Su Baiyu, you traitor, when we catch you, we will first torture you until you have a mental breakdown and split personality. Don't worry, we won't kill you. After all, you are an unparalleled evil genius. We will use the Feathering Divine Water to kill you. Purify your soul so that you become a blank slate for us to use.”

Did you hear that, Su Baiyu, I won't let you die easily!

The feathered saints drank in low voices one after another.


However, at this moment, Ye Jue suddenly laughed: You are calling me boy and boy, are you really just bullying me for being young? You old people, you don't know that a disaster is about to happen, thanks to you You can also master the judgment space, and you don’t even know the rules of the judgment power.”

Well, let me tell you how powerful the Spear of Judgment is!

You keep saying that you are asking for peace, but your hearts are extremely dark. You are still scheming against me and want to kill me after this. But you don't know that judgment has already fallen on your heads!

Do you know that under the spear of judgment, anyone who deceives me, deceives me, or is hostile to me will be judged!

As soon as he finished speaking, the spear of judgment with purple light all over its body suddenly appeared under the necks of all the feathered saints.

Not good! Feather and ascend!

At this moment, the faces of the feathered saints changed greatly. They never expected that the spear of judgment would be divided into ten parts, all of which appeared under their necks and lay across their skin. They could even feel the burning heat on it. temperature.

This is really terrifying, it just appears suddenly and there is no way to defend against it.


When they used the Imperial Technique of Deyu Transformation and Ascension, the distance between the Spear of Judgment and them suddenly became like a chasm.


With one slash, the void opened like a spider web. Their heads were not cut off, but they were still affected by the power of judgment.

Eh? This is an opportunity. I want to directly refine Su tomorrow!

When Su Baiyu saw this scene, he immediately pushed it with both hands, like a big millstone, and landed on Su Mingming's head and squeezed it hard, pop, with a miserable scream, the emperor, body and soul were directly shattered. crack.

It is not so easy for one great emperor to kill another great emperor, and the great emperor will not fall so easily.

Just like this Su Tomorrow, his life level is extremely high and he needs to be killed thousands of times before he can survive.

So while he was killing Su Tomorrow, Ye Jue had to block the other five feathered saints.

The remaining four feathered saints are already trying their best to blast away the refining field formed by the Emperor's Tribulation. This is their last chance.

Boy, you have just become an emperor and you are going to be an enemy of our four emperors?

One of the feathered saints touched the skin on his neck. There was a blood-red mark there, and blood was already dripping from it. It was too dangerous just now.

Unexpectedly, this kid can fight back with the power of judgment. This does not seem to be his divine power.

What did he just use? Was it imperial magic?

It should be that the imperial art he created is extraordinary. It has a mysterious secret that is immutable by ghosts and gods. Even the judgment space can be used by him!

Look at the armor on his body. It is obviously formed by the power of judgment, and it has completely swallowed up the feathered judgment divine spear.

In fact, it's not difficult. He has the power of Taixu to transform the Sutra. He can indeed do it. It's just that we were careless.

Now that we know the reason, it doesn't matter. We can't use the power of the Feathering Scripture now because this kid also has it. It's all because of the traitor.

The faces of the Ascension Saints are very gloomy. Since the Judgment Space can't do anything to this person, they must use some Qimen Dunjia and special weapons.

But this kind of weapon, imperial art, is not their original strength, and its power is very weak, but there is no way now.

They are great emperors, but they are controlled by others, and their means are limited to death. This is simply humiliating.

It seems that you have not realized the seriousness of the problem and you have already fallen under the power of judgment.

At this moment, Ye Jue took a step forward, and the void immediately shook, and divine flames flowed from his body.

With a whooshing sound, there was a big explosion in the void behind him. He actually rushed all the way and faced these feathered saints. In an instant, the sky was like a plow, a ravine appeared, and the world in the main god's space showed a line of cracks. , extremely terrifying.

This is the track left by his body, and its power can be imagined. It plows through the sky, and the space is damaged!

It should be noted that this is the space of the Lord God. This situation is impossible to occur in the Mythical Paradise, because generally speaking, no one can easily damage the order of the Paradise, and it is difficult to destroy the magnificent Mythical Land.

But it was different in this main god's space. Ye Jue overwhelmed more than a dozen worlds at once, and matter and energy surged up and down with him.

Facing a being who had already become an emperor, he actually fought bravely to kill him without any fear, one against five!


