The so-called speech was actually a unilateral recording made by Ye Ping based on his address book, and then edited and added with some special effects to complete an epic masterpiece.

Now, Ye Jue was thinking wildly in his mind, and all kinds of old scenes emerged, such as those in the wasteland, the black realm, the realm of destruction, races from all over the world, etc.

After the task of giving a speech was completed, Chen Ya squinted her eyes and looked at him. As her eyes opened and closed, the golden light beam became more and more frightening.

Ye Jue felt a little guilty when he saw it.

Is it really impossible to escape tonight?

It seems that he can only be exposed. He is Ye Jue. Doing so will undoubtedly be noticed by Ji Zizai and the others.

Just like Ji Zizai, he couldn't calculate himself, but he could calculate him through the people around him and the people he was close to.

If Chen Ya and the others knew that they were back, Ji Zizai would notice it in an instant.

Therefore, he really doesn't want to be exposed unless it is absolutely necessary.

Especially now that he is heading towards the Imperial Road, someone will definitely stop him.

At night, Ye Jue looked ugly, and sure enough, Chen Ya still came to find him.

As soon as she entered the room, she got straight to the point.

Three corpses...come out...

Ye Jue let out a long sigh, and finally chose not to be exposed, letting the consciousness of the three corpses continue to 'serve' Chen Ya.

But this time, he was in the body and visited almost the entire journey, seeing everything that should be seen and what should not be seen.

After finishing, Chen Ya had no expression on her face, put on her clothes and walked away with her slender legs, without looking back.

Master, why are you doing this?

The consciousness of the three corpses was imprisoned in the mental cabin again. He licked his mouth, feeling a little reluctant.

Shut up.

Ye Jue shouted, sealing him completely.

At the same time, he looked outside the room and realized that Chen Ya had gone far away, so he was dumbfounded and resentful about what just happened.

too crazy!

How long has Chen Ya been depressed?

It turns out he never knew!

He finally saw what a pile driver was.

However, luckily she got tired halfway through, otherwise he would have been tortured to the end tonight.

It seems that Chen Ya has been depressed for too long.

The next day, Ye Jue discovered that Chen Ya was full of energy, as if something had been released, and she walked with wind.

He sighed, he had already thought about how to deal with this matter.

It depends on whether Chen Ya will answer or not.

Ye Jue still needs to accumulate some energy before becoming emperor.

Therefore, he had to deal with the so-called work during the day, 'deal with' Chen Ya at night, and also teleport to other places to absorb energy.

About a week later, in a certain ice space, a figure suddenly opened his eyes.


After the big explosion, in an extremely long process, the figure became increasingly clear, it was Ye Jue.

These days, he has been secretly absorbing a lot of energy in the Mythical Paradise, destroying one space after another.

Some of these spaces are forbidden areas for large sects in the mythical paradise, and some are territories controlled by alien beasts.

But nothing could stop him. Wherever he passed, not a blade of grass grew.

About 35% is still missing.

Ye Jue nodded slightly, and then the scene changed and he teleported back to the ark.

There is only a small step left before he can become emperor, and then there will be no need to act secretly.

By the time Ji Zizai and the powerful men in the Shinhwa Orchestra realized it, it would be too late.

Although he has made quite a move now, no one knows it is him.

Because after killing Dao, he cannot be captured. As long as he wants, no one can see whether he is a human or a ghost.

Dong dong...

At this time, the cabin door was loudly banged.

This was the first time that Ye Jue was stunned. If it wasn't Chen Ya, who could it be?

Brother Ye, it's me...

A weak voice sounded from outside the door.


Ye Jue was stunned. When he opened the door, he realized that there was a slim woman standing outside the door.

It looked familiar at first glance, but he recognized it at second glance. It was Dong Minmin!

Unexpectedly, it has grown so big.


Ye Jue suddenly came back to his senses and shook his head vigorously. It was because he was affected by the emotions of the three corpses that he looked at Dong Minmin's chest for the first time.

Ahem, what are you doing here?

Even he didn't know what Dong Minmin wanted from him at this moment.

I...I seem to be pregnant!


Ye Jue's soul, which was as strong as the sky, couldn't react. Those mottled years and ancient events suddenly came to his mind. The picture turned faster and faster, and it quickly turned to the current scene.


Ye Jue looked at the beautiful woman in his arms. The information was too complex, too majestic, and boundless in horror. It was about to break his mind.

When I looked inside, I saw a little life being born inside me.

Dong Minmin continued to lower his head and speak.


In Ye Jue's heart, there was already endless gray fog, all kinds of violent winds howling, and the world was about to explode.

He was deeply shocked, but he really couldn't bear it.

Three corpses, did you do it?

Ye Jue's vision turned black and he almost fainted.

How many people did these three corpses harm by taking his body during this period?

Chen Ya and Dong Minmin were not the only ones to respond emotionally.

Ahem, accident, this is a wonderful misunderstanding.

The three corpses responded awkwardly.

How will this end? How many disasters have you caused in total?

Ye Jue couldn't help but roar in his heart, already having murderous intentions.


The consciousness of the three corpses said quickly.


