Lost? Do you want to escape if you lose? How is that possible?

At this time, Ye Jue roared loudly.

All races exchange life span for miraculous power, and they must need miraculous power in exchange for life span.

But praying to the Miracle Tree again, everyone no longer has that power.

However, the Dynasty of Truth and Wuji Heavenly Palace do exist.

In his eyes, those unparalleled evil geniuses are walking dark matter and dark energy.

Feng Tian, ​​Su Baiyu, Big Wolf Dog, and all of you...all entered the undefined space.

Upon hearing these words, the latter did not hesitate at all and rushed into the abyss instantly.

This abyss actually does not define space.

The so-called entropic body corpse does not exist at all.

The entire space is the power of demigods.

This is the real divine burial.

Only when they come to the undefined space can they feel the terror comparable to the power of a demigod.

In this space, even life is not defined.

Everyone has turned into light, and they are the form of light at this moment.

But it can turn into anyone's appearance at will.

Only the mind and soul are themselves.

You are here. You can use undefined attacks and transform into all kinds of extraordinary powers. Now hunt me down. No one from the Dynasty of Truth or the disciples of Wuji Heavenly Palace will be spared.

Ye Jue has already used undefined attacks at this moment.

He actually killed the extraordinary young master.

Although the God Emperor was seriously injured, it was almost unrealistic to kill him.

However, their apprentices can be killed.

While he was speaking, a faint shadow appeared in the outside world, exactly like him, but this shadow had the power of a demigod.

This is equivalent to him being a demigod created in the outside world to hunt down the Extraordinary Young Master.

The most terrifying power of not defining space is not defining it!

The so-called undefined means that even if the power is dispersed, the power of the demigod will not be weakened.


Master Feifan's face changed drastically when he saw this phantom. This was simply beyond the master's strength.

How could he fight this?

Extraordinary Divine Power!

He roared, extraordinary particles blazing all over his body, and he used extraordinary power to surpass himself in an instant, actually reaching the realm of the God Emperor.

The so-called extraordinary means being different and able to transcend the current realm and become the God Emperor in a short time.

If he becomes the God Emperor, his extraordinary divine power can push him to become a demigod.

But he doesn't have this chance anymore.

What kind of extraordinary divine power? Destroy it for me!

At this moment, Ye Jue was holding a seven-style tyrant sword in his hand. A terrifying aura emanated from it, and he was the first to strike.


The Extraordinary Kingdom was immediately broken by a third.

In the kingdom, a violent light emitted, and the extraordinary particles collapsed.

With the power of a demigod, he defeated the extraordinary!


Mr. Feifan screamed. Now the danger had reached its extreme, and his hair actually exploded.

One after another, all the imperial arts were displayed.

The imperial weapons he created were gleaming, and combined with these imperial arts, they were infinitely powerful.

However, it was of no use at all.

Ye Jue struck out with his sword again. With just one blow, all the glory and wonderful moments of the Extraordinary Young Master were completely wiped out.

His memory was actually evaporated, his face was extremely ferocious, and he ran away crazily.

Seeing Ye Jue's bravery, the big wolf dog also learned to use the undefined demigod power.

I saw a strange creature with the head of a dog and the body of a dragon rushing out of the abyss.

Dog dragon!

The big wolfdog barked excitedly.

This is the body it created on a whim.

The dog dragon then swam away at an extremely fast speed and instantly entered the Wuji Heavenly Palace, the Kingdom of Truth.


Many unparalleled evil geniuses spurted out a mouthful of blood, and cracks appeared on their bodies. They activated their respective weapons of enlightenment to resist.

But this dog dragon was so weird, and the shock was so severe that they were seriously injured at once.

So much so that countless disciples exploded in one fell swoop, leaving no bones left.

Next, it turns into a pool of dark energy and dark matter.

Suck it, suck it for me!

Xiao Hong shouted excitedly when he saw such a scene.

On the planet of all races created in the mythical paradise, 'dong dong dong', the land surface actually changes, like a solar panel, each piece is unfolding, very funny, like a giant vacuum cleaner.


This vacuum cleaner began to work hard, absorbing all the dark energy and dark matter.


At this moment, the World Tree revealed that the Enlightenment Tree actually bloomed and grew flowers.

Full open!

someone yelled.

Suddenly, the full power caused a miracle, and all the people of all races were covered in green, and their longevity began to recover.

This is absolutely a miracle, because longevity is simply impossible to reverse.

Not even the God Emperor can do anything about it.

But all races, with these three sacred trees, complement each other, and there is no need to worry about the consumption of longevity.


The bodies of the soldiers of the Dynasty of Truth exploded, their souls exploded, and they were almost reduced to nothing.

An old general howled miserably, but he could not escape the fate of being destroyed. He died on the spot. All his glory was in vain. The war in the promised land ended here.

