Kill the way!

At this time, Ye Jue's blood was surging all over his body, like red flames covering his copper-colored body, like a demon king escaping from hell.

His origin is simply unimaginably powerful!

In terms of longevity, it is probably comparable to the God-Emperor level.

The current universe is still at the moment of the Big Bang.

Ye Juefeng's body was hot, as if he was in an immortal furnace, being burned and roasted. The heat wave was surging all over his body, and his muscles, bones, flesh and blood were about to burst.

This temperature has turned everything into soup.

He understood that in this situation, even his body could not last long.

The temperature in the current time period has reached 10 trillion degrees and is heading towards 10 billion degrees.

He is losing consciousness and losing his memory.

Before that, he must be detached.

At this moment, all three light points appeared, and time, space, and destiny all cut themselves off.

Cut me to understand and see my true self!


The final cut is not fate.

But something else…

Is that really the case? I expected it right.

At this time, following Ye Jue's thoughts, he was already like a black sun, crazily twisted.

Kill the love!

When these two words appeared in his mind, he was now very awake.

Su Yan, it turns out you have been waiting for this moment.

Ye Jue suddenly spoke, speaking loudly to somewhere in the universe in the explosion.

That's right.

Sure enough, there was a human shape twisting there, quickly forming a woman.

This woman's face was indifferent, without any emotion, as if even scenes like the Big Bang couldn't shake her heart at all.

You gained the power of the entire Tree of Chaos?

Ye Jue spoke, and with a smile on his face, he continued: You have been dormant in the Tree of Chaos. Did you predict the last level of my Dao of Cutting, Cutting Love... and then you appeared?

However, Su Yan looked indifferent and said nothing.

What a good idea, Ji Zizai. As expected, you and I are at odds with each other.

Ye Jue shook his head slightly.

This move was too vicious. Ji Zizai obviously wanted to use this woman's hands to kill him at this moment.

Maybe Ji Zizai didn't want to see him in the seventh era.

Ye Jue.

At this moment, a small shiny book appeared spinning in Su Yan's palm.

The rubbing on this book is Taishang's Art of Forgetting Love.

The Taishang Forgetting Art, this is a technique created by the ancient Emperor Baitian. In order to deal with the creator of the Immortal Great Compassion, the Emperor Baitian experienced nine transformations, and his strength increased greatly each time. After nine transformations, it will return to itself, and at the same time, the spiritual consciousness of the previous nine transformations will also merge with the original body, finally breaking Qi Jue Nu's reincarnation divine emperor skill.

Su Yan spoke word by word, without any emotional fluctuations in the process, as if she was telling an extremely ordinary thing.

Her purpose is simple, to force Ye Jue to kill herself before all the particles dissolve into soup.

In that way, she can truly give up her will, succeed in her transformation for the last time, and completely master the supreme power of forgetfulness.

So that's it. The Enlightenment Tree was originally planted by Baitian Divine Emperor. Because of its divinity, it is possible to become a great god. But who doesn't know that the number of times is engraved with Baitian Divine Emperor's Supreme Forgetfulness Magic Skill? Ji Zizai knows all this. of.

Ye Jue was stunned, that's why he said this move was vicious.

Ji Zizai is a tycoon. Even though the enemy is ahead and they have cooperated many times, it does not affect him in the slightest.

Knowing that he was going to kill Dao, he kept Su Yan inside the Qishishu.

Waiting for the Big Bang and the Enlightenment Tree to split, Su Yan appears with the Supreme Forgetting Skill.

The gate of hell, the mythical paradise.

In a mysterious land of runes, a group of people were walking. Suddenly one of them raised his face, which was Ji Zizai's face.

At this moment, he suddenly smiled.

Ye Jue, Ye Jue, I did plot against you...

But, I am giving you a great opportunity!

If you kill Su Yan, her last transformation will be successful, thus killing her love. If you kill her too, your strength will both increase greatly. What's wrong with this?

Ye Jue, kill me so that I can kill Qing and you can kill Dao successfully.

Here, Su Yan's face changed, becoming as gentle as water, and she whispered like this.

Stop pretending, I know this is an act.

Ye Jue's expression was calm and tranquil.


Just like Ji Zizi's calculation, it was a win-win situation in the end.

He succeeds in cutting the path, and Su Yan can also practice the Supreme Forgetting Skill.


I will not cut off this relationship.

After hearing this, Su Yan's face suddenly became extremely cold.

One sentence.

She knew Ye Jue's determination.

We are humans, not animals, because humans can think. Animals do not have the concept of love during the mating process.

Ye Jue smiled brightly: Just because we are human beings, I always firmly believe that there is no god without love. Humans are born of love, and family, friendship, and love run through a person's life.

Even if some emotions are subtle and profound, that is the meaning of life.

