Ye Jue proved the power of 'love' through Ling Xiao and Zhao Yicheng. Their relationship broke through the magical power of forgetting love and severely damaged Su Yan's soul.

Finally it's time.

Ye Jue spoke.

This is the real beginning. He should have completed a beheading in the sixth era. This body would disappear and he would return to his second true self.

It's just to save Su Yan that it has been delayed until now.

But the result was good. Ling Xiao, transformed by all emotions, defeated Taishang Su Yan with the power of love and helped him, as well as the real Su Yan.

Ling Xiao, I will give you this body of Dao Zhanhou. Although there is no power left, you can survive. Together with Zhao Yicheng, you are transformed by my emotions. I said, instead of Let me live a wonderful life.


As soon as he finished speaking, the imperial-transformed Ye Jue flew out from Ling Xiao's body and hovered in mid-air.

This is the embodiment of all power.

At this moment, everyone in this dimension was shocked!

What did they see?

An inexplicable existence!

Is that the true God?

True God! We saw the true God!

The God of the Sixth Age?


Hurry up and take a video!


At this time, the entire dimension was boiling. Even though they destroyed half of the world, they could not stop their excitement and excitement at all.

Maybe destruction will befall them in the next moment, but it doesn't matter!

Because they saw God!

I...I'm back!

Ling Xiao's empty eyes suddenly brightened, and he returned from that dark world.

The most important thing is that he can't feel the other him in his body.

Thank u!

He knew that all of this would be thanks to Ye Jue.

After Ye Juezhan said, he gave this body to him, and also gave him his emotions.

From now on, he is the real Ling Xiao, no longer a substitute for others and will disappear.

Ling Xiao!

At this moment, the suppressed Su Yan and Zhao Yicheng's personalities also emerged.

She ran towards Ling Xiao, her eyes moist.


They succeeded, defeated the Heavenly Book of Oblivion, and won the victory in their own way.

You guys did a great job.

Above their heads, Ye Jue, transformed by all his power, nodded slightly at them in praise.

Thank you!

After Zhao Yicheng experienced a death disaster, he understood that in the end, there is nothing but death silence in the ultimate road with no way to go.

She deeply experienced the power of Taishang Su Yan's body.

That's wrong. In the end, there is nothing but loneliness.

Only emotion can last forever.

come on.

Ye Jue nodded and stretched out his golden arm.


Zhao Yicheng nodded vigorously.

Because he understood that this body belonged to Su Yan. In her body, there was Taishang Su Yan, and the real Su Yan was also in Taishang Su Yan.

There is only one way to break this situation, and that is to reshape the body.

Ye Jue, who is in the stage of imperial transformation, can already do this kind of thing.

He called Zhao Yicheng over and grabbed him gently.


Part of Zhao Yicheng's soul was safely captured. Doing so would undoubtedly cause harm to Su Yan's own soul.

But it must be done now.

Good Fortune Jade Butterfly, come out too!

Ye Jue grabbed it again, and another jade butterfly flew out of Zhao Yicheng's body.

Ling Xiao looked nervous.

After all, this is an important divine object that constitutes Zhao Yicheng, and it is also the key to opening the door to heaven.

Without this divine object, Zhao Yicheng would not have been born at all. It was impossible for Su Yan to split this personality while she was sleeping.

Only the power of freedom can do it. After all, the created jade butterfly is now called the free jade butterfly.

Reinvent it!

As Ye Jue's voice fell, Zhao Yicheng's new body was built with the Free Jade Butterfly as the foundation.


As Zhao Yicheng entered, the body opened its eyes.

That's great, Chengcheng!

Ling Xiao couldn't wait to hug him, and they were finally liberated.

Your bodies are now ordinary people, and you have lost all the power of me and Su Yan. Now go back and live a good life in your own dimension.

Ye Jue opened his palm, penetrated a dimensional channel, and sent them in.

At this point, the story of Ling Xiao and Zhao Yicheng comes to an end.

They have returned to their own dimensional world, and may live a wonderful life and fulfill their promises.

But I believe we will meet again one day soon.

Ye Jue, you succeeded.

The silver-haired woman opposite slowly raised her head, her eyes as gentle as water. The scene at this moment made them silent for a long time.

Because Ye Jue has lost all emotions now, he can no longer feel love, only the concept of love is still there.

He also knew that he would definitely succeed. Now half of the goal was achieved, he severely injured Taishang Su Yan and rescued Su Yan from Taishang's Forgetting Art.

But Su Yan, Supreme Su Yan did not disappear completely. She just fell into a permanent sleep. If there is a chance, she will still appear.

Ye Jue said.

I can feel.

