped.


The invincible aura emanates from the Balrog, flying domineeringly across countless time and space. Its thoughts convey countless epochs from ancient times to the present. Everything in the past, present and future is under the control of the Balrog.


The flame demon stretched out two giant flaming hands, grabbing the emperor's soldiers and the supreme supreme master respectively.


At this moment, the Supreme Truth was actually hit again. His hair was disheveled, his body was covered in blood, and he was seriously injured by the power of the demigod again.

The powerful men in the dynasty he resurrected were all turned into particle mist after being violently shaken by the Balrog's fist.


The one who screamed at the same time was Taoist Tai Chi, because the entire space burned violently.

Huge death flares, the power that can destroy everything, have been regenerated on this meteorite.

Rush, rush, you and I join forces, we must rush out.

Tai Chi Dao Lord growled.

I didn't expect to be so embarrassed.

There was actually complete power of the demigod in that divine burial place.

They didn't lose, but they lost by a huge gap.

In the mythical paradise, no one is a match for the demigods.

Supreme Life!

The Supreme Truth roared again, and all the soldiers with broken souls were reborn again.

The truth he uses is the immortal truth. As long as he does not destroy all people, they can be reborn infinitely.

Divine power has such terrifying and heaven-defying abilities.

It's useless. If you resurrect these wastes again, it will only increase our experience points. Now you are wild monsters, and you are the leader. Chase them down for me. All the Mosaic warriors will be killed. No one will be left alive!

Ye Jue roared loudly at this moment.

Everyone in the Ten Thousand Clan, in addition to recovering, is experiencing a surge in strength.

The three trees exchanged power with each other, and almost all the characters became unparalleled evil geniuses, all of whom were quasi-emperors.

This wave of great promotion is due to the absorption of disciples and soldiers from the Truth Dynasty and the Wuji Heavenly Palace.

If you can't reach this level, it doesn't make sense.

Strong men with higher levels of life, such as Big Wolf Dog, Su Baiyu, Mengdie, and Jianyao, all upgraded towards the second, third, and fourth transformations of the Great Emperor.

Although the God Emperor cannot keep them, their disciples and their people must be killed to provide us with strength!

Almost everyone thinks so.

Now that the situation has completely reversed, chasing and killing the God Emperor is something that was almost unthinkable before.

Now they have really risen.

Moreover, it is a great sublimation beyond the level of the God-Emperor, which can even put the God-Emperor in his eyes.

You must know that the God Emperor is the existence with the highest power, the highest position, and the highest glory in Paradise.

Now, the one they were chasing was running away like a dog.

The previous boldness and majesty were completely gone.

Fen Tian activated the Death Flare, and the space on all sides rolled towards them. Every disciple was seriously injured, and then exploded directly and turned into pieces.

Even if I die, I can't give my power to that kid.

The Supreme Truth came with a big hand, grabbed all the disciples who were about to explode, and those who were about to explode, and ate all the dark energy and dark matter.

He was so anxious that he actually ate his own people.

At this moment, everyone's expressions changed dramatically, and they were very frightened, fearing that they would be devoured by the God Emperor.

that's right!

Tai Chi Dao Lord also roared and followed the example of the Lord of Truth.

Between heaven and earth, countless knowledge, ideas, and rivers of destiny came one after another, and began to engulf his disciples.

Young Master Extraordinary, come and die!

At this moment, Ye Jue's incarnated demigod phantom actually leapt away directly and came to the God Emperor's imperial soldiers!


Thunder exploded, and the tyrant sword ignored the God Emperor and slashed directly at the extraordinary young master.

Extraordinary Divine Power!

The extraordinary young master immediately shouted, pushing the divine power to the extreme and raising it to a higher level.

But no matter how much he improves, he can't compete with the power of a demigod.

Immediately, it was split open from the shoulder to the waist, and blood flowed.

The extraordinary young master, frightened and angry, with a golden light all over his body, fought hard.

However, the clanging sound sounded again, and the sword struck at him again.

Dominant sword.

It was originally one of the seven moves learned from the power of the two god emperors, and now it is even blessed by demigods.

With two knives, Mr. Feifan was hacked to the point of death, causing him to cough up blood.

