Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 1190 Don’t just stare at people with your eyes

These top masters are all masters of the Yuhua Sect. Now they don't understand what is going on, but it is absolutely impossible for this big spacecraft to crash into the planet world.

The Feathered Sword Net is a large formation that forms a semicircle and interweaves into a large net that covers it.


However, from the spaceship, bright golden light erupted, like the waves of energy, all of which hit the bodies of these masters, causing their bodies to fly away.

Bang bang bang! !

The sword network formed by those golden giant swords also collapsed immediately.

How is it possible? Who is controlling that battlefield ship?

At this moment, the master led by Jian Wang was like a rag bag, his defense was instantly destroyed, his body was covered with cracks, he coughed up blood, and his whole body was about to explode.

It was just a single contact and he was seriously injured!

It's the aura of the Great Zhou Royal Family. This warship belongs to the Great Zhou Royal Family!

What, the Great Zhou royal family is just a small country in a remote area, how dare they attack the Yuhua Sect?

I think you're crazy!

At this moment, when they saw the warship break through the sword net, everyone could clearly see the origin of the spaceship. The mark on it belonged to the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The person controlling it is probably Princess Zhou.

This Princess Zhou actually dares to do this?

What exactly did he gain that made him so frustrated?

The Great World of Yuhua Sect is okay, but it only takes one breath to blow her into ashes if she angers the Ten Saints of Yuhua Sect above.


However, Princess Zhou on the warship was almost in tears.

What a cauldron this is, falling from the sky.

it's good now.

These people all thought she did it.

The people from those families are all monster-level geniuses.

She was already having a hard time, and now she knocked them over and provoked them all.

As a princess, she was just the leader of one of the forces. Although her family had unpredictable mysteries, she could not resist the Yuhua Sect.

Bold, Princess Zhou, do you want to be exterminated? Your family has been inherited from ancient times and has finally occupied a place in the mythical paradise. Now it is defeated by you?

At this moment, a young man flew out from the Yuhua Sect Planet World and spoke, with a look of disdain on his face.

With a big move of his hand, he actually captured the rumbling warship burning with divine flames in the void. He didn't know what powerful means he used.

Then, he flew over and stood on it. At first glance, he saw Princess Zhou sitting like a duck, sluggishly on the ground.

In an instant, he knew everything. Princess Zhou was under control.

That's the core disciple, Wang Ping!

At this moment, everyone had seen the warship hitting the Feathering Planet. When they saw the core disciples coming forward, they knew that this matter would come to an end.

The core disciples are comparable in strength to the elders, and even somewhat exceed the strength of the elders in the sect.

The blood power inherited by their family, the power of the ancient gods, is no small matter.

Especially this Wang Ping, his eyes are different from others.


Ye Jue looked at the man, and the man also saw him. His eyes were piercing, like a fairy sword, directly piercing Ye Jue's heart. An ordinary expert would probably collapse if he saw this.

Six Paths Dark Eyes?

Sure enough, it is the Six Paths Dark Eyes. Wang Ping finally cultivated into the Six Paths Dark Eyes!

He was born with a dark pupil, a natural divine eye, which can control the mind. He can even see and restore the Taoist skills of any monk of the same realm at a glance. Now that he has cultivated the Six Paths, how strong is he?

Yes, in the same realm, it can be called invincible. This is a born strong man. This eye has invincible power, so it is called the Dark Eye. Its power is really too weird. I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect it. , such a monster will be born in our sect, he is indeed a core disciple!


Many powerful masters saw Wang Ping's astonishing vision. His dark pupils were like Hades, flashing in the void.

Especially the people from other forces who came here to participate in the conference were really surprised when they saw the Six Paths Dark Eyes. They never expected that a young man from the Yuhua Sect would actually have a natural eye.

It is impossible to find such a person. That is the divine eye that is born among hundreds of millions of monks.

You must know that the Mythical Paradise is a real mythical world. It has been passed down from ancient times to the present, and it is unknown how many geniuses and monsters have been born.

The life here inherits the blood of mythology. Occasionally, some tyrannical systems will be born, such as the spiritual body, the invincible spiritual body, the sacred body of Taoism, the world-breaking divine eye, and the dark pupil.

Every one of them will become a big shot in the future, because they are powerful beings born from the great destiny of mythology. They are many times more powerful than ordinary beings.

However, they did not dare to approach the battlefield because they really had no idea what was happening on it.

That's the Six Paths Dark Eyes, let's see how you deal with it!

Princess Zhou showed great excitement on her face, looking at how Ye Jue could resist.

