No, no, absolutely not!

Ye Jue seemed to be frightened, his acting skills were very strong, and he completely brought fear into it, and he started to tremble.

They saw that many disciples were like this. They were scolded and scolded by these powerful men and young masters with high life levels, and they did not dare to resist at all.

It seems that in the mythical paradise, the weak cannot escape the fate of being oppressed by the strong.

Be quick with your hands and feet, we will return to Yuhua Sect soon.

This person glanced at Ye Jue disdainfully and stopped paying attention.

Okay, okay.

Ye Jue said three good words in a row.

In his heart, he had already labeled the Yuhua Sect as 'finished'.

These people had no idea what they were bringing.

Once he was allowed into the Yuhua Sect, the whole sect would be crushed to pieces by the sound of bells and drums.

By then, the energy will be enough for him to reach the realm of the Great Emperor, and no one can stop him.

No one should talk nonsense after we return to Yuhua Sect this time. Things about that mysterious continent must be concealed.

Yes, we will return to the family immediately to recruit reinforcements!

Our Princess Zhou has taken a liking to that forbidden beast, and we must help her get it.

Well, this time it's up to us to see whose family is more powerful!

Hahaha, that must be my family. My family has been passed down since ancient times. Don't you know?

Fuck you, your family has long since declined, and you are the only one left.

The people on the warship didn't know anything yet, and they were discussing how to attack the World of Ten Thousand Races after returning to Yuhua Sect.

It's almost there, just after crossing the river that day!

At this moment, someone called.

Ye Jue also looked into the distance and saw the Yuhua Sect they were talking about.

It was also a planet, much larger than the World of Ten Thousand Races, with a huge force that seemed to be some kind of protective formation when it was swallowed and sucked in.

In the sky above the planet, there is a ring, in which there is a floating hall, which is extremely mysterious.

I'm afraid that's where the higher-ups, heads, elders and others live.

When he glanced at it, he saw snow-white chariots driving away with dreamy brilliance. On the chariots were all powerful disciples, who were very handsome and could be said to be as rich as jade.

The prince and the princess exude a misty white light, which is peaceful and holy, giving people a very friendly feeling. It makes people fly to the Yuhua Sect like a spring breeze.

Sisters and brothers, please don't look at them when you go there, otherwise you will be charged with disrespect and you will be punished!

You can't even look at each other? Are you so arrogant?

Whenever you become an inner disciple, an elite disciple, or even a core disciple, you can be arrogant!

Then forget it, what virtue and ability do I have?

The area suddenly became unquiet, many people rushed forward, and various noble characters came in person.

It is enough to show how popular the Yuhua Sect is in this world.

However, I don't see them on weekdays, so why are there so many today?

someone asked on the battlefield.

This is because the Ascension Sect has opened the Ascension Conference. So many disciples have returned, all coming to trade. Is this an auction?

At this moment, a high-level ancient god on the battlefield answered their feeble questions.

Are you sure you're not going to the market?

Ye Jue suddenly smiled and said.

Huh? What did you say? Who are you? How dare you talk nonsense?

Do you have a say here?

Why don't you kneel down yet?

Just when Ye Jue finished speaking, the outer disciples of the Ascension Sect who were discussing were not happy.

It’s true that even cats and dogs dare to interrupt. If we don’t educate them, how can we alert the next generation?


A slap hit Ye Jue's face.

This blow is very harsh. If it hits hard, you will have to faint for several days.


However, Ye Jue waved his hand with a smile, the sun was bright, and he blew the head of the one who hit him with his backhand.

Just like hitting a watermelon, it smashed into pieces and exploded into a bloody mist.

In this scene, many young women screamed.

You! You are so brave. You dare to kill someone. Where is the law enforcement team? Come and capture this person!

No one thought that as we approached the Yuhua Sect, someone would dare to commit murder on the warship.

What's more, they are all grasshoppers in the same boat. How dare colleagues kill each other?

Such a ruthless person must be expelled regardless of his identity.

It seems like something happened outside.

At this moment, the chaos attracted the attention of the guardians inside the warship.

Come with me and take a look.

Princess Zhou smelled the smell of blood, frowned, and walked out like a meteor.

Although she was far away, her pupils shrank and she could see clearly. The man standing there was wearing a dark golden armor, with scattered long hair dancing, and the divine flames in his eyes flowed out, forming a light curtain.

Since when did they have such a number one person on their warship?

When she saw some blood mist again, her face turned cold.

Which family are you the son of?

Princess Zhou asked, I don’t know the name of this person, but who is he?

Young Master? I don't like such a gentle and gentle title. You can call me Jue Tian Emperor.

Ye Jue still remembered some of the words he used to make fun of him. The word ‘Emperor of Heaven’ was made up. No one had ever used it before, so he was the first to do so.

