If he allowed this nine-headed bird to plunder his accumulation, he would be in vain, and even this fierce bird would directly recover and become stronger than before.


At this point, Ye Jue could only temporarily take back the theocratic kingdom. He pulled and loosened his big hand, and shot out the moon-breaking arrow, turning into a rolling evil dragon and rolling toward the nine-headed bird.

The nine-headed bird immediately made a tinkling sound, with hair all over its body and a little frightened everywhere.

The man in front of him had incredible magical power, and he felt like he was the most powerful person of his era.

It was just like seeing the Yuhua Emperor.

You must know that Emperor Yuhua is the shadow in his heart.

Facing this divine arrow, it was extremely frightened and felt a chill coming from its bone marrow.


It spun around, turned into black lightning, and flew away at high speed, trying to avoid the power of this arrow.

However, this divine arrow seemed to have eyes, and kept chasing it, causing cracks in the space behind it.

And that's not all, Ye Jue also kept drawing his bow and shooting arrows, whether it was the moon-breaking arrow or the second form of the arrow, thunderstorm shooting.

However, thunderstorm shooting requires calamity to exert its maximum power. Ordinary arrows are nothing more than ten thousand thunderbolts.

Bang bang bang! !

As Ye Jue continued to shoot arrows, various gem peaks in the entire Liu Nao Kingdom exploded directly, and the Liuli earth cracked. The scene was quite terrifying.

The vibration was directly transmitted to Su Baiyu's ears.

The entrance to the Ryunao Kingdom has not yet been closed, and he has been maintaining it, because every time the entrance is opened, the coordinate points are different.

The Kingdom of Liu Nao was too big and dangerous. Ye Jue had to come out as soon as possible after rescuing Jian Xitian, so he had been using imperial soldiers to support the entrance.

what's going on?

Jianyao couldn't help asking from the side, and rushed in.

He had a fight inside.

Su Baiyu frowned.

If you encounter a ferocious beast of the level of the Ancestral Dragon Giant Ape, a battle will inevitably break out.

After all, there are many seals in the Ryunao Kingdom.

If there was really danger, he would use his secret method to lure Ye Jue out directly.

Boom boom boom!

Nowadays, the nine-headed bird keeps escaping without trying hard, because there is no need to fight with its almost depleted and decaying body.

Its goal is that exit, trying every means to escape.

Ye Jue definitely didn't want to let go of this nine-headed bird. Whether it was to subdue it or directly smash it into pieces and turn it into dark energy and dark matter, there would be great benefits.

Moreover, after the nine-headed bird recovers, there will definitely be no chance to win it.

What makes Ye Jue depressed is that whenever this nine-headed bird is slightly hostile to him, the Spear of Judgment can be used.

Hey, we have no grievances, why do we keep chasing him?

In the sky, the nine-headed bird screamed with overwhelming force, and the entire void was trembling and cracking.

It is very clear in its heart that it is only 20% sure of winning against this person now.

Although the distance between them continued to grow, they were still under attack from the enemy and had to run away desperately.

The 20% certainty is too low. If the probability is increased to 40%, then it will definitely turn around and fight.

Little bird, you can't escape. There are my people outside. Just accept it and I won't kill you.

If you want to attack the particles in Ye Jue's body, they can be separated by millions of different dimensions.

What's more, under his divine authority, distance is nothing.

He tore it open in the air, and the layers of space suddenly dispersed like mist. There were even treasure troves opened, and divine light shot into the sky.

But Ye Jue didn't care about these treasure troves, and kept teleporting in the Ryunao Kingdom, chasing the nine-headed bird.

Damn it, take one move from me, the Divine Thunder of Annihilation!

This divine thunder of annihilation is not an ordinary imperial technique, but the blood power of the nine-headed bird itself, with terrifying power.

Suddenly, one after another shocking rainbows shot out from the bird's beak, one after another, intertwined into a web of destruction, and enveloped Ye Jue.

It wants to stop the pursuit and then take the opportunity to escape, and it doesn't expect this move to kill the person.

Okay, this is the moment I've been waiting for. You finally show your hostility to me.

Ye Jue shouted low, the sound wave shook, and a spear dripping with black breath appeared in his hand, and the power of judgment was all in his mouth.


When the Nine-Headed Bird saw this scene, he was immediately frightened and frightened, not knowing what kind of power it was.

But no matter what it is, it must be avoided and must not be hit.


At this moment, the Spear of Judgment was projected towards it and disappeared without a trace in mid-air.

But the nine-headed bird was not careless, because it felt a special wave, and with a whoosh, it came to its head.

not good!

The black gold feathers all over its body glowed, and it suddenly jumped into the void, exploding directly on the spot, and the space was cracking, densely packed, like porcelain being broken.

The Spear of Judgment actually missed and did not hit the bird, so it just hovered in mid-air.

