What's happening here?

Ye Jue's face was filled with black lines. He was now extremely shocked and full of surprise. His body was even trembling slightly and he did not dare to move.

Because, right now, there was a black-haired woman lying on his chest.

Although this woman's face was hidden by her hair, he still vaguely noticed that she was an acquaintance.

Currently, he could feel her warm jade-like body pressing against him.

Although he couldn't see below, he could feel a pair of slender legs wrapped around him, with skin as tender as a girl's.

I want to give it a try.

Ye Jue took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and recalled what happened.

He laid out his plan in the Seventh Era and used Ling Xiao's identity to kill the Tao and complete the imperial path.

Afterwards, the huge energy of his own transformed into the gate of hell, the mythical paradise, and descended into the body of the second true self.

He calculated very well, and the second true self had indeed cultivated all the emotions for him during this period. He only needed to accept them, and he would be able to restore his emotions naturally.

It was true that the game was set up like this, but the accident still happened. He couldn't understand what the second self did during this period of time, why did he sleep with a woman?


As if sensing something unusual, the woman on the chest slowly raised her head, and in an instant, Ye Jue's eyes intertwined with hers.

Chen Ya?

Ye Jue screamed strangely in his heart, almost shocking his eyes. This was his teacher, his second true self, and he actually slept with her?

What are you looking at?

Chen Ya sat up expressionlessly and smoothed her hair on her temples.


Looking at this body, Ye Juefeng was confused for a moment and didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth slightly and didn't speak for a long time.

If you tell others about this, you know what will happen, right?

Chen Ya said coolly.

Uh uh...

Are you even threatening him now?

what is happening?

For a moment, Ye Jue's face turned green and he couldn't stop daydreaming.


Chen Ya said coldly, put on the clothes next to her, and stepped on a pair of high heels. She lifted the hair on the back of her neck and walked out with a fragrant aroma.

Second Self, what are you doing?

Ye Jue shouted from his heart, extremely cold and solemn.

The second self was not completely replaced by him because he had something to ask, especially about Chen Ya.

Master, Chen Ya has fallen in love with you a long time ago, don't you feel it?

At this moment, the three corpses Ye Jue appeared in his heart, extremely solemn.


Ye Jue was surprised, what does this mean?

To put it simply, during this period, Chen Ya used your body as a tool to vent her anger. I was just trying to satisfy her.

The consciousness of the three corpses quickly said: It's really not my fault. Her strength, status, and methods all crush me. How can I resist? She is the leader of all races after all!


Ye Jue was still a little confused, maybe there was something hidden inside.

However, during this period, you are replacing me, but your spirit is yours. In other words, it means that I have been cheated. Is this right?

Ye Jue was instantly petrified.

Regardless of whether Chen Ya loves him or not, the person who is with Chen Ya during this period of time has the consciousness of three corpses after all.

However, the body is his, which is an indescribable feeling.

Ahem...Master, the person Chen Ya loves is you.

The consciousness of the three corpses hurriedly explained.

Do you have selfish motives?

Ye Jue's eyes narrowed and he said, All your emotions have been fed back to me. Do you think I don't know?

This, this, this...well, it is true, I...

The consciousness of the three corpses was still trying to quibble, but the contact was interrupted and suppressed deep in their hearts, and they could not hear anything.

It is extremely easy to destroy this consciousness.

However, Ye Jue wanted to say something, what is this?


Ye Jue took a deep breath.

At this moment, he sat up and looked around.

This is a large room, and there are scattered underwear next to the bed, all torn to pieces, which is enough to show how crazy last night was.

He walked around the room and his face suddenly darkened.

Because Ye Jue discovered that this kind of thing seemed to happen more than once.

The consciousness of these three corpses should be destroyed.

Ye Jue's murderous intent suddenly arose. Suddenly, his heart moved, and he felt a little awe-inspiring. He decided to put it aside first and see what Chen Ya's reaction would be.

If Chen Ya really fell in love with him, then he would definitely not be able to accept this girl.

In this case, when the time comes, the three corpses will be...

He suddenly sighed.

The power of love is indeed powerful, no matter how powerful a person is, he cannot escape it.

Now, let me see what's going on with my second self.

Ye Jue crossed his legs in the void, put his hands together, and mythological patterns spurted out from his palms.

These mythical Dao patterns are changing, but the process is very slow.

His current state is that of the emperor, but he is not yet a great emperor, slightly better than a high-level ancient god.

After all, after cutting the path, it requires an extremely huge amount of energy to push it forward.