Su Yan flew over, hugged the latter's body, trembled slightly, her voice trembled slightly, and said: The Art of Forgetting Love engraved on the Tree of Chaos is not important. The Book of Forgetting Love in Ji Zizai's hand is just a carrier. The real The supreme source is the Defeat God Emperor. He is at the gate of hell, in the mythical paradise. Only by destroying him and the source can the other self be eliminated.

Is Emperor Baitian still alive?

Ye Jue frowned, the Mythical Paradise seemed uneasy.

Ye Jue, our daughter, Ye Muling is in the Heavenly Book of Wangqing, in the hands of Ji Zizai. He never told you, right? Go to the Mythical Paradise and rescue our daughter.

Su Yan kissed the latter's lips, and after their faces separated, their eyes looked at each other.

During this period, I will gather a powerful force among all the magic dimension fragments, and even integrate all the universe fragments. Waiting for our next meeting, I will break the mysterious 'seven' era and the last dark cage. Let's go together. Right universe.”

With sadness, she wanted to say goodbye to Ye Jue.

The body transformed by all Ye Jue's power is getting weaker and weaker. After cutting off the path, he will be recalled into the body by the mysterious rules and go to the gate of hell, the mythical paradise.

It won't be long before they meet again, but the mythical paradise is not peaceful, and there may be terrifying existences.

Before that, Ye Jue must eliminate these potential threats.

Especially Ji Zizai, not only must he be killed, but he must also take back Ye Muling.

I am leaving.

Ye Jue's body emits a faint and crystal luster, and with this sustenance, the figure completely disappears here.

At this point, he succeeded in cutting the path and headed towards the end of the imperial transformation.

Then it's time for me to take action.

Su Yan stared at that place quietly for a long time, and the white figure slowly landed.

Fairy, the fairy has arrived!

Quick, hurry up and open the city to welcome us!

Sister Fairy, look at me!

All life on this planet is excited and shouting.

Let's start on this planet.

Su Yan looked at these people. She always believed that she would meet Ye Jue and Ye Muling in the future.

That day is not very far away.

We're back!

Ling Xiao's heart was shaken, and he shouted excitedly, hugging Zhao Yicheng tightly, feeling the latter's warmth.

This is his home!

He knows it!

It's great, it's great, we will never be separated!

Zhao Yicheng cried with joy and had no time to wipe away his tears.


Within a minute, the president of the Divine Company arrived.

These things actually happened?

Hearing such a long story, he was stunned, as if he were hearing a book from heaven.

God Emperor, Baitian, Taishang Wangqingjue, Ye Jue, Su Yan...

This is a myth among myths!

The Sixth Age is a mythical era!

He sighed deeply.

President, we have recently discovered the whereabouts of the Leviathan Demon King. It is contained by a mysterious force somewhere in our dimension. In addition, we accidentally obtained the first technological rune from the Sixth Age. It is a technological rune. An era parallel to mythology.”

The secretary standing next to the Goddess President looked at the information and read this paragraph.

The first technological rune? Okay, okay, that's great. We can become more powerful. As for the mysterious forces, don't mess with them.

The divine descendant president nodded, and suddenly smiled again: What a pity, Ling Xiao, Su Yan, you were so powerful, but you have disappeared, and our universe has once again fallen to the bottom.

This sentence was half-joking, but there was no doubt that there was a sense of relaxation in the words.

It's okay not to have that kind of power, President, from now on our future will depend on you.

Ling Xiao said quickly.

Now he and Zhao Yicheng are ordinary descendants, with low strength and nothing.

Don't worry. The achievements you two have made before are enough to survive in the future. Those magic towers and technologies will last you a lifetime. We have already applied for a patent for you.

The secretary smiled slightly for the first time.


Ling Xiao and Zhao Yicheng looked at each other in surprise, and they saw the happiness in each other's eyes.

The future is promising!

Then let's go quickly. First, go to the headquarters to check your body. If there are any cosmic viruses or the like, you need to clear them out.

The Goddess Guild President smiled, and they soon arrived at the headquarters to experience it.

Fortunately, neither of them found anything unusual. Like ordinary descendants, they were not mutants and were born with no superpowers.

It seems we have really become ordinary people.

Zhao Yicheng said.

She had experienced the one-time Goddess Card. Its power was truly devastating, and it was easy to kill a dimension at will.

It seems so.

Ling Xiao nodded relaxedly, finally getting rid of Ye Jue, and now he was the real him, even his memory was intact.

Don't worry, I will definitely live a wonderful life on your behalf!

He clenched his fist hard, but unexpectedly, a black and white ball of power suddenly appeared in his palm.


The entire medical examination room was decomposed to nothing in an instant, and the alarm sounded... alarming!


what's the situation?

I lost it!

On the same spot, Zhao Yicheng, and the staff... all died in an instant.

The drama between Ling Xiao and Zhao Yicheng is over, but Ye Jue's journey is not over and will be continued!

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