As long as one of the ten feathered saints is missing, the combat effectiveness will be sharply reduced.

They have also suppressed a group of their contemporaries and experienced life and death hardships together. They have also been tested by time and cannot be replaced by others.

Therefore, if one of them really dies, they will become the Ten Saints and become the Nine Saints from now on.

Now, Ye Jue is supporting a huge thunder bow. His naked upper body has bronze flesh, shiny hair, and messy eyes, with a wild light.

Now is a very critical moment. Su Tomorrow's refining has come to an end, and this refining field is stripping him of all the imperial skills in his body.

That is an eternal and eternal truth. The country created by this person is an immortal dynasty. As long as this great emperor still exists in the world, it will be passed down from generation to generation.

But now he has suffered a devastating blow. Together with his divine kingdom and all the imperial arts, the imperial weapons are all shattering, all thanks to the emperor's calamity.

If Ye Jue could master this power of Emperor Tribulation, he could easily refine the Emperor level.

After all, not every great emperor is like him and has to go through so many heavenly tribulations.

Now this Su Mingming has lost all the vitality stored in his own particles. There was absolutely no strength left to resist Su Baiyu and Ye Jue, so he could only be refined obediently.

The eyes of a great emperor, which were the sun, moon and stars, are now extinguished, and his hair, which was once a dragnet, is now almost bald.

Seeing such a scene, the faces of the four feathered saints who rushed over changed greatly. They did not expect that the refining speed was so fast. Every moment, it was running tens of billions of times.

Buzz buzz!!

The energy billowing from Su Mingming's body is burning, spiraling up to the sky, bursts of light flashing, and various imperial arts are spiraling up to the sky. These imperial arts are all learned by Su Toming in his life, including defense, attack, formation, deduction, etc. Etc., all of them are supreme secret techniques.

Now all these secret techniques have entered Ye Jue's body.

Okay, this is the best supplement for me to become the Great Emperor. Originally, my energy was severely damaged when I broke through. This feathered saint filled the gap perfectly for me, and the energy even overflowed.

Now Ye Jue's whole body has lost the rolling thunder, and the power of Emperor Jie has been almost used. His body is now in an emerald green state. This is a defense for becoming the emperor. It is called the radiant jade body, which can protect the soul.


Immediately, a mysterious sound that shook the world came out.

Bahba bah…

With Ye Jue as the center, radiating out in all directions, the mysterious sounds are tangible and qualitative. Each mysterious sound is a musical note, like the most mysterious fluctuations, washing all the people around it.

Become emperor!

This is the first great emperor of mankind. Although humans have become emperors long ago, this is also a historic moment.

Oops, it's too late, he succeeded!

It doesn't matter. He has just become the emperor, so he will definitely not be familiar with his own power right away.

Yes, that's right. After we became the Great Emperor, we spent at least tens of thousands of years getting familiar with our own power.

The realm of the Great Emperor is no small matter. He still can't understand the mystery. This is the last chance to kill him!

The three of you go and kill, and Su Baiyu wants to kill too. I'm here to rescue Junior Brother Su!

In almost a few breaths, they moved over.

The yin-yang goldfish used by Su Baiyu could no longer withstand it and was directly torn into pieces. The old antiques roared out one after another. Suddenly, the entire space was filled with tides, storms, lightning and thunder.

All the imperial magic and magical powers were released from the body, and the main divine space was moved by it!

Emperor Jue Tian, ​​they see that you have just broken through and want to kill you immediately, but who knows, this is the best time for us to kill Su Tomorrow!

Su Baiyu's power exploded at this moment, streaks of golden light on his body continued to emerge, and some sacred breath spiraled into the sky, like a sea and a prison, all thrown into the refining field.

He was replenishing energy for Emperor Jie in order to refine Su Tomorrow as quickly as possible. After all, the latter already had half of his life left.

The other four were also struggling to support him and could not help at all.

Want to kill me immediately?

Ye Jue is now standing on the highest point of the sky, motionless. The forbidden hair that is lingering around his body is getting thicker and thicker, showing no signs of wavering at all.

Now, in front of him, under the distant sky, there are countless dark curtains, black light crashing towards him, an endless floating continent, with countless life forms, all of which are strange races, rising and falling, Layers upon layers.

This is the divine kingdom of four feathered saints. When combined, it looks like a palace in the sky. According to the nine palaces and eight trigrams, two rituals and three talents, four images and five elements, seven stars, and the number of the Great Evolution, all kinds of mysteries are closely connected, and more There are countless lines of feathered warp and weft lingering around.

