Su Baiyu's idea is not wrong at all. Ye Jue is now an anteater, and the big and small worlds in the main god space are equal to ants.

Waiting to be devoured by him one by one, all the materials turned into dark matter and dark energy, becoming increasingly dense.

Ye Jue grabbed another world with one hand, and covered a rolling river of dark matter with the void in his other hand.


This long black river all came into his body. All of a sudden, Ye Jue's body changed. His body was no longer a body, but a kind of crystal of the Kingdom of God. Every particle was the Kingdom of God and could accommodate massive amounts of dark energy. , these particle gods, calculated together, can calculate the results and the future thousands of times in an instant.

But even so, compared to the God Emperor, he was still far behind. A single thought from the God Emperor could equal the power of his kingdom.

It's almost time. It's time to break through to the quasi-emperor level.

Ye Jue opened his eyes, radiating far-reaching divine light, and the artistic conception of wisdom was swirling around his body. At this moment, he seemed to be an enlightened true god, seeing through the alternation of life and death, and comprehending the various situations in the world.

The warmth of the past, nostalgic memories, various cold scenes, and some sad, angry and regretful scenes are all condensed at this moment.

His limbs suddenly curled up together, and along with these memories, he turned into the appearance of a young man.

Various visions are constantly shaking in this young man, as if he has walked an extremely long divine road, with no waves in his heart and endless fighting spirit.


At this moment, Su Baiyu, who was hiding in the feathering mirror, immediately took action.

He was waiting for this moment. When he broke through, there was a moment when he was most vulnerable, and that was now.


This move was the full power of the Taixu Feathering Sutra. A sword seal was created in the palm of his hand. Like a black hole, it directly sucked the young man transformed by Ye Jue into it and sealed it in the deepest part of the Feathering Mirror, the Sea of ​​Mirrors. abyss.

Is this sealed?

When Mengdie saw the arrogant existence just now, the next second he was taken into the Feathering Mirror and sealed in the Taixu Feathering Manual.

This defeat was too quick and too complete.

In one moment, everything was lost.

There is no need to say more about what it means to be sealed and suppressed.

He has never broken through before, so he doesn't know how dangerous it is to be attacked by someone when breaking through.

Su Baiyu showed a mocking look and said: Since ancient times, I have always existed in this world. Since I achieved Taoism, I have experienced countless splendid eras and faced the Tao directly. How many such quasi-emperor geniuses have I seen? Are you experienced enough to compete with me? You are not overestimating your abilities.

Every word contains the power of rules, and invisible energy condenses in the dark, suppressing it into the abyss of the mirror sea.

He not only wanted to seal it, but also wanted to break this person's mind.

As expected of you.

Mengdie nodded with admiration on her face, and when she saw Su Baiyu opening his mouth, the power of order was contained in his words, condensed into mythical runes, and trapped in the void, how powerful it was.

He is indeed the man she likes.

Let's rescue Jianyao first. After all, she is protected by the Ten Feathered Saints. Without the Ten Feathered Saints, I would not have defeated Jian Xitian so easily.

At this moment, Su Baiyu grabbed it with one hand, and the mythical power gathered from all directions condensed into a big hand, and he grabbed it towards the abyss of the mirror sea.


Just like a starry sky disintegrating, it was too bright. A woman was forcibly captured and captured. She was still confused and didn't know what happened.

Jian Yao, look, who has saved you now, what else are you digging for? Obeying the new master is your final way out.

Mengdie smiled contemptuously when she saw the embarrassed Jianyao.

Hmph, Su Baiyu, I really didn't expect you to be able to thoroughly practice the Taixu Feathering Sutra.

Jianyao snorted coldly, like a streak of immortal thunder, disturbing the space, and the mist containing rules swept past, returning the world to clarity.

Her strength is still very strong.

It was only when he encountered a cheat and an opponent that was difficult to resist that he was defeated and was caught and sealed.

Follow me to see the Ten Sages of Ascension. This time the outer world has been destroyed. You have an unshirkable responsibility. I believe that the Ten Sages of Ascension will not be able to protect you this time.

Su Baiyu was dressed in white, and a powerful force rose up, opening the passage, like a golden wave, carrying Mengdie and Jianyao through it.

In the blink of an eye, they arrived at the core of the Lord God.

This is the center of all worlds, big and small. The surrounding myths are bound by rules and become walls like circuit boards, circulating endlessly.

Their Ascension Sect has been invading this place since they obtained the Lord God World.

Now, the Ten Feathered Saints are finally being refined.

Have you caught the enemy?

One of the Ten Saints on the Feathering Pillar asked.

Of course I caught it.

Mengdie couldn't help but smile: I don't even know who did it.

Very well, let's see who the enemy is.

The Feathered Ten Saints nodded slightly. Their sect was famous all over the world and had ancient traditions. No one dared to provoke them on weekdays.

