That's right, this Wang Ping has finally cultivated to the sixth path of the underworld eye, and he has a bright future. If he waits until he reaches the tenth path, he can generate the power of all underworlds and directly summon Lord Hades, but he will be completely finished. !”

After a few breaths, discussions started abounding, especially among the disciples of the Yuhua Sect, who felt it was a pity.

A generation of core disciples died just like that.

It seems that the core is not so easy to use and may be dangerous.

For example, now, if you are a standout, your eyes will explode, which is terrible.

Tsk tsk... Anyway, the characters on that warship are incredible. Could it be that they are the Yuhua Sect's mortal enemy, the Dichu Sect?

It's possible, but I can't rule it out. Anyway, let's watch the show now!

Yeah, after all, it's been a long time since anything so exciting has happened. It's been too quiet recently, the calm before the storm.

Look, the elders of our sect have taken action and are going to save Wang Ping.


At this moment, many people flew out from the world of Yuhua Sect, and one of them, an old man, directly grabbed Wang Ping, who was howling again and again.

With a palm shot, light suddenly flickered, and the healing aura appeared everywhere.


I don’t know what treatment technique was used, but Wang Ping’s breath calmed down.

Did your eyes explode?

After seeing Wang Ping's injury, the old man looked solemn and immediately took out an ancient box from his waist. There were many pills in it. He took out one and rubbed it with two fingers.


The pills turned into powder and entered Wang Ping's eyes. Then bursts of medicinal power flowed, the mysterious runes condensed, and Wang Ping's eyes returned to their previous appearance.


The old man suddenly made a 'weird' sound from his nose.

Because the treated eyes turned out to be white, without pupils, completely blind, and the innate ability of the dark eyes had completely disappeared.

Damn it, the natural inheritance bloodline has been completely shattered. Even if the God Emperor comes, it cannot be repaired and it is completely destroyed.

The old man was so distressed that he clapped his palms and rolled out angry flames. This flame was condensed from the vision. The mythical protector had three heads, six arms, and four heads and eight arms. He held a halberd in one hand and a sledgehammer in the other. He had the power to destroy everything. a feeling of.

You are very vicious in what you do!!

The old man treated Wang Ping, looked at Ye Jue fiercely, and walked directly around Princess Zhou: Whose force are you from? You are so vicious. It was just a fight, and you used such cruel methods to destroy other people's families. The divine eye that was finally passed down, the family is counting on this divine eye to summon Hades and restore the clan, but in the end, do you know how much of a sin you have committed? You will be thrown into the Blood Drop Abyss of Yuhua Sect!

Evil? I haven't done anything evil yet. I'm a cannon for a mere divine eye!

Ye Jue's words became more and more cruel, and he said bluntly: Let me tell you this, the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty has rebelled, and I will take the place of Princess Zhou and execute heavenly punishment on your Yuhua Sect!


This sound shocked everyone.


Did the Zhou royal family rebel?

This, this, this...


This man actually represented the Great Zhou royal family and rebelled against the Yuhua Sect?

What kind of truth is this? !

Are you sure it's not an egg hitting a stone?


The old man looked up to the sky and laughed, Hahahahaha, how much does our Yuhua Sect take seriously the Zhou royal family? What's more, it is a royal family that has come to an end. The inheritance has been broken, and only the name is still there. If you rebel, you will rebel!

This has nothing to do with my clan!

Princess Zhou was about to cry, but it was better now. She was really in trouble. I don’t know when she got such a scapegoat.

Even if she is a princess and brings such a disaster to her clan, she will definitely be cut into pieces and completely refined by the clan leader.


The old man roared, and as he spoke, he forced himself forward step by step: Let's join forces to take down this person. No matter how powerful he is, he is still a quasi-emperor!

Boy, suffer death!

The Blooddrop Abyss has another dead soul today!


These elders were once promoted by core disciples. They were filled with murderous intent and had various strange phenomena on their bodies. There was even one whose whole body actually flashed with countless colored lights. The voice of the sage overflowed from his pores, and every inch of his skin was interpreted. It exuded an extremely brilliant and solemn atmosphere.

Tsk, tsk, let's do it, now the drama is about to begin!

That's right, these elders are all former core disciples. They can no longer advance on the path of mythology. Their cultivation is stuck here, so they have no choice but to transform into elders.

If you are still a core disciple, you can still get a lot of resources, but the treatment of the elders is also good. If there are enemies, you can go there. If there are no enemies, you can drink tea in the big world.

Hahaha, I want to be an elder too, I just want to lie down!

Everyone became excited when they saw the action.