Those unparalleled evil geniuses are all injured. If this continues, all of them will be killed alive.

Supreme, help!


help me!

The screams are endless, no one wants to become dark matter and have such a tragic fate.

After all, they are all geniuses and have the hope of becoming emperors.

Who wants to die here?

But the reality is so cruel!

From the abyss, various undefined creatures, weapons, and even sniper rifles, cannons, and funny-looking harvest toys kept rushing out.

But even these funny toys are not something they can fight against.

The Supreme Rebirth Formation!

The Supreme Truth, at this moment, showed his strength, and suddenly activated Ditu with a finger.

This is his imperial weapon.

This formation was filled with the energy of rebirth. Once it was activated, the mighty light of rebirth fell down, causing many soldiers whose bodies exploded and whose souls were shattered to recover.

Hahaha, Supreme Truth, are you so stupid that you actually resurrected them and let us kill them again?

One by one, the soldiers, who were already dead, were suddenly resurrected by the Supreme, and immediately appeared out of thin air, alive and well, with all their injuries recovered.


With one big hand, the Supreme Truth took hold of the Extraordinary Master and all the resurrected soldiers.

He actually wanted to take everyone away by himself.

How could Ye Jue agree?

Come back to me dead!

Ye Jue groaned again and formed the Suo Yuan Hand and the Corpse Blood Palm in the outside world.

This was the power he had used in difficult situations.

Now it has become an undefined attack, directly upgraded to the power of a demigod.


I saw an unimaginably big hand pinching the Supreme Truth in an instant, like pinching a chicken, almost deforming the God Emperor.

The armor on the Supreme Truth exploded with bang bang.

In addition, the Corpse Blood Palm actually hit Taoist Tai Chi.

As soon as he took action, he hunted down the two god emperors.

Boy, you are too wanton!

Taiji Taoist Lord roared, furious, and his eyes shot out streaks of divine light.

Tai Chi array diagram!

The divine light instantly turned into a huge imperial weapon and stood up directly.

Bang bang bang!

However, he did not expect that the disciples he was protecting in the Tai Chi formation would explode.

This Corpse Blood Palm actually attacks directly from the inside, and in an undefined way.

The two god emperors were frustrated one after another, and they couldn't even protect their own disciples.

Run, run away!

Chiren was now frightened, and his face was pale. The power of demigods kept rushing out of the abyss, killing them and retreating in succession.

If it weren't for the blessing of the God Emperor, Chi You wouldn't be a match with just his right arm.

But he didn't notice that a strange creature suddenly appeared from beside him, opened its mouth full of fangs, and bit into his right arm.


The bones and flesh were ripped off directly.

Ah, my king's power!

Chi Ren looked at the strange creature and screamed in disbelief, Zighead Dragon, what is this?

Gaba gaba!! Uh...uh?

The dog dragon created by the big wolf dog ate Chi You's arm and directly fed back to him.

Twisted runes immediately appeared on its body, and the aura of Burying the Ancients became more and more tyrannical. The lines of Chi You's God of War were actually all over its body.


The big wolf dog howled excitedly: I saw the future. I collected all Chi You's bodies and was called the God of War Dog.


Chi Ren shouted, hoping that the Supreme Being could snatch Chi You's arm back.

However, the big wolf dog is a very good chicken thief. After eating, he did not pursue it at all, and just swayed and disappeared into the air.

This simply made Chi Ren despair, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Kill for me, keep killing!

Ye Jue crazily activated the undefined space.

Now all members of the Wan clan are using undefined attacks.

This is equivalent to the Dynasty of Truth and Wuji Heavenly Palace facing a group of demigods.

Although some people are relatively weak, when hundreds of thousands of them are put together, they can still be considered a demigod.

One demigod is enough to shock the God-Emperor, let alone a group of them.

Simply helpless.


There was another loud noise, and the Tai Chi Dao diagram completely lost its brilliance and actually tilted down. All the disciples screamed and rolled out like ants.

Such an embarrassing scene simply made Mengdie and Jianyao pale in appearance.

They originally thought that Ye Jue and his ethnic group were just a little clever and a little capable.

It cannot be compared with the God Emperor at all.

However, in the blink of an eye, the God Emperor who was killed fled in panic.

He made all kinds of weird toys and hunted down the two major forces, especially the Supreme Truth. Even his soul was severely damaged and his whole body was broken.

The Chi man had even had Chi You's arm taken away from him, but now he was so angry that he was half dead.

Suck it for me!

The entire planet of ten thousand races turned into a vacuuming machine. It harvested another wave of dark matter in a mighty manner, which was instilled into the three trees for transformation, and then entered everyone's body.

It's finally time for me to take action.

At this moment, Fen Tian licked his lips. The Death Flare had absorbed enough energy.



It’s really finished at the end of this month, o(╥﹏╥)o, thank you all for accompanying me.

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