Now he is not only provoking, but also attacking the outer gate and the hinterland continuously. He must find out his identity before killing him, and find out and kill him together with the forces behind him, to prevent the spring breeze from happening again.

Come out here.

Su Baiyu fished out the abyss of mirror light with his big hand and pulled out a man who was trapped in chains.

Huh? It's interesting. Is this divine power? The little quasi-emperor can actually cultivate divine power?

It is indeed divine authority. That divine authority forms a kingdom. There are less than twenty people with divine authority in the entire Mythical Paradise!

Furthermore, divine power can only be possessed by beings created in the image of God.

According to legend, there was a true god in ancient times. Our human forms are all created in the image of the god, so it is possible to cultivate divine power as long as we look like humans, and it is possible.

Just like the God Emperor who split the sky, he was born with a divine mark. Back then, he unlocked the power of the divine mark and gained abilities in a special field. Later we learned that this is divine power, and it can be liberated by reaching the realm of the God Emperor.

However, if you don't have divine power, even if you become a god emperor, you are just an ordinary emperor, not a god emperor.

Only a great emperor with divine power can become a divine emperor, but divine power cannot be controlled by just anyone.

There was a time when someone placed divine power in the body of a peerless genius, only to suffer self-destruction.

Theocracy...the power at the top of the pyramid!

Almost instantly, the eyes of the Yuhua Ten Saints were clear. If you want to control this world in the mythical paradise, divine power is indispensable.

But their Yu Hua Sect, as powerful as they are, has not yet given birth to a person with divine power who can shine upon the gods.

Now, there is such a one in front of us.

This is an absolute godsend!

It seems that fate has chosen our Yuhua Sect? Let this sect rise? We have the main god space, and we can continuously cultivate elite disciples, elders... There is a great possibility to defeat the mechanical god and get the ancient creation The top ten artifacts in mythology, the Kunlun Mirror!

Yes, the Kunlun Mirror is the only artifact that has not broken through the gate of the universe. Therefore, all the forces in our mythical paradise are working hard to fight for this object.

The Kunlun Mirror can freely travel through time and space, and can open a gap in the door to the positive universe, which is enough to allow the entire sect to ascend. However, it must first defeat the mechanical god guarding it. After all, it is the pet of the abyssal entropic body.

So we must get this divine power.

As soon as they saw Ye Juehou, they started talking about it and were very excited.

These immortals have the same expression all year round, and nothing can shock them or change their state of mind.

Now they are all dancing like a group of children.

That's all I mean.

Su Baiyu nodded and said: After we stripped off this person's divine power, we installed it in the main god space, so that everyone can use a trace of this divine power, which is enough to increase the overall combat effectiveness. After all, our current shortcomings, It’s just that the overall combat power is not good.”

Great. Once I have this power, when I return to my family, those old people who look down on others will also join forces with you!

Mengdie was delighted.

Well, your family, the Cangjie family, was once the descendant of the ancient God Emperor who created the word. It has been a single line of guardians of the Creation Jade Butterfly for generations. Although the Creation Jade Butterfly has been lost now and I don't know where it is, it does not affect you. The fighting strength of this clan will become even more powerful once the Jade Butterfly is regained.

Su Baiyu said: I will help you find the Jade Butterfly of Creation. When you get the book, you will be able to activate the bloodline of the Word-Creator God Emperor and control the heavens with every word.

Then my imperial weapon is based on the Human Emperor's Brush. However, this brush has fallen into the hands of Mrs. Dichu Sect. It is not so easy to capture it.

Mengdie nodded and said.

What does it matter? We, the Ten Saints, will help you obtain this thing.

The feathered Ten Saints smiled slightly in the sky and gave Mengdie a 'reassurance pill'.

Then it's Lao Shisheng.

Mengdie was extremely happy after receiving the promise, as if a bright road was opening to her.

Bah, bah, bah, who doesn't know that the Cangjie family is a sinister and cunning person who has killed many people and is notorious, especially her, who is from a single lineage. Cangjie Mengdie is simply the Neptune among the Neptunes. Who doesn't know that she has many tricks? To lure bees and butterflies, to show off one's charm, to deceive everywhere, to cheat and abduct is all just a small trick.

Jianyao suddenly let out a sigh and said repeatedly: Su Baiyu, and the Ten Saints of Feathering, you have all been deceived by this woman. Once she gets what she wants, she will become ruthless and cold. Look at her There are four eyes in the double pupils. They are not the eyes of trouble. These eyes are born to deceive people and can observe the stars and check the movement of fortune.


Hearing what was said, Mengdie flew over and suddenly slapped Jianyao crisply on the face.

Now Jianyao is still sealed and unable to resist at all. He can only stare while being slapped and insulted by this woman.

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