You are really sharp-tongued, Jian Yao, your father, Jian Xitian, is a cowardly and incompetent headmaster. When he was in power, the Yuhua Sect suffered one after another bad luck. Either disasters occurred, or foreign enemies were established, and the elders in the sect betrayed .”

Mengdie immediately counterattacked: Fortunately, Su Baiyu is here to take charge of the overall situation, impeach your useless father, and with my help, regroup and find the core of the ancient main god, the main god transformed by the unrivaled god. Space, if it weren’t for me, would the Yuhua Sect be where it is today?”


Hearing these words, Su Baiyu next to her coughed twice, signaling that she had overspoken and should not be too presumptuous in front of the Ten Sages of Yuhua.

Jian Yao, Jianyao, I know that you have always been dissatisfied and unwilling, but you can't improve yourself by belittling others. Cultivation is not easy. I know that you are a woman with a strong vanity. You always feel that no one can compare with you. You are much better than others, but you cannot destroy the overall situation of the sect like this.

Mengdie restrained himself a lot, and then said: If my family, the Cangjie Clan, really joins forces with the Yuhua Sect, in this paradise, it will be as powerful as the Shaohao Jintian Clan. Who can match us in the future?

Mengdie is right.

A feathered Ten Saints nodded.

Jian Yao, please don't say anything. Your father was impeached because of his incompetence. Later he refused to accept it and entangled a group of elders to set up a trap to surround Su Baiyu. Fortunately, Su Baiyu had mastered the Taixu Yu Scripture at that time. , and there is Mengdie beside me to help, otherwise, he would be poisoned.

Yes, your father was exiled by Taixu Yuhua Zhenjing. He deserved it.

Jian Yao, you are Jian Xitian's daughter. Although your father has committed serious crimes, he has also made meritorious deeds. The harm is not harmful to his children, so we have always protected you.

But now, you are so disappointing. You are simply stubborn and stubborn. You are still trying to divide the sect.

If we hold you accountable for the destruction of the outer gate, you will be punished now.

Jian Yao, I have watched you grow up, but as expected, it is better to be a child. I suggest that we use the feathering reversal method together to bring her back to her childhood.

That's very good. Then erase her memory and she will still be our obedient goddaughter.

The voice of the Yuhua Ten Saints descended from the Tianzhu.

I don't believe that my father can be a sinner. Only I know what kind of person he is!

Jianyao yelled, hearing that the Feathered Ten Saints actually wanted to reverse her time and let her return to her childhood. Doing that would be equivalent to death, not to mention that her longevity would be greatly reduced, and there would be various hidden dangers that would lead to Cultivation collapsed, and there was no way to progress.

This is going to destroy her!

Ten Feathered Saints, you are so presbyopic that you actually believe this woman!

When it came to this, she could only shout.

If the Feathered Ten Saints really attacked her, she wouldn't be able to resist.

Oh, let's do it and let her return to her most innocent age.

Seeing such a scene, the Ten Feathered Saints sighed one after another and stood up. They pinched the mark with both hands and formed a circle of light, covering Jianyao from top to bottom.

I will never let you go, Cangjie Mengdie, and you, Su Baiyu, when I first fell in love, you used me, deceived me, and made me deal with my father. I regret it so much!

Jianyao felt the power of time before her body rotated, and she knew that she was going to die and all her memories would be erased, which was equivalent to being killed.

Her regret and unwillingness, despair and anger turned into a stream of energy, spiraling into the sky and actually burning.

But it didn't work at all.

Each of the Ten Feathered Saints is at the emperor level, so it is too easy to deal with her, not to mention that all abilities are now sealed and reduced to nothing more than fish on the chopping board.

Jian Yao, when you return to your childhood, I will be responsible for teaching you and teach you to be the most lascivious prostitute in the world, thinking about how to please men every day, haha...

A secret voice came from Mengdie, and this voice could not be hidden from Su Baiyu and the Ten Saints of Feathering.

But they turned a blind eye, as if they didn't hear it at all.


Mengdie was so happy now. Seeing that Jianyao was about to die, she had a bright smile on her face and continued: Jianyao, Jianyao, don't think that I don't know. There is another secret in you, which is the sword breath. God left it to you before he was exiled. When time goes back, I will get my hands on it. No matter what treasure it is, it will be mine.

Ah ah ah, you and I are at odds with each other, and I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!

Jianyao's eyes were blood red and he roared.

Really? Very good. I feel all your regret. It's strong enough to move me.

Right now.


From the feathered mirror in Su Baiyu's hand, a brilliant beam of light flew out and fell on the person who had been tied up on the ground.

Bang bang bang!

The bound materials all turned into fragments, and the flowing light stopped abruptly.

Ye Jue actually stood up and said something. Now he showed a faint smile and took a step forward, seemingly unafraid.

Huh? You can actually break free from Taixu's power?

