Gate to heaven.

This is the paradise of the entropic body.

In the ancient times, when the universe was opened, the heaven was the oldest continent and the highest land ever created by the abittropic body. There were many races living in this paradise.

But these races can no longer be called living entities, but more like sequential entities operating under rules.

Their way of thinking has transcended life, and most of their entropic bodies and emotions have obliterated themselves.

For technology, this is a sacred world that cannot be reached. The entire heaven is layered, with a total of thirty-six worlds.

The entropic bodies that rule every level of world here are sequence bodies that have never been seen in superstring life.

These serial bodies are very hostile to them. This is because their superstring lives were mutated in the fifth and sixth eras, and are not the purest mechanical ascension.

Yes, Chaoxuan, life has emotions. Even if they are transformed into energy bodies, their memory cells and emotional fragments are still tightly bound.

Because their philosophy is that if there is no memory, it means losing everything, and all efforts will be in vain.

Without memory, they are another person. Even if they become a powerful sequence body, they are not willing to do so.

Therefore, it is not easy for superstring beings to live in the Gate of Heaven, but instead they are rejected.

Not to mention that in order to deal with Adam, they and the God Emperor obtained the power of the abyssal body, so in this world, they did not dare to show their faces.

The top of the thirty-sixth level of the world is where God exists. It is God's restricted area, absolute time, and absolute space. How can we get there?

It's difficult, it's too difficult. If you want to get to that place, you must defeat the sequence that guards each world.

Defeat those serials? Then we must find a special place!

What is that place?

It is an unknown dark place. Do you know that the heaven is actually not stable, especially when the seventh era comes, it is already in a state of collapse. It is very good for us to avoid the Big Bang.

So what kind of power does that place have that allows us to defeat those sequences?

That is the power that allows superstring beings like us to evolve again...

At this time, Ye Jue's body was tall and burly, and he was as tall as a mountain. He was twice as tall as everyone else. He was full of vitality and domineering. He seemed to be an emperor who had mastered the truth of the earth.

At this moment, he faced the Divine Spear of Judgment, and the armor on his body evolved again. It was actually melted together with the power of the Divine Spear of Judgment, and he understood the seven new styles.

Su Baiyu was shocked when he saw this man turned into a furnace that could smelt everything.

That is the power of the judgment space. The power of judgment can actually be used to refine imperial arts?

Even he didn't dare to think about this method.

Looking for death, break it for me!

All the feathered saints roared loudly one after another. The spearheads of the Judgment Spears they sacrificed struck Ye Jue's armor, and a series of sparks and sounds erupted.

This person actually wants to swallow the power of the Judgment Divine Spear. He is simply seeking death!

As the saying goes, if you make one wrong move and lose everything, if you dare to open your body to refine, then they will do their best to kill this guy directly.

However, they did not notice that it looked like the Judgment Divine Spear had penetrated Ye Jue's body.

In fact, the spear head has been refined by Ye Jue.

Under the huge Judgment Divine Spear, Ye Jue's body was like a little ant, eating away at the Judgment Divine Spear bit by bit.

However, the feathered saints haven't discovered all this yet, and continue to instill crazy power to punish him.

However, all these powers entered Kaishi.

In Su Baiyu's stunned eyes, the armor on Emperor Jue Tian finally evolved and formed a set of thunder armor. This set of thunder armor bloomed with a brilliant light curtain, making it look like the God Emperor who controls the thunder tribulation. generally.

Armor Style 2, Spear of Judgment!

In Ye Jue's hand, a beam of light suddenly condensed. As the beam appeared, it instantly swallowed up the Feathered Judgment Divine Spear.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Judgment Spear disappeared without a trace.

Before the Ascension Saints even knew what was happening, they saw some changes on the boy, holding a thunder spear in his hand.


This thunder spear was projected directly towards Ye Jue as he took one step forward.

The whole process was not sloppy at all, as if the god who ruled the world had everything under control. The thunder spear, which had the power to destroy the ages, disappeared into the space.

what happened?

When the Ascension Saints saw this boy throwing a thunder spear and neutralizing their Ascension Judgment Divine Spear, they knew that this spear was absolutely extraordinary, and they all took emergency measures.

However, this thunder spear actually disappeared into space little by little during its flight.

What's happening here?

Even Su Baiyu frowned, not sure whether it was because Emperor Jue Tian's power had not been mastered yet, so he failed to release it this time.

This kind of thing is not common, but it cannot be said that it never happens.

