Seeing the God Emperor being so terrifying, Ye Jue was shocked in his heart at this moment. These Wang Yans all rushed towards him as if they were being pulled.

Moreover, these king flames formed various phoenixes, red birds, and fire dragons, roaring continuously.


The mist is billowing into the sky, impacting the great world of the theocratic kingdom.


Ye Jue's whole body was shaken, and the particles almost collapsed. There was rumbling everywhere in the country, various black lightnings erupted, and dense thunder struck down, creating a scene of the end of the world.

But what excited him was that in the sea of ​​storage in the theocratic kingdom, the black light surged, ripples spread in all directions.

After a short time, he couldn't help but roar, and finally he flew across the theocratic kingdom.

On his body, accompanied by dazzling light, there were also terrifying dragon roars and phoenix cries.

The entire theocratic kingdom is actually absorbing the God Emperor's attacks and forcibly converting them into dark energy.

This kid is so bold. He actually dares to do anything in front of the God Emperor?

As the extraordinary young master said, the attack of the Supreme Truth can penetrate the Kingdom of God!

That terrifying Wang Yan blasted into the theocratic kingdom and was as violent as a storm, destroying everything. Only a small part was transformed into dark energy and dark matter.

Sure enough, Ye Jue roared immediately.

The entire theocratic kingdom was almost torn apart by this attack!

The God Emperor is indeed terrifying. With just one simple punch, I almost died.

Blood spilled from the corner of Ye Jue's mouth.

The God-Emperor is so cruel that neither the Supreme Lord of the Dynasty of Truth nor the Taoist Tai Chi of the Wuji Heavenly Palace can rival him.

Master, catch them alive!

The extraordinary young master shouted towards Taoist Master Taiji.

This person's divine power is extremely special. If it is integrated with the extraordinary divine power, what kind of terrifying abilities will be born?

Sovereign One, I want everything from this person.

Chiren's eyes sparkled.

He was able to withstand the God Emperor's blow, even though his realm was so far behind him, what did this mean?

This person has great potential in terms of physical hardness, the strength of the theocratic kingdom, and the activity of ions.

If he is swallowed by Chi You's right hand, his combat power will rise to another level again.

Moreover, the Extraordinary Young Master must not be allowed to get this person.

Now it was like the two God-Emperors began to compete with each other. The one who suffered the most was Ye Jue, who actually had to face attacks from two God-Emperors at the same time.

His theocratic kingdom has made a loud noise, and no matter how strong it is, it will be torn apart by the hands of the God Emperor.

All the microorganisms in the big world of the kingdom screamed at this moment and suffered a disaster.

Ye Jue's current strength has already evolved these powerful microorganisms in the theocratic kingdom, such as dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns.

If you give them time to evolve, sooner or later, they can evolve into a true dragon or a true phoenix.

After all, the country is equivalent to a person's carrier, containing all his own myths.

Now, Ye Jue's face was as pale as earth, and he indeed felt the anger of the God Emperor.

Like other people at the same level, I am afraid they have already been scared out of their wits.

What's more, the two god emperors attacked at the same time with thunderous force.

Within the free theocratic country, countless sacred mountains and immortal rivers have been destroyed, and Guangyu temples are all on the verge of destruction.

After some buildings were shattered, they were actually shaken into the most primitive free energy.

Fortunately, Ye Jue had been prepared a long time ago. The moment the two God Emperors attacked him, he absorbed all the free energy into his body.

Moreover, some highly active microorganisms are collected and stored in the particles.

Even the power of the God Emperor cannot easily destroy his body, let alone shake these mythical creatures grown through hard work.

Ye Jue, what should we do now? The two god emperors are attacking you, and I can't stop them.

At this moment, the Feathering Mirror suddenly ejected from the top of Ye Jue's head, spinning and emitting brilliant brilliance, with divine clouds splashing everywhere.

He brought the power of Taixu Feather Sutra and now gave it all to Ye Jue, but it was of no avail.

Even if part of the power is transferred to the Kingdom of Ryunao, it still cannot bear it.

If the God Emperor hadn't been afraid of the Death God's flare and hadn't used the Emperor's magic, they would have turned into ashes long ago.

But this also just proves that this is an opportunity for them to survive.

The God-Emperor does not use Emperor Technique, but only uses Ping A, allowing Ye Jue to continuously absorb power. It is still possible to wait until Fentian refines the core.


At this time, Chi Ren suddenly moved over. Chi You held the magic knife in his arm and struck Ye Jue's position.


In an instant, I don’t know how much space was broken.

The attack of Chi You's magic sword has the same power as the normal attack of the God Emperor.

B clasped his hands together, and in an instant, the Taixu Feather Sutra erupted!


Behind him, a huge black hole appeared, and like Su Baiyu, it also directly opened the Kingdom of Liu Nao.

Moreover, in the blink of an eye, Ye Jue let out a low drink, and his body instantly rushed out of Divine Power, and also struck out with a knife.