Su Baiyu was immediately taken aback. He quickly retreated and closed the distance, but was not attacked. He frowned.

This kid can break free from the shackles from the beginning.

Could it be...

Was he captured on purpose?

Came here specifically?

Taixu? Your scripture is indeed good, and it complements my space ability. When I capture you, it will be mine.

As Ye Jue spoke, he took action, and a black hole formed in his palm, swallowing Jianyao in at once.

This was to protect her, because he heard a secret and took it as payment for saving her.

Dare you!


The ten feathered saints all flew away from the pillar at once, hovered in the air and moved a certain distance, standing side by side, emitting terrifying energy ripples.

The two words exploded in the void in an instant. It was so dazzling that Ye Jue could not defeat the power of the ten great emperors.


Ye Jue's goal is not to defeat them, but to take this opportunity to advance to the emperor level.

His body was like lightning, shrinking to an inch, and time seemed to have frozen. In a trance, he surpassed the constraints of time energy and traveled directly to the core area at the center of the main god's space.

not good!

He can actually notice it?

We are refining, if he interferes, the power will be taken away!

Stop him!

The face of the Feathered Ten Saints changed drastically, and he could no longer remain calm.

They joined forces to attack and used the Emperor Technique. This was such a powerful force that even the Seven Moves could not compete with it unless they understood the more advanced Emperor Proving Technique.


Ye Jue vomited blood on the spot. He knew that it was because the emperor's power had exceeded the limit that his spatial ability was ineffective. He was injured and flew out with blood all over his body.

But the goal is still the core of the main god space.

Taixu, reverse!

Su Baiyu raised his hand and struck. From a long distance away, the feathering mirror sprayed out a dazzling beam of light, which condensed into a 'reversal' and rushed towards Ye Jue's position.

B, come back to me!

However, Ye Jue suddenly turned around and unleashed the Turtle Wave Sword Technique, absorbing the power of the Feathered Ten Saints. At the same time, he made a move with his big hand, as if a vortex appeared.


Taixu, if you reverse this move, it will collapse instantly.

It can be seen that in the abyss of the Feathering Mirror, a huge shadow floats up. This shadow is countless millions of miles away. It suddenly jumps out of the mirror, and its whole body is covered with dense Taixu Sutra.

It’s B, the feathered mirror spirit that I haven’t seen for a long time.

The words of the Taixu Sutra are all engraved on Yi's body. At a glance, it seems that the person's soul can be sucked into them.

I'm finally out. I feel comfortable. Master, if you hadn't been specially captured and came to this abyss in the mirror to use your divine power to help me out of trouble, I wouldn't have been born.

In an instant, Yi shuttled away. At this moment, Su Baiyu took action. He would definitely not let Yi escape easily. He remained calm in the face of danger and used Taixu's space restraint power to trap Yi.

Seven postures, arrow posture!

However, Ye Jue was on the other side, and his bow and arrow with infinite runes and wonderful skills had been stretched out in an exaggerated manner, and he shot directly at the turtle that had absorbed the attack of the Feathered Ten Saints.


This is simply a massacre. The energy explosion at the God-Emperor level is extremely terrifying!

Such a blow, the Feathered Ten Saints did not expect to be so powerfully counterattacked, Su Baiyu, and Mengdie had to go all out to defend, otherwise they would not be able to stop it at all.


However, Yi shuttled through the explosion with a feathered mirror and hovered directly over Ye Jue's head.


The light curtain shone down, protecting Ye Jue's body. In these moments of thunder and lightning flashing wildly, he drove his power mark into the core of the main god's space.

The core looks like a broken Rubik's Cube, glowing with divine light.

After being photographed by Ye Jue, the light and shadow that ruled the heavens instantly filled the air.


As soon as Ye Jue calculated, he instantly knew that his mark could not be erased, and he already had part of his authority in the main god's space.

Make a hole!

He punched away, exploding above the heads of the Feathered Ten Saints and Su Baiyu.

If you escape this time and we become the Ten Saints in this mythical paradise, then there is no need to mess around.

However, rounds of red sun stood in front of us, as if rising from the sea level, blocking the opening.

Taixu Feathered True Sutra!

However, Ye Jue's eyes opened, radiating a long and deep light, his hair fluttering, and a majestic energy stirred up, causing the void to collapse even more.

And near him, there were dense cracks in the void, which were forcibly squeezed by a restless and domineering aura, forming a space collapse.

He actually wanted to escape into another world in the main god's space to escape pursuit.

Yu Hua Jing, come back to me!

Su Baiyu knew that there was still a mark of his power in the Yuhua Mirror.

It is absolutely impossible for this person to destroy this Dao in such a short period of time. He must snatch the Feathering Mirror.

Otherwise, if he loses the Taixu Feathering Mantra that he successfully cultivated based on the Feathering Mirror Spirit, his own strength will be greatly reduced.

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