An era only lasts 129,600 years. With Ye Jue's current strength, it would take at least a dozen eras to defeat this imperial technique.

Isn't this a joke?

It’s completely like floating trees!

As soon as his eyes moved, a ray of light immediately shot out, his eyes collided in the air, and a sky-shaking explosion exploded.

There was a powerful soul lamp in that place, which contained part of the remnant soul of the unparalleled overlord. It just wanted to sneak attack him and seize his body.


After being glared at by Ye Jue, the soul lamp was immediately extinguished and exploded into powder.

Puff puff! !

Millions of soul lamps appeared in an instant.

When a person dies, a lamp goes out, and the soul lamp will continue to burn. Almost everyone is dim and reaches the end.

They couldn't wait to take away Ye Jue's body.

This may be Emperor Yuhua, a powerful man who was casually killed or captured back then and thrown into the Kingdom of Ryunao at will, left to perish, and finally turned into a soul lamp.

Ye Jue slapped them and smashed them all into pieces.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still flesh. There is powerful dark energy in all this chaos.


The theocratic kingdom reappeared and began to absorb madly.

At this time, Su Baiyu, Jian Jianyao, Mengdie and others were already anxious outside.

It's been so long since he's been in there. What on earth is he doing inside? Su Baiyu, please send me in. I want to take a look!

Jianyao couldn't help but said.

You? Going in will only be a burden and a dragster. He must have something to do in there. We can just wait patiently.

Mengdie was also quite calm, with an indifferent look on her face.


Jianyao snorted coldly and looked at the entrance again, feeling very anxious.

If her father is really dead, then the body must be brought back for burial.

If they are still alive, then their women can be reunited.

However, it took too long for Ye Jue to go in.

Even Su Baiyu's brows frowned.

Could this person be peeking at the divine body of Emperor Liu Nao?

He knew that the imperial art that suppressed God Emperor Liu Nao was the only one that could not be broken by anyone.

I hope this Jue Tian Emperor will not touch the taboo, find Jian Xi Tian, ​​and bring him out regardless of life or death.


Ye Jue was frantically extracting dark energy and dark matter. All the rare items sealed by the Feathered God Emperor back then were smashed into pieces.

If his combat power was only doubled originally, then when he came here, it was at least three times more powerful.

Doubling the level was already earth-shattering. Now he is still getting stronger. His own magic power is very tyrannical. Now that it has doubled, he is almost invincible to the same level.

His expression was solemn, like a supreme true god who controlled the ancient road. In the Kingdom of Ryunao, all the sealing talismans exploded and turned into dust, all turning into his power.

Some strange beasts, mythical beasts, kill those who disobey, destroy everything, and use great will to kill the heretics and open up an invincible road.

Those who follow me will prosper, those who go against me will perish.

Bang bang bang!

A sealed demonic realm outside the sky, beautiful buildings and jade buildings, strange evil objects, ancient barbarians, and creatures descended from the heaven beyond the sky were all turned into powder as soon as they were opened and closed, and all disappeared.

In an instant, Ye Jue's body burst out with a huge amount of vitality.

In this huge vitality, Xuanhuang's blood was actually born.

Hey, Master, you were actually born with Xuanhuang essence and blood. Are you a descendant of the Emperor? By the way, Master, you are from the human race. Most of the humans after the human race are descendants of the three ancestors of China, and a small number are the Yan Emperor. As for the descendants of Chi You, the Jiuli clan still exists in this mythical paradise.

At this time, the bull demon who was surrendered by Ye Jue suddenly said in surprise.

It is now completely convinced. In the theocratic kingdom, its soul has been cleansed and it has become Ye Jue's loyal servant.

This bull demon is an emperor-level ferocious beast. The seal is too weak and it is skinny.

But Ye Jue gave it a little dark matter and dark energy, and in an instant its muscles swelled up, its body was full of energy, and its eyes were huge.

When it saw the black and yellow blood on Ye Jue's body, it recognized it immediately.

How do you know about China Group Three? Aren't you a ferocious beast?

Ye Jue brows were very confused.

How could a barbaric beast know about the human race?

Maybe it's because my ancestors are relatively close to the human race and have some inherited memories.

Niu Mo quickly answered.

What is the use of this Xuanhuang blood?

Ye Jue looked at the Xuanhuang blood coming out of his body and didn't know how to use it. He calculated it millions of times in an instant, but he couldn't get any clues.

However, as long as there is a little information, one can follow the clues and calculate the power of Xuanhuang Blood.

Those who can refine the Xuanhuang Blood are said to be able to obtain the treasures in Xuanyuan Qiu, which are the treasures left by the Third Ancestor, the treasures of the True God.

The bull demon responded.

The treasure of the true god?

Ye Jue's eyes suddenly flashed. He didn't expect that the Xuanhuang blood refined by the Great Emperor would be directed at Shenzang, one of the three ancestors.

What does it mean?

Is it a benefit left to future generations?

Since he is a descendant of the emperor's bloodline, Xuanhuang's blood opens Xuanyuan Qiu.