Dominant sword!

This was one of the seven moves he had just learned.

The moment it collided with Chi You's magic sword, a deep chasm was torn open.

The bodies of many unparalleled evil geniuses rolled over and over again in the explosion, rolling hundreds of times before settling in mid-air.

What is this, such a powerful sword technique?

Can you actually compete with Chi You's magic sword?

No, he used the Imperial Technique. He actually dared to use the Imperial Technique. Aren't he afraid of the Death Flare exploding?

Damn it, of course he's not afraid anymore. Now is the moment of life and death. He wants to drag us to death together!

Fuck, what should I do?

What else can I do, cold salad!

Fuck you?


The soldiers of the Truth Dynasty and the disciples of Wuji Tiangong were facing each other again.

Anyway, this is a battle between the God Emperor and the one who is infinitely close to the God Emperor.

Did they interfere?

Who dares!

On the other hand, the person with the Yellow Emperor's bloodline had such a strong body that he could withstand the God Emperor's attacks continuously, and even attacks that were infinitely close to the God Emperor's.

Even though it was just a normal attack, it still felt incredible.

After Ye Jue slashed out the tyrant sword, the black sword in his hand disintegrated into the most primitive vitality, which was absorbed into his body again.

Moreover, the explosion was bidirectional. Chi You's sharpening power was quite astonishing, and he himself rolled over again and again.

But it was not like those people. Instead, it flashed towards the back, and was about to escape from this place.

Seal from the other side!

An old voice came directly from the void, and Ye Jue immediately felt that the surrounding space was squeezing towards him, restricting his movements.

You know, with the speed of his escape, he is absolutely free!

However, this seal on the other side prevents him from seeing the other side, which is enough to show that this sealing technique must be a very powerful sealing seal.

Taiji Daojun's strength is unfathomable, and the sealing method covers all directions.

The other shore has disappeared, there is only endless emptiness.

No matter how you try to escape, you can't escape from this sealed space.

Still want to run?

Tai Chi Dao Lord was very indifferent. He was wearing a white robe and had a tall body. He stepped on Wang Yan and faced Ye Jue in the diffusion layer, walking step by step.

The God Emperor, pointing to the sky and stepping on the earth, shows his majesty to his heart's content, no matter what gorgeous words he uses to praise him, they are just embellishments.

What is a God Emperor?

Can withstand the collapse of the era.

This is the God Emperor, and even heaven and earth cannot destroy him!

Moreover, this is still the true body of Tai Chi Dao Lord, not a time clone.

The God Emperor, the Emperor of Gods, is the master of a piece of heaven and earth, a realm that can only be looked up to but cannot be reached.

Now there are actually two of them at the same time, becoming Ye Jue's enemies.

Your name is...Ye Jue. I've already figured it out. This name seems a bit familiar, but I can't remember clearly. What exactly are you? A descendant of the Sixth Era?

The old man Taiji Daojun stopped in front of Ye Jue, condescendingly asking questions.

The pressure like mountains and seas collapsed, and in an instant, the blood-stained clothes on Ye Jue's body flew backwards, as if they were about to break into pieces of butterflies.

Ye Jue clasped his hands together, his expression solemn, all his energy settled down, and his blood-stained clothes actually returned to calm.

Seeing this scene, Taiji Taoist Master showed a trace of surprise on his face. He did not expect that this person would not move at all under the pressure of the God Emperor.

Even in a theocratic country, one should kneel down and worship.

Tell me, what are you?

He questioned again.

What are you questioning? Old man, you are already a God Emperor, but you still care about this. God Emperor is high above, watching the birth and death of all worlds, controlling the universe, subverting reincarnation, understanding the way of demigods, and still caring on the road to becoming a true god. You don’t need to care about these trivial things and who I am.”

Ye Jue sneered. He stood in the big world of his theocratic kingdom, looking up at the God Emperor who was like a true God crushing.

He is probably the only person in the world who can use such a tone to confront the God Emperor.

Be bold!

At this moment, the Supreme Truth frowned and came over. His eyes were captivating and he took a step forward.

Your name is Ye Jue, don't you want to live anymore? I'll give you two choices now. The first is to swear to us, hand over your divine power obediently, and become a slave of our Truth Dynasty, and I will help you fight against Wuji Tiangong. How about it?

What did you say?

Taoist Taiji looked at the Supreme Truth, his eyes suddenly opened wide, and dazzling brilliance shot out.

Haha, why don't you guys have a fight now and decide the winner? I will swear an oath to whoever wins, hand over my divine power and become your slave, how about that?

Ye Jue is currently working hard to repair the Kingdom of God, and his whole body's strength has reached the maximum level!

The aura was rising steadily, and the endless black and yellow air filled the top of his head, and then the bars fell down, washing over his body, and finally condensed into black and yellow blood thunders.

These black and yellow blood thunders were born in every particle of his body, making Ye Jue's body seem to have become a black and yellow body, just like the arrival of Emperor Xuanyuan.

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