Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 1217 The Divine Treasure of the Feathered God Emperor

However, Ye Jue would definitely not let the weapon spirit wake up first. He would immediately take the lead and grab the purple sickle.


Immediately, the purple ripples collided with his palm, forming a terrifying scene like a nebula collision, a battle of energies.

For a moment, it seemed as if time had been annihilated. The black hole intertwined with the bright light, flickering on and off, which was extremely terrifying.

It's not a quasi-imperial weapon, it's a genuine imperial weapon!

Ye Jue stretched out his big hand and held it directly. The symbol of the avenue appeared and made a terrible roar. It was too overbearing. He took it by force and suppressed it directly in the deepest part of the theocratic country.

As soon as he touched this divine sickle, he learned its title, Death's Scythe!

It is actually related to the Death Treasure, which is simply an unexpected surprise.

You must know that the Princess of Zhou who he used a few days ago was originally going to find the God of Death's hidden treasure.

Unexpectedly, by such a coincidence, I obtained the Death God's imperial weapon, which may be of great help in finding the Death God's hidden possession in the future.

Next, Ye Jue looked in other directions of the theocratic kingdom and found an old Taotie. It was very old, with dry flesh and blood, with bones wrapped in fur, a big mouth open, and rough clothing.

It seems that the lockdown has just been lifted and it has not yet adapted.

Ancient beasts like this are no longer common in the Mythical Paradise. They have long since disappeared and can only be found in this kind of space.

After all, after seeing someone, he would peel off his skin and cramps, refine it into armor, turn his essence into elixirs, and treat his flesh and blood as delicacies.

If an unparalleled powerful man enjoys himself, it will be very terrifying and he will destroy the resources of one party.

You must know that even the most powerful people must vent frequently, which can be of great benefit to the body, mind, and soul.

Ways of venting are not limited to food, women, and fighting.

This glutton has been sealed for so long and has not completely died, which is enough to prove how powerful it was before it was sealed.

Its strength is no less than that of the bull demon, but its lifespan is approaching.

Regarding Shouyuan's problem, Ye Jue had no choice.

At that moment, he clapped his big hand and crushed the glutton into powder, and all his power was silenced in the theocratic kingdom.

At that time, once there is a battle, you can take it and use it at any time.

In addition to this glutton, there are many other creatures that have also appeared. They are all ancient beasts, dry and thin, but they emit extremely powerful dark energy fluctuations.

It seems that the feathered God Emperor defeated these emperor-level ferocious beasts during his training and sealed them all in the Ryunao Kingdom for future use.

The Yuhua God Emperor seemed to regard the Lunao Divine Kingdom as a place to store ‘garbage’, and everything that was not needed for the time being was thrown here.

Even Su Baiyu didn't know, he only knew that this was an exile space, extremely dangerous, and he had never set foot in it.

But I didn’t expect that there are also good things in this garbage.

However, Ye was definitely not here to pick up garbage. These skinny beasts were all beaten to death and turned into a torrent. They all gathered under the theocratic kingdom and formed an ocean of energy in the blink of an eye.

Not bad.

Ye Jue stretched out his palms and kept holding the sealed objects in the jars while still in the space. When he encountered strong ones that could still be used, he suppressed them.

When it encounters garbage, it will be directly smashed into pieces, turning into dark energy and dark matter, which will be stored in the theocratic kingdom so that he can use it to break through to the God Emperor in the future.

His palms are broad, powerful, and shiny. Nothing can escape his control, as if they hold the most terrifying power of truth in the world.


In this space, you can see a majestic being holding up the entire sky. If the entire space collapses, it can definitely be supported with force.

No, don't kill me!

This is a divine beast. Its spiritual intelligence has been opened, and it can communicate with him in an instant. However, it was beaten to death mercilessly because it was too weak, its energy has been lost, and its longevity is almost exhausted. Such an existence is It's garbage, it's useless if you keep it.

It would be impossible to beat such a beast to death.

That's why the mythical beasts and ferocious beasts that rushed out of the earthen jars ran away crazily when they saw such a scene. However, they could not escape at all in the theocratic kingdom. No matter time or space, Ye Jue Controlled.

The most terrible thing is that in the theocratic kingdom, the destiny is completely controlled by Ye Jue, which means that they cannot break out no matter what.

If there was a powerful divine beast, it could have escaped from this theocratic country.

However, Ye Jue could directly change this result and eliminate the concept of 'escaping'.

If escaping is fate, this fate does not exist.

There is never any escape.

This is the third ability of Ye Jue Divine Power, the most terrifying power, but there are many restrictions and it is easy to refute it.

One tiny thing can result in no change in the outcome.

Ye Jue is still exploring this ability.


Ye Jue just strolled around like this. He walked in this space, but did not get close to the coffin of Emperor Liu Nao. Whenever he came close to the sealed jars or utensils, he would clap with one hand and unlock the seal. If you can use it, use it; if you don't use it, beat it to death or smash it to pieces.

