The Feathered Nine Saints, whether inside or outside the refining field, are clasping their hands together and mobilizing all their vitality.

An invincible aura emanated from their bodies, and there were cracks on their backs, and a world of judgment emerged from them with blood and fire.

The Feathered Judgment Divine Spear? This is the move used by the Feathered Emperor to seal the Emperor Shadow Demon. It summons the Judgment Divine Spear from another world. The seal directly seals the enemy. Once sealed, he will be trapped in the Judgment forever. In this space, you can never come out again.”

Su Baiyu saw the world of judgment, and saw that all the feathered saints were united with their spears, their mana was soaring, and a dark spear tip protruded from the world of judgment.

This was a means of suppressing the situation. Each of the feathered saints roared repeatedly. The judgment space behind them was connected together. In the blink of an eye, half of the pitch-black divine spear of judgment emerged from it.

The moment it appeared, like a dark sun, the brilliance of the entire space was changed.


The faces of the nine feathered saints showed terrifying murderous intent, and they jointly pushed the feathered judgment gun to kill them.

Be careful, the Judgment Space is a ferocious word in ancient times, and it is as famous as the Holy Light Space. According to rumors, the power of the Lord of Judgment is almost the peak of the God Emperor. It has also survived many era civilizations, and there is still Judgment now. Descendants of the Lord.

This Judgment Divine Spear was obtained by Emperor Yuhua in exchange for some peerless imperial technique from the Lord of Judgment. It was transformed by Taixu Yuhua's Scripture before it can be used by our sect.

You know, this is used to seal the enemy who will destroy the sect.

Obviously, the Ascension Saints regard us as enemies to destroy our sect.

Su Baiyu said quickly. As soon as he saw the feathered divine spear of judgment appearing, he was shaken at will. It was unparalleled in its power. Millions of judgment energy swept over the spearhead. In the air, a city of judgment was formed. In this city of judgment, it seems as if the King of Judgment is still on the throne, looking at all living beings!

In the blink of an eye, with boundless aura of judgment, they came towards Jue Tian Emperor and him, rumbling oppression.

However, this Feathered Judgment Divine Spear now lacks a saint to push it. After all, Su Tomorrow is already half-dead and cannot use the Judgment Space at all. This is another opportunity for us. It seems that fate is on our side. This side.”


Suddenly, Ye Jue laughed: What my divine power ignores is fate. There is no fate to talk about. Everything is the result of my hands.

Take this feathered judgment divine spear as an example. It was originally driven by ten feathered saints, but this Su was trapped by me in the refining field for half his life tomorrow. That's why this feathered judgment divine spear has a big flaw. This is The result I got by changing the result, you don’t know the power of my divine power, so you think it is a choice of fate.”


Of course we know that this Feathered Judgment Divine Spear may not be able to seal you without a saint to propel it, but it will be more than enough to save our junior brother!

Each feathered saint carries the peerless majesty of breaking through the sky, and crazily activates the feathered judgment divine spear. This divine spear keeps expanding, rumbling and pressing down, with the power of burning mountains and boiling seas.

Come here, Yuhua Mirror!

A look of being in control appeared on Ye Jue's face. His aura suddenly flowed, and he actually leapt towards the magic gun. He glided in the void and summoned the Feathering Mirror back from Su Baiyu. .

All of a sudden, he himself was blessed with the power of the Taixu Feathering Sutra.

This time, I will use the power of the Feathering Mirror and the Taixu Feathering Scripture to learn new armor styles from this divine spear of judgment.

Faced with the pressure of the Feathered Judgment Divine Spear, Ye Jue's hands seemed to be like the great millstones of heaven and earth standing in front of him, and he activated the force-bearing Tianfeng, and the armor-like armor instantly appeared on his upper body.

The current seven moves are no longer the Emperor's Art, but the real Emperor's Art.

In an instant, he collided with the Feathered Judgment Divine Spear.

Outside the mythical paradise, there is a multiverse composed of countless fragmented worlds of magical dimensions.

Under this multiverse, there is a very small dimensional world, which is now in an era of explosion of magic and technology.

There are many magic buildings on both sides of the street, row after row. Many of the buildings are shining with the halo of magic circles. They are made of special magic stone materials and tower into the sky. They are too huge.

Moreover, in the mid-air of this city, there are various aircraft appearing, each one is almost different.

You can even see a golden deer pulling a magic car across the sky, leaving a very eye-catching rainbow trail.

