Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 1202 The ultimate moment of breaking through the imperial path

Let me come back? Su Baiyu, who do you think you are? Do you know that in fact, I have been holding back for these ten thousand years, just to wait for this moment to fight back against you, steal your imperial skills, and Taixu Yu will transform into a real person? The scriptures allowed me to jump directly from the ancient divine weapon to two levels, from the emperor's weapon to the emperor's weapon, in one step!

Yu Huajing felt a mark of power erupt in his body. Knowing that this was Su Baiyu activating the mark, forcing him to return to this person's hand, he immediately screamed, his hair fluttering, and his body was filled with majestic energy. Let this place fall apart.

In the past ten thousand years, he has gritted his teeth and carried the weight of thousands of stars, and his inner voice has never been heard by others. Now that he has spoken out, it feels so good.

I knew I should have refined you a long time ago.

Su Baiyu suddenly took a step forward.


The void split open, and a long river of nothingness was created by his fist!

This is the power of Taixu Yuzhen Sutra.

However, without the cornerstone, its power is greatly reduced.

However, if there are ten feathered saints attacking at the same time, it is enough to block the flight of the feathered mirror and this kid.

Hahaha, refining me? Isn't it because if you forcibly refine me, Yu Hua Jing's strength will be greatly reduced, and you will have to seal me.

Yi took Ye Jue, complementing Ye Jue's divine power, and shuttled into another world amidst the earth-shattering lightning strikes in the sky, intertwined by lightning.


This world is a primitive wilderness world in the main god's space. There are many dinosaurs, huge winged birds, etc., as well as some primitive tribes living there.

At this moment, they all looked at the sky, because a huge crack suddenly appeared in the sky. All materials turned into powder as soon as they came into contact, and the blood mist and energy exploded and boiled!

This scene is too terrifying, even in the main god's space, it has evolved over a long period of time.

Now in less than 0.00000001 seconds, the world explodes to pieces and large species become extinct. This is really an impact like the earth is shattering.

Because of the Yuhua Ten Saints and Su Baiyu, Mengdie's pursuit and fight would destroy a world at every turn.

But they know that in the main god's space, the world will actually be slowly reborn.

Right now, we still have to catch this kid first.

Bang bang bang!!

Violent shaking, the sky was pierced.

A group of Yuhua Sect disciples stepped on the Mythical Technique and attacked in waves. Their originally arrogant Taoist power was directly turned into powder by Ye Jue's collision.

The remaining elders all saw that there was a millstone spinning around this person, the space was shattered, and the black gap spread out for an unknown number of miles. The strong wind roared like the sea and like electricity, blocking everything. , including the ancient divine weapons, were directly obliterated.

Such power can only be dealt with by Su Baiyu, who has become the Ten Saints.

Look at the palm!

At this time, Mengdie didn't know what secret technique he used. He suddenly appeared not far in front of Ye Jue and struck a palm directly. His palm flashed with emerald green light.


Who knew, a very shocking picture would appear.

a slap!

Yes, Ye Jue suddenly appeared in front of her, slapped her hard on the face, and flew her far away.

He deliberately didn't blow the woman's head open because he just wanted to see the expression on this beautiful face.

Sure enough, under such gravity, the nose, eyes, and mouth were all tilted to one side.

well played!

Jianyao, who was in Ye Jue's body, suddenly shouted.

This is so refreshing!

The slap just now made her feel so wronged.

Seeing this scene now made her feel extremely comfortable, so she shouted out.

Originally, she was very unwilling to be defeated by Ye Jue.

But then the situation reversed, and he was rescued by this person, and he let go of his fighting spirit.

Although I don't know if he intended to avenge her, the result was ultimately satisfying, and he finally let go of his fighting spirit.

Now, she hopes that the Juetian Emperor can break through with the most powerful combat power of the Yuhua Sect.

Because as long as you escape, it will be a complete victory!

First, the Juetian Emperor imprinted his power mark into the main god space. This would leave serious hidden dangers even if the Yuhua Sect completely obtained the main god space.

At that time, huge changes may occur because of this. Emperor Juetian always has a part of the authority of the Lord God, which will make them sleepless and foodless.

The boat is broken, we must escape!

So, Jianyao shouted.

Burn the boat? No need.

Ye Jue transformed into a torrent of particles. He pushed all the mysteries of divine power to their peak. He transformed himself into a long river and continuously broke through every world in the Lord God's space. While penetrating everything, he left behind wonderful traces of the sky. Countless lives have seen countless poems, hymns, and tracks of Tao left by songs of freedom appear in the sky.

It seems that by following the trace in the sky, you can gain freedom, and you can tear apart the world that shackles you and fly away at any time.

Of course, this is just conjecture.

Ye Jue's current strength has still reached that level.

Maybe when he is promoted to God Emperor and others come up with this idea, he will be able to satisfy their imagination.

