Ancient Demon God, Leviathan.

Ling Xiao said: Demon God? Do you know what the Demon God is?

The devil...isn't he a devil?

Zhao Yicheng was stunned.

It's different, the devil seems to be more powerful than the devil...

Ling Xiao didn't understand the relationship, but now that he entered his inner world, the pain he had to endure was far greater than before.

Soon, Zhao Yicheng asked him to have dinner with him in the evening, as well as several of her beautiful best friends in Shenyi Company.

When he arrived at the appointed hotel, Zhao Yicheng was already waiting for him, accompanied by several beauties.

Ling Xiao didn't have any interest at all. On the contrary, these beauties in the company were very frightened when they were so close to Ling Xiao for the first time, and they even spoke in a low voice.

My name is…

My name is...

Zhao Yicheng's girlfriends introduced themselves in a panic, and then forced out a smile.

However, Ling Xiao didn't even hear their names clearly, because he was now in a 'sage' state, and everything had nothing to do with him.

Anyway, he was forced to come here by Zhao Yicheng, so he just obeyed and recharged his energy, waiting for the next entry.

He needs to enter Zhao Yicheng's life, this is what she said, starting from getting to know her friends.

But for Ling Xiao, wine is the best companion. It can numb a person, forget worries, stop one's thinking, and make time stagger forward.

However, it was a bit difficult for him to get drunk, and he drank an unknown amount.

Zhao Yicheng's girlfriends and friends gradually changed to the point where they could treat him normally.

Finally, Ling Xiao shook his head, turned around, and walked towards the door.

Zhao Yicheng chased after him when he saw him.

Ling Xiao, where are you going?

She saw Ling Xiao quicken his pace, turn into a deserted street, suddenly rise into the air, and climb over the top of the building.

Go look at the stars.

Ling Xiao came here lightly and looked up at the sky.

In his eyes, it was not the universe, but a force field formed by energy. In this force field, subtle structures filled this dimension, and countless particles were combined together through energy to form the fragments of the universe.

If it were Ye Jue, all he had to do was shake these tiny structures and touch one of them, just like dominoes. Immediately, all the originally stable particle structures would become fragile and break down.


He suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the railing in front of him.

In Zhao Yicheng's eyes, the railing disappeared bit by bit after being grabbed by Ling Xiao, as incredible as magic.

In Ling Xiao's eyes, it was broken down into countless particles, flying in the sky.

With a gentle grasp of his palm, he could control these particles from a distance, forming a stream of particles, like a beam of light, flying out, drawing a beautiful arc in the night, like a shooting star in the dark night.

When the particle beam completely disappeared, he retracted his hand and came to his senses. Unknowingly, he realized new power.

What ability is this?

Zhao Yicheng had never seen him use a power similar to decomposition.

This ability does not make objects disappear, but only causes objects to break down into countless particles. Ling Xiao seems to be able to control these particles.

Therefore, in principle, he can completely reshape these particles into objects.

If it were powerful enough, wouldn't it be possible to reshape the entire universe?

After she got excited, she slowly calmed down and said, Is this the ability you just acquired?

Yes, I got it after I destroyed a dimensional world.

Ling Xiao looked at her and said: I am getting closer and closer to Ye Jue now... My personality is becoming more and more like him. I have a premonition that I will disappear.

Don't say that.

Zhao Yicheng came closer, with some sadness in his eyes.

Every time you come close to me, my soul will throb. It's because you have a relationship with Su Yan. Who is Su Yan to Ye Jue? I think we have to find out. Have you found anything during this time? ?”

Ling Xiao asked.

not yet.

Zhao Yicheng shook his head.

It seems that I still have to enter my inner world to find the truth.

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly. He decided to go to the first memory point and continue to explore what happened before.

I'm here to protect you.

Zhao Yicheng nodded and saw Ling Xiao closing his eyes, knowing that he had entered.

Ye Jue, you are injured. Can I tie it up for you?

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded in his ears.

This is where?

Ling Xiao felt like the world was spinning, and entering this memory point caused some confusion.

Fortunately, it stabilized immediately.

And at this time.


A loud bang!

Something in front of Ling Xiao's eyes was smashed and flew backwards.

The whole space was in a mess.

A dozen people huddled together and cried.


Another thin man was blasted away, and then fell heavily.

That's...a demon?

Ling Xiao's eyes were still a little blurry, and he seemed to see a dark shadow.

When he finally recovered, his expression changed slightly.

In this memory point, his power is very weak.

He could even feel that he was completely helpless.


He died unexpectedly in this memory point.

Then his spiritual will will be severely counterattacked.

It's possible to become an idiot!

Therefore, he cannot die!


At this time, the little devil's fist suddenly hit the window glass on one side.

The glass immediately shattered into countless pieces.

Its ferocious and evil expression expresses its strength.

Help, I don't want my head smashed in!

The man at its feet screamed in terror.

But he could only watch as the demon with swollen muscles hit his head hard with its fist.


Split like a watermelon.


The proud little devil beat his chest with both hands and roared to the sky.


Su Yan, who was next to him, saw such a scene.

He vomited all over the floor on the spot.