Then Chi You's lineage can also open Chi You's tomb?

Ye Jue deduced it.

Including the descendants of Emperor Yan, they can also obtain the treasure of the true god in Emperor Yan's palace.

However, there was another problem with his deduction at this time.

As a descendant, he followed the clues and figured out that the third group of Chinese people were actually demigods and not true gods.

No wonder, he always calls himself emperor.

In that case, it seems like Xuanyuan Qiu is going to take a trip.

Ye Jue nodded.

But in the paradise of myths, there are still inheritors of Chi You's lineage.

Presumably he won't be able to obtain the divine possession so easily.

After all, in the myth, the emperor, Emperor Yan, teamed up to kill Chi You.

Now the reincarnation of Emperor Yan has appeared, that is Fentian.

And the reincarnation of the emperor, could it be...

Ye Jue calculated tens of millions more times in an instant, and his eyes instantly narrowed.

If he wasn't in the realm of the Great Emperor, he really wouldn't be able to calculate it.

One of the three ancestors, the reincarnation of the emperor, is actually the Starry Sky Emperor?

Although it is an unfounded deduction, the possibility is very high.

You must know that every powerful person has a huge background.

He didn't believe that there was no driving force behind the Emperor of Starry Sky. He could not be so powerful if he started from scratch.

If he goes to grab Xuanyuan Qiu, he might face off against the Starry Sky Emperor.

In this case, a battle cannot be avoided.

However, the emperor's strength is too mysterious. If he is just a great emperor, it is not enough to shake him.

At least you have to become a God Emperor to compete.

Moreover, Ye Jue learned about the power of Xuanhuang's blood during his calculations.

His expression remained unchanged, he grabbed it with his big hand, and a huge ball of vitality was brewing in his hand. In this huge vitality, it turned out to be a black and yellow blood thunder composed of black and yellow blood, which was constantly vibrating.

Black and yellow blood thunder!

This is a power belonging to the bloodline, which can be compared with the power of the Emperor's Tribulation.

What's even more surprising is that this black and yellow blood thunder can be used in conjunction with Arrow Style 2, thunderstorm shooting.


The next moment, a thunder bow appeared in Ye Jue's hand. He put his fingers on the bow string, and the vitality in his hand and the black and yellow blood thunder formed arrows.


When the Xuanhuang blood thunder arrow was shot out, Ye Jue felt that the Xuanhuang blood in his body was less.

But it can be brewed, but there is a limit. He needs to increase his combat power again before Xuanhuang's blood can break through this limit.

Five arrows.

This is the maximum amount Ye Jue can shoot now.

However, the power erupted from each arrow can repel an feathered saint.


After shooting the arrow, Ye Jue's body leaped out and turned into a free air, perfectly integrated into the multi-layered space.

Now that the treasure has been almost found, it is time to find the whereabouts of Jian Xitian.

He kept shuttling through the multi-layered space, appearing here and there again, his eyes slightly narrowed, constantly looking for special seals.

Jian Xitian was exiled by Su Baiyu, so the sealing technique would not be too strong.

As an emperor, it stands to reason that he can keenly sense the location of Jian Xitian. After all, this person has the same aura as Jian Yao, so it shouldn't be so difficult to find.

But after a while, Ye Jue found nothing, which made him doubtful.


All of a sudden, he left the Liu Nao space and appeared in front of Su Baiyu, Jianyao, Mengdie and others.

Where is my father? Why didn't he come out?

Jianyao asked quickly when she saw that Ye Jue was alone.

Su Baiyu, did you really banish Jian Xitian to the Liu Nao space?

Ye Jue looked at Su Baiyu instead.

If Jian Xi was really in the Ryunao space, he shouldn't have been unable to sense it from the beginning. At first he thought it was difficult to find him, but in the end he discovered that he didn't exist at all.

I did banish him to the Liu Nao space. This was something that all the disciples of the Yuhua Sect saw. Because it was a trial at the time, Jianyao and Mengdie also saw it.

Su Baiyu frowned. Could it be that Jian Xitian was not in the Liu Nao space?

How can this be?

Yes, this is impossible. My father must be inside. Let me go in and search.

Jianyao suddenly became anxious and wanted to rush in immediately.

My strength is much stronger than yours now, don't you believe me?

Ye Jue's expression was indifferent.

That's right, Jianyao, a great emperor can easily calculate your father based on your life. Since he says there is no one in it, then there really isn't one.

Mengdie said at this time.

Then where is my father? This is impossible. Wasn't he exiled? Could it be that... he has been...

Jianyao's expression suddenly changed.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, Jian Xitian is dead inside, his body turned into dust, and was swallowed by a terrifying creature like the Ancestral Dragon Giant Ape.

Even if they are dead and turned into dust, I can still find the dust. Even if they are swallowed by ferocious beasts, I can still find clues from the ferocious beasts. However, the ferocious beasts, mythical beasts, strange beasts, etc. in this space , I killed them all.

Ye Jue shook his head.

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