The God-Emperor is the being who fulfills all wishes under the True God. He can kill the Quasi-Emperor with just one breath and make the sect kneel down with a snap of his fingers.

Even a particle flying out of the body of the God Emperor can turn into a small world and evolve gods and life.

What's even more outrageous is that the god who appeared thought he was a real god, but he didn't know that he was just a particle of the God Emperor.

At this moment.

While Ye Jue was escaping, his abilities were still rising, rising steadily. The worlds of gods and gods from all directions were converging dark energy and dark matter into his long river.

He absorbed too much at once and filled the last gap directly, reaching 100%.

Okay, chase me, right? Then I will break through directly. I have a feeling that it will cause the emperor's calamity, and it will be terrifying.

Ye Jue suddenly stopped and did not rush to the exit. Instead, his face showed strong confidence.

Originally, he was just one step away from the Great Emperor, but was forcibly disturbed by Su Baiyu. Now it was full again, and he broke through again. Immediately, his body radiated a long and deep divine light, and the artistic conception of wisdom kept spinning around his body. .

At this moment, Ye Jue was like a true god who had gained enlightenment, seeing through the alternation of life and death, and comprehending the various conditions of the world.

The warm and nostalgic memories of the past, as well as various cruel scenes, as well as some sad, angry and regretful scenes have once again begun to condense.

Immediately, his limbs curled up together, and with these memories, he turned into a young man again, constantly shaking various visions, an extremely long divine road, with no waves in his heart, and endless fighting spirit.

Okay, I've been waiting for you to break through again. I knew you wouldn't be able to bear it. I said before, when you break through, you are at your weakest.

Suddenly, Su Baiyu, who was chasing him, landed on top of Ye Jue's head instantly with the blessing of Mengdie's strange power.

He unfolded the Taixu Feathered Scripture Sword, and from the mouth of the sword, an abyss world flowed, which was the direction of the Runao Kingdom.

This was how Jian Xitian was once exiled by him.

I was too merciful just now, but I won't do it this time. You will die slowly in the Kingdom of Runao. Jianyao, you too, and just like your father, die there. You two have a deep love for each other. You will be buried in the Kingdom of Runao. At the same time, you should express your gratitude to me for being so kind and righteous to you.

Su Baiyu's eyes gradually became dazzling. The Taixu Yuzhenjing Sword was his imperial weapon. After it was sacrificed, it became more and more dazzling and sharp.

In an instant, Ye Jue was enveloped.

It's not good, it's not good, run away quickly, run away quickly, once you enter the Kingdom of Runao, your body and consciousness will be severely distorted, squeezed and destroyed. That is not death or death, it is real exile. Between death and life!”

Jianyao screamed.

I originally thought about relying on this Jue Tian Emperor to leave, but I didn't expect that I would still lose to Su Baiyu and the Yuhua Ten Saints.

Yes, after all, they are eleven great emperors.

How could a mere quasi-emperor try his best to escape?

She had woken up and when she screamed, it was just a natural reaction because she didn't want to die.

In fact, she was desperate, knowing that as soon as the imperial soldiers came down, they would be sentenced to death.

Sabi, the same sneak attack was used twice?

Suddenly, Ye Jue looked up at the sky. He turned into a young man, handsome and beautiful, with bright eyes, facing the attack of the Taixu Yuzhenjing Sword and the Imperial Soldier.

Between his mouth and nose, a dazzling divine light instantly erupted, engraved with densely packed mythological words, as if carrying the years and supporting the heaven and earth!

For a moment, time lingered and enveloped him.


The next moment, he disappeared.

Under the attack of the imperial soldiers, he was imprisoned, shackled, and blocked, and disappeared directly.

The power of divine authority actually broke through my imperial weapons?

Su Baiyu was shocked. If this was really the case, then even if he cut through the world, there would be no power that could restrain this person.

Because in their view, this person's divine power is mysterious and mysterious, and can make time stand still, but speed up all things. Especially after obtaining the Taixu Feathering Scripture, his power seems to have been upgraded again.


The ten feathered saints chased here, like thunder from heaven, like fairy swords from outside the realm, coming across the sky, unstoppable, too terrifying, combined, too grand, destroying everything, nothing to resist.

But at this moment, they were confused.

Because the Ten Saints of Feathering also know the power of the imperial weapon and the power of the Taixu Feathering Sutra Sword.

No one of them can resist it. Ten of them must unite together to forcefully escape.

His power is so special, we must get it.

The faces of the Yuhua Ten Saints were very serious. They were fixed in the void, and the world was silent. Only the light beams from their bodies were rushing away, looking for traces of Ye Jue.

Su Baiyu did the same. When Mengdie came slowly over, his hands were as crystal clear as jade, and he wrote a word in the void with his slender jade fingers.

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