This was tantamount to blowing away all his background. Even if he had just become the Great Emperor, he would definitely not be able to resist it.


Virtual and real, true and false, empty but not empty!

However, when Ye Jue raised his hand, unfathomable divine power appeared.

His whole body suddenly flickered and disappeared in an instant. It seemed to have merged into a special space, and it completely covered up his own aura. Even if the God Emperor glanced directly, he could not detect it.

Facing the impact of the Ascended Saint's Kingdom of God, his thoughts penetrated into the space in front of him, and with a grasp of the void, he actually shackled the palace that looked like a floating continent!

To outsiders, Ye Jue had just disappeared suddenly, and then the palace palace, burning with divine flames, instantly froze in the void, motionless, as if time had stopped.

How is this going?

The four feathered saints were pushing their original power crazily, but they found that their particles were actually controlled.

This is almost impossible to happen, it has never happened!

Because every Great Emperor Particle has been cultivated by them over many years, the particle is them, and they are the particle.

However, they can't control themselves at this moment. This is a very scary thing!

There is only one possibility, and that is that his divine power has entered a higher level as he evolved into the Great Emperor.

You mean to say that even the Great Emperor must be subject to his divine authority. Is this possible?

I also think it's impossible, but now that the facts are in front of us, we have to believe it.

The faces of the feathered saints have now turned the color of pig liver. This is an unimaginable consequence. The divine kingdom they created is their particles, which is equal to everything to them.

Now that he was caught by the other party, it would cost him his life.

Nowadays, everyone regrets it, but there is no precedent before, because the Kingdom of God created by the Great Emperor has never been sanctioned.

Because this was a blow from the foundation, even the God Emperor had to give in and could not take it forcefully.

But there happened to be such a strange thing. The divine power was so weird that it could shackle space and time.

What's even weirder is that the result can also be changed, which means that if it is a god emperor with immortality, then this person can give lethality and the rules of death. How can this not be scary?

If he grows into the God Emperor, he can really become a new generation of Death.

The God of Death is not a legend, but a true god. He is not cultivated, but exists from heaven to earth. This is not a secret in the paradise of myths.

But those old gods are gone, will new true gods be born?

How is this possible? After all, the God Emperor has been the highest level of life since ancient times, and no one has ever broken through to the realm of the God Emperor.

Because the next level of life is the true god level. Of course, this is just speculation, because the god emperors don’t know whether there is a way up there.

But the limit of their own power has reached this point. If they want to become true gods, they must go to the positive universe.

The Seventh Age is the last chance.

Because seven is a cycle period, representing an end point. If they do not complete the transformation of life at this end point, then they will never survive the next big cycle.

how did you do it?

Su Baiyu's face also became very shocked.

He knew that this being who claimed to be the Jue Tian Emperor possessed mysterious divine power.

But it doesn't mean that it is impossible for the divine kingdom that can imprison the emperor to happen, but it happened in front of his eyes. He was as shocked as those feathered saints.

Don't worry about it and concentrate on refining Su tomorrow.

Ye Jue defused the Ascended Saint's Kingdom of God attack without any emotional fluctuations.

Because he is now at the same life level as these feathered saints. If his divine power is still unable to exert its mysterious power, then he should take a path that others have not taken, cut off the path, and cut off the loneliness?

In short, he now has a new understanding and improvement of time, space, and the power to change the outcome of fate.

I couldn't control the Emperor before, but now I can finally be at ease.

After all, now that he has lost his 'power of life', he still has to rely more on life-saving magic.

Because in this mythical paradise, there are still many mysterious dangers. Anyway, he believes that the emperor is definitely divided into levels, and these emerging saints must be the lowest.


He suddenly raised his hand and transferred his power to the refining field.

This refining field trapped five saints, but with the help of the power of Emperor Tribulation.

Now that the power of the Emperor's Tribulation is dissipating, Su Mingming must be completely killed before that happens.

He can shackle our Kingdom of God, but he will definitely not do that. Now he can easily kill him and test his depth!

You're right, that's our heritage, how could we be imprisoned so easily!

Quick, now we all need to gather together, use the Feathered Judgment Divine Spear, shoot the traitor, and penetrate this person's divine power!

At this time, the Ancestral Dragon Giant Ape had disappeared, and the remaining feathered saints gathered together.

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