Okay, Su Baiyu, now is a great opportunity to kill them. There will never be a second chance like this. Now we join forces and each inspire our most powerful power!

At this time, you should not take care of your elders. They wanted to destroy you just now. Since you want the Yuhua Sect to have a place in this mythical paradise, you can fight for the mechanical deity and seize the Kunlun Mirror, which is indispensable. My help.”

My tribe leads all the tribes in the area. It has mysterious power and can even defeat the God Emperor.

You and I are the best choice.

I will return your woman to you, but only after this war.

And I have almost no interest in your woman, the power of the family behind you, the God Emperor.

At this time, Ye Jue continued to shoot thunderstorms as he spoke, and his body continued to expand, almost reaching the level of the sky.

Because at this moment, he was still evolving toward the ultimate path of the Emperor, every tribulation force dissipated, and every explosion dispersed into his body.

Originally, Ye Jue's strength was extraordinary. Using the ability of divine power, he could almost fight against the emperor.

Now he is going to be upgraded to the Great Emperor, his life level will be raised again, and he will finally have the same level of strength.

If he had to succeed in this attack, he would have to completely convince Su Baiyu and eliminate his worries.

Because at this time, Fanfan still has a little nostalgia for the past, and as long as Xing Baiyu lets go, he will not be able to kill these five great emperors, and the great opportunity will be missed.

When his calamity power disappears, there will be no way to refine the Great Emperor.

After we kill these five great emperors and refine them, I will split their power into two, half for you and half for me.

Ye Jue kept throwing out temptations at this time.

The purpose is to let Su Baiyu completely let go of his hands and feet, and fully display his own potential, as well as the imperial technique and the Taixu Yuzhenjing Sword.

Coupled with his seven moves, it is enough to kill the five emperors trapped in the refining field.

These five emperors have probably fallen into this trap once after living for so long.

It was fate's choice that made them fall into a trap.

If you can't kill them, it's fate.

But Ye Jue can break through fate and deny fate. Any result can be changed in his hands.

Even if he can't kill him, he can still kill him by force, as long as his method is tough enough.

This tribulation force field is one of the rules of the Mythical Paradise. What's more, he was promoted to the Great Emperor and attracted millions of Dao Emperors to rob their bodies. This is something unprecedented.

Even if they were to become the Ten Saints, they would only survive thousands of times to survive the Emperor's Tribulation.

The gap with him is really too big.

It's not that the rules of the Mythical Paradise cannot tolerate him, but that his power is really strange. After all, this divine power alone is enough to shock the world.

Don't worry, Ye Jue. They are stubborn, their thinking has become rigid, and they simply don't understand. I have no choice but to join forces with you to reorganize the Yuhua Sect.

Su Baiyu also understands this. Now that he has taken action against the Yuhua Ten Saints, it is tantamount to antagonism.

But he is still the head of the Yuhua Sect. After all, he has inherited the Taixu Yuhua Mantra from the Yuhua God Emperor, and he has also cultivated to the twelfth level, which is unprecedented and unprecedented. He can open the space that the Yuhua God Emperor once sealed. country.

Therefore, he will not abandon this identity, but will stay here for a long time.

He wants to reorganize the Yuhua Sect and get rid of all these old-fashioned, stubborn, ideological and feudal people.

So what if they are stronger?

As long as the mind is not enlightened, there will never be any achievements.

The best example is himself, who only took two or three epochs to become a great emperor. However, these old antiques, who have been cultivating for who knows how many years, are still in the realm of great emperors and cannot break through to the divine emperor.

They had no hope of the God Emperor, so they started to mess around. Ten people joined together and called themselves the Ten Eternal Saints, comparable to the God Emperor.

But in the final analysis, a god-emperor can easily defeat them.

And he must break through to the God Emperor.

But the process still requires the help of the power of the Ascension Sect, such as the main god space. Now he has obtained 20% of the authority, and the remaining 70% is in the hands of the Ten Saints of Ascension. The remaining 10% is in, and the remaining 10% of the money is in Ye Jue's hands.

As long as he defeats the Ten Feathered Saints and seizes the system authority from their hands. After he gains control of the main god space and continues to involve dark matter and dark energy, he will naturally be able to break through the God Emperor when the time comes.

But he knew that the Feathered Ten Saints thought the same way.

He had already made a concession and let them become God Emperors first, while he came last.

But now that they have broken apart, it will be a complete break. He will be the first person to break through to the realm of the God Emperor.

As long as there is this main god space, then everything is not a problem. After all, in this space, dark matter and dark energy can circulate and complement each other naturally. This is its magic, it can continuously create dark matter and dark energy.


As soon as he finished speaking, the Taixu Feathered Scripture Sword immediately appeared and hovered above his head. At the same time, the secret method of truth and the way of truth also shook out of his body.

