
Suddenly, densely packed figures, with frightening energy fluctuations, shook the void, like dense lightning rushing towards the death flare.

The current death flare has been extinguished and will not rekindle for the time being. After all, it is suppressed by the God Emperor. It may take a long time to rekindle it.

However, in this space, the emperor's magic with huge dark energy cannot be used.

Because death flares absorb dark energy, the more they absorb, the faster they can rekindle.

After people from the Truth Dynasty and Wuji Tiangong rushed in, they all received such warnings.

Brothers, rush, Jinzo is right in front of you!

A soldier from the Dynasty of Truth raised his arms and shouted towards the rear, but when he turned around, where was he?

As a result, they all beat him one step ahead and entered the divine treasure.

Then the soldier ignored it and plunged in crazily.

After passing through a long and narrow tunnel, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. It was frightening and extremely shocking at the same time.

The bone is such a big piece. What kind of creature is such a big bone?

It seems to be a skull, it's actually so huge, my God, and it's the heavenly cap of humanoid life!

Be careful, there must be great danger here. The fact that the treasure has not been taken away for so many years is enough to prove that there is a lot of danger here.

You don't need to tell me, you losers in Wuji Heavenly Palace, please stay aside and watch me watch how I go to get the divine treasure.

No, these elm-headed people from the Dynasty of Truth just rushed in. They didn't see the bones below, they were all piled up into a mountain.

Hmph, let them clear the way first, let them die, and we will pick up the ready-made ones behind.

Fuck, you actually want to pick something ready-made. Damn it, we won't rush it anymore. If you want to rush it, you go and rush it!

People from the Dynasty of Truth and Wuji Tiangong immediately began to troll each other.

Just as he was about to take action, the extraordinary young master shouted coldly: Shut up, everyone. Since Shen Zang is right in front of you, there can't be a fight here.

Fuck, are you telling anyone to shut up? How many times do you think you can!

Young Master Feifan, I think he is suffering from kidney deficiency. His face is pale and he is so weak, hahaha.

That's right, I think it's better to change the name.

When the people of the Truth Dynasty saw Mr. Feifan speaking, they actually ordered them?

All of them were immediately furious. They were members of the Dynasty of Truth, how could they listen to others' scoldings!

What's more, all of them are unparalleled evil geniuses. They are all quasi-emperors and will soon be promoted to the emperor level. Why should they listen to this young master with kidney deficiency?

Is it just because he is a disciple of Taiji Daojun?

Humph, this is nothing, it’s just a related household.

In particular, those who started from scratch and practiced from scratch looked down upon the latter even more, and their snorts were louder and louder.

Are you looking for death?

When the extraordinary young master saw that the unparalleled evil geniuses of the Truth Dynasty were so bold and dared to criticize him, his face suddenly darkened, he shouted low, and pushed forward with his palm, about to use the imperial technique.

Young Master Extraordinary, do you have such a small amount of energy? The use of imperial magic here will undoubtedly speed up the formation of the flare. Have you forgotten the instructions of the God Emperor?

Chiren spoke at this time and glanced at him lightly, with an indifferent expression on his face.

You said I'm short-tempered?

When Master Feifan heard this, his face suddenly turned green and his fists clenched loudly.

However, the people of the Dynasty of Truth are watching with eager eyes.

His disciples in Wuji Heavenly Palace are different from these reckless men. All of them are well-educated and qualified.

After a while, he took a deep breath and said coldly: The God Emperors have already taken the first step to search for Shenzang. If you want to quarrel here, then keep arguing. I want to follow the God Emperor. First Went to look for Kamizo.”


The next moment, the divine formation of Wuji Tiangong was formed, and floated away with all the disciples of Wuji Tiangong.

Let's go too!

Chiren waved his hand fiercely.

The entire iron-blooded formation of the Truth Dynasty immediately rose up, wrapping around all the soldiers and chasing them through the blood mist and blood clouds.

Haha, I caught up so quickly, Chi Ren, it seems you are quite anxious too.

When Young Master Feifan saw the blood mist filling the rear, he knew that people from the Dynasty of Truth were chasing after them, and the distance was shortening. He immediately laughed and began to speed up.

This is an extremely long beam tunnel with unknown depth. There are many huge corpses lying underneath. Many people have died on this road.

Just as the two parties were chasing each other, suddenly, purple mist suddenly filled the road.

Deadly virus?

Ye Jue, who was hiding among the soldiers of the Truth Dynasty, saw what it was at a glance. He had encountered Fentian before.

Now that they actually appear on this road, it is very likely that these fallen corpses died at the hands of the virus.

Spread out and never get together!