He leaped into the sky and released his own energy without concealment. In an instant, the particles vibrated directly to each other, forming a kingdom of divine power above his head. When the meteor passed by, all the heavens were free, and countless figures emerged, kowtowing to him. .

These figures are all special creatures in this theocratic kingdom, completely transformed by Ye Jue himself.

What a courage!

The five feathered saints roared one after another. They immediately sacrificed their divine kingdoms and collided directly with each other. The scene was extremely crazy.

The battle between the emperor level and the emperor level will destroy the world!

His country is so tough?

At the first moment of the collision, a feathered saint said in disbelief.

It's his divine power that's so powerful. It's a country entirely composed of divine authority. Damn it, if it weren't for the power of this divine authority, he would have been crushed by us!

The other feathered saints were gnashing their teeth.

Unexpectedly, an emperor with divine power could actually compete with the five of them at the same time.

What kind of hard training is like a joke, like child's play in front of people with extraordinary talents.

No wonder, since ancient times, only people with divine power can evolve into god emperors.

They finally know now.

But it's not too late now. As long as this little beast is killed and his divine power is taken away, they can become so powerful.

The stronger your hostility, the more you will be punished by the power of judgment.

Ye Jue's eyes were like a magic lamp, passing through the dark night sky across the vast sky, looking down at the earth in the main god's space.

Although they had dodged the spear of judgment just now, the spear of judgment left an indelible mark on their skin.

These marks will grow with their hostility, disrupting the imperial order in their bodies.

Although it doesn't have much effect, it can bother them.

For example, in the collision between the kingdoms of God just now, a feathered saint was obviously weak. This was because the power of judgment suddenly broke out and disrupted the order in his body.

Although he recovered in an instant, it was too late and the collision was over.

You must know that a master's fight determines the outcome in a matter of seconds.

This little trouble, this little trouble, is enough to decide the outcome.

It's shameless to say so. How could we not know the power of judgment? It's impossible to have such an effect.

The eyes of the emerging saints jumped.

But now they have to believe that they are really being judged. They want to erase it, but they find that it will take time for this mark to disappear.

Now the situation is very unfavorable for them. It is equivalent to being weakened by the group, and the Ten Heavens and Ten Earth Treasures cannot exert their power. It will be really difficult to kill the brat in front of them in a while.

Now you still want to kill me, come here, otherwise you will suffer heavy losses, just wait to collect the body of your Junior Brother Su, and I will make you regret even more and go crazy.

Ye Jue shouted loudly and then said that anyway, he and these feathered saints were already fighting to the death. Moreover, he had made a lot of money by pulling Su Baiyu into his camp.

At that time, he will secretly plant some restrictions in Mengdie's body to control her. Controlling Su Baiyu will be equivalent to gaining an emperor-level combat power for nothing.

After he turns around and upgrades to the God Emperor, he will then operate on these feathered saints and kill them all one by one.

Anyone who dares to be his enemy will die.

Feathering Mirror!


B flew out directly, and the mirror light rotated, like the light that created the sun, and coordinated with him to kill randomly, using bow, armor, and sword styles back and forth, and single-handedly resisted five emperors.

It's done!

At this moment, Su Baiyu's voice suddenly came.


At this moment, the entire refining field suddenly collapsed, the four feathered saints roared again and again, and they finally got out of trouble.

But it was too late, Su Mingming had been forcibly refined by Su Baiyu, killing him a hundred thousand times, transforming all his soul and particles into the most primitive power.

This power is the power that can sit hundreds of millions of miles away in the mythical paradise and overlook a continent.

Now, split in two!

The red sun was in the sky, empowering like a vast sea, entering his and Ye Jue's bodies.

Ha ha ha ha!


In an instant, Ye Jue still had plain white feathers, and red clouds gushed out all over his body. Like the sun, he moved away in the air. In the golden light, he had flown far away from here.

All that was left was Ye Jue's series of loud laughter, which was still echoing.

Hurry up!

We can't let them escape from the main god's space, otherwise we won't be able to catch them!

Damn it, Junior Brother Su is completely dead this time!

The treasure of ten days and ten places is equivalent to being wasted!

I'm so angry!

The two of me and I are incompatible with each other, ahhhhh!!

The remaining nine feathered saints did not expect that these two people were so decisive and ran away without saying a word. In the 0.000001 seconds they were stunned, they had disappeared.

In an instant, each of their heads was filled with blood and their eyes were blood red.

I really suffered a big loss this time. The losses were too serious.

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