As long as you keep me with you, you can eat the food I cook at any time.

Su Yan couldn't help but said.

I don’t know if it’s because of the beef hotpot, but my face suddenly turned a lot rosy after eating.

Her delicate cherry lips were moist and shiny, and her beautiful oval face showed a beautiful expression.


When Chen Ya heard this, she glanced at both parties.

It's really warm to have dinner together.

However, how could she not see Su Yan's thoughts.

This girl obviously has feelings for the classmate Ye Jue in front of her.


Su Yan is a bit clumsy and not very good at expressing her feelings.

Therefore, Chen Ya felt that it was interesting that Su Yan blushed after saying this.

Haha, if you want to die quickly, then you can.

Ye Jue smiled slightly.

Being around him was the most dangerous thing in the world.

I'm not afraid!

Su Yan puffed out her chest.

She is now a new human being.

That time I said goodbye to Ye Jue was different from the past.

Level 3 strength, and some good fire skills and equipment.

Even if you encounter the demon elite, you can fight.


Ye Jue said a rare word.

Huh? What? You agreed?

Su Yan was stunned for a moment, then jumped up excitedly.

She had been left behind several times and had given up hope.

Who would have expected that Ye Jue would actually agree this time? ?

real or fake?

Chen Ya also looked at Ye Jue curiously.

She didn't think it was that simple.

You are now qualified to help me do something, and so is Teacher Chen Ya.

Ye Jue looked at the sky and knew it was getting late, so he was too lazy to talk nonsense.

I told them about the base city guild.

You mean for us to...form a guild?

Su Yan and Chen Ya looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

The status of the guild in the base city is very high, compared to the army, it is just a little behind.

Ye Jue actually asked them to build a top guild, a super guild that could compete with the stars.

This, this, this... is it just them?

It's not just you, there are several people. You guys join forces to create it. You can name the guild whatever you want.

Ye Jue said to them.

So you're here to take charge of the guild?

Chen Ya's red lips parted slightly, with a hint of disbelief in her eyes.

That's right, you must recruit under my name, and you will jointly manage it.

Ye Jue nodded.

So this mission is very simple. We want one family to dominate and bring down all the super guilds in the base city?

Su Yan's eyes sparkled.

This seems a bit...exciting!

That's it, don't worry, this guild has strong support from the army, and more importantly, there is this dog to help you recruit.

Ye Jue kicked Laifu, who was immersed in cooking.

It seems good, but I want to be the president!

Laifu raised his head.

Aren't you autistic and afraid of society? How dare you speak in front of so many people?

Ye Jue asked.

...Forget it, I don't want to be the president of the guild anymore, I can just be a sacred beast of the town meeting, right?

Lai Fu's tongue instantly became covered with cold sweat.

Okay, then it's settled, let's start tomorrow.

Ye Jue smiled.

One more thing, the town beast will sleep with Su Yan and Chen Ya tonight!

Lai Fu had a mean smile on his face.

I reject!

Su Yan and Chen Ya said in unison.

Ever since they knew this dog could talk, they no longer regarded Laifu as a dog.

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