But in the hands of an unparalleled evil genius, this would never happen.

After all, this is a battlefield, and every move is related to the trend of the battle, whether it is defeat or victory.

He also felt it just now. The power of the Thunder Spear, the Spear of Judgment, which was used to refine the Feathered Judgment Divine Spear in reverse, was absolutely beyond imagination. It was a pity that it failed like this.

Although I don't know what means you used to neutralize the Feathered Judgment Divine Spear that we sacrificed, but it seems that you also failed, and we can use the Judgment Space again at any time, not only the Feathered Judgment Divine Spear, but also the Feathered Judgment Divine Sword, the Feathered Judgment Divine Sword, the many secrets in the judgment space are beyond your imagination.

Yes, you actually want to take the power of judgment as your own. How is it possible that the Lord of Judgment will not allow you to do this?

How could the soul of the Lord of Judgment in the Judgment Space allow you to act arrogantly!

This is the reason for your failure, do you understand? Hand over Junior Brother Su to us quickly, so that all the past can be forgotten!

Su Baiyu, stop watching the scene and persuade your comrades quickly. Now you are desperate.

So what if I become an emperor? We are all emperors, we are more numerous than you, and our background is stronger than yours.

You only have a weird divine power, but this divine power is not enough to allow you to kill us, so you can only escape.

Hmph, I know, you want to sink the boat, right? If you think you can kill one of us, you will kill one of us, but this will never work, because it is tantamount to completely antagonizing and breaking up with us, and there will be no more in the future. A chance for peace.

The feathered saints are now trying to persuade him.

There are now five saints locked up in the refining field. As long as they delay the time, the other four feathered saints can fight back, because the power of the Emperor's Tribulation is now much weaker.

At that time, the four feathered saints rescued Junior Brother Su directly in the refining field and escaped perfectly.

Really? If I were you, I wouldn't think so.

At this moment, a smile suddenly appeared on Ye Jue's face.

What do you mean? Are you still determined to go your own way and be the enemy of our feathered saints?

Yes, that's right, don't you know what it means to have one more friend but one less enemy? How long will it take to retaliate? It is neither good for others nor for oneself!

Boy, there is nothing that cannot be reconciled between people, and there is nothing that cannot be discussed between us and you. Why waste time in meaningless fighting?

Yes, boy, as long as you don't join forces with this traitor and let us punish him, you will have nothing to do with us from now on, and you can even be an alliance.

The Ascension Saints raised their brows, obviously they misunderstood the meaning of Ye Jue's words.

And what Ye Jue meant was not the war and peace between them, that didn't matter at all, but the disappearing Spear of Judgment.

Now it seems that the Ascension Saint has not discovered the mystery.

Because in Ye Jue's sight, the Spear of Judgment did not disappear at all. Instead, it hovered in front of these feathered saints, silently, as if it were a hidden figure, completely unable to be locked or noticed.

This is the ultimate spear of death, and it is actually lying in front of the necks of these feathered saints. The latter are not aware of it, and they are still telling him stories of war and peace without shame.

Therefore, Ye Jue smiled and kept sarcastic: I destroyed the outer gate of your Ascension Sect, destroyed the hinterland of your Ascension Sect, snatched away some authority of the Lord God Space, and even refined your Junior Brother Su. Now you You actually want to make peace with me and make friends with me? Do you think I am a fool?

As long as there is the Lord God Space, disciples can be cultivated, and the sect can be re-established, this is not a problem. As long as you hand over Junior Brother Su's power, we will no longer be your enemy.

The Ascension Saints narrowed their eyes and said.

As long as Junior Brother Su is snatched back, the verbal promises will not count at all, not to mention that while they are talking, time is passing, and the power of the refining field continues to weaken.

In a few moments, the brothers and sisters trapped in the refining field will be able to break through.

At that time, they can let go of their hands and feet, and they must make sure that this kid can neither survive nor die.

The body is sealed in the blood drop cage, and the soul is sacrificed to the judgment space for judgment.

Emperor Jue Tian, ​​you must never believe what they say. These immortal saints are all old antiques and stubborn people. How can I not understand their thoughts? I have practiced with them for so many years and I have long understood their style of doing things. Even if I hand over Su Mingming Even if we get out, they won’t let us go.”

When Su Baiyu heard this, he frowned, fearing that the Jue Tian Emperor would be fooled by them for a moment.

Su Baiyu, you traitor, we are talking to this kid, what's wrong with you here, shut up!

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