Within a few moments, the space of the Ryunao Kingdom was compressed by him and more than half of it was destroyed.

However, this space can repair itself, so you don't need to worry too much.


Just like this, all the devils, evil things, monsters, mythical beasts, vicious beasts, strange beasts, savage beasts, magic weapons, elixirs and magic medicines all screamed, dark energy transpired, and was plundered by Ye Jue.

The theocratic kingdom is like a black hole that can swallow everything, extracting only dark energy and dark matter.

Some magazines fell from the sky, and it was extremely terrifying. Black rain and black gray began to fall.

His theocratic state was spotless and would not absorb these impurities.


At this moment, Ye Jue came to a sacrificial platform again. He walked into it and found a series of ferocious cities. Moreover, the place was covered with thunder. There were many thunder thrones, and there were many energy creatures on them. These energy creatures All evolved into human-shaped lightning, each of them was at the level of an ancient divine weapon, extremely majestic.

Could it be that the Feathered God Emperor directly sealed a country?

Ye Jue has never seen such a formation in the Liu Nao Divine Kingdom, except for the invincible imperial technique that protects the Liu Nao God Emperor.

Let me take a closer look.

At this time, his pupils flashed with golden light, and the Tai Chi Golden Eyes had long since disappeared along with Zhan Dao.

Now he is using the most ordinary divine pupil, but he can still see clearly. It seems that something is sealed under this thunder city.

This Thunder City is an imperial art.

I'm afraid it was displayed by the Feathered God Emperor, and suppressed by the emperor's magic, which is enough to show that the thing below is extremely important, or extremely terrifying.

However, Ye Jue ignored this. He directly covered it with one hand and crushed these human-shaped lightning bolts in an instant.

A million Dao were destroyed in an instant!

He was so arrogant and domineering in attacking the Imperial Art of the Feathered God Emperor. Anyway, with his current strength, it was still possible to deal with the Imperial Art. There was no reason to fail.

After all, so many years have passed, even the most powerful imperial arts will weaken over time.


However, Ye Jue did not expect that he was immediately hit by a counterattack, and it was extremely fierce. It all hit him and exploded. The sky flashed and thundered, as if it destroyed the heaven and earth.

As expected of the Feathered God Emperor, he actually stopped the time of this Imperial Technique. The Imperial Technique will not weaken due to time and will always be so powerful. But I, Ye Jue, if I can't even deal with an Imperial Technique, Then how can you mess around?

A set of ferocious and domineering armor immediately appeared on Ye Jue's body.

Armor Style 2, Spear of Judgment!

In an instant, he used the power of judgment.

Buzz! !

In his palm, the Spear of Judgment emerged, the sky collapsed, and the runes of the avenue were densely covered, pouring out like boiling magma.

This area was filled with thunderous roars.

The Spear of Judgment has dealt with five feathered saints, and now it shouldn't be that difficult to fight against the feathered god emperor's imperial arts.


As Ye Jue projected it out, the spear of judgment shot out and penetrated the space of the Ryunao Kingdom. After a dull roar, a terrifying scene appeared.


The Thunder Kingdom, after being hit by the Spear of Judgment, seemed to have entered another level of space, the Judgment Space.


In this judgment space, the endless storm tore apart, swept up the evil, and submerged this imperial technique.

In an instant, as the judgment space disappeared, the imperial art also disappeared without a trace.

In this way, the Emperor's magic of the Feathered God Emperor was broken.

Okay, let me see what is being suppressed.

Ye Jue's big hand violently grabbed and squeezed the soil below, and a creature that seemed to be able to overturn mountains and rivers appeared.

This was actually a strange beast with nine heads. It spread its wings and soared between his fingers, its whole body was glowing, its beak was open, and it was spitting out black lightning. It was accompanied by a torrential rain of blood, and the evil energy was overwhelming. The vision shocked the world.

This scene actually has the power of the ancestral dragon giant ape.

However, now that Ye Jue had just become emperor, he was not afraid of anything, and he directly enveloped the theocratic country, trapping the nine-headed bird in it.


This nine-headed bird had just broken the seal, and was at its peak of ferocity. It was rampaging through the theocratic kingdom, powerful and domineering, with black lightning blazing from its mouth. The entire country seemed to be vaguely trapped.

After all, this nine-headed bird seems to have the strength of the ancestral dragon giant ape, and can compete with the five feathered saints, so it was sealed here by the feathered god emperor and suppressed with imperial magic.

Bang bang bang!

Ye Jue saw continuous explosions in the theocratic kingdom. The scene was quite terrifying and intimidating. The entire void was shaking and cracking.

In the next scene, he actually saw the nine-headed bird rushing toward the ocean of dark energy and dark matter deep in the country.

Beast, how dare you!

Immediately, his expression suddenly changed.

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