The emperor level is not so easy to achieve.

In the previous miserable state, there was no chance of becoming an emperor. Now in the mythical paradise, he can finally achieve enlightenment.

He could feel that in the mythical paradise, the heaven and earth were full of power, but also full of dangers.

Time, space, freedom.

Next, these are the three abilities of Dao Zhan, which have already been used by Ling Xiao, so it is no surprise now.

Then, this is all that's left.

In the body of Ye Jue's second true self, there is a magical energy that he has never seen before.

From the emotions fed back from the consciousness of the three corpses, he instantly knew that this was a force called dark energy, which complemented the mythical power.

The so-called mythical power actually involves the transformation process of dark energy. Without dark energy, the power will be greatly attenuated.

At the same time, dark energy is linked to the soul. The stronger the soul realm, the stronger the mythical power it exerts.

Interesting, the secret of the soul comes from dark energy, and the mythical body is dark matter. Is this a new era?

Ye Jue clenched his fist.

The questions that were confusing before are now clear.

The reason why the devil devours souls is also understood.

So in the magic dimension universe fragments of the seventh era, those civilizations hunting souls probably already know the power of dark energy, and then they use civilization weapons to harvest and plunder.

Then let me see how powerful it is.


Ye Jue disappeared from the room in an instant without anyone noticing.

He used the power of space to teleport randomly. He didn't know where he was, but there were sandstorms, tornadoes, and a land of death everywhere.


His body suddenly turned pitch black. This was the use of dark matter to the limit. It was like cracks all over his body, and it was extremely ferocious, like thorns.


Ye Jue punched out, directly quelling the sandstorm, and the aftermath destroyed hundreds of giant tornadoes.

The power is very good. The stronger my body is, the more powerful the dark matter will be, and the more powerful the pure power will be!

His punch did not use the dark energy of his soul, but the simple power and wind of his fist leveled the land of death.

It is enough to show that his life is so powerful.

Now, give dark energy a try.

Ye Jue's soul flashed instantly, and mysterious energy beyond imagination burst out, condensing into a dark purple beam of light in his palm. This beam of light quickly gathered and compressed, turning into a black sword.


He waved his arm.


The exposed rock formations in front were directly shattered, and the thick magma swayed thousands of feet high, descending like the end of the world.

This time, Ye Jue didn't dare to test it anymore.

The Mythical Paradise was too mysterious, and he was afraid of attracting any attention.

Now that I know what kind of power I have, I can teleport back.


The moment he disappeared, a group of bright figures flew in from a distance.

The leader was a woman with a heroic appearance. She frowned and said, What a powerful force. Dark energy can never be dispersed?

Hmph, no matter who dares to blast such a big hole in our Yulan Sect's territory, he will definitely look good!

Use Mirror Flowers and Water Moon to see who was here just now!

Before Ye Jue teleported back to this room, he realized that it was a huge ark, with densely packed small arks accompanying it, traveling in a thick haze.

This ark and those smaller arks are a world of their own, isolated from the outside world, and internal circulation is a completely new world.

He had to admire the wisdom of all clans.

Ye Jue, I need you to give a speech.

At this time, the communicator suddenly flashed, and a figure appeared in front of him. His face was Chen Ya, very fierce.


Ye Jue looked very confused. It was not all pretentious. He did have such doubts. Why was this?

Judging from the emotional feedback from the consciousness of the three corpses, the number of speeches has been no less than a few.

How many times do I have to say that people need heroes. You are a symbol of heroes. You can not only stabilize the morale of the military and unite all races, but also enhance their fighting desire and self-confidence. Our situation is not optimistic now. Don't you know ? This is the most critical time. We have just escaped from the foreigners, and they will definitely hunt us down.

Chen Ya said coldly: I have already sent you the manuscript. You can just speak directly into the communicator.


Ye Jue said.

It seems that Chen Ya hasn't realized it's him yet, maybe she didn't expect it at all.

He would come so suddenly, without any signs, signs, or visions, so there was no way to know it was him.


Chen Ya nodded slightly, with a strange look on her face. When she was about to close the communication, she suddenly said: Tonight... go to the old place.


The communicator was turned off. It was connected using mythical energy. It was more practical and very convenient than voice and image transmission. However, after it was cut off, nothing could be heard or seen.

What did she just say?

Ye Jue stood frozen on the spot for an instant, and now he completely understood that Chen Ya had completely let herself go!

We were so crazy last night, but we didn’t have enough fun, and we actually asked ‘him’ today…

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