This is the legendary dark eye. If you take one look at it, the void evil spirit will take away your body and your personality will disappear directly.

You are so courageous. Which path are you on? My name is Wang Ping, and I have an ancient inheritance from my family. You will die under my dark eyes. You will remember this name forever, because it will become your daily routine. The nightmare begins and you will be trapped in a time loop that will never end.

The man with the Six Paths Dark Eyes who claimed to be Wang Ping's eyes became more and more evil. He looked directly at Ye Jue deeply and seemed to control Ye Jue's entire body and mind.

The attack started without any sound!

You're dead, you're controlled, you're finished!

The princess of the Zhou Dynasty was very excited, the evil star was finally dead.


However, at this moment, before Princess Zhou could finish her words, Ye Jue suddenly let out a loud roar.

This loud roar was so earth-shattering that the entire void was shaken!

Buzz! !

Moreover, with Ye Jue as the center, circles of sound wave ripples radiated outward!


Countless space debris exploded on the spot!

Bang bang bang, it turned into countless crystal sharp arrows, stabbing directly into Wang Ping's eyes.

The moment Ye Jue roared, the notes of the Quasi-Emperor burst out from deep in his throat, and a series of sounds came out, like a conch, a war drum, or an iron horse fighting a war.

boom! boom!

This roar was so unexpected that no one expected it, and no one expected that Ye Jue would be so ferocious and display such great power.

Moreover, with two loud noises in succession, Wang Ping's eyes suddenly exploded out of thin air!

It was so miserable. It instantly became two bloody holes. It was very scary!

The power of this eyeball explosion actually caused aftermath, aftershocks!

Buzzing, the air was filled with a tragic smell, full of blood.


Wang Ping, who had six dark pupils, suddenly let out the most miserable scream in history, as if a sow had been raped, his whole body was shaking, he covered his eyes with his hands, and howled:

Ahhhhhh, my... my eyes, wahhhhhhhhhhh, my dark eyes, my divine flames, why did they explode? What happened? They can no longer be condensed, ahhhhhh !! Impossible, I, Wang Ping, can be reborn and condensed even if my body is broken into powder, why can't my eyes condense? My bloodline, my bloodline has been destroyed!

It turned out that Ye Jue's roar actually exploded his bloodline.

This is all because Ye Jue's roar contains infinite space mysteries!

At the same time, there is also a mysterious trajectory of time, which even the emperor is difficult to capture, and it is so fast that it explodes on the spot. The ancient gods cannot resist it, let alone this Wang Ping, who is only a quasi-emperor.

What's more, quasi-emperors are as numerous as dogs in the Mythical Paradise.

In Ye Jue's view, the Six Paths Dark Eyes are simply rubbish. Although he has mysterious abilities, how can he compare to him who killed the Dao Queen?

What kind of magical eyes, bah, you want to disappear too? I will cripple you, but I won't kill you. Let you know, don't just glare at people with your eyes. It can easily explode your eyes. Be careful to get angry and burn yourself!

Ye Jue roared loudly, causing the other party's eyes to explode. He stood tall and straight on the spot, and continued to speak harsh words: Others don't act like the first person, but you do. What else is it if you don't want to die?

After the whole place was shocked, there was silence. Only Ye Jue's voice echoed, arrogant and domineering. In addition, there was Wang Ping's screams.

Now, Princess Zhou was so shocked that her jaw dropped to the ground and she didn't close it for a long time.

what is this?

What is it?

Damn it, what's going on? I saw Pluto suddenly disappear in the void. It was Wang Ping's eyes that were blown up! His Six Paths Pluto, which is related to the family sacrifice of Lord Pluto, was actually broken like this, and It is completely abolished!”

How could this happen? How could that man be so powerful when he roared? Did you hear it clearly? What is contained in it?

So arrogant, so domineering, but well done. This Yuhua Zongtai knows how to bully others, and his disciples are usually domineering. Hum, they are always arrogant and arrogant, with eyes growing above their heads. This roar makes them wake up. Well done!

Wow, you are so brave. You dare to say that. Aren't you afraid that the Ten Eternal Saints will hear you?

I can hear a ghost. The lifespan of each of the Ten Immortal Saints has reached the bottom. In order to survive, they are all shutting up in life and death. This kind of petty quarrel is not enough to alarm them. Just watch. Wait for the leader and the elders. , the law enforcement elders are here and they will punish this person.

Yes, after all, it directly blew people's eyes. It is the god-given inheritance of Pluto. The big family behind Wang Ping will not give up. The senior officials of Yuhua Sect will also be questioned about their ability!

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