Coming, coming, this is Hua Tian, ​​haha, we are saved, no need to run away!

That's right, that's right, stop, as long as Senior Brother Hua Tian is here, nothing will be a problem.

Hua Tian is finally out of seclusion. This time he has mastered an ancient magic. It seems to be a success!

Ancient divine art? Is it an imperial art?

What do you know? Some ancient magical arts are more powerful than imperial arts!

Seeing this dark brilliance, the elders stopped chasing and stopped.

They looked ashamed because they knew who was coming to deal with the enemy.


This is one of the core disciples!

But it’s definitely not a three-legged cat like Wang Ping!

The core disciples are also divided into old and new ones. This Hua Tian is the oldest group of core disciples.

Why haven't you transformed into an elder for so long?

It depends on talent and hard work, strength and luck!

After all, he has been enjoying the benefits and benefits of core disciples, and he is too powerful.

If he comes forward, then there is no need for elders like them. After all, they are not as good as him and can only watch helplessly.

Calming Pearl!

Hua Tian did not transform into a gigantic ancient god. Instead, he maintained his small size and faced off against the falling divine flame warships in the sky, just like floating against planets.

He raised his arm, spread his fingers, and sprayed out a magical object from his palm, spinning around.

Calming beads?

When the elders saw this thing, they all exclaimed.

They recognized this thing because it was so famous. It was an imperial weapon!

The ancient magic weapon is nothing. On the ancient battlefield, it is a weapon used by small soldiers. In the eyes of the big boss, it is just like a toy.

The real powerful ones use the top ten artifacts, and the powerful emperors create their own imperial weapons!

Once the imperial soldiers come out, who will compete with them?

Let alone a warship, it can destroy an entire planet.

Often such core disciples would not take action casually.

If Princess Dazhou hadn't insulted the Yuhua Sect's face with her behavior, he wouldn't have bothered to care.

But after all, as a core disciple, I must fulfill my obligations.

The imperial weapon he refined, the Calming Pearl, can immobilize anyone and kill him within a few seconds.

Although it didn't work against the God Emperor, he believed that he could still easily solve it against a little Princess Zhou.

Moreover, when he took action, not only the elders, but also other disciples in the sect breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, my life is safe now, but after two ups and downs, to be honest, I am still a little panicked.


Suddenly, a huge hand protruded from the ship burning with divine flames!


This big hand exploded in the air. In an instant, the entire Yuhua Sect was plunged into darkness, and the surrounding void exploded!

What character?


Immediately, dense crowds of masters rushed out from the temple above the world of Yuhua Sect.

These masters are different from the disciples on the planet below. They are all elite disciples and master the supreme secret technique.

Now they all rushed out and looked up at this terrifying giant hand.

From the boundless darkness of the warship, this big hand full of space, time and mysterious atmosphere was photographed from the air. As it passed by, countless meteorites exploded.

The imperial weapon was suddenly held in a big hand, and colorful beams of light overflowed from the five fingers, shining in all directions.

What kind of power is this?

Several senior officials of the Ascension Sect said in shock.

This mysterious big hand not only enveloped the Dingshen Pearl, but also enveloped Hua Tian.

God-Eating Sword!

This was the first time for Hua Tian to see such a terrifying counterattack. He did not panic when he saw the Concentration Pearl being caught. After all, he was a veteran, not the way of thinking of ordinary disciples. In an instant, he did not flinch at all, and his whole body turned into a lightsaber, with a long The sword came out of its sheath, and there was a blur of light, and he was about to chop at the big hand, but just when he took out the sword, he heard a loud roar.

Get back quickly, Hua Tian!

He was very familiar with this voice. It was the voice of Elder Tianxing!


A boundless force surged forward, pulling him directly backwards, actually trying to pull him into the Yuhua Sect's temple.

Elder Tianxing, what are you doing...

Hua Tian still didn't know why, and looked confused.

Now that his Imperial Soldier was caught, he was still thinking about how to take it back. His heart was jumping, and his head had not yet reacted. Then, he saw a scene that he would never forget.


That big hand seemed to be immortal, but it actually shattered the imperial weapon held by him, and colorful energy flowed out from the cracks in the palm like sand.

This scene made the surroundings extremely silent.

An imperial weapon didn't even explode, it was crushed into sand, showing no power at all.

But only Ye Jue himself knows, what is the calming bead, playing with the power of space with him, not seeking death?

You want to leave now? You are still a core disciple, what kind of evil genius, I will let you know what it means that there is a world outside the sky, and what it means to be truly invincible. What kind of shocking waves do you think a quasi-emperor can make? Then let's see Look, how the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty destroyed your Yuhua Sect!

