
Laifu screamed sadly:

I don't know how to talk nonsense. Su Yan, you don't wear underwear when sleeping. Chen Ya, when you like to sleep...


Su Yan and Chen Ya screamed.

Before Laifu finished speaking, all kinds of skills were thrown at him.


Laifu jumped up and down, continuing to reveal all the secrets with a cheeky smile.

Your hobbies are very special.

Ye Jue touched his nose because he heard something funny.


Su Yan blushed and ran into the bathroom.

Chen Ya also blushed and ran into her room.

Humph, this is what you get for betraying me.

Laifu shouted proudly.

Ye Jue was the only one left in the hall.

Ye Jue slowly sat down on the sofa and said, Let's talk.

Is that still the case?

Laifu's ears perked up and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

I guarantee that you can come out of the Netherworld alive, as long as you help me steal the treasure.

Ye Jue said.

Since it is stealing, there is no 100% life guarantee.

Laifu looked at him, speechless: Besides, what's the benefit to me?

I saved your life and helped you reach level 8. Isn't this a benefit?

Ye Jue shrugged his shoulders.

There is no one above level 5 in the entire base city.

Because the dog woke up without anyone noticing.

As an evolver, you are naturally unique.

You did save my dog's life...but you can't take my dog's life, right?

Laifu smiled bitterly.

He is no longer the innocent person he was before.

As an evolver, his brain was gradually opened.

IQ and EQ are almost the same as humans.

You still don't believe me. I can tell you one thing. Although you have awakened and surpassed level 5, you will never be able to truly awaken without my help.

There is no real awakening, just upgrading. It will only increase physical fitness.

Ye Jue said calmly.

No wonder...this dog feels no different than usual.

Laifu nodded.

He knows about awakening, he has eaten so many magic cores.

But it only went beyond level 5, and nothing else changed.

Is this really an awakening?

Many times, he doubted himself.

Is it wrong to wake up?

Or is there no awakening at all, and the awakening simply transcends the level?

So, what's going on?

Laifu finished crossing his legs and asked quickly.

Let me help you wake up.

Ye Jue explained:

Ten flesh demon cores can awaken into the mutation system, and 10 crystal demon cores can awaken into the energy system.

With 10 of each of these two types of magic cores, there is a 10% chance of awakening into an evolved person. However, if it fails, the body will be shattered.

There is a 0.01% chance of awakening as a special evolver, but two conditions need to be met to become a special evolver.

The more magic cores you can store, the better. You will need them when you awaken.

The second condition is to obtain a fallen treasure and use the power of the fallen treasure from hell.


Does this dog belong to the category of evolver?

Laifu asked.

Yes, you are an exception. You directly swallowed a lot of magic cores and became an evolver without reaching level 5. I have never seen this before. This may be the reason why you are different from us humans.

So, your awakening power has been suppressed.

Ye Jue said: You must liberate the awakening power, and I know how to liberate it.

How to liberate?

Laifu looked curious.

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