That's a rare imperial technique at the level of running away. This bird's background is amazing.

Ye Jue was not alarmed when he saw that the stabbing spear failed. He connected his two fingers into sword fingers and pointed upward.


The Spear of Judgment directly penetrated the space above, and the space shattered like a mirror, and crystal space fragments rained down.


The spear penetrated directly into it and disappeared.

Ye Jue was not in a hurry, and just waited patiently.


Not long after, there was a scream, and a huge creature slammed open a layer of space and landed not far away.

There is also a purple spear stuck on his body.

Go to hell!

After being hit by this spear, the Nine-Headed Bird became completely angry and exploded, immediately operating its original power to the limit.

Now it doesn't care about the dry body, its nine heads are raised, burning the true blood, like the shining of the star sun, shooting out nine elemental beams.

Each of these elemental beams is different, and each attribute is different.

This blow instantly exceeded the limit that Ye Jueshenquan could withstand and could indeed hit his body.

There is no immortality buff now, and he won't be able to withstand this kind of attack physically.

Immediately, the Feathering Mirror appeared in front.

Watch me swallow it, Taixu becomes the real state!

B yelled, and frantically activated the feathering mirror, aiming the mirror light at the nine beams of light.

Puff puff! ! !

It is like a black hole, unfathomable, and it swallows those light beams crazily.

This is impossible!

When the nine-headed bird saw that its attack was actually swallowed up, its face changed dramatically.

You know, this is the power of blood. Even the Feathered Emperor once had to avoid it.

What is that treasure?

Is it the Kunlun Mirror?

But this is impossible. If it were one of the ten ancient artifacts, the Kunlun Mirror, and it was directly illuminated, it would immediately become a shrouded bird, unable to resist at all.

Is this a replica of the Kunlun Mirror?

But no matter what, the spear of judgment inserted into it continued to issue curses.

It will be very detrimental to it if this continues!


We can only continue to escape!

Still want to escape?

Ye Jue shook his head, suddenly grabbed the Feathering Realm, and aimed at the nine-headed bird that was about to escape.

Taste your own power!

B roared loudly.


The nine elemental beams have been compressed into an extremely bright beam of light.

When it passed through, a green flame cave was left directly behind.

Seeing such a terrifying scene, the Nine-Headed Bird immediately used the power of its bloodline to escape into another dimension of the Ryunao Kingdom.


Ye Jue pointed at Jiangshan, and with a turn of the feathered mirror, the bright beam of light refracted into a giant net in the space, and directly enveloped the nine-headed bird.

Now the nine-headed bird is like a fish in the river, caught by the dense network cables. It is impossible to escape.

Its face was black, and it was beating like thunder. As it roared, black mist filled the sky, and it spread its wings like a demon, tossing and circling in the sky, extremely angry!

But this giant network is constantly shrinking, tightening, and shackles.

It's too much to bully a bird!

The nine-headed bird couldn't bear it and wanted to slap this man to pieces.

But at this moment, the Taixu Feather Realm, Yi's exclusive world, and the sealed space in the Feather Mirror has opened its 'big mouth', like a black hole, swallowing it up.

Okay, the seal is successful!

B was extremely surprised.

When the nine-headed bird entered the Taixu Feather Realm, all its vitality was drained instantly. It was also sealed with Taixu iron chains and talismans, and was completely suppressed in a cage that led to nowhere.

Hahaha, the blood of this nine-headed bird is very powerful. I can squeeze it out at any time, just like a battery that can be recharged.

The feathered mirror was very excited. It itself lacked attack methods. Now with the help of this strange bird, it could finally take the initiative to attack. The nine kinds of elemental beams were no less than the joint attack of five feathered saints.

It seems that there are quite a lot of good things sealed in this Kingdom of Ryunao.

Ye Jue's eyes narrowed slightly, and his whole body was shining with luster. He was not exhausted at all. He was now at his peak.

Great Emperor!

The majesty is immortal, as if even the destruction of heaven and earth cannot damage it!

Lines of true blood are flowing, and the body moves, with eternal power, lighting up the dark 'Heavenly Prison'!

All the seals in Ryunao God's Kingdom cannot escape this light.

All the billowing mist has been dispersed, and the aura of the peak is rippling throughout the Kingdom of God. Everywhere it goes, a new order of life is derived from the ground.

Emperor Yuhua once regarded this place as a garbage dump. All kinds of decaying atmosphere were swept away and transformed into a place of truth.

He even wanted to touch the imperial technique that sealed the Emperor Liu Nao.

But at this moment, I can still feel the extremely powerful imperial power. I haven't regained the immortal buff yet, so I really don't dare to take risks.

Ye Jue pondered for a while, a ray of light appeared in his eyes, and he calculated thousands of times in an instant.


The result of the calculation is out,

No matter how you attack, you can't win, and you may even end up being killed.

The only deduction that can win is at least a million years of fighting.

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