It's impossible for me to kill Qing with the hidden slash of Zhan Dao.


Ye Jue…

Then you will never succeed in cutting the path, and you will never reach the life level of the Great Emperor.

Su Yan said coldly, and in her hand, a thin sword flashing with colorful stars appeared.

This sword... can bury you. If you don't kill me, I will kill you. The Supreme Forgetfulness Magical Skill will not only give up completely if you kill me, but it will be the same if I kill you. It can kill you. The cultivation of magical skills is complete.

At this time, she told the truth.

That's why I said Ji Zizai is vicious.

Ye Jue sighed and asked: Su Yan, I know you are still here. Since the Supreme Forgetting the Love Magic Art has not been completed, you still have feelings now. I want to ask you why you cut off the love and the bond. What’s the point? Pursuing strength, being virtuous, and creating peace for all generations, this is what’s important, isn’t it?”

If you blindly pursue simple strength, you will have no foundation in your heart. You will be lonely, desolate, painful, and boring. You will continue to torture yourself. Is this kind of future really what you want?

His words revealed his true feelings, which is what is called sincerity.

This is his self-belief that he has always believed in and identified all the way from the wasteland, and has never questioned it.

As expected, it has to be you...

At this moment, a smile appeared on Su Yan's face. It was the real Su Yan who appeared, like a spring breeze, without the cold aura, very peaceful.

Ye Jue, the Supreme Forgetting Love Divine Art is a very evil technique. In fact, no matter who practices it, he will eventually go to destruction and feed it back to the Baitian God Emperor. It can be said that the Baitian God Emperor specially stayed and carved it on the Qishen Tree. , I’m afraid even Ji Zizai doesn’t know that he is here to harm future generations, no matter who practices until the last transformation, he will become a sacrifice for the God Emperor’s resurrection.”

Su Yan continued to say softly: When I reached the first level of cultivation, I transformed into a second personality, ruthless and unrighteous. When I reached the fifth level, she could completely suppress me. Now on the eighth level, if it weren't for you The belief shook me to my core and I would not be there.”

If I really practice to the last transformation, then I will completely disappear and be replaced by this supreme personality...

Ye me.

At the end of her words, her eyes were already moist.

I will, I will definitely save you.

Ye Jue said this to her firmly.

At this moment, Su Yan had lowered her head. When she raised her head, the ice aura emerged again, and her pupils turned ice blue again.

I can't figure it out. She has been completely suppressed by me and has no chance to emerge. How could she...

Supreme Su Yan slowly raised the ruthless sword and pointed it directly at Ye Jue opposite, with colorful divine light overflowing from her eyes.

Love transcends all rules and boundaries. Love is tolerance and love is patience. Our love can withstand the test of time and will never end.

Ye Jue understood that he would not succeed in killing Su Yan this time. He would not be able to kill Su Yan, no matter what.

What are you going to do?

Taishang Su Yan's whole body was glowing, her whole body was as white as snow, and her blood was like a blazing flame. She could not stop it at all. When a sword struck, it brought along all the airflow from the Big Bang.


Ye Jue shook it with his fists and stepped on the sacred fire of the void. Every time he jumped forward, the space collapsed.

At this time, he was a high-level ancient god, and the free particles in his body were activated by him, intertwined with blue light.

Now, he was struck by lightning and thunder from head to toe, and all kinds of electric arcs resonated, striking Su Yan out with all his strength.

What on earth are you going to do?

Taishang Su Yan was knocked back. Although her attack was powerful, the physical gap between her and Ye Jue was as huge as a chasm.

In particular, Ye Jue slashed herself three times in a row, thereby gaining pure power, and was able to suppress her with fists. At this time, even the God Emperor, not to mention the Great Emperor, could defeat her.

She knew that there was an insurmountable divide between her and Ye Jue.

But if he continues to be attacked by her and waits until everything is gone, even Ye Jue, it is still okay to die together.


Ye Jue never responded. He then swooped down, his body radiant with brilliance, like divine flames burning. Even in the void at this high temperature, it was trembling and roaring.

Suddenly, a short spear appeared in his hand, and the black light flowed, stirring up energy, and flew towards Su Yan.


At this moment, the sound of impact resounded throughout the battlefield, and ripples of energy spread outward, sweeping the explosive divine fire away like ocean waves.

The fight between the two was like taking place in a furnace.

After a while, both of their bodies were covered with cracks.

Ye Jue, is your ultimate goal still to kill me?

Taishang Su Yan's expression was a little dull, and she came with her sword in hand. Every time she fought, she collapsed faster than Ye Jue. If this continued, she would definitely be the first to die.

Then, her magical power will be accomplished.

However, Ye Jue did not respond and still collided with her. For a moment, the sound was like the sound of blacksmithing in the hell world and the sound of burning in the gate of heaven, penetrating and deafening.

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