Feng Shen means to seal all the orifices, it's an ancient divine art!

Wow, there are also Thirteen Strikes of the Absolute Sword. This core disciple is actually an elder. He used to be very famous!

That's the Fushen Seal, right? The ancient divine weapon was also sacrificed?

It's a big battle. Is this just to deal with one person?

What do you know? This is called a battle formation. No enemy has come to challenge us for so long, so naturally we have to show off our power and show off the power of our sect!

Hahaha, yes, senior brother, you are right!

Boom! !

At this moment, suddenly, the besieged warship suddenly rose, and countless golden lights rose up.

What's going on? Didn't you suppress it?

Impossible. How can our attack be ineffective?

Not good!

The elders didn't take it seriously just now, and nodded to each other as if they were wise men.

When the attack was completed, they were dumbfounded.

The warship in front was not damaged at all?

This is almost impossible!

There was even an elder who almost spat out his saliva. I couldn’t believe it!

Quick, stop it!

They were immediately in disarray, because the speed of the warship was too fast, and it hit with an unimaginable force.


The masters in the audience in the world of Yuhua Sect were discussing the weapons and cultivation techniques of the elders one second, but the next second they saw the warship burning with divine flames crashing towards them.

Moreover, it was obviously heading towards a crowded place among the crowd.



Mud horse!!!

Of course, in the process, those ancient gods were scared to death.

It's not that the ancient gods are worthless, but if you think about it, there is a huge thing above your head that can destroy your life. Who can't feel frightened and trembled?

Life is like this, no matter what life level or realm you are in.

As long as there is still intelligent life, when facing death, the result will be the same, fear!

No, this warship was developed by our clan using the highest level of dark matter. It contains powerful precision machines. If it were to collide with it like this, it would immediately give birth to a land that would never be restored. That kind of radiation power will never dissipate. , ah ah ah!”

Princess Zhou's mouth was filled with tears.

This man is really a madman, and she knows it completely!

Stop him!

The elders followed one after another, and the Changhong Beam continued to chase. It was impossible to stop the warship, and it was broken through in a moment of confusion.

This simply makes them lose face!

Moreover, they also heard the words of the princess of the Zhou Dynasty, and almost everyone's expressions changed drastically.

If a land of eternal destruction is really born, it will not only be a problem with the face, but also a problem with the head.

They will be beheaded and displayed in public, leaving their heads and bodies obliterated. Only an invalid head hangs on the door wall, and their consciousness gradually dissipates.

This is the most horrific torture!


In an instant, they went from calmness to fear and then to madness.

That's too late!

What kind of character is Ye Jue? He controls the entire warship, uses the power of space and time, constantly moves his position, and breaks through the shackles of space. If you want to chase him, just dream!

However, just at the moment of impact, suddenly, in the endless void in the distance, on a mountain peak, there was a 'buzz', and a ray of dark light rose up.

You elders are so disappointing. It seems it's time for our Ascension Sect to replace us with a new group of elders.

This voice is ethereal and ethereal.

Coming, coming, this is Hua Tian, ​​haha, we are saved, no need to run away!

That's right, that's right, stop, as long as Senior Brother Hua Tian is here, nothing will be a problem.

Hua Tian is finally out of seclusion. This time he has mastered an ancient magic. It seems to be a success!

Ancient divine art? Is it an imperial art?

What do you know? Some ancient magical arts are more powerful than imperial arts!

Seeing this dark brilliance, the elders stopped chasing and stopped.

They looked ashamed because they knew who was coming to deal with the enemy.


This is one of the core disciples!

But it’s definitely not a three-legged cat like Wang Ping!

The core disciples are also divided into old and new ones. This Hua Tian is the oldest group of core disciples.

Why haven't you transformed into an elder for so long?

It depends on talent and hard work, strength and luck!

After all, he has been enjoying the benefits and benefits of core disciples, and he is too powerful.

If he comes forward, then there is no need for elders like them. After all, they are not as good as him and can only watch helplessly.

Stop for me, calming beads, come out!

Hua Tian did not transform into a gigantic ancient god. Instead, he maintained his small size and faced off against the falling divine flame warships in the sky, just like floating against planets.

He raised his arm, spread his fingers, and sprayed out a magical object from his palm, spinning around.

Is that a concentration bead?

When the elders saw this thing, they all exclaimed.

They recognized this thing because it was so famous. It was an imperial weapon!

The ancient magic weapon is nothing. On the ancient battlefield, it is a weapon used by small soldiers. In the eyes of the big boss, it is just like a toy.

The real powerful ones use the top ten artifacts, and the powerful emperors create their own imperial weapons!

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