It was discovered so quickly, as expected of the God Emperor.

Ye Jue noticed two powerful auras behind him and immediately came after him, unable to hide them.

Nowadays, the divine power has not been completely strengthened. From a subjective point of view, the divine emperor can detect clues.

If you don't have very strong thoughts, you won't be able to detect the trajectory of his actions.

However, as he spoke, an extremely powerful light curtain erupted from the theocratic kingdom.

This person actually discovered me.

At this time, Tai Chi Taoist frowned. At this moment, he was using the Hidden Emperor Technique.

Moreover, how could ordinary people notice the imperial arts he used?

It stands to reason that this person would not notice that he was following.

When the time comes, he will suddenly appear behind him silently and take care of it on the spot.

Now it has been discovered.

Didn't you reveal your strength?

The Supreme Truth glanced at Taiji Daojun.

The two of them flashed at almost the same speed, chasing each other at the same time, creating a new world, closing the distance with every breath.

Stop talking nonsense and catch this person first.

Tai Chi Daojun said coldly.

If this person can find the correct way to escape the layer, it must be related to the previous reincarnation of Emperor Yan.

It can be known by almost deducing that it was the reincarnation of Emperor Yan who secretly transported the information, which allowed this person to successfully find the diffusion layer.


The two god emperors burst out with divine power at the same time.

Absolute truth!

The infinite among the infinite!

Their bodies flicker and change endlessly, all kinds of evolutions occur in an instant, and the trajectory of their fate can be captured in the shadows.

You want to catch me, but it's too late!

Ye Jue sneered. At this moment, the entrance to the diffusion layer had appeared in front of him.

There is a mark left by Fentian.


As soon as he got into it, he was bathed in strong flames on the spot. The diffusion layer was very dangerous, and a fire was erupting inside.

At this moment, Fen Tian had his eyes closed, his whole body was burning, crystal clear, and every particle of the divine kingdom was destroyed and reborn.

He is actually evolving towards the Great Emperor.

The elemental blood flames vaguely resonated with the divine burial here, shaking out the vague divine power.

The reincarnation of Emperor Yan has awakened?

Immediately, the two God Emperors, Chi Ren, and the Extraordinary Young Master who were on the escape level were all stunned.

This power wave has reached this point, and everyone can feel it. It is the divine power of Emperor Yan, King Yan!

Buzz buzz!

Ye Jue saw that a huge door appeared above Fentian's head. Inside that door was an extremely huge kingdom, bigger than his Kingdom of Freedom. It was full of supreme mysteries and had re-evolved. The power of God is slowly restored in it.

Moreover, as soon as this divine authority appeared, a copy of the Yan Emperor's Scripture immediately fell out of it and came to Fentian's hands.

Immediately, countless mythical words flew out from the book, and they all rushed into his body.

Okay, okay!

At this time, Fen Tian said three good words in a row, opened his eyes suddenly, and saw that the person in front of him was Ye Jue, and immediately said: You are here, great, I have successfully become the Great Emperor, I There is no need to survive the Emperor’s Tribulation, this is the awesomeness of reincarnated people.”

Your breakthrough is useless. Didn't I ask you to get the Divine Burial Core first?

Ye Jue almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The original plan was for Fentian to collect the cores in the diffusion layer of the Divine Burial and fight against the Dynasty of Truth and Wuji Heavenly Palace. However, for so many days, this guy has been making breakthroughs?

What's going on with this muddled horse?

I have my own way!

Fen Tian, ​​however, had a turbulent look on his face and was very confident, saying, I have learned the Yan Emperor's Scripture, and it is very easy to collect the energy core of the diffusion layer.


Just when the two of them made a move, the bodies of the two god emperors from the Dynasty of Truth and the Wuji Heavenly Palace flickered, walking freely in the world, without any flames touching them. Even if an occasional divine light bombarded their bodies, It didn't help, it didn't move at all.

It looks like it's too late.

Ye Jue's face was dark. He didn't expect that the plan would be disrupted by this idiot in the end.

God Emperor? They caught up so quickly, but it took me three whole days, and they only had a few seconds? Ye Jue, did you lure them here?

Fentian looked shocked.


At this moment, Ye Jue no longer wanted to talk nonsense.

What is the concept of God Emperor?

Was it originally planned to use the core to repel them?

As a result, this guy keeps breaking through?

What's the point of upgrading to an emperor now?

Is it enough to watch in front of the God Emperor?

Ye Jue, you stop them and I'll collect the core.

Fen Tian immediately roared and turned around and rushed into the depths of the ocean of flames.

I am truly a Buddha!

At this moment, Ye Jue saw two divine emperors in front of him, glaring at him eagerly.

The eyes of the God Emperor flow with divine radiance. This is the power that stands on the shoulders of the previous sages. You can even see the texture of Taoism, the most perfect embodiment of Tao Yun.

The Supreme Truth, a bit fierce, with a domineering face, a particularly eye-catching crown, black hair, and absolute divine power formed a five-star ray, rotating on the top of his head, densely covered with silver patterns, shining and quite magical.

Master Tai Chi!