There are three types of Emperor Techniques he has practiced. Now each one is being stimulated, and the surge is as huge as Ye Jue's in an instant.

It made him and Ye Jue feel as if they were God Emperors now, able to manipulate everything, control everything, and possess the peerless majesty of being invincible and invincible.

It seems that you can destroy everything or shape everything with just a raise of your hand. It seems that you can even grab every world in the main god's space and instantly refine it into dark matter and dark energy, completely gaining insight into its deepest secrets.

very good!

When Ye Jue saw this scene, he knew that Su Baiyu had completely broken with the Yuhua Ten Saints and used all his secrets to help him destroy them together.

In that case, there is no need to be polite. His tall body pulled the thunder bow, and strips of luster appeared on his palms. The arrows roared like thunder and shot in front of him.

At this moment, a wail came from the refining field and was transmitted from the void.

It turned out to be a feathered saint. Finally, it could not withstand the combined attack of him and Su Baiyu. His body naturally whined and twisted into a ball uncontrollably.

Among the ten feathered saints, this person is the weakest.

This person is called Su Tomorrow. The essence of his life, the capital of Yuanjin condensed by the mythical avenue, is now cracked and cannot withstand refining. This person is cowardly and incompetent. He is usually weak and afraid of hard work. He is a complete waste. Cultivating Emperor Cheng is also very lucky. If it were not for the help of his fellow disciples, he would never have achieved what he has today.

Su Baiyu immediately revealed this person's secret and his name.

But the name has no meaning now and there is no need to remember it.

Because with the rupture of the capital of Yuanjin, Su Mingming's avenue also cracked, the soul light collapsed, constantly changing and flowing, and countless blood spurted out.

No, Junior Brother Su can't stand it anymore. Give up on the Ancestral Dragon Giant Ape in front of you and get rid of them first!

The emperor can fly into the sky and escape from the earth, and is omnipotent, but the ancestral dragon giant ape is not a vegetarian. The moment they turned around and moved, a pair of furry uncles actually grabbed the legs of an feathered saint.


The feathered saint suddenly screamed and was tossed around like rags by the Ancestral Dragon Ape. The life essence on his body was burning at this moment. Otherwise, he would not be able to withstand this terrifying impact and would die immediately.

Go quickly and leave me alone. I will sacrifice my longevity to resist it for a moment!

This person roared!

This ancestral dragon giant ape was released by me from the Kingdom of Ryunao. Its consciousness is connected with me intentionally or unintentionally. If I feel right, it does not want to be my enemy. It is even very grateful, because it is I rescued it from that space.”

Su Baiyu saw those feathered saints trying their best to move over, their bodies moving, and their palms drawing a perfect Tai Chi.

This Tai Chi, one gold and one silver, immediately turned into a flying divine beast and rushed towards the feathered saints.

At this time, they are refining with all their strength and must not be disturbed, otherwise they will fall short.

Ah! Senior brother, save me!

Su Mingming screamed again at this moment after becoming a saint.

At this time, he really couldn't stand it anymore. These millions of tribulations were tearing his body apart layer by layer. No matter how powerful the emperor's soldiers and emperor arts were, they would be ripped apart in the end. Unable to protect him.

And now is the last moment. He has tried his best but can't break through.

As for the other four feathered saints, it is very difficult for them to protect themselves now, and they have no spare power to save him.

In this refining field, if they want to break out, they must wait for the millions of tribulation powers to be exhausted.

But before that, I am afraid that two saints will fall and be refined by that boy and Su Baiyu.

Su Baiyu, you don't deserve a good death. You dare to join forces with this kid to refine me. You don't deserve a good death. Do you know that I am an emerging saint? I am your ancestor, I am your ancestor, you This is deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors, which is unacceptable to the laws of heaven and will not lead to a good death!

Su will make his last desperate struggle tomorrow, constantly cursing and begging for mercy, yelling in despair.

If you want to die, then die. There is so much nonsense. How many creatures in this world are constantly dying. Why are you special?

Ye Jue continued to pull the thunder bow, injecting all the calamity power into the refining field formed by the thunder sword, which immediately burned them and made them scream in agony.

The Feathered Ten Saints finally dispersed. This was a God-given opportunity. If you could kill one of them, you would have earned it!

I'm afraid that with all my efforts, I can only kill two of them.

But this is enough to interrupt their cooperation. The formation, especially the Ten Heavens and Ten Earths Ancient Supreme Treasure Emperor Soldiers, if a few are missing, the power will definitely be reduced sharply.

If they were asked to use the machine tool to return the divine light again, their luck would not be so good this time. There would be no ancestral dragon giant ape to block the gun.

Quickly, save Junior Brother Su, don't let him be refined!


The four feathered saints who came over grabbed them with their palms and used a huge pulling force to rescue the trapped saints.

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