A being who is infinitely close to the God Emperor and the Five Transformations of the Great Emperor, with his potential fully activated, yet in front of the God Emperor, he is treated like a dog and slaughtered.

This is also something that can't be helped.

Taiji Taoist Lord is now trying his best to resist the erosion of the Death Flare, and also wants to attack those mosaic warriors to prevent them from rushing up.

Even the God Emperor can't beat four hands with two fists.

However, he still separated a time clone to rescue the extraordinary young master.


As a result, Yi used the Feathering Mirror to swallow him directly into the space of Ryunao Divine Kingdom, and disappeared immediately.

Taiji Daojun was extremely angry. As one of the top figures, he was frustrated many times.

What the hell is going on today?

How could a great emperor suffer consecutive setbacks in one day?

Could this be the backlash of his peaceful cultivation?

Has heaven finally targeted him?

But no matter what, their God Emperor cannot be killed.

Even a demigod could not destroy the God-Emperor, he could only defeat, repel, and seriously injure him.

Only the true God can destroy them.

Ah, Master, save me!

The extraordinary young master was struck by the tyrant sword one after another. His divine power was ineffective, his imperial skills were useless, and his imperial soldiers were turned into scraps.

He is actually going to die!

This made him unbelievable, and even felt a little dreamy, like he was dreaming.

How could he die?

He is infinitely close to the existence of the God-Emperor. How many powerful forces, how many royal families, and how many places of ancient inheritance in the mythical paradise? Who would not be respectful to him when they see him?

Those fairies, witches, witches, goddesses... all used to kneel down and lick him.

Revolving door!

The extraordinary young master actually saw the revolving door of death!

Those memories are like the exploding sun, constantly flashing back, and I can't stop recalling them.

When a person is about to die, his life is visible in an instant.

What Young Master Feifan sees now is his whole life.

Disciple, you are going to die, but your death cannot be in vain. Help me, and my master will avenge you in the future.

The old man Taiji Daojun was very cruel. He actually raised his hand and slapped Mr. Feifan.

He actually killed his apprentice.

Ah...Master, no!

Mr. Feifan was startled. He fell back in confusion, but he was seriously injured and had no time to fight.

Immediately his head split open and his whole body was shattered.

A large number of particles, carrying dark matter, were all absorbed by Taoist Tai Chi.


After receiving this power, Tai Chi Dao Lord's imperial soldiers instantly flashed with divine brilliance, accelerated again, and rushed out of the diffusion layer space of the death flare.

But the casualties were too huge. Ninety percent of the evil geniuses they brought with them died, and only a few were lucky enough to survive.

Moreover, even the closed disciples are dead.

what a shame!

Ye Jue watched Taiji Taoist Lord leave. The God Emperor wanted to escape, but he couldn't stop him.

It can only be delayed, but in the process of delaying, killing so many people under the God Emperor is considered profitable.

He didn't get the extraordinary young master.

I didn't expect Tai Chi Dao Master to be so cruel and beat his only disciple to death on the spot.

There seemed to be no thought of rescue.

This was something Ye Jue didn't expect.

I originally thought that Taiji Dao Lord would always protect the extraordinary young master, so that I would have the opportunity to snatch the extraordinary young master's power.

But now it seems that he underestimated the decisiveness of the God Emperor in doing things.


Now that the owner of Taiji Heavenly Palace has escaped, all the remaining power can be directed at the Supreme Truth.

All undefined attacks used by all races were transferred to the Dynasty of Truth.

The focus is originally on the Supreme Truth.

Including Su Baiyu, Big Wolf Dog, Jianyao...etc., people from the old part of the earth and the new era are all attacking the Dynasty of Truth.

Now almost all the soldiers of the dynasty have died.

Only some generals were left struggling to persist.

Chi Ren's Chi You arm was even taken away, and now he is unconscious and is already a waste.

The Supreme Truth has used the rebirth method twice in a row, and now it consumes a lot of money.

Supreme Truth, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey after living for so long? You actually face us and still want to leave without any loss. How is this possible?

In front of the God Emperor, Ye Jue, Fentian, Su Baiyu, Yi, and Big Wolf Dog all stared at him eagerly, blocking the way of the God Emperor.

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