Ye Jue made three strokes, five divided by two, and lifted himself up very high. He also raised the hand of the Zhou royal family to take the blame for Princess Zhou.

Now Princess Zhou was about to faint. She kept shouting, but there was no sound at all. The sound could not penetrate the space barrier. Even if it occasionally passed through, Ye Jue used the time difference between the sound to spread and forcibly erased it.

This made her want to cry without tears. She beat her chest several times and almost choked to death.


Ye Jue's spiritual thoughts swept across the universe like a perfect storm.

quick! quick! quick! Incredibly fast!

His big hands turned into terrifying fists, as fast as his divine thoughts, and like the ancient true god, they appeared in the air, showing an overwhelming advantage. In the brilliance, infinite power condensed on his finger bones.


The elder Tianxing who grabbed Hua Tian was shaken in the air, and all the protective energy in his body was shaken away by Ye Jue's attack!

All of a sudden, the laws of the quasi-emperor level felt like they were not functioning properly. He had experienced thousands of battles and hundreds of millions of battles in his life, but he had never encountered such a powerful pressure.

There are such masters in the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty? Why don't I know which thigh Princess Zhou is holding on to? What is this? Why is such a tyrannical power? This existence simply surpasses the quasi-emperor!

Elder Tianxing immediately roared wildly, and his palms transformed into countless palm shadows, turning into mythical hand seals, thousands of them, struck out one after another!

Bang bang bang!

Like the ancient god of war, the destructive air column poured out and confronted the giant fist. The entire Yuhua Sect world shook violently, and countless forbidden laws were broken one after another.

But Ye Jue stretched out his palm, and under the cover of the dense energy light curtain, countless free particles were circulating, and waves of power that could not be restrained brewed and exploded in it, and the power rose again.

It’s almost like the sun and moon passing by, lightning and flint, an eternity, and time passing by.

No one reacted, and Ye Jue's punch was in place.


With this punch, it looked like hundreds of millions of ancient god-kings in the ancient world were all collapsed and destroyed. The sun, moon, heaven and earth were falling, falling into eternal darkness. All the big hand seals of Elder Tianxing were shattered.

Everyone saw that Elder Tianxing and Hua Tian were hit by this punch, and they flew backwards with blood spurting from their mouths.

Oh my god, Elder Tianxing is one of the most prestigious elders. In order to save Hua Tian, ​​he was directly beaten and seriously injured?

It's incredible. That's an imperial soldier. Not only was it crushed into pieces, it even turned into energy and attacked in reverse?

Destroyed, destroyed, the warship is about to collide again, run away!

The crowd immediately started shouting and panicking. Today was their most incredible day. All kinds of ups and downs forced them to scream.



At this moment, Ye Jue turned into a shadow and teleported away, silently, like a ghost, unable to defend himself. No one in his field of vision could escape his attack.

Therefore, Ye Jue appeared directly behind the two of them flying upside down. He pushed up his hands suddenly, and the vision unfolded behind him. The wings composed of space and time rotated like a hurricane, tightly clamping Elder Tianxing and Hua Hua. Tian's body, no matter how hard they struggled, it would be of no use.

In the first place, space cannot be broken casually. After all, in this mythical paradise, not to mention time, how can we go back, forward, and pause casually without great power?

Even Hua Tian has to use his own imperial weapons to control part of the space power, which is enough to show how abnormal the two hurricane wings formed by Ye Jue are!


Elder Feng Xing and Hua Tian were both struggling desperately, but neither could move.

Behind them, Ye Jue's voice sounded like he was announcing a death sentence again: Die!\


As soon as he tore them apart, blood rained down under the starry sky, and the remaining limbs flew everywhere. Elder Fengxing and Hua Tian were actually torn apart by him in the air, and they were torn into pieces and dismembered.

One is a peerless master who has been in a high position for many years. He is a little god with unparalleled ferocious power who shocked the ages. He is a strong man from the older generation.

One is one of the core disciples of the new generation of invincible masters, Hua Tian, ​​who is usually touted to the heavens.

They were all knocked upside down in the air within one breath of Ye Jue's blow, and then torn apart alive!

How cruel is this?

How violent?

No one has reacted yet. No one expected that two powerful men with quasi-emperor cultivation would be defeated so quickly.

It was Elder Tianxing again, who showed no power at all. He just saved the core disciples and then got burned.

However, they still have a chance to recover.

To tear is to tear, and to die is to die.

None of them are dead yet.


Collect it from me!

