Hell Luobao, the power of Luobao can guide your awakening power.

Ye Jue said.


Laifu gasped when he heard Ye Jue's plain yet domineering words.

After all, he was still required to steal the treasure in the end?

If you don't awaken the power of the seal, any awakened person at level 5 can beat you.

Ye Jue smiled calmly.

That bitch is just a fool.

Laifu's mouth twitched.

Level 8 was beaten by a level 5 awakener...

To be honest, he felt bad.

Huh? Once the demon in the netherworld crawls to the ground, do you think it will be as leisurely as it is now?

Ye Jue couldn't help but sarcastically said.

I just stayed in the base and didn't go anywhere.

Laifu shouted at the top of his lungs.

I'm sorry, but this base, which is less than level 1, cannot stop the Nether Demon.

Ye Jue shook his head.

No base city can survive the attack of the demonic tide forever.

The base city is also gradually upgraded, from level 1 to level 5, destroyed, rebuilt, destroyed, rebuilt...

Want to hang out?

How to mix?

Only by surviving the demon tide, another group of people will be eliminated.

The dog ran away and fled to a deserted place.

Laifu was trembling all over.

You're living in seclusion? It won't be long before you die alone. You'll only survive a few times in the Demon God Arena.

Ye Jue chuckled.

Damn it, isn't there nothing we can do?

Laifu was angry.

Only by obtaining the treasure, activating the 'prehistoric power' in your body, and continuing to evolve can you survive.

Ye Jue said.

I know you didn't lie to me, but how much courage does it take to go to hell and steal things under the eyes of the Lord of the Netherworld?

Laifu's mouth stiffened.

This person in front of me...

It’s not like I don’t know, I am just a coward.

Previously, he was a brave drug detection dog.

When drugs were smelled at one point, athletes and anti-narcotics police fought.

Bullets flew over his head.

At that time, he was so frightened that he huddled in the corner and looked at everything in horror.

After that, he acted cute in various postures, and even if he smelled drugs, he did not dare to express his position in public.

Soon after, his place of honor was taken.

After being laid off, he was adopted by a family and lived a warm and comfortable family life.

At that time, he swore that he would never go into a dangerous place or risk his life again.

Laifu, do you know that he is stronger than anyone in the base now?

Ye Jue's eyes flashed and he said calmly: You can think about it yourself, there is still a long time.

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes on the sofa.

The next morning.

A man in camouflage uniform came in and knocked on the door.

Come in.

Ye Jue said with his eyes closed.

The man walked in, saluted, and said: Hello, Colonel Ye, all the people you are looking for have been brought to the designated location, you can go.


Su Yan and Chen Ya followed Ye Jue towards a tall office building.

Laifu followed lazily.

Many people stared at him.


Laifu's canine teeth were fierce and his eyes were as big as copper bells.

Scared those people away in no time.

This dog is so terrifying, with muscles as strong as a bull and a square head and big ears.

Think about it.

Even Su Yan's fire-based skills had no effect on him, which shows how bad the steel and iron bones have become.

Hey, is it you, Ye Jue?!!!

Xu Ziyue was extremely surprised.

I saw a familiar figure among the approaching figures.

However, when she saw the other two women, she couldn't help but stop.

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