In Ye Jue's mind, these two words were like huge waves sweeping across the sea of ​​stars, overwhelmingly sweeping across the sky.

Dong Minmin, this life...I suggest...

Ye Jue couldn't calm down and said to her after a while. want Ye Jue's child!

Dong Minmin's eyes widened and became a little wet. She turned around and ran away, disappearing into the darkness.

Damn, which ones are they?

Ye Jue roared.

Chen Ya, Dong Minmin, Qin Jiaxian, Qin Xiu, Ni Qiuyun, Li Lianxue, Wang Xiuhan.

The consciousness of the three corpses opened their fingers and counted them.

I should really kill you.

Ye Jue said coldly.

This guy almost wiped out the entire old Earth. This number...

He was suddenly startled. Deep in his heart, he looked at the three corpses consciously, and saw that there was no fear in the other person's eyes.

Have you been pretending?

He walked further, his voice low.

Master, what are you talking about?

The consciousness of the three corpses shrank back and they responded stupidly.

Seven, seventh era, three corpses, what is your relationship with Qi Jue Nu?

In such an instant, Ye Jue saw the three corpses sneer at the corners of their mouths. He seemed to have touched a certain scene instantly. In the collision of firelight, he saw an extremely huge universe. A man was crawling under the throne and licking it. A woman's shoes, her expression extremely pious.

This man is the Three Corpses Strong Man, and the woman on the throne is the Qi Jue Nu, but her true face cannot be seen.


After the touched scene disappeared, the consciousness of the three corpses fluctuated violently, making Ye Jue's eyebrows bleed.


He actually got out all of a sudden and left Ye Jue.

You can actually do this?

Ye Jue looked like he had seen a ghost.

These three corpses of strong men have been eliminated by him, and the consciousness left behind should not have much power.

However, at this moment, it was so powerful that even the imperial power could not suppress it and allowed him to escape.

Ye Jue, I am very happy during this time with you. Remember my name. My name is Huangfu Xingchen. Our family is all under Qi Jue's daughter.

The human form that Huangfu Xingchen transformed into was completely different from him. This was a young man with a star mark between his eyebrows.

Did you plot against me?

Ye Juehan said in a cold voice.

Planning? No, Ye Jue, it's because you were too strong. You broke my chance, killed my body, and left me with only partial consciousness. Fortunately, this is a mythical paradise. I secretly accumulated dark energy. Only then was I able to break free from your shackles, which is considered to be a trick.

Huangfu Xingchen smiled and said: You have seen the mottled ancient scrolls. The mythical paradise is the ultimate. All the great powers, sects, ethnic groups, sects from ancient times to modern times... are all here, waiting for the beginning and end of the Seven.

Now, because of Qi, Qi Jue Nu will also be resurrected. You are worthy of being the person whose destiny has been determined. The lives around you are all the sacrifice clones of Qi Jue Nu. This really touched me. However, I did not treat them What are you doing, just implanting the factor of Qi Jue Nu's awakening into them and getting pregnant? That's just an illusion, nothing happened between me and them, they are the sacrifices of Qi Jue Nu!

He said this.

Oh? Chen Ya too? How dare you blaspheme?

Ye Jue said coldly.

Haha, she is an exception. She will be the main body of the birth of Qijuenu. I am willing to die. I am a licking dog. Even if I lick it to the end, it is worth dying. I believe that Qijuenu will be the first to kill after she revives. It’s me, hahaha, it doesn’t matter, but when I communicate with you, she should already know it by now, know you, know me, the so-called truth, do you think...she will still see you? She is If you are so strong, you will never do it, hahaha!

Huangfu Xingchen laughed, rising and falling in the unknown mist, as if waiting for something.


Ye Jue punched him. This punch could touch the sky and hit God.

But it penetrated Huangfu Xingchen's body and exploded the entire space.

It's useless. You have indeed gained freedom by cutting off fate. You have made the fist of freedom stronger and can ignore all obstacles and defenses. But my situation is very special. If it were not for the power of fate, it would not be able to hit me. I am I have been waiting for this moment before I dare to come out.

Huangfu Xingchen let out a long sigh, and almost at the same time, white light flashed, and seven horses flew towards him, accompanied by a mysterious aura.

Ye Juehan's hair stood on end, feeling a great danger.

Those were Chen Ya, Dong Minmin, Qin Jiaxian, Qin Xiu, Ni Qiuyun, Li Lianxue, and Wang Xiuhan.

Their eyes were empty and they had no self-awareness at all, as if they had become sacrifices.

Just as Huangfu Xingchen said, they all have seven unique female factors and were manipulated into sacrifices.

Only Chen Ya turned her head away, unwilling to face him directly, and even flew away without looking back, so simply.

Chen Ya!

Ye Jue shouted.

It's useless. After such a thing happened, does she still have the face to face you? She is the only one who did it voluntarily, especially after being known by you and watched by you for so long. She is a normal person, right? Qi Jue Nu The main body must need a voluntary sacrifice, Ye Jue, you killed me and destroyed everything about me, this time it was finally my turn to plot against you!

Under the scroll of Huangfu's stars, he took them into the mysterious mist.

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