Ye Jue tore them apart. Immediately, he spun around in mid-air and countless black holes appeared around him. These torn limbs and broken arms, as well as countless golden blood, swallowed into his body one after another. He actually wanted to practice directly. change.

This is almost impossible to achieve, because it is to directly rob the other party of everything, particles, souls, etc.

Only some magical skills and special body protection can do this.

However, Ye Jue was very good at covering up the power of freedom.

All of a sudden, the particles and souls of Elder Fengxing and Hua Tian were all changed and became free, without any shackles, and the rules were eliminated.

But it is not true freedom. After being absorbed by Ye Jueyi, freedom has become his exclusive product.

Mom! He is not a human, he is the Demon King! He is the Demon King born from Abyss!

Ah ah ah, how could this happen? Am I dreaming that two masters were killed and devoured in just one move?

I, I don't know if I'm dreaming or not, because I can't feel my pain anymore.

Many people in the sect pinched themselves hard and squeezed out the essence and blood, but the fear made them feel the pain, and they could no longer tell whether it was a dream or not.

Because the warship burning with divine flames has arrived above their heads, breaking through various restrictions and ignoring all defensive facilities.

It's coming!

So much so that all of these disciples were going crazy. Even the ancient gods even shouted Oh my God! This is a language engraved in their genes. It can be seen that the shock at this time has already repaired their minds. Because everything was shattered, they mentally changed into ordinary people.

When the outer layer of power is taken away from a strong person, he becomes an ordinary person.

What is true cultivation? What is cultivated is the mind.

No matter how powerful a character is, if his mind is not well-trained, he will not be able to exert his power and will most likely be killed by someone who is much lower than himself.

It's not impossible.

For example, Princess Dazhou, she almost fainted at this moment, just like ordinary people.

This is because her cultivation came from initiation.

Princess Da Zhou originally thought that she had been promoted to the level of quasi-emperor and could look down upon all the heroes, but she did not expect that a random soldier who jumped out on the road was a hundred times more ferocious than her.

They are both quasi-emperors, so why is the gap so big?

My own pure strength is not inferior to his.

But in front of this person, I feel like I can't resist!

Then he saw Ye Jue directly tearing apart Hua Tian and Elder Tianxing. Without using any strength, he really managed to kill people in one breath. How could she not become a duck sitting at this moment, paralyzed on the ground?

Who can rival this kind of cultivation?

Ask the world, who has any rival?

She knew that Elder Tianxing had profound methods and contained countless magical powers. If he really tried his best, she felt that the outcome would not be determined so quickly.

After all, relying on so many magical skills, it is completely possible to practice Tai Chi in a roundabout way.

But what?

Let alone Tai Chi, now it was torn apart by a punch.

Being able to blow up and tear two people apart with one punch is no longer a quasi-emperor. Only a great emperor, a person who has understood the realm of the emperor, can achieve such a level of cultivation.

What? What's going on? What's wrong?

The peerless masters of the Ascension Sect are constantly flying out of the hall. The hall seems to be connected to a mysterious place, or it may be a small tenth level, otherwise it would be impossible for so many peerless masters to emerge.

But they didn't expect things to change like this.

When they came to their senses, Ye Jue had torn the two of them alive and began to turn into a black hole, devouring and refining their corpses, becoming more ferocious than the most vicious demons.

Ascension Sect, break it into pieces for me!

When Ye Jue said three words, he completely displayed the aura and momentum that only a king and overlord can have, fierce, scornful, domineering, strong, and tough.

Crush my Ascension Sect?

At this time, the mouths of several great masters opened and closed, as if the fish were about to suffocate out of the water.

The other high-level experts were trembling all over, as if they were suffering from Alzheimer's disease, shaking non-stop.

They couldn't help but be surprised.

Because they could feel that the power entangled on the spacecraft at this moment, the power that exploded, could simply wipe out their whole world and explode it into ashes!

All were swept away. Although geniuses are geniuses, the most indispensable thing in the Mythical Paradise is genius. After some geniuses are promoted to quasi-emperors, they can indeed compete with the strong men of the older generation immediately.

But no matter how powerful a genius is, he is never this powerful.

what is going on!

Elder Tianxing is dead, core disciple Hua Tian is finished, and our world is in danger!

Where are the Ten Eternal Saints? Are they still in retreat? Quickly take action to save the sect. No matter what happens, save the world first!

Monster, how dare you!......

At this time, everyone in the Yuhua Sect was also dumbfounded, and they all seemed to be at a loss what to do.

Because they never thought that a sect as awesome as theirs would be attacked one day and wanted to destroy the world!

The last time this happened was in ancient times, several epochs later.