What, Jue Tian Emperor?

What the hell?

I have lived for so long, but I have never heard of a Jue Tian Emperor.

You can't make it up, right?

Hearing this title, these people were surprised and looked puzzled.

This Jue Tian Emperor, with your cultivation, why do you want to stay dormant in my group of the Great Zhou Party? If you are not well-received, please forgive me.

A flash of light flashed deep in Princess Zhou's eyes.

She could see that this person had the cultivation level of a quasi-emperor, just like him, but the fluctuations were so shocking that she was not as good as him.

It's better to show weakness first and get a feel for it before talking.

If you can win over, then win over.

If it were an enemy, given the power background behind her, she wouldn't be afraid of causing trouble.

Haha, Princess Zhou, stop talking nonsense, I want to accept you as a maid, because you have a nice little waist and you are very sexy.

Ye Jue suddenly smiled and said.


Did I hear it wrong?

You actually want to accept Princess Zhou as your maid?

Suddenly, there was an uproar around him, and those who were listening were dumbfounded.

Especially the man with a broken arm opened his mouth and looked at the handyman who had just been lectured by him in disbelief.

what happened?

Suddenly transformed into a quasi-emperor?

Want to accept their master, Princess Zhou, as a maid?

Are you sure this isn't an act?

What did you say?

Princess Zhou suppressed her anger and asked in a cold voice.

It seems you didn't understand. I have no choice but to use practical actions to explain.

Ye Jue suddenly took action. With a movement of his body, countless divine fires landed. The space immediately jumped and vibrated everywhere. The power of space turned into a huge whirlpool, instantly involving all the masters present.

This time the place was cleared, and they were approaching Princess Zhou.


Princess Zhou had never seen such a formation before.

Her cultivation was all obtained through initiation. She was so shocked that she was at a loss for words.


Her guardians all roared, and nearly a hundred of them flew towards Ye Jue, using ancient magic to kill Ye Jue.


However, the development of things was beyond their expectations. Ye Jue blocked their ancient magic to one side with a casual pull.

It's so casual and natural, as if a hair fell off the body and fell off with a casual pat.

Immediately afterwards, their pupils opened angrily, and they saw hundreds of big hands enlarging their size, thrusting themselves in front of their eyes. Too quickly, without giving them time to react, they grabbed their necks and lifted them all up.

This scene was terrifying. Hundreds of high-level ancient gods formed a semicircle in front of Ye Jue. They were struggling and kicking their legs wildly. They all rolled their eyes and felt as if all the bones in their bodies were about to break.


Princess Zhou was stunned and shocked. She was finally no longer numb and immediately wanted to use the secret treasure to escape. As long as she went to the Yuhua Sect, she would be safe.

But, the next moment, like a little chicken, Ye Jue grabbed her by himself.

What are you?

Ye Jue pinched the white and tender neck of the Princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty, which felt very good, and said: Give me the order to increase the power of the spaceship to the maximum and crash into the Yuhua Sect.

Are you crazy?

Hearing these words, Princess Zhou was shocked. She didn't expect that this person's target was actually the Yuhua Sect?

This courage is too fat, what are you going to do?

One person singles out a large sect?

Isn't this seeking death?

hurry up.

Ye Jue added a little strength to his palm, which immediately deformed Princess Zhou's neck.

Crash into the Yuhua Sect!

She screamed and gave in. No matter what, she had to save her life first.

What's more, since she was being threatened, she believed that the masters of the Yuhua Sect could clearly distinguish between right and wrong and would not condemn her.


At this moment, the speed of the entire huge spaceship increased, and with a blazing light curtain on its head, it crashed into the Yuhua Sect not far away.

What is that? A shooting star? So beautiful?

Damn it, flash, it's a big spaceship!

I'll wipe it!

Along the way, the disciples who were about to enter the Yuhua Sect were shouting and evading in fear.

Some people riding cranes were swept far away on the spot, and hundreds of cranes were crushed on the spot.


This spaceship was like a golden dragon, charging up energy beams one after another, and crashed into it with violent energy.


Before it even got close to the Yuhua Sect, the spacecraft was intercepted by a burst of light film.

Buzz! !

This light film was very tough and could not be penetrated. It pushed forward very far and formed an arrow.


At this time, there was a sound in the spacecraft, the void trembled, and with a 'stab' sound, the light film was torn open. In an instant, the spacecraft hit it again at a faster speed, and the divine flames rolled like a huge fire. Hit like a meteor.


Obviously, there were shocked sounds in the Yuhua Sect world.

Who is coming? Feathered Sword Net, intercept!

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, countless golden swords rushed out from the planets in the big world, and on each golden sword sat a peerless master.

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