She finally couldn't help but scream.

However, the little devil obviously noticed her and pounced on her.

Su Yan cannot die...

Ling Xiao was shocked.

When he enters this memory point, if Su Yan dies here.

Then the memory will change, causing subsequent memories to directly collapse and be deleted.

If you want to know the truth about Su Yan at that time, there will be nothing you can do.

Ye Jue, what are you doing?

Su Yan saw that Ye Jue did not run away, but instead pounced on the little devil.

She thought the man was crazy.


In order to prevent her from dying, Ye Jue suddenly rushed over.

Those who were not dead, who were still howling miserably on the ground, and those who were hugging each other and crying bitterly, were all stunned.

With this demon's terrifying strength, it can tear off a person's head with just a scratch.

This man actually dared to rush over. Did he have water in his head?

Boom boom boom!

The little devil roared. It felt that its majesty had been challenged. It raised its fists high and smashed at the person wildly.

Boom boom boom, the scene was in a mess and dust was flying.

It's over.

Su Yan didn't even dare to look at Ye Jue's miserable condition.

However, when the dust dispersed, there was no blood or internal organs bursting out.

Ling Xiao was not injured, but the little devil was panting from exhaustion.


At this moment, a fruit knife appeared in Ling Xiao's hand and quickly struck the little evil demon in the eyes.


Only a miserable howl was heard, and the little devil's eyes were struck blind.

It went crazy and kicked and grabbed all the chairs and stools in the space.

However, one knife after another kept cutting its body, and even the blade in Ling Xiao's hand was broken.

All this seemed real to Su Yan and the students on the ground.


The little devil kept making hoarse howls, and his voice gradually became weaker.


Ling Xiao stretched out his left hand again and picked up the broken glass on the ground.

Phew, it stabbed into its heart.


The little devil was still struggling, and finally, it fought back.

Crack, Ling Xiao was hit and flew away.

Those wooden tables shattered instantly, and several fragments flew out and penetrated into his chest and abdomen.


But he was like a god of war, without changing his expression, and he stretched out his hand to pull out the fragments from his body.

Blood spurted out Gululu.

This scene was naturally seen by Su Yan and others.

The depths of their eyes shone with shock and admiration.

What is a real man?

This is a real man who doesn't even frown even when he's seriously injured.

When Su Yan came to her senses...

Ye Jue has already got the loot and is walking towards the door...

how's it going?

Zhao Yicheng saw Ling Xiao open his eyes and asked quickly.

Sure enough, this person named Su Yan has a great connection with Ye Jue.

Ling Xiao was also full of doubts about the above memory, because it seemed that he saved Su Yan, and then Su Yan followed him.

Are they a couple?

Zhao Yicheng said suddenly.

This possibility cannot be ruled out.

Ling Xiao nodded.

Then you try to go into other time periods, we need to be sure!

Zhao Yicheng responded.

I think so too.

Ling Xiao is resting well now and can enter for the second time.

This in-depth period of time is based on feeling...

Let's do this, classmate Ye Jue, let the teacher use the equipment, and the teacher will protect you.

Chen Ya looked at Ling Xiao.

As a teacher, the majesty cultivated over a long period of time is still there.

Although the student in front of me is a little colder.

But that’s not enough to rebel against adults, right?

Do you want to watch us die?

Chen Ya slowly spat out the last sentence.

If it's not an extraordinary moment.

She really didn't want to use this trick to force students.

Yes, our lives are in your hands, classmate Ye Jue.

Seeing Ye Jue's silence, many people added something.

Now that we know the source of power.


It only takes a matter of minutes to become as powerful as Ye Jue, right?

This is……

Ling Xiao frowned. This memory point seemed too close.

Ye Jue, why did you agree to the teacher?

Su Yan's voice sounded, causing him to look over.

Because Su Yan and Zhao Yicheng look exactly the same.

He almost mistakenly thought that Zhao Yicheng also came in.

Su Yan, classmate Ye Jue is also overthinking it. A strong team is truly strong. Don't worry, the teacher will protect you from now on.

Xu Wei quickly pulled Su Yan aside.

He was afraid that Ye Jue would regret it.

after all.

His power is there for all to see.

Well, why do you need me?

At this time, a woman asked suddenly, her face turned red all of a sudden.

Yes, Ye Jue, and what do you mean?

Su Yan couldn't be more angry.

Ye Jue was not referring to her, but to the squad leader. Why was this?

Ling Xiao fell silent, he wanted to exit this memory point.

Wait, I'm willing to go with you.

At this time, the girl suddenly spoke up.

How can this be done!

No, monitor, you can't promise him!

That's right.

When everyone heard this, they all tried to dissuade him.

I have decided.

The girl walked silently behind Ye Jue...

No, no, our view has been overturned. This Su Yan doesn't seem to be the heroine.

Zhao Yicheng got a headache when he heard Ling Xiao talking about his memory.

Could it be said that this Su Yan is just a passerby?

What kind of squad leader is the heroine in Ye Jue's life?

I don't understand a little bit.

Ling Xiao was also a little confused and said: But I am in good condition and can go deep again, for the last time.

Well, then be careful and get out in time before the backlash comes.