On this planet, on top of a certain building somewhere, Ling Xiao was in a daze. In just a moment, he had seen countless magic flying saucers, large and small, passing quickly in front of his eyes.

Since then, the integration of technological civilization and magical civilization has reached its extreme.

Especially the magic towers he brought have now been inserted throughout the entire dimensional world. As long as these magic towers exist, everyone can cast the magic in their body.

Magic is power. Now that mutants have become common, newborns are born with special powers.

Of course, it still depends on one's talent. Some abilities are useless, while others are terrifying.

I never thought that these magic towers could actually change the whole world.

Ling Xiao murmured to himself.

The current role of the magic tower is a battery, an obsolete nuclear power plant.

It can absorb the dark energy in the universe 24 hours a day and convert it into 'magic'!

But he always felt weird and a bit unable to fit in.

Although he discovered that his own power, his skills, and the ability to decompose all things were also a type of magic and were still extremely powerful.

However, he was out of place.

He originally thought that after that incident ended, he and Zhao Yicheng would live a happy and stable life.

Who would have thought that he wouldn't be able to fit in with her rhythm of life at all.

So, he acted like a salted fish and started lying down mode.

For this reason, Zhao Yicheng quarreled with him several times, which gave him a headache.

Didi, didi, didi!

At this time, the communicator on his wrist lit up, and a light screen appeared immediately with Zhao Yicheng's profile picture on it.

Hurry up and get ready. We are going to a dimension fragment full of dead silence to see what is going on there. This dimension fragment world has communicated with us before, but it has been destroyed in less than three days. Totally destroyed.”

Zhao Yicheng's voice came out immediately.

Why don't you just go and solve it? Why do you have to take me with you?

Ling Xiao sighed.

What did you say?

Zhao Yicheng's tone suddenly raised a level.

I didn't say anything, okay, when will we leave?

Ling Xiao stood up.



In all the dimensional fragments of the universe, a purple-gold chariot whizzed past these dimensional fragments quickly, and around this chariot, there were many phantoms of real dragons, phoenixes, thunder and lightning unicorns, etc. , all transformed by the streamer.

If you feel it carefully, you will find that it is the power of myth. The figures on the purple gold chariot are like an emperor patrolling the world.

I didn't expect that tens of thousands of years have passed, and the universe has broken into this state. How easy is it to collect these large and small fragments?

That's right, the Big Bang of the sixth era of the universe blew the realm of suffering and annihilation into pieces. These shattered fragments turned into ion soup, and then reassembled. They continued to expand, expand, and disperse to form these dimensional fragments. There are too many to count.”

In the seventh era, is there no real main universe?

In this purple and gold chariot, two voices were discussing.

At this moment, the curtain was opened, and the characters inside could be seen. Both of them were men, strong and sacred, with domineering power rising to the sky.

At this moment, they all stood up with their hands behind their backs. It can be seen that their clothes are actually from the ancient heaven.

If there were any unparalleled powerful people from the Sixth Age present, they would definitely recognize that these were two of the four surviving people from the Ancient Heavenly Court.

At this moment, their bodies were filled with terrifying brilliance, and their mythical power was rippling.

We can't stay in these dimensional fragments for a long time, because there is no mythical power in this world, and we can't get it from the world. Instead, there is a very magical power. What kind of power is this? Is it an element?

One of the men spoke. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it with his big hand. The transformed giant hand grabbed a strange force and shone with colorful brilliance.

It's very strange. This power is completely different from our mythical power. It must be a new power and a new system born in the seventh era.

Another man said.

If this power is combined with our own mythical power, will we have a more powerful system? The entanglement of mythology and technological runes was already terrifying. If we combine this magical power again, …”

At this point, they looked at each other.

It's better to go back quickly and report to Lord Ditian, we have been out long enough.

Huh? Wait a minute, what is that thing in front of you?

Not long after, a bloody scene appeared here. The purple-gold glazed chariot had been torn into pieces, and it seemed that it had been crushed by some terrible force.

The two unparalleled powerful men of ancient heaven have disappeared. There is only a rain of blood on the scene, forming a storm and a tornado, wandering here aimlessly.

After that, the life forms in this magical dimension fragment came here in a spaceship.

They looked at the scene in great shock. At the bloody end, there was actually a vacuum. Even the meteorites and planets had all disappeared, leaving only pure darkness.

The darkness is about to move... It seems to be some kind of living creature.

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