This old man is something remarkable at first sight. His divine light is brilliant. When he comes, he crosses the sky like a divine rainbow descending. His clothes are floating in the sky, and he is like a fairy.

There is an epic sense of weight and vicissitudes.

The infinite divine power sways out with dreamy brilliance. It is also a country with countless palaces, and its beauty contains edge.

Both of them are ruthless characters and very troublesome.

However, the two god emperors looked thoughtful and did not take action immediately. Instead, they looked at Ye Jue in front of them.

Do you know this guy?

It was the first time for Supreme Truth to see Ye Jue. His brows were furrowed. He seemed to have seen something and discovered something, but he couldn't say it. He could only ask Taiji Dao Lord.

do not know.

Tai Chi Dao Lord is very decisive and straightforward.



At this time, Chi Ren and Mr. Feifan all arrived.

They followed the correct trajectory left by the God Emperor and found it directly, within ten seconds.

Immediately, he saw a young man hovering not far away from the Supreme Truth and Taoist Tai Chi.

They had never seen this young man before, and he looked ordinary.

However, a pair of narrow eyes are very bright, long blond hair is dancing, and the whole body is covered with a layer of strange dark gold armor.

If it was an unparalleled powerhouse on the God Descendants List, then they would definitely know who it was.

However, what made them even more confused was that the person in front of them was not on the list at all, nor was he famous.

As a being who is infinitely close to the God Emperor, as soon as he saw this person, he immediately made calculations. At first, he could not capture the brilliance of this person at all.

It's like air, and it seems to be a small transparent existence.

But how is this possible?

The speed he showed before was simply unparalleled.

It is enough to prove that this person has amazing background and potential!

Moreover, it is still at the imperial level and possesses divine power. The country is extraordinary at first glance and has almost reached the threshold of the third stage.

The second form of the emperor level releases the potential of the whole body. With the emperor's talents, it suppresses the eternal. An ordinary emperor cannot see the depth. When this form is activated, it is clear at a glance.

Chiren, look at his hands. Is there a cloud of black and yellow aura?

At this moment, Mr. Feifan suddenly asked.

How could I not know what it is? It is one of our clan's old enemies, Xuanyuan Huangdi.

Chiren's face turned gloomy.

This involves the arch-enemy of their clan.

Unexpectedly, of the two people in front of him, one has the bloodline of Emperor Xuanyuan Huang, and the other is directly the reincarnation of Emperor Yan.

This is definitely not a coincidence, it is a great destiny, a great fate, that makes these two people appear in front of him.

Is this God's will, asking me to avenge the demigods?

He took a step forward, stared at Ye Jue, and asked, Where is the reincarnation of Emperor Yan?

have no idea.

Unexpectedly, Ye Jue actually pretended to be stupid, shrugged and shook his head.

Hmph, how is that possible? He went to collect the core of the diffusion layer, right? You have a good plan. Are the reincarnations of Emperor Yan and people with the blood of Huang Emperor joining forces again to deal with me?

Chiren stood beside the Supreme Truth and questioned him.

You are not the reincarnation of Chi You, but the person who collected Chi You's power. Then why do we kill each other? It is an ancient hatred. There is no need to affect our generation, right?

Ye Jue didn't panic at all when faced with so many people. He was a natural negotiator. In the shortest words, he put aside Taikoonian.

Chi You's power is difficult to control. If I can kill you, I think I can fulfill Chi You's long-cherished wish.

Chi Ren suddenly licked his lips and said: After I gather all Chi You's bodies, I will become the master of a new generation of power. I may be able to completely obey Chi You's will.


Suddenly, the extraordinary young master's eyes rolled.

It seems that Chi Ren is not as powerful as he appears. Is Chi You's power actually a double-edged sword?

Master, don't talk nonsense to him, capture this person quickly, we must prevent Emperor Yan from reincarnating and obtain the core of the diffusion layer.

He quickly said to Taoist Master Tai Chi.

My disciple is right.

Taoist Taiji nodded slightly, pushed his palm forward, and a series of ripples spread. This was a sealing technique. It was easy to seal a great emperor. This was the terror of the God Emperor, which should not be blasphemed.

Want to seal me?

Suddenly, Ye Jue's teeth were as white as snow and he smiled brightly. His body shrank and his whole body turned into light, entering the kingdom of freedom and theocracy, avoiding the great seal.


In front of everyone in the Dynasty of Truth and Wuji Heavenly Palace, a huge and majestic free world unfolded. There was a sound of vibration, dragons roared and tigers roared, phoenixes spread their wings, Xuanwu screamed, and Suzaku danced wildly.

In this mythical world, you have to fight against everyone with your own strength.

You don't know about the praying mantis? You are so angry that you use your arms as ruts? You are ignorant!

The Supreme Truth was indifferent and punched forward. All the flames were compressed to the extreme and swallowed into the fist. The huge flame energy around him was completely absorbed, forming a vacuum.

You must know that these flames are not ordinary flames, but Wang Yan, and even Fen Tian needs to use this to break through.

The God Emperor can actually take advantage of it easily!

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