After each era collapsed, some people entered the mythical paradise, and the Yuhua Sect became increasingly powerful.

They have always bullied others, but now they were beaten on the head by a small royal family.


Princess Zhou of the Great Zhou royal family was the first to wake up. She stood on the spot in a daze. Her graceful figure appeared on the warship, frightening countless people. She seemed to have seen countless secret fonts, showing the way to the other side. The truth, that all-encompassing rune, encompasses the universe and penetrates into everything.

This is a female demon who wants to destroy their world, let alone her helpers, and casually kill their revered peerless elders and core disciples.


Screams were heard endlessly, and various magical techniques of resistance were unleashed. They were unpredictable and powerful, but they could not lock on to the warship.

This warship is like nothingness, in another dimension, like a dream.

But the pressure from the collision is absolutely real.

In the air, all kinds of boxing techniques, sword techniques, magic weapons, etc. exploded in great force, but it was useless, it was useless at all.

Ready for takeoff.

Seeing this, a sneer appeared on Ye Jue's face, and he suddenly picked up Princess Zhou's body, teleported, and disappeared into the about-to-be-destructed warship.


Before Princess Zhou could react, her eyes suddenly changed and she came to a quiet room. It was so quiet that it was scary. What kind of place is this?

Is this man going to imprison her here?

Could it be that he wanted to treat her...

Thinking of this, Princess Zhou quickly looked over.

But I didn’t expect that this man was still anywhere to be seen?

Coming and going without a trace, what kind of cultivation is this?


When Ye Jue teleported back, he saw that the Yuhua Sect planet had been knocked out of a deep hole, where there was lightning and thunder, creating a place that would never be restored. The power of radiation caused the blood vessels of those ancient gods to burst and they were covered in risk. There was blood, and the death was extremely tragic.

Those geniuses lay in the void and kept twitching. They had no time to escape and were hit by the aftermath.

They are all born with holy bodies, Dao bodies, Dharma bodies, and divine bodies, containing extremely strong blood.

However, being blown up like this, his origin was shaken and he almost turned into an idiot.

Especially Wang Ping, whose eyes were broken by Ye Jue, died immediately, with despair filling his face.

He knew that there was no way to avenge his revenge, so he died in despair.


The hurricane blew up with endless fire storms and swept across the world. All buildings were collapsing and destroyed, and all kinds of buildings were shattering.

Originally, a warship was not so powerful, but after being given various power auras by Ye Jue, it turned into a super 'nuclear bomb'.

The planet is fragile without protection, and the Yuhua Sect is the same, but it has never been broken through.

This explosion directly formed traces of heaven in the Mythical Paradise, and the traces of heaven spread out, forming cracks of flickering flames.

At this moment, countless eyes were watching.

Eh? Isn't that the territory of the Yuhua Sect? What's with this fire?

It's such a strong aura of destruction. Are you making some kind of super weapon?

I can't see it. It seems like there's a war?

Start a war? Is it the Chrysalis Gate? When did those bugs become so brave and dare to attack?

We'll see and tell. It's too early to draw a conclusion now!

That's right, since we don't get along with the Yuhua Sect anyway, it would be best if we were destroyed, hahaha!

In the paradise land of myths, these voices resounded and heated discussions arose.


They heard another explosion in the Traces of the Sky, and something exploded.

The temple has exploded, and the strongest masters haven't shown up yet?

Ye Jue shook his head, his hair flying, looking very serious.

He was waiting for the head of the Yuhua Sect, as well as super powerful people such as the Supreme Elder, but there was no shadow in sight now.

The whole planet world was blown up by him, and those disciples were like headless flies with their wings burned off, buzzing into the sky. The scene was too beautiful to behold.

Of course, in his eyes, this is the case, and in the eyes of these Yuhua Sect disciples, this is a scene of hell, a great destruction, a day of destruction, a moment when the prosperous world turns into a wasteland.

Even if they were lucky enough to survive the attack, it would not be able to heal the wounds of the Great Dao in their hearts, because the shadow left on their hearts was too great, and it would remain a psychological shadow for the rest of their lives that could not be cured.

Bang bang bang!!

Ye Jue understood instantly when he saw the shell of the temple falling off and turning into a black hole passage.

The real Yuhua Sect is here, and these masters just flew out from here.

He no longer paid attention to the fish that slipped through the net. His whole body spun around and turned into a violent hurricane, rushing into the black hole portal.

Boom boom boom! !

Just like Kunpeng, it is extremely ferocious. The vortex outside the body drives the airflow and energy in the black hole channel, turning the world upside down and heading towards the deeper Yuhua Sect.

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