Master Feifan obviously knew what this was, and with a wave of his hand, the entire Wuji Heavenly Palace disciples scattered, and the formation that protected them disappeared in an instant.

The same is true for the people of the Dynasty of Truth. Each team is scattered and must not be wiped out by the deadly virus.

But at this moment, many black spots suddenly rushed out from below.

These black spots kept spinning, each one showing its teeth and claws, and they turned out to be black bugs.

Huh? Be careful, these bugs are all the creatures born from the sunspots!

When everyone in Chi saw this, they were immediately shocked. With a fierce swing of the Chi You Demon Sword in his hand, he chopped off hundreds of millions of them.

But with such a quantity, it’s just a drop in the bucket!

Each of you will send weapons for defense. You must not use imperial arts. Do you all understand? If anyone causes flare activity, I will kill him directly.

Chi Ren gave a low shout, pointed the magic knife forward and said: There is a coronal mass ejection phenomenon in that place. It must be the exit. Everyone rushes towards there.

As you command!

In the absence of the Supreme Truth, Chiren is the commander of the dynasty.

His orders are heaven, and no one dares to disobey them.

Let's rush over too!

The extraordinary young master let out a loud roar and added: The quasi-emperor skills, as well as the emperor skills, have all been sealed by me!


However, at this moment, a very dazzling aurora rushed out from the two groups of people. The speed was so fast and dazzling that everyone was stunned for a moment.

What is this, who is it? What kind of character?

The soldiers of the Dynasty of Truth were instantly stunned.

It seems like they came from the Kingdom of Truth. Why is it so fast?

The handsome men and beauties on the Wuji Heavenly Palace were shocked for a moment when they saw this aurora rushing toward the entrance of the ejection phenomenon at an unimaginable speed.


Chiren was simply shocked. He did not expect that the Dynasty of Truth would have such a fast person.

Why doesn't he know?

Could it be the recently acquired unparalleled evil genius?

No, this is not the power of a quasi-emperor, but a great emperor level.

Who is he? Is he some powerful general?

But he knows every general, and he also knows every general's power.

There has never been anyone in the Dynasty who can surpass him in speed, except for the Supreme.


The aurora that rushed out was Ye Jue.

At this moment, he had seen the entrance, which was completely consistent with the intelligence map sent by Fentian.

As long as he enters the sharp sword, he can go straight to Huanglong and get the divine burial.

I'm afraid that at this time, even the two God Emperors are lost in it, and it will take a long time to find the right path.

After all, the entire Shenzang is like a huge meteorite, densely packed with caves and tunnels, some connected and some not.

Going back and forth, it took many times to find the correct entrance to the sacred place.

Whoever it is, stop him!

The Extraordinary Young Master let out a loud roar, and grabbed the aurora with his big hand.

But at this moment, the imperial technique was sealed, and it was just a simple big hand. How could it grasp Ye Jue's body?

What's more, Ye Jue still has the ability to release the power of freedom, and he keeps disappearing into space, time, and destiny, which is simply difficult to figure out.

The emperor level has some control over destiny, but it doesn't work with Ye Jue, it's useless at all. He is a person who is free from destiny and a completely free person.

Freedom is his divine right, and his divine right is freedom.

Damn, why can't I catch him? I can't believe it, Chi Ren, you actually have such a powerful guy hidden in your Kingdom of Truth.

Mr. Feifan actually failed and failed to catch this person.

This is not a member of our Dynasty of Truth. He is most likely a spy.

At this time, Chiren's expression changed.

What are you talking about? My Wuji Heavenly Palace had a spy first, and your Kingdom of Truth also has one. Could it be that they were taking care of each other and we were all fooled?

The extraordinary young master looked unbelievable.

The spy hidden in Wuji Heavenly Palace is the reincarnation of Emperor Yan. He has a great identity and unlimited potential.

What is the identity of the spy hidden in the Dynasty of Truth?

Does it also have a huge origin?

It looks like you're right. These two damn maggots took advantage of both of us. You and I were both fooled by them.

Chiren was making crazy calculations at this time, with a gloomy look on his face, and his seal almost made flowers.

His lungs are really about to explode now.

How dare you fool yourself?

But while he was furious, he also had great doubts in his heart. Why didn't he detect this person's aura?

This person was very good at concealment. He may have specialized in mythological techniques such as concealment, which prevented him from noticing it.

Buzz buzz!!

And these sunspots are like killing machines, like locusts, eating away at their men and horses.

An unparalleled evil genius was unfortunately surrounded and was eaten clean on the spot, without even a drop of blood left.

Escape from here first.

The extraordinary young master roared, shaking the area, and led Wuji Sky's disciples to rush towards the entrance of the projectile material phenomenon.

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