Zhao Yicheng reminded quickly.

In fact, she also wanted to know about herself and why there was another person in her soul.


Ling Xiao nodded and slowly closed his eyes...


So soft and slippery, what's going on?

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and found that he was hugging a snow-white body, and the delicate touch of suet jade hit him like an electric shock.

You're just so fierce.

These words made Ling Xiao tremble all over.

He got it.

What's going on now.

The woman in his arms was exactly the same as Zhao Yicheng, with a flawless face and almost the same rosy color. She was stunningly beautiful, glowing with a charming brilliance, and her eyes were misty and slightly purple.

Ling Xiao didn't dare to move. At this moment, they were circling, mingling together, enjoying the pleasure of fish and water.


Ling Xiao came back directly from this memory point.

Why so fast?

Zhao Yicheng was stunned.

That's less than five seconds.

Ahem, the situation is a bit complicated and special. I'll go in again.

Ling Xiao coughed slightly.

Now he knows.

This Su Yan is probably the heroine in Ye Jue's life, and she has a lot of connections.

When he entered this time period again, Su Yan stood in front of him, holding her long hair at the temples, and said: This is the kingdom of God. So many robots are components of the system, controlling the entire Shura world. These entrances , are used to store Shura Pills, as well as the heavenly materials and earthly treasures transported from the major planets, etc.

Now Ye Jue is the real Ling Xiao, and he cannot answer these words.

I don’t know what the Kingdom of God and Shura Pill are.

I will develop steadily in the Shura world. No matter how strong they are, they will not dare to resist the empire. Don't worry, when I fully grow in strength and evolve to the Emperor Wanggui or even the sub-sage level, they will not be afraid.

Su Yan's eyes flickered and she smiled slightly.


The wings on her back were retracted, and there were two slits in her clothes, revealing a large expanse of white.

By the way, thank you for the clothes you gave me.

Su Yan is wearing this dress. It is a long pale silver dress with golden butterflies embroidered on the cuffs. The hem is outlined with silver threads, which are made of water-thin mist and decorated with flying clouds. The shoulders are embellished with a little purple jade soft ruffles, exuding a very... It has a unique fragrance and the name of the clothes is 'Silver Dream Butterfly'.

You have to tell everyone when you go back that I miss them very much.

Su Yan's eyes were bright and she said: How long will it take before we see each other after this separation? The next time we meet, we will no longer be two people...

What's the meaning?

Ling Xiao exited the memory point with shock in his eyes.

We're not two people anymore? Does it have anything to do with our current situation?

He asked Zhao Yicheng to answer it, and maybe the truth would be clear.

No, I'm afraid not. Su Yan may mean that she is pregnant.

Zhao Yicheng is a woman. This was judged based on the reaction at the scene, the wording, and the atmosphere at the time.


Ling Xiao took a deep breath: It seems that Su Yan is Ye Jue's wife, so she is definitely not running away. I am Ye Jue, and you are Su Yan.

However, we meet in the seventh era?

Zhao Yicheng was dumbfounded.

This is too hard to believe.

But now the facts are before our eyes, he is Ye Jue, and Zhao Yicheng is Su Yan.

This is wrong. I have memories. I have lived in a complete family since I was a child.

Zhao Yicheng was extremely shocked and said quickly: Ye Jue, what happened between Su Yan and Ling Xiao, are you able to enter this memory? Our current situation must be caused by them!

It was impossible to do it originally, because the memory point follows the feeling, but it is different now. We almost know the truth.

Ling Xiao took a deep breath and said: I have a premonition about what will happen when entering that memory point. You have to enter it in a safe place. Besides, I entered it more than three times in a row, and my condition is not perfect.

Then let's get ready and see the truth.

Zhao Yicheng nodded sharply.

This memory is very likely to trigger something unimaginable between the two of them.

The next day, Ling Xiao devoted himself to intensive recuperation. To put it bluntly, he slept, massaged, bathed, and relaxed to the extreme.

In the third time, the Goddess President arranged an uninhabited planet for him.

He and Zhao Yicheng arrived here in a spaceship, and after landing, they began to arrange defensive measures.

In less than half a day, the entire uninhabited planet was enveloped by a nano-element magic chip and completely enveloped.

This shield seems to be able to breathe, one deep and one shallow, like a living thing.

This is the latest product developed by our Goddess Company, the super-element nano-knight, which protects the planet like a knight.

The secretary looked at the shield on the screen and explained.

It seems that Lord Ling Xiao is ready.

The divine descendant president nodded slightly.

Only a few senior officials knew about this operation.

The perspective returned to the uninhabited planet. Zhao Yicheng, who had just finished everything, separated from Ling Xiao's face and looked at each other affectionately.

No matter what happens, I will always love you.

Me too.

So, let's get started.

Ling Xiao took Zhao Yicheng's hand, sat cross-legged on the ground of the planet, and closed their eyes.


Just as he was about to enter the final memory, Ling Xiao felt a chill in his heart.

It seems that going to this memory point will have more terrifying consequences.

It doesn't matter, we are always together.

Zhao Yicheng felt Ling Xiao's hand shake and said with a smile.

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