The divine burial wrapped in a flare is a magnetic field aggregate that emits various electromagnetic radiations outwards. This electromagnetic radiation can interfere with the ions in a person's body and change it into various shapes.

Only the quasi-emperor can barely resist the changes in the magnetic field and maintain his body.

Because their particles are strong enough.

The Divine Burial is a huge energy body, and the outer flare only accounts for about one ten thousandth of the total energy.

The power of the Divine Burial is beyond everyone's imagination.

Now, Ye Jue has taken off, leaving everyone from the Truth Dynasty and Wuji Tiangong behind.

Boy, stop!

Stop it quickly.

Hearing those faint shouts, Ye Jue sneered.

Only a fool would stop!

Those sunspots are inexhaustible, enough to make these unparalleled evil geniuses drink a pot.

However, the further he advanced, the more he noticed that the density ahead changed.

So much so that his speed dropped.

It was as if Mr. Feifan saw hope for the Chi people who were chasing him.

They can't wait to get hold of this person.

Uh, what's going on? The density here has changed!

Chiren originally thought he could catch this person, but he didn't expect that he would be affected by the density change, and he would also be shackled.

A series of physical changes are undergoing huge changes. The temperature distribution here is very abnormal. Some places are simply forbidden areas, and even he dare not set foot easily.

The Divine Burial releases a large amount of energy in a short period of time, forming a flare. This is an explosive phenomenon. Now that the flare disappears, it will naturally condense again.

The extraordinary young master muttered to himself.

But in Ye Jue's view, the entire Shenzang is like a balloon.

This balloon has deflated now, but as it cools, it will expand more and more, and it will explode again.

Before that, Kamizo must be obtained.

Puff puff!!

At this moment, colorful beams of light were shot from the entrance of the projectile matter phenomenon. These rays were stored in the divine burial and were suddenly released, forming a storm.

Due to the change in density, Ye Jue was unable to avoid it and was hit all over his body.

He was hit!

Many people in the Dynasty of Truth were surprised and applauded when they saw that scene.

These rays are all destructive magnetic energy and are local radiation emitted by the Divine Burial with varying frequencies.

It was simply God's will that it would appear at this moment.

However, the next scene left them completely stunned.

These magnetic energy destruction rays shot directly at them through Ye Jue's body.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the overwhelming storm.

No! Resist quickly!

The disciples of Wuji Tiangong shouted and took action one after another, forming a thick curtain of light in front of the formation.


This light curtain melted instantly when hit by colorful magnetic energy destruction rays.


Suddenly, screams could be heard one after another, and the unparalleled evil geniuses of Wuji Heavenly Palace fell one after another.

They couldn't even save their souls and were directly destroyed. This ray has the power to destroy all matter and souls.

Damn it, get out of here!

Chi Ren roared.

Fortunately, there were people from Wuji Tiangong blocking them in front, so they were one step behind. Now it seemed that they were really lucky.

But despite this, many soldiers were shot and melted on the spot.

At this moment, Ye Jue kept moving forward with this colorful beam of light. Although his speed was very slow, he was already infinitely close to the entrance of the paramatter phenomenon.

According to the information from Fentian, the outer shell of the Divine Burial has been broken through. This is the electromagnetic separation layer, which is also the most dangerous layer. That's why there are so many bones.

Ye Jue's eyes were mostly blocked by purple haze against the ultraviolet rays at the entrance to the electromagnetic separation layer.

But I can still see clearly. There is a huge maze inside, and the composition of the escape layer is hard to see clearly. Everything is a black barrier.

The two god emperors are now lost in it.

Don't even think about it!

At this moment, Chi Ren fiercely swung the Chi You Demonic Sword in his hand, and a bloody light suddenly shone. This bloody light was so domineering, with such indescribable majesty that all living creatures had to kneel down and worship.

This is the sword technique used by Chi You's right arm. It simulates the ancient Chi You's attack mode. As soon as he releases his breath, the divine light breaks through the dark clouds and shines.

Ye Jue's body immediately sensed the huge danger, and his whole body was in a trembling state.

The way of calculation flashes, and there is no solution hundreds of millions of times.

There is simply no escape.

This sword, Chi You's power, is so overbearing!

Chiren sneered.

He knew that this person would be seriously injured with this knife.

After all, it was a devastating blow that risked activating the flare.

Because he couldn't let this person leave so smoothly, he had to stop him.

You know, even the God Emperor would have to avoid a drop of Chi You's blood, let alone Chi You's entire arm.

This is the power of a demigod, the hand of a demigod.

What's more, Ye Jue is not the God Emperor yet, how can he resist?

Boy, you are an undercover agent of our Truth Dynasty. You just want to use our power to reach the Divine Burial and obtain the Divine Burial. Haha, what a good calculation. You dare to treat me as a tool. You are simply audacious. This knife will completely kill you. If you are seriously injured, I will seal you and torture you forever, making your soul unable to die or live.

Chi Ren's thoughts bombarded Ye Jue, causing him to lose his will and surrender.

The bloody sword light displayed by the demigod's arm became more and more radiant, forcing him closer.

Ye Jue was motionless in the face of Chi Ren's ferocious smile. Suddenly, a mighty force of freedom erupted from every particle, surging and pressing, and even formed a knife in his hand.

The whole body of this sword is bright and shiny, and the seven movements are vigorously moving, fully actuating.


The bloody sword light hit him, and Ye Jue's face suddenly changed. He felt unprecedented lethality, and even his body began to tremble.

The blow from the demigod's arm actually took him gliding.

The huge sword light struck Ye Jue's body, but he wrapped his arms around the sword light and moved back towards the entrance at the rear.

What kind of imperial art is that that can actually block my blow?

Chiren was immediately shocked.

His sword was not an imperial technique, it was just a simple swing, but it was enough to deal with this person.

However, he did not expect that instead of being severely injured, the propulsion force was used to get closer to the entrance.

Chiren, could it be that you sent him away on purpose? What's your plot?

The corner of Mr. Feifan's eyes couldn't help but jump when he saw such a scene.

He became suspicious.

Could it be said that in such a short period of time, Chi Ren had reached some kind of consensus with this person?

Or should I say that everything before was just acting!

This person is not a spy at all, but the trump card of the Truth Dynasty. He specializes in speed and comes to get the burial of the gods.

Chiren, how could he be so far-sighted and so calculating?

What did you say?!

Chiren immediately jumped up in anger, thinking that Mr. Feifan was mocking him.

Indeed, he did not expect that this person could withstand a blow from his Chi You Demon Sword and demigod arm.

It’s really hard to be confident.

But no matter what, this person has reached the entrance and entered the black barrier escape layer.

Is it pure darkness or a maze? There is no trace of it.


At this moment, there was blood on the corner of Ye Jue's mouth, but he was extremely happy.

Chiren obviously didn't dare to use imperial magic, just ordinary level a.

Therefore, it is easier for him!

Because the attack of Chi You's magic sword was completely absorbed by the self-created emperor's technique, in an instant, the second sword style, the domineering sword, was developed.


The domineering sword shook, blood gushed out, and all kinds of Chi clan demonic figures appeared from it.

Heaven, humans, hungry ghosts, animals, Shura, hell... all kinds of avenues are revolving around Ba Dao.

But Ye Jue did not wave his hand, and his palm shook, causing it to dissipate.

There are no enemies here. Ba Dao still has to use enemies to test his power.

While tumbling and rolling, they had entered the escape layer of the Divine Burial. As expected, just like Fentian's information, they were all black barriers. They could not see their fingers. The light here was completely swallowed up.

Only a very powerful force can penetrate the body and shake out a faint light.

But this light is also like a firefly, and can only see half a meter away from itself.

However, Ye Jue held the map in his hand and did not panic at all, with a confident smile on his face.

As soon as he turned his left hand, he simulated a formation diagram.

As the array rotated, the body started to move and turned into a beam of light. At high speed, it went somewhere and disappeared here.

The second floor of the Divine Burial is so huge. It seems like you and I are already lost.

The Supreme Truth is flashing, and the light emitting from his body is greater than anyone else's. From a distance, it looks like a huge ball of light.

In the endless darkness, shining like the stars and the moon.

Tai Chi Dao Lord also shuttled through every hole, his body changing continuously, and a strong Wuhua divine light burst out from the top of his head, illuminating the way he came and went.

Even so, no real entrance can be found.

The third layer of the Divine Burial is the energy diffusion layer. As long as you find it, you can control the core. Whoever gets the core is equivalent to mastering the energy throughput of the entire Divine Burial.

Taoist Tai Chi said coldly.


At this moment, the Supreme Truth seemed to have noticed something. His palms changed continuously, and he showed a reaction, and then his face was filled with astonishment.

Someone broke into this place and searched for the right hole at an extremely fast speed, as if there was a guide. Oops!

At this time, even the God Emperor shouted.

What did you say?

Taoist Master Taiji was also shocked, as if he had heard something unbelievable, and he was making calculations.

The results obtained are completely consistent with the Supreme Truth.


The two god emperors immediately caused